Way of the Wolf: Equilibrium

By Scottish_writer

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The Wulvers Series Book 6 #79 in magic #198 in paranormal "The path I choose will decide my fate; to follow t... More

Chapter 1 ~ Ambitions
Chapter 2 ~Tactics
Chapter 3 ~ Guests
Chapter 4 ~ Chasing Tail
Chapter 5 ~ Thunder
Chapter 7 ~ Council
Chapter 8 ~ Proposals
Chapter 9 ~ Persuasion
Chapter 10 ~ Apologies and Agreements
Chapter 11 - Running
Chapter 12 ~ Expectations
Chapter 13 ~ The Norse Pack
Chapter 14 ~ First Day Jitters
Chapter 15 ~ Far From Home
Chapter 16 ~ What It Takes
Chapter 17 ~ Dreams
Chapter 18 ~ Biding Time
Chapter 19 ~ Distractions
Chapter 20 ~ Unravelling
Chapter 21 ~ Torn
Chapter 22 ~ The Rules
Chapter 23 ~ Compromise
Chapter 24 ~ Freedom
Chapter 25 ~ Contemplative
Chapter 26 ~ Opportunity
Chapter 27 ~ On Edge
Chapter 28 ~ Defend
Chapter 29 ~ Gaolor
Chapter 30 ~ Key
Chapter 31 ~ Forged Bonds
Chapter 32 ~ The Truth
Chapter 33 ~ A Day's Work
Chapter 34 ~ Past Mistakes
Chapter 35 ~ Formalities
Chapter 36 ~ The New Hierarchy
Chapter 37 ~ Grudges
Chapter 38 ~ To Follow Tradition
Chapter 39 ~ To Break It
Chapter 40 ~ The Beginning

Chapter 6 ~ Accusations

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By Scottish_writer

Chapter 6: Accusations

Back at the house, my mother wouldn't stop fussing around me. She looked troubled by something but wouldn't tell me what as she fed me, redid my hair, made sure I had water and wasn’t injured yet again despite me telling her I was fine. Only once I’d let her check over every inch of me again did she finally give me a little space.

I hovered by the window in the living room, searching for any sign of Dad and the others bringing Ebbe back but an hour had passed with nothing.
Gisli had shut herself in my room and I couldn't blame her really, she was upset about her brother. Fenna had tried to speak to her but she didn’t want to talk. Still, nobody would tell me exactly what happened, what went wrong.

Sighing in frustration, I rested my head against the wall before looking over at Fenna.

"How did they know to come?"

"Gisli told us," she replied after a sip of the tea Mum had brought for us. Mine was sat abandoned on the fireplace, I couldn’t stomach another drink.

My eyes flicked up as if I could see through the roof to where Gisli was probably sat on my bed watching TV. "I don't understand. How would she know?"

Fenna shrugged and looked up too. "It's a twin thing I guess. They've got this eerie ability to almost sense the feelings of the other. We didn't notice it at first but a few odd instances brought it to light. Gisli injured herself and somehow Ebbe felt the pain too, he knew she was upset somewhere and led us to her. Signy said she's heard of it before with some twins, it’s said Hati and Sköll could do the same."

I didn’t know much about who Hati and Sköll were but I nodded anyway. This explanation was the only one that made any real sense no matter how odd it was. These twins were more than just close then, I’d seen enough of they’re relationship to understand it was something more. If they could sense each other, it explained their protectiveness over the other.

But what had Gisli sensed exactly? That Ebbe had lost control, and shifted? Could she feel his emotions almost like a matebond allowed? Did she know what set him off? Either way it was...creepy. And it still didn’t tell me why.

"Remember to start looking out clothes to pack," Mum said from the door.

I blinked, then frowned in confusion as she chuckled. "The council meeting, remember? You still want to come, right?"

"Ah, yeah. I remember. I'll do that tonight." I smiled and she nodded before spinning out of the room again, ever rushed off her feet.

"Alpha Roarke is letting you go with her?" Fenna asked curiously.

I nodded. "I think she wants me to see how it all works, and to meet the other Alphas. Maybe she's hoping I'll charm them into backing my claim."

"You? Charm?"

Picking up the nearest cushion, I chucked it at her but she easily batted it away with a laugh. "You don't need to charm them, Raeghan. You need to show them you're as strong and capable as any male heir."

She was right there, and it made me wonder exactly what my Alpha Female's reasoning was for deciding to take me now. Whatever they were, I could bet that she hadn't told Dad.
The creak of the front door opening finally announced the arrival of the others and the others. I sprung up from the window seat and darted for the door, frowning when there was no sign of Ebbe. Beta Bjarke and Dad went into the kitchen, while Orin passed me into the living room, and I paused before following my Alpha.

"Where's Ebbe? Is he alright? What happened?" I asked, looking between the two males.

"He's mostly unharmed," the Beta chuckled and even Dad laughed. I bristled because I couldn't see anything at all funny about what happened.

"I underestimated his speed," Dad added before taking stock of my scowl and sobering up. "He's downstairs calming down."

My frown deepened as I looked at my feet. There was a basement below that held a few cells in case the pack had to deal with wolves causing trouble but I'd never known them to be used. Misbehaving wolves normally ended up having their punishment outside on the post. So why was Ebbe being locked up?

I swallowed before looking up again, feeling uneasy. "Is he dangerous?"

"We would never let him hurt anyone, but this is why I warned him to just watch," Beta Bjarke answered carefully. "He is more a danger to himself.”

"And whoever tries to put him in a cage?" I snapped back.

Dad straightened up and I could read the warning in his eyes. "I know it seems unfair to keep him locked up but when he calms down, he'll understand. He needs somewhere private where we can keep an eye on him, that’s all.”

I nodded stiffly, slumping. “Okay. Sorry.”

Dad smiled and touched my arm with a shake of his head. “You don’t have to be sorry. You’re concerned for a fellow wolf; I’ve raised you well.”

Only my father and Alpha could turn a compliment for me into one for himself as well. I couldn’t help but laugh, forgetting all about the questions I still had. Turning on my heel, Dad's laughter followed me out and I heard him mutter something to Bjarke that had him laughing too. I was left once more trying to figure out the joke.

Making my way back into the living room, I broke up a heated make-out session between Fenna and Orin. Straddling his lap, his hands were underneath her top and they were both oblivious to my presence.  Planting my hands on my hips, I coughed for their attention.

Orin growled but pulled away and Fenna blushed as she sat up, pulling her top back down. I rolled my eyes. "Shall I give you both some privacy?"

"Yes," Orin said at the same time as Fenna said, "No!"

She glared at her mate and whacked his arm but he didn't look at all sorry. My nose scrunched at the sweet smell of arousal in the air and once more I spun out of the room. "Go get laid, Fenna! I'll be alright.”

She laughed but the sound quickly turned to a moan and I cringed before quickly escaping the house. It was still early in the day, and I needed to burn off some more energy. There was bound to still be wolves at the hall training who'd be willing to spar with me. That would take my mind off whatever Mum was planning behind Dad's back, and why Ebbe had been locked up in a basement that flooded every winter.

Marching with determination, I entered the hall only to stop short. Blood splattered across one of the mats that had been dragged out of the way to be cleaned. I walked over and scented it to see if I could tell who it was from but the strong iron scent overpowered everything else. Could it be Ebbe’s? The room was empty too, so I forced myself away from the blood and went to the cupboard to drag out a punching bag.

For hours I worked out, taking out all my frustration on the bag in front of me. Weylin eventually reappeared too, saying nothing of earlier events. He sparred with me for a while before he went home for the day, leaving me to vent the rest of pent up emotions. Only when I was sure I’d sleep well tonight did I finally leave too.

Bruised and battered, every step was a struggle. I'd overdone it. Way overdone it. Weylin would have told me off if he'd known I'd stayed long after he’d left. I'd pushed my body further than I ever had but underneath the ache, it felt so good. But I couldn't show up looking like this, I needed some time to recover so I could fake being alright for my family.

My gaze fell to the basement door as I approached the house. Was Ebbe still down there? Surely not, he'd had hours to calm down. Either way, the basement would be a good place to hide out for a while. Thankfully the door was unlocked and creaked as I pulled it open. The lights were still on too and I was surprised that when I inhaled, Ebbe's scent was so strong. He was still here.

Slowly, I made my way down the steps, one hand braced on the wall to help keep me steady.

"What are you doing here, Raeghan?"

I jumped at the voice that came from the far end of the room despite knowing he was there. Walking over, I took the chair that was opposite the last barred cell. "I'm surprised you could tell it was me so quickly."

Sitting languidly on the rickety cot, I could barely make Ebbe out because of the setting sun that glared in from the window above him. I heard him breath in deeply and he leaned forward with his elbows on his knees so I could see him.

"I could smell you as soon as you opened the door," he said, frowning as his head quirked to one side. "You're injured."

"I'm fine," I replied, sitting straighter and rubbing my bruised knuckles. "I was worried about you after. . .you know."

He scoffed. "Worried about me or scared of me?"

I flinched at the venom in his tone, caught off guard by the sudden mood swing of concerned to accusatory.
Slumping back in my seat, I thought about what had happened. Had he frightened me? Yes, a little. But he didn't scare me. I’d been around Quillan all my life, I understood that sometimes control was easily lost, and Quillan had never once harmed anyone. No, there was no fear, he just confounded me at every turn which was probably more unsettling.

Head hanging low, there was no trace of the powerful wolf who’d postured to Alphas and Betas in the hall. I didn’t like to see him like that, and I didn’t understand it. What was he struggling with? Why did he act so different in his skin?

Maybe we both needed cheering up.
"You know,” I drawled. “If you'd attacked me, I would have won." I smirked, and much to my surprise, Ebbe laughed. The first proper laugh I'd heard, bouncing around the room. His eyes twinkled as he studied me.

"It took my Beta, your father, the head of your pack's warriors, and Orin to get me here." He stood and stalked over to the bars and for some reason my heart skipped a beat as he curled a hand round one and pressed in close. His voice dropped low, a rough growl that had the hair on the back of my neck standing on end. "Do you really think you'd win, princess?"

“Princess?” My fingers gripped the edge of the chair and while my jaw clenched in irritation, something else flickered too. He was teasing me, I realised.

Perhaps to him it must look like I live a somewhat...spoiled existence; living in a house with things like TV and phones, food whenever we want to eat of all different kinds. Instead of taking the bait, I decided to sate my curiosity.

"And just why did it take four males to bring you down, and why were you left down here? You have a loose grip on your fur.”

The smirk disappeared, replaced by his usual scowl. I swore I heard the bar he held creak as his hand clenched, knuckles turning white. He turned away from me and shoved his hands in the pockets of the oversized hoodie he wore. I sighed, assuming I'd offended him yet again, then he spun back around.

“Do you really want to know?” he asked, piercing blue eyes boring into mine.

I nodded, staying quiet as if I was afraid my words would break the spell that suddenly had Ebbe talking. He grumbled something, like a rough bark. It wasn’t the language of the Norse pack, it barely sounded like real words.

Watching Ebbe wrestle with himself tugged at my heart. He paced the floor, what little room he had, and his eyes gave away that he was organising his thoughts. Wherever he wanted to begin was alright with me.

After a few more minutes, he settled a little, the awkwardness to his gait easing.

"Before Gisli and I found a male named Valdis, the leader of the wolves we and Freydis ran with, neither of us had spent time in our skin; not since we were young pups. . .toddlers you'd say."

His casual words were a shock to my system, like someone had just doused me in icy water. He could t be telling the truth - years without shifting. We were always warned about the dangers of spending too much time in our fur, told horror stories as warnings. Now I'd seen first-hand the consequences, and if he was to believed, it wasn’t the lack of control that was that held my attention now; it was the fact he and his sister had any control at all.

I'd told Theo he was like Quillan, but I was beginning to think this male was even more lost than my uncle had been.

"What about your parents?" I whispered. 

He shrugged, perching back on the bed. "Dead, I assume. One day they didn't come back to the den.”

If it weren't for the way he tensed up and refused to look away from the wall, I'd think he wasn't bothered at all by that fact. That he didn't grieve over his parents' death. I couldn't fathom losing my parents, never mind living outwith a pack. . .and as a pup. . .

“I’m sorry. I can’t imagine what you and your sister went through. Fenna told me a little about Freydis and Valdis. I didn’t realise you were with him too,” I admitted.

I’d been such a dick to him as well. Though a small part of me said that he’d still deserved it.

“It’s alright.”

I watched him for a moment, the way he fiddled with the edges of his sleeves. The silence felt empty, strained.

"So you joined Orin's pack, they took you in like they did for Freydis."

"Freydis convinced Alpha Jakkon to give us a chance. I just wanted to protect my sister, I didn’t trust the pack, even though Freydis had been the one to make sure we got to eat when we were with Valdis. But Gisli wanted to stay," he explained with resignation.

I narrowed my eyes, watching every twitch and breath he took. I would figure this male out. I figured everyone out. "And you? You wanted to leave?"

Finally his gaze met mine again and I knew what he'd say would be his closest truth. His voice was firm, almost a growl as his eyes flashed a golden brown. "I stay with Gisli."

Not quite an answer but it gave away more than he probably thought. I felt victorious having figured out a small piece of the puzzle, though it left me with more questions too. For instance, there was no way Gisli had wanted to leave her new pack to travel to mine, but if her brother had wanted to, would she have been persuaded? He’d given up the real wild for her.

"Why did you want to come here?”

His nose scrunched and he leaned back against the wall, his head tilted towards the window. "I needed time away from my pack, and I thought I might find something here."

"I think you're running from something." It slipped out, but I was sure I'd hit my mark as Ebbe's jaw clenched.

"Why do you do that?" He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Do what?"

"Ask and state things you know will piss someone off?"

I flinched, feeling a wedge of hurt hit my chest. "I don't meant to, I just want to. . .I don't know. You're a guest. You're meant to get to know your guests."

"I know what you want, Raeghan," he muttered, something like pity in his expression now. "You're obsessed with needing to know everyone's intentions, everyone's standing in the pack. You have an uncontrollable need to prove yourself so you know where you stand, to the point that when something doesn't fit into one of your boxes, you can't handle it. It's a threat."

I growled and shoved myself to my feet then marched over to the bars. Ebbe stood too, coming much closer than I was comfortable with but I refused to move. His breath fanned over my cheek, blue eyes blazing bright and I could see the reflection of glowing green. My own wolf was out, daring him to keep talking.

“I don’t think you’re a threat. How could you be?” I sneered. “I have to worry about everyone’s intentions because there’s many who would love to see me fall. Just because you have no interest in pack life and think my troubles are beneath what you've faced, doesn’t mean I’m some spoilt princess.

"You've been here two days; you don't know me. You don't know who I am, what I want, or how I think, how dare you!" I hissed before turning on my heel and marching right back up the stairs, ignoring the shudder that went up my spine when I heard him breath in my scent again.

The basement door slammed shut behind me and my hands fisted by my sides as I breathed heavily. My heart pounded in my chest and my wolf was pacing, growling, demanding I put Ebbe in his place.

Fuck him.

Maybe I was too old to go stomping into the house but when I spotted Fenna, Orin and their pack's Betas, I couldn't help but growl at them. "I hope he's bloody left down there!"
My announcement was met by a snort from Orin and outright laughter from Bjarke and Fenna. More irritated by their reaction, I continued on my war path, only to be stopped by Mum at the stairs. She wound her arm around my shoulder, not quite hiding her smile.

"You need to pack for our trip, I’ll help, and perhaps you can tell me why you've condemned poor Ebbe after only fifteen minutes down there with him," she suggested, even though her eyes were filled with knowing.

The breath left my lungs and my eyes rolled up in dismay. I'd forgotten all about the cameras that Ben, Dad's third, had set up in the basement last year. Cameras with a direct video link to the his laptop. How much had they seen and heard?

My cheeks burned red and I felt silly as I mumbled, "Do you think I act like a princess?"

She chuckled and patted my arm. "I think your father might have thought that about me when we first met."
How comforting.

“He thinks he’s better than me.”

“I’m sure he doesn’t,” she replied, patting my hand.

Stepping into my bedroom, I cringed at the sight of Gisli standing in the middle of the room. Her hands twisted together in front of her, wide brown eyes filled with worry. Mum smiled warmly at her. “Fenna is downstairs, and I believe your brother is a little upset, why don’t you ask her to take you to see him?”

She nodded, bowing her head and making her way to the door. Her eyes flicked to me, and I grinned when she offered me a proper smile. Her mumbled thanks confused me but I bobbed my head anyway, watching her dart for the stairs.

What did she have to thank me for?

“Poor pup.” Mum murmured before going to get a suitcase from my cupboard. “She reminds me a lot of Oria.”

I smiled. “And look at Auntie Oria now. Maybe Gisli will find her confidence too. . .Considering how cocky her brother is, it’s a wonder she’s shy at all.”

At the raised eyebrow I got from Mum, I turned back to my clothes. I really didn’t want to go over what she and Dad must have heard. I was embarrassed enough already. Now was the time to focus on getting ready for my first ever council meeting. If I made a good impression, I might be able to push forth and stop feeling so stuck.

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