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TEMPTATIONS ( book 2. ) - legoshi. returning to the boarding school, cherryton academy. an old crime comes u... More

𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞.


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" You can't fool me, don't even try. "

Legoshi dug his hands into his pockets, standing in front of the large bear that committed the crime from last year. His dark orbs locked into the large bear's.

Legoshi wore a blank expression, " I'm the only one who knows that you, Riz.. " He trailed off, he had to exclude his girlfriend for her own safety so he continued.

" Are the one who killed Tem. "

The bear shrugged his shoulders as if it were nothing, " I suppose so. "

Riz grew a grin plastered on his face, " That french kiss ended up being your trump card, didn't it? Caught me off guard. " The bear teased which made the canine roll his eyes.

" That was the only way I could've found you and it actually worked, so I'm not sorry that I did it. " He admitted, brushing off his actions from previously.

The larger carnivore stood tall before the wolf, his arms were dropped to his sides as if they were pulsating, " I didn't think you would confront me like this. I thought for sure that you accepted my warning. " Before clenching his hands into large fists,

" Or do I have to go after your little girlfriend too, again. "

Legoshi's fangs were bared, growling slowly under his breath at the thought of the bear laying a finger on his girlfriend, let alone hurting her. " Again? So it was you that went after her when she was alone. "

Riz pushed his arms out, ready to mawl the wolf, " I didn't mean to kill Tem, you know? It was all just a big mistake. "

Heavy breathing was heard.

" Big mistake? From what I heard, he was your best friend- the only one that would truly accept you for being the fucking monster you are. " A voice spoke.

The two male carnivores turned to see the female wolf,
" So you ate him as the real you. " She breathed out, panting with a bead of sweat from her forehead.

Legoshi's eyes widened at (Y/n) that stood with a blank expression worn on her face,

' Gouhin is right, her analysis is good.. '

The large bear glanced at the large wolf with a smirk hanging on his lips, " I see why everyone is so in love with her- The girl got it all, she's attractive and intelligent.

It's be a shame if she were devoured one day. "

The female raised an eyebrow at the bear standing before her, scoffing at his threat with a snarky grin that held mischief, " And you think we'd let you get away with all of that shit? "

" So you're not? "

The two wolves watched Riz slightly grow larger than he was before, raising his hands to the ceiling and clawing it, leaving deep scratches that pushed crumbs to fall onto the floor, " Then I'll have to silence you both permanently. "

The couple pushed their hands to their side as if they were ready to throw down.

" Ugh I can't wait anymore, excuse me. "

Pina barged through the three carnivores which alarmed them to freeze up. The herbivore glanced at the three who were in deep conversation, sending a small smile, " The guys wanted me to bring Kibi's bag to the infirmary, it's such a hassle. "

The carnivores sweat as Pina entered inside to drop off the items and he walked out as if nothing happened,

" Well that's taken care of.. " He sighed in relief then turned to the carnivores, " Look at that, it's gonna cost a lot to fix up those scratches. Don't worry, I won't tell a soul. "

The female instinctively pulled Pina to her form, as if she were trying to protect him from Riz and the sheep glanced down with a smirk.

" (Y/n)? This is so inappropriate for you to do in front of your boyfriend- "

" Oh fuck off. "

Her hand flew to her forehead, rubbing her aching temples with a frown that hung from her lips, " You didn't hear anything, please tell me you didn't. "

Pina turned in the female's hold, her head pressed against his shoulder, " I appreciate the concern, but I can't lie and tell you that I didn't hear anything. " Then he removed himself from the wolf's grasps as she backed up into her boyfriend's embrace,

" And I can't say that Riz being the culprit is none of my business. "

The sheep sighed abruptly, pushing his hands into his pockets as his azure hues flickered back and forth from the couple to the bear, " That's why I interrupted you two, so I could get a say in all of this, well? "

The carnivores watched with disbelief to his request, the snowed white furred herbivore hummed, " Hm? Why don't we all discuss this like civilized animals? "

A herbivore isn't a herbivore if they can't provoke carnivores or tame them.


" Pina, please look at me. "

" Can I take a picture with you, (Y/n)! "

" Pina, (Y/n). "

The sheep sent a wink to one of his adoring fans which made the female wolf roll her eyes at his antics, " I can't understand how you can deal with the attention. "

The sheep pushed his elbows onto the table, placing his head into his palms with a head tilt, " I love it, don't you? "

" No. "

A finger tapped the female's shoulder and her head was thrown back to view the owner and it was a male jaguar fidgeting with his phone in his hand, " (Y/n), can I please get a picture with you? I loved your performance during the meteor festival. "

She hesitantly nodded her head, shooting an unsure glance at her boyfriend that sat across from her and faked a smile for the camera.


The feline walked off which made (Y/n) release a small cough due to the intoxicating scent that came from her fan boy, her arms were folded onto the table and she laid her head,

" Pina, you created the meeting so please commence this shit. "

The sheep gave a soft smile at the three carnivores, " All right, I want a peaceful discussion. " His forearm removed from the table onto the back of his chair " So do not look at me like a predator, Riz. "

His cerulean orbs bored into the dark hues of the beard,
" I'm nervous. "

(Y/n) was playing footsies with her boyfriend under the table, ignoring the two males other than her lover's gaze she announced with an acrid tone, " As you should be. "

Pina sighed to himself wondering how to keep these carnivores from tearing each other apart, " I bet you are, now that three students know what you did. There's one way you can calm yourself. " His head lifted to the waiter that brought water for the table, the canine took a sip of her drink.

" Pina, I must kill you. "

Those four words made (Y/n) crush the glass in her hand, receiving deep shards of glass into her palms. She released a soft growl which made the attention avert to her. The brown bear rose his hands up in defense, " This is supposed to be peaceful, remember. "

" It was till you decided to threaten a herbivore. "

Pina handed the female a napkin for her now bleeding hand, watching her pick out the shards with her claws.
" I wouldn't let you touch (Y/n) or Pina- "

The sheep shook his head, pushing himself closer to the table to stare at the brown bear across from him, he knew exactly what he was doing. " I wouldn't do that if I were you, i'd you were to kill one more herbivore from the drama club.. "

(Y/n) caught on so she finished his statement, " The police will have no choice but to conduct a hard investigation. " The sheep nodded to her conclusion, smiling at the bear who was shitting bricks.

" It'd be a simple procedure. They could tie the carnivore members up and end up searching you. Even an elementary schooler could do it. " Pina waved his hand carelessly, pushing himself from his seat with the carnivore's gazes, " I feel sorry for you, so I'll give you a handicap. I won't tell anyone what you did. It's a hassle anyways. "

" You have my word. "

The wolves followed the sheep's actions, standing up after him and Pina narrowed his vision to the bear who slumped in his seat, " But for now, I'll declare this as a victory for justice. "

The herbivore held onto (Y/n)'s wrist as she bled, " C'mon you two, we have to clean up her hand. "

Riz watched the three club mates exit the place, leaving him alone and he bared his teeth with anger.


The female wolf washed her hand with the courtyard's hose, revealing small prickly wounds while the boys were leaning against the railing.

Pina sighed abruptly before stretching his arms, " I don't usually get this worked up, it's bad for my shoulders. "

As he did so, Legoshi watched him with a side glance, " Pina, you got involved because you wanted to save me, right? "

(Y/n) walked back with her hand wrapped with Legoshi's necktie around her palm, " Yeah, what you did was fucking stupid. "

The herbivore turned to the wolves with his sweet azure hues boring into their own, " Well, if you both fought him, you probably would've died. "

" I believe you both are capable of standing, but are you capable enough to survive? "

The couple turn to each other, " Survive? "

Legoshi shook his head, brushing off the thought of their situations up against the bear and sighed, " Enough if that, I'm gonna protect you from now on, I'm in your debt. "

Pina nodded in agreement, " All right, but first give me both of your phone numbers. "

As they traded, Legoshi being the most precautious yet oblivious wolf, not knowing where to stop; he gave Pina small requests.

" From now on send me a text every night before you go to sleep so i'll know that you're okay. "

" Mhm, yeah yeah. "

The sheep turned over to the female who was examining her wrapped up hand, curling and uncurling her hand to a fist as she gave a nod of approval to her cleanage of wound.

" (Y/n)? " Pina called out, receiving a small hum.

Their eyes locked then he pushed a smile onto his face, " Do you know how to fight? " Her eyebrow raised at the specific question but gave a simple shrug as if it were no big deal,

" You can say that, why? "

" Ah, I overheard Bill complaining about how you had beat him in everything as in jaw war and that you beat him up twice. " He admitted, recalling the conversation.

Her mind went to their small moment from earlier and she rolled her eyes, " He's not too bad, he gave me this. " pointing towards her scar across her eye.

The sheep stepped to her, grazing his finger over her scar.
" I'm calling you in case Legoshi can't answer. "

The female canine sighed abruptly.
She didn't sign up to be someone's bodyguard.

Pina and (Y/n) turn to Legoshi who held a finger to his chin as if he were deep in thought. The two waited for him to state something and he nodded at something, glancing down at the herbivore.

Legoshi took the pen from the sheep in his two hands, " Also, I'll need to know your scent, just in case. I'm gonna borrow your pen. "

" You can keep it. " Pina sighed, caressing his own face. Then pushed himself to walk off from the couple with a small lazy wave.

Legoshi barked, " Know that your life is at risk, be careful! "

They had a lot to look forward to.

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