Jackai random

By Soleil_shining

18.9K 622 363

Short stories about this cute couple or just some randomness about them. Don't expect so much of this, and so... More

Bunch of quotes
Happy Valentine's Day
Psycho love
Tagged (2)
Bunch of quotes [2]
Little note
Title? What title?
Drawing (2)
Tell me I'm in time
In my skin
Happy birthday Akai!
Drawing 3
Fantasy world
Childhood love
*Important to read*
Rainy but warm

Heart never forgets

464 19 59
By Soleil_shining

This chaptes was an idea from SweetPinkBlush25

Hope you like it


Silence filled the room along lot of emotions. Anger, anxiety, fear and sadness overtaking their inmobile bodies that look at the same person. 

Joker lying over his bed asleep. 

Hachi was the closest of them to his master, sitting next to him holding his hand whimpering. Queen and Spade sat on the sofa trying to keep their composure. But hearing the kid whimpers made it difficult. Dark Ai was in the kitchen preparing some tea for them after calling Silver Heart. She needs an adult to calm them down, her trembling hands showed how worry she was too.

The old man arrived minutes later running right to the room forgetting his back. His kid was more important. Seeing the door being open, the group stand up waiting his words.

"How is Jack?" It took al his self-control to not run and hug him. His skin looked a little pale, but nothing else was different.

Spade got near staring at his friend " He's been inconscious since the accident

"What exactly happened?"


The laught of a very known Phantom thief resounded on the night, opaqued by footsteps and screams from the police.

"Another successful heist!!" Sprinting to the rooftop, he reached out his arm making the treasure shine by the moonlight. The Bactrian Gold Crown, an old treasure made of thin gold found in 1978 along many others pieces of gold. It got missing but after some years it's finally in a museum.

Well, at least until now.

"Joker, come back here with my treasure!" Oh, there were other persons after it too.

"No way! Luck for the next time!" 

After calling his ship he took adventage to mock over his friends. They chased him trying to reach the crown, but it just made him laugh louder.

A different laugh cut their moment to be in guard. Over the railing a masked man clapped his hands sarcastically "Well, well, well. But isn't it our favorite Phantom thiefs...." Walking elegantly trought the rooftop"Kaitou Queen...

Kaitou Spade...

And finally but not less important... Kaitou Joker"

Joker chuckle putting his hands over his waist" Looks like someone has a good eye. I would like to stay here and talk with you but I have more important things to do, like search for another treasure so..."  Walking backwards to get impulse, he jumped over him and sprinted to his ship.

"Not so fast!! tooking an weird weapon from his coat, he aimed to Joker and shoot a white light.


"GHA!!"  Too late, his friend got hit by the light and fell over the edge wriggling. the stranger  giggled getting near to him. But a shot stoped his actions

"Ice shot!!"

Dodgiing every shot was getting difficult, feeling his patience disappear he ran to the opposite edge "Guess it's time to go. But don't think we've finished. Have fun with your 'friend'"


Queen and Spade exhaled surprised after seeing him jum without hesitation. Running to the edge they couldn't see even a hair of him.

"Then we carried Joker back to his ship" Finished his memory the long haired boy.

"So we don't know what his weapon did to Joker".

"No..." He felt guilty. He should have stopped that guy.

"Then all we can do is wait him to wake up" Giving a last glare to his student, Silver exited the room leaving them behind.



"Hey! is there anyone at home?"

Phoenix entered at the living room cheerful, but his smile fell seeing everyone worried" Eh? what happened?" He got more concern with the exchange of glances they did.

Taking courage Hachi got up playing with his hands"There was an incident after the heist... Joker-san got shot with a strange weapon and we don't know it did to him. Right now he's unconscious in his room" Worried wasn't enought to describe how he was.

The alien walked towards the main room being followed by the phantom thief family. It took all of him to not feel exalted. Everything is alright, he wil be fine. I just need to heal him and then we will be playing and eating like always. Do not worry.

But against his thoughts, inside of the room there wasn't anyone. Just a messy bed and a hat over it.


A loud noise alarmed them. Where did it come from?

"Let's separate. We need to find him" Dividing in pairs they took different directions. Spade and Ai towards the tip of the ship, Queen and Silver to the back, and Akai along Hachi to the center.

Living room, kitchen, crops, treasure room, control room, the lower, upper and mid- deck. Even after looking all this rooms they still can't find him. That weapon made him disappear?

"Now that I think we aren't sure if he exited the room"

"What do you mean?"

"Like the treasure room, Joker-san have many shortcuts and secret rooms. Inside his bedroom are some". Leading the way, Hachi entered his masters bedroom pushing the globe on his desk which opened the floor under them. Akai screamed while Hachi laughed during his fall. You get use to it after a few times.

They landed in a very messy room with books, videogames, toys and food. Looking around they saw sitting in a corner the thief  who threw them any object near to him.

"Eh!!! Joker-san what are you doing?!"

"Stay away from me!!" Threatened holding one of the books. They took a few steps backwards putting their hands up.

"Gezz. Calm down" They spent hours looking for him and now he attacks them with a boring dictionary? "I haven't eat your curry for you to treat us that way".

"Curry? What are you talking about you kidnapper"


"Kidnapper? Stop playing with us Joker and let's go with the others. They must be very worried-"

"Don't call me Joker. I'm Jack Jones and I'm not playing stupid kidnappers. I'm not going anywhere with you two".

The room was again in complete silence but the thief is not lying over a bed anymore, he's in a corner trembling in fear and wanting to go back home.

What is going on with him?

Joker's screams warned the rest and ran following the sound. Inside the room Akai and Hachi where trying to hold his arms to stop him throwing things everywhere while he shouts gibberish. Spade and Shadow helped holding his legs and then they went back to the living room to be more comfy.

Minutes passed by and he keeped shouting them to free him from his tether. Shadow tied him up after get slapped.

"Are you sure he is not trying to prank us? 'cause it sound like something Joker would do". Silver Heart couldn't believe his student forgot them just like that.

"Yeah... Well, maybe. Joker-san can lie very well but eyes told me he was really scare. He was even trembling in a corner screaming that he was Jack Jones and that we kidnapped him". He may not know him as long as them, but he can surely say that he was being sincere.

But what was all that thing of Jack Jones? Is it his real name?

Silver undertood it was a serious problem. Joker hasn't use his real name in more than 5 years. He wouldn't say it loud even if it was at his apprentice and friend. "Jack?" The named stopped his actions and looked at him frowning "Hey, I know it may be confuse but you need to calm down and trust us" He thought for a while analysing them but relaxed after all "Good. Now we need to know what is the last thing you remember?"

Jack would like to say something but even he tries to remember all that comes to his mind are his parents, name and some moments he spent with them. It was so frustrating. 

"Maybe If we introduce ourselves..."

"Right.... Uhmm. I'm Silver Heart, a Phantom Thief and your master".

"Phantom thief...?"

"Yes. And those are my other 2 students, and your friends" Taking a step forward Queen smiled placing his hands over his waist.

"Hey! I'm Diamond Queen. One of the best kaitou in the world and your friend since we were children"

"And I'm Spade. I trained along you and Queen and I'm one of your best friends and rival-"

"Carefuly there peacock!! I'm the black shadow that paints over the light, Shaow Joker!! And I AM Joker's best rival"

"You, boy with Mary Poppins complex..."


"Oni-chan, please. It isn't time to fight" Grabbing his brother's clothes she smiled at Jack" Hello!! I'm Shadow's sister and a friend of yours, Rose".

"Nice to meet you?"

Feeling his discomfort Hachi hold his hand shaking it " Well, I'm your apprentice Hachi and we live here together. Hope you can get back your memories Joker-san".

"We live in an airship??"

"Yup. This is your airship, The Sky Joker. I pretty cool but my Twin Thunder Shark is better"

"Are you kidding?? My castle is better thant your stupid blimp"


Both of them fought again making a lot of noise while the rest stare not wanting to get involve. The silver haired smirked a little with their shenanigans. They seems like good people. Feeling like if he was being watched, he turn around and saw the red guy. He was staring at him like if he wanted to get near.

"What's your name?"

He jumped a bit over his place. He may not expected him to start a conversation with someone in the blimp "I'm Akai, Akai Tsubasa"

"Akai.... What kind of relationship we had?"

Akai blushed but shook his head taking away bad thoughts. Focus, it's not the perfect time to think on it.

"We were...  close friends?"

"Close friends? Like...best friends?"

"Yeah-Not, well...Yes but no."


Good job Tsubasa. Now he is more confuse.

"Hey, Jack. Come here! There's something we want to show you"


The alien sighed in relief following the other at his back. That was so close... he doesn't need to remember that now.

For the next hour they made a tour around his ship, staying in the treasure room telling all their stories around the treasures. Everyone was dissapointed with the results. Jack wasn't remembering. He looked more confused instead.

He was working hard but every time he thinks he has something it fades away. His breath became faster and his hands stretched his hair.

Seeing his actions Akai holded his hands to stop him harming himselft. In his moment of dispair Jack hitted him away" Get away from me!!" 

Akai tripped over the floor by the surprise, Joker never used his force against someone...

Jack was surprised too. That poor boy was only trying to help him " I-I'M...I'm sorry" He didn't like how that boy looks at him, sad and hurt. He would like to see him smiling...

Akai saw how his face twisted with regret. Where's smiling boy ready to help who needs and aware of his actions? In front of him was just a scared boy trying to saty calm, but he knows how bad he was feeling in a place he don't know surrounded by people fighting. He can let this keep going in that way

Joker helped him to get back to his spacecraft. Now he will help him get back his memories.

With a determinated look, Akai transformed into his original form exalting the silver haired "What the-"

"I'm the Messenger of the Southern Cross, Phoenix! And I'll make sure you remember who we are" Carrying the smaller boy like a sack of potatoes, the alien flew away.

The others stayed behind in complete shock watching them fading away. The older stared with hope their last option 

"Please....bring us back my child"

Phoenix took Joker to every place they spent together. His island, Aladdins and Pharaoh's Palaces, that island full of women. They even visited Captain Blue who was sailing near the cost of Japan. But Joker still not recognizing the places and people.

Phoenix was getting so frustrate.

Joker felt bad for him. He tried his best to make him remember, and all he could do is see his surroundings. The bird guy sighted tired and frustated. No matter how effort he put in his plane. The thief couldn't even recognize his family, obviously he wouldn't recognize a place.

They landed on the top of the ship, most of the day they traveled around and now the sky is already dark, a few stars shining highlighting one in especific.

"That constellation is beautiful....How is it called?"

"Hmm?....Oh, that's the Southern Cross"

"Southern Cross? Did you not say something related earlier?" He was sure he said it after doing that weird...transformation.

"Yeah, that's were I am from" Staring at the sky he smiled again"You know, before being friends we were rivals".


"Yup. After we met we fighted over some treasures which once were mine. They were meant to take us to an ancient treasure, my spacecraft".

"A spacecraft.."

"He, I'm what you humans call 'alien'"

"That explains how you can transform and fly"

"You know, people normally gets scare after hearing they're talking with an alien" He didn't even move away.

Staring again at the sky he put his hand over his chest "I know I sloud be scare but...I feel so warm and happy by your side" At least that's what his heart tells him every time they're near to each other like now. Beating so fast.

"Jack..." He couldn't resist anymore. Holding the human by his cheeks the alien kissed him transmitting al his love. Joker holded his shoulder looking for support. There were suddenly too many emotions exploding inside his body and all he can do is try to not fall and feel his tears coming out.

Akai wasn't expecting him to cry. "What's wrong? why are you crying? I shouldn't have-"

"Yawning yerk..."

"Yeah I now your mad and.....How did you call me?" Did he mishear?

Smiling again the crying boy talked" I said yawning yerk, brain bird"

It was clear. He called him by his nickname " You remember me.... YOU REMEMBER ME!!" Carrying him he rose through the skies laughing and spinning " Does it mean you got back your memories?!"

"Not at all. You ki-kissed me and there are only moments where you're there in my mind" Wait-wait-wait-wait. That doesn't sound good. Let him change his words. LET HIM CHANGE HIS WORDS.

"After I kissed you? Maybe we need to do something relevant about a certain person for you to remember they?"

Thanks God he didn't pay total attention to his words.

"Let's go. We need to tell this to the rest".

Back inside the blimp they found the thief family in the same place they saw them last time. They were about to talk with them but a green creature jumped over Joker making him fall while its rubs against his face, he tried to get stay away from it but the creature chased him around the room.


"What did you say?....."

"Joker do you remember Hoshi?"


"Do you mean your fear?"

"Who cares?! Joker, is there anything more you remember?"

"I can remember the yawning yerk but I still not sure of you all..." 

"I think we found a way to get back all his memories about us. We need to find something that represents you all in Joker's life or maybe an especific moment inside his life".

Something that represents them?

Suddenly Spade gasped and went to the kitchen grabbing a glass, and filling it with with some liquid. Coming back with the others he extended it to Joker.


"Uh?" Without understanding received the glass. Tea? Shrugging his shoulders he drank it all, spitting it out immdiately. "YUW!! DIPPING SAUCE!! Spade, you tricked me again!!"


"He remember it..."

Taking back the glass Spade grinned at them. "That's it!! Time to recreate some memories!!"

"Do I have to get shot again?"


"Just kidding. Heheheh..."

Everyone spent the next days finding a perfect memory along Joker to make him remember them. It wasn't easy but they made it, someones getting a few injures in the procces (Cofcof*Shadow*Cofcof)

They celebrated doing a little dinner which ended with a food war and Hachi cleaning the mess. They all were happy to have his friend back.

Spade was happy like everyone but there was something that he still can't understand "How did you two discover how resolve the problem?" 

Both Joker and Akai blushed looking at each other to see who will talk.

"I- well. We were over the Sky Joker and then.... AND THEN AKAI SET MY CAPE ON FIRE!!"

"I DID??!!?

"YES-YOU-DID" Emphasized every word glaring at him.

"Oh, right...how to forget it"

Silever stared covering his smile with his glass. Not matter how they try to hide it. He can clearly see the way they each other. That's why he trusted that boy take his student to help him.

You better make him happy.



"Oh my lord. I cried in front of that jerk".

Poking his head out of the door akai smiled "And indirectly said you love me"


"We both know you did".



+2000 words. A record for me

Hope there aren't  too many mistakes.

Remember when I said I would have more free time?

My teachers decided we should even more homework :D

I swear one day I'll loose my mind and will be all their fault.

Hope you enjoyed. See you!!

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