DDMM(Dream) Can Come True (RW...

By DarkNarukami112

2.3K 68 153

Dreams normally didn't come true for these four, but when they had a chance to go to Beacon. Everything chang... More

Dark's Prologue part 1
Mystik's prologue/trailer
S.o.D's Prologue
Mike's Prologue
Ch 1:Getting into Beacon
Ch 2:Initiation battle royal
Ch 3:Reunion and Suspicion
Ch 4:First Day of Dark's near depression
Ch 5:Maikeru vs Pyrrha
Ch 6:Aftermath
Ch 7:Learning more about each other
Ch 8:Thinking back to the first Halloween
Ch 9:The struggle of a leader
Ch 10 (short):Checking on the Mike and Pyrrha
Ch 11:Mystik? Where are you?
Ch 12:Helping S.o.D

Dark's Prologue part 2

132 5 0
By DarkNarukami112

(This is years later after part 1.)

3rd person pov

A boy no older than 15 wearing light blue outfit with a hood on was in a library looking through the graphic novels called "Menagerie Ghoul". When the doors busted open to reveal three White fang members. One shot up in the air three times.

White fang#1:Everyone on the ground!

Every man, woman, and child got on the floor except for one.

White fang#2:Tell us where Dark Narukami is and you all will live.

The blue hooded figure looks over at the White fang and dropped the book and walked over to the White fang members.

White fang#3:We told everyone to get on the floor.

The boy smiled and took off his hood.

???:You're looking for Dark Narukami, and you found him.

White fang#1:Adam wants you to join the White fang.

Dark Pov

White fang#1:Adam wants you to join the White fang.

Dark:Sorry. I'm not interested.

White Fang#1:Adam knows where your sisters are and will-

I cut him off by planting my fist in his gut. I come back at him with venom in my voice.

Dark:Tell Adam. If he so much as hurt a hair on Ruby's or Yang's head I will personally turn him into a stake and force feed him to my dog.

He passes out. The other two members of the White fang charged at me the one started a fist fight with me. We were just trading blows until I saw a flaw in his stance. I swept my leg under his and put my hand on his neck and pushed. He landed on his back unconscious.

White Fang#3:You are as strong as Adam says you are.

Dark:And why do I care?

He pulls out a butterfly knife. After he pulls it out I nearly laugh my ass off.

Dark:Why did you bring a knife to a sword fight?

As soon as I said that the knife turned into a sword. I flattened my ears.

Dark:Whoa. Didn't see that coming.

He charges at me and I charge at him. Literally. I used my semblance to run up to him and flipped over his shoulder. After I did that fancy maneuver I pulled out Elucidator from it's sheath.

Dark:You're going down!

White fang#3:Keep dreaming.

I used my semblance to get over to him and swung my sword in a square.

Dark:You can't even beat a 15 year old? You guys really are trash.

He passes out.

I flipped Elucidator in it's sheath.

Dark:Everyone can get up now.

Everyone got up, and I walked over to the front desk to tell the attended something.

Dark:You may want to call the cops.

I walked out looked at the sky for a few minutes then dashed off to my house before my mom gets onto me.

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