The King's Pet (M-Preg)

By RoseNesha

829K 28K 8.2K

โOh on the contrary puppy, your my pet and if you don't agree with that I'll make sure you know that when I'm... More

The King's Pet
Not Dead (Or Am I?)


6.8K 258 60
By RoseNesha


C H A P T E R 44


Enjoying the pleasant scent of cinnamon apple in my nostrils, I open my eyes to Hayden's head against my shoulder with his arms wrapped around my torsos, clinging to me for dear life. I notice for a previous couple of weeks he has been very clingy to me lately. Not that I don't mind.

It's like he was frightened of being left alone or if someone was going to hurt him, which I would never let someone do unless they want to be thrown down a well and spend the rest of their lives down there. It's one of my ways of intentionally killing someone without killing them.

Extending my fingers through his curls, I hum a familiar tune that my mom would sing to me when I was younger. He should trim his hair, but at the same time, I don't want to because his hair is beneficial for some things.

I notice that he's been saying my name in his dreams, but this time it was more of him being pleasured. I enjoy observing him squirm while he pants for his life. Whatever dream Everest is doing, I was fucking jealous because he gets to have all the fun while I sit here and watch.

Good thing I have control over myself like some people. Sex isn't a problem for me. It's like a bonus, although I would eagerly devour him when he does things that he doesn't even realize. He was playing that innocent card.

Placing my hand on his chubby thighs, I elevate his leg up without wakening him up and then rubbing small patterns on the inside of his inner thigh. His hairless legs felt like I was touching a silk fabric.

He squirms underneath me, and I continue to tease him some more since dream Everest was having all the fun. "Everest, please stop teasing me..." His breathing quickens while clutching on to me tighten. "Please," He moans through his parted lips.

I travel my hands from his thighs to his plump and round arse, giving it a light pat. The noise he makes has over the edge, wanting to do more things to him that he couldn't imagine. But I had to stop myself because I promised myself that I would take it easy with him since he's still traumatized for what I did to him.

It's for the best because I want him to trust me and wait for him to make the first move. No matter how much I want to kiss him and show him that I wanted to be a better person, I couldn't prove it in front of everyone. It makes me look like I turn soft, and we don't want people thinking they could come to me for sympathy, which I fucking don't.

My Dad is already on to me for turning a soft leaf for Hayden, and at this point, I didn't care. If Mom were here, she would love Hayden.

"And I do love him" A beautiful woman with a long white dress was standing in front of my bed. "Who knew my baby boy would love someone more than their own mother." She chuckles delightedly while walking towards me, sitting down next to me.

"I don't love him, mother." I untangle myself from Hayden then sit up in my bed.

She leveled her eyes while shaking her head, then placed her cold hands on my cheek. "It is love, my beloved. You just don't know it. I should have taught you at a young age what it's like to be loved and how to love someone. Preferably, I let your Father brainwash you."

Her crystal hazel eyes begin to form tears as she pulls out a white handkerchief from midair, dabbing her eyes, then it disappears.

"It's okay mom-"

"It's not okay! Look at what you turn out to be a cold-hearted monster. If I were here, I would beat your ass for laying hands on this poor boy. Benette is sick even to teach you that it was okay to put hands on your significant other."

I hung my low like a little boy that just got yelled at. "I'm sorry, Mom, that I turn out this way. You just left us so early, and I had hatred towards you that you would leave us. Leave me."

"Baby, you know I would never leave you." She lifts my chin so that I could look at her again. "But sometimes things happen for a reason. Trust me, every scar I had and every blood that left my system was for you. I wanted to die, but then you came into my life, and I found hope of living again."

"But how did you die?" I interrogate her. She smiles gently at me then takes my hand into hers.

"The truth will come to light, but now do me a favor and love this boy and my grandbabies." I nodded approvingly, and she smiles once more in satisfaction.

My mom stands up from my bed. "Okay, now it's my time to go back before the boss man finds out that I sneak down here to talk to me." She walks away from me, but I capture her hand, ceasing her to stop.

"Will I see you again?" I ask her.

She leans over to kiss the corner of my mouth then runs her thumb across my cheek. "Maybe, but I will save that ass whooping if we do meet again in the future, but now, make me proud and endure the man that I wished I raised." Before I could state anything, she already disappeared with white fog underneath her.

Opening my eyes, I groan when my cellular device starts to ring on my nightstand. I groan under my breath as I retrieve the phone then answer it without looking at the caller ID. 

"Good morning, Majesty. Sorry for calling you at this time of the morning." I turned to my side to glance at my digital clock to consult it was five in the morning. I'm supposed to be up anyway, but that dream kept me sleep.

"This better be important," I mumble while getting up from my bed, not wanting to wake up Hayden.

"Oh, yes, your Majesty, it is. Remember, you requested to locate someone?" He inquired me and I nodded my head even though he couldn't perceive me.

When I realized he couldn't see me, I answered. "Yeah, I remember."

"Well, we finally located them, and they were in Kingira the whole time. We found them wandering around the downtown area." He told me. Figures why it took so long to find them.

Getting up from my bed, I intentionally walk inside my walk-in closet then grab a white button-down shirt. "Where are they now?" I ask him while trying to put my arm in the sleeve, carefully balancing my phone on my shoulder.

He was about to declare something, but I heard someone scream in the background. I overheard him trying to calm the person down. "I'm sorry your Majesty I'm trying to calm him down, but he won't cooperate with me ever since I brought him to the hotel."

"Just try until I get there and don't anything stupid that will make them even more upset, or you will answer to me." I hung up the phone and then finished getting dressed.

Before I left the room, I had walked towards Hayden, placing a light kiss on his rosy cheeks. He declares something under his breath then turns away from me. "Love you, Darling. I'm not in love with you, but love you." I said to his back, then left out the room.


Hayden whines as he lies on the couch in the waiting room where we wait for the user to announce us. Tonight was the Gender Reveal, and I was my usual self, but Hayden, on the other hand, was anxious and excited.

"What if they are all girls that would be a handful, but what if they all be boys then that also be a handful." Hayden goes on and on the pros and cons of having all three of them of the same gender.

I didn't care about what we are having as long they come to the world healthy and consist of most of my genes.

"Darling, does it matter? As long as we have three healthy babies, that's all it matters, right?" I turn around to stare at him, and he nods in response. I would say he looked stunning tonight. I was cautious about letting him out of this room without everyone staring at him.

My eager eyes roam to his curvy figure then back to his rosy lips. Moistening my lips, I went back to reality when I realized he was talking to me. "What was that?" I ask him. He rolled his eyes when he caught me not paying to him.

"If you would stop undressing me with your eyes, you would of heard what I said the first time." He huffs while tucking his arms over his chest.

"Don't give me that attitude first of all and second of all, I can't help that you look fuckable right now," I declared the last word slowly with seduction in my voice. I just want to see his reaction and got what I wanted by his flustered face.

Before he could declare anything, there was a gentle knock on the door telling us they were ready for us. Hayden stood up, walking out the door, but I grabbed his hand, adjusted his crown on his head.

He looked up at me with a faint smile then we left out the room together.


The night went very smoothly as I devised it to be. Amberella and Ruby did an excellent job of putting it together. Royalties from all over the world came to the Gender Reveal.

However, people kept hogging Hayden to have a full-length conversation with him. I had to haul him away so that I could get some alone time with him.

"Everest, where are we going?" Hayden started to tense when I was dragging him in different directions.

"Relax, Darling," I mumble against his ear, placing a gentle kiss on his neck. "Just trust me, okay?"

He nodded, then let me take him outside where we were in a garden. He gasps, picking up different types of flowers. "These are beautiful Everest, but why did you take me out here?" He asks, and I look over his head, seeing them walk down a path.

His necklace begins to glow rapidly, where it blinded me. I shield myself from the light and observe him turn around to face another version of him, but older with a little girl clung to his side.

It was like his necklace told him they were here

Hayden stood there speechless as he didn't believe that he was staring at his Papa. "Baby, it's me." His Papa says with a crack voice with open arms.

He didn't waste any time running into his arms as he cried on to his shoulder. "Papa, is it you?" He says through sobs, hugging him tighter like he was afraid of letting him go.

Tristan was his Papa's name nodded then kissed his head, swaying him back and forth like he was a baby. This made my insides tingle for a second. I don't know what that feeling is, but I hope it's a pleasant feeling.

Hayden pulls away from his Papa's grip then hugs his sister, who was also crying. I don't know if I should leave them so they could have their privacy or stay.

"How did you get here? How did you find me? Where is Dad? Did he hurt you?" Hayden bombs him with questions, but Tristan coos him by shushing him.

"Let's not talk about this right now. We will catch up later. Although I'm not pleased with someone getting my son pregnant." He gives me a stare then turns back to Hayden with a warm smile. "But I am blessed and thankful that Everest found us and let us see you again."

Hayden turns around then looks at me with an altered expression that I never saw before. "You did this?" He asks me, walking towards me. I nodded my head, not knowing what to say.

I wanted to say I did this to show that I cared about him, but he read my face by lowering his lips to mine. I was caught off guard by the kiss, but I took the opportunity to pull him closer to my body, experiencing a rush of heat bearing my body.

It was different than the first time we kissed where it was forced, but this time around, it felt right.

We pull away from each other, staring at each other in a daze.


"Okay, everyone time to announce the genders of the future of our country!" Amberella screams in the microphone. Hayden clutches on to my arm while he holds his Papa's hand.

Someone wheeled in three huge white boxes in front of us. "Okay there are three boxes and each one of them has the color of the gender which is Gold and Silver. The Silver represents that it is a Boy and Gold represents that it is a Girl." Amberella explains what the color represents.

"You pull this string" "She points to a string that is attached to the box. "And it would reveal what you are having."

Hayden hugs Amber and Ruby before they walk off to join the crowd then look at me for confirmation if I was ready. Placing a kiss on his cheek, we walk up to the first box. "You do the first one," I told him.

He nodded then pulled the string where Silver Balloons came out the box with a crown display that says, Boy.

Hayden squeals then turn around to hug me then tells me to do the second box. Walking towards the second box, I pulled the string to see Gold balloons coming out the box with a tiara display that said, Girl.

Hayden and I decided to pull the last string together and Silver balloons came out the box with another crown that said, Boy.

Two boys and a girl

Turning to Hayden he was already crying with his Papa and his sister consoling him then walked up to me, embracing me into a hug.

While Hayden was hugging me, something caught my sight at the corner of my eye.

A dark figure holding up a sniper.

Without scarcely realizing, I knocked Hayden out the way when I heard a sudden ring to my ears. Everyone was scattered everywhere in horrid from the sudden loud noise that came from the room. I looked down to perceive Hayden who was staring at my stomach with wide eyes.

I look down to see a red gush coming from my white shirt. Not even realizing I was on the ground gasping for air.

"Protect the Queen!" I overheard someone say.

Placing my hand on my stomach, I detach it to discover blood on my hand. My vision started to get blurry as I heard Hayden calling for me. I shift my head to see him being pulled away by several guards.


"Quickly he's losing a lot of blood." I heard Amberella but her voice started to drift away. "It's okay Everest, stay with us, help is on the way." She says to me then shouts out more orders.

I guess this was my time after everything I did. I knew this was going to happen but didnt know when or where. I wasnt afraid to die I was afraid of leaving Hayden to care for our kids by himself.

I didnt expect to laying in my own pool of blood fighting for my life.

In the corner of my eye I see my Dad rush over to me, telling me something but I couldnt really make out what he was saying.

All I could do was stare in nonexistence before passing out.


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