Back trough time

By DeWaldemarMatei

13.9K 339 28

What happens when in the middle of a battle, a Neimoidian captain puts some wrong coordinates and General Gri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26

Chapter 18

364 12 1
By DeWaldemarMatei

To the General's surprise but so for the Jedi Knights was that the new Separatist fleet was huge. It was the Malevolence fleet.


Grievous raced his starship through the Venator blockade, going for one of the flagships to assume control of his new dreadnoughts.

Meanwhile on the Resolute's bridge.

'Are those 7 Malevolences?

'It seems so, sir. General's Grievous starfighter bypassed our ships! He's heading for one of the huge Subjugator-Class ship.

'That's not good! If one Malevolence was so powerfull, 7 of them will decimate us!

Grievous reached the red-lighted bridge. On the Holo-projector, there was an image of Count Dooku.


'General! Welcome to Malevolence II, your new flagship! And this shall be your new fleet.

'You arrived quite handy, Count. Now we can crush the Republic scums!

'Be carefull , General. These ships have the same weakness as their predecessor. Do no fail me again!

The image faded. One droid asked:

'General, what shall we do? They don't attack us.

'Fire the ion cannons! We are going to ground them! And target their flagships!

All the seven behemots unleashed waves of purple energy. The Resolute remained out of range, but almost every Venator ship was disabled.

'Unleash the turbolasers! Bleed them dry!

Dozens of turrets were pointed to the enemy fleet and started firing. The once battle that would have resulted in a failure now turned into a massive victory for the General. The clones were so overwhelmed that they didn't show any sign of resistance. After the first ship exploded, the battle turned into a massacre.


General's Grievous dark but sound laugh would have sent shivers into the Jedi's spines, if they have heard it.

The Resolute turned around quickly with the remnants of the mighty Republic fleet. Obi-Wan managed to escape his now destroyed ship, and was talking to Anakin.

'We must warn the Council! The CIS has built a secret Malevolence fleet. Things will get dark if we don't counter such force. But how did they do it?

'They couldn't! It takes too much time. Something miraculous must have happened.

'Master Yoda will surely know how to deal with this! Jump into Hyperspace before Grievous spots us.

Before long, the Kaleesh Warlord observed the Resolute going for retreat. It was out of the cannons range, so he growled frustrated. His mortal enemies were escaping again. However, Corellia was theirs, and the Invisible Hand actually survived!

'Contact the crew from my flagship! Tell them to set coordinates to Raxus Prime where they will get repairs.

Grievous actually liked that ship. He was going to let that on reserve for a while. If he would lose the Malevolence II....

Looking at the Core World, the General laughed again. A new era was going for the CIS, and the Republic will soon crumble under his new found might...


'What is it?

'The Corellian Representatives are trying to contact us.

'Patch them through.

A hologram of a well-dressed man appeared. Although he was human, his huge hat made him look like a greedy neimoidian.

'Salutations, mighty General Grievous. May we ask you what is your fleet doing on our orbit.

'Well, it seems I just destroyed your Space Station and made the Republic forces pull a desperate retreat. I suggest you surrender to the CIS.

'Well, maybe we can negotiate...

'Shut up! I am not paltrying with you now. Either you surrender, either you will die by the bombardements I am going to unleash upon the surface!

'That'a a bit too harsh... I am sure we will find your terms acceptable...

'Well then... I am going to come personally down to discuss those matter with you. Until then, know that you are under blockade and Separatist control. Your shipyards will be ours to take!

He cut the transmission off.

'Prepare my shuttle! We are going to their Planetary Governor' Palace.

'Right away, sir!

'Scumbag rich people. These corellians don't know the blight I will be upon them...

While traveling to Corellia's capital on the surface, he observed the world's beauties. The planet was covered mostly in green but it had seas and even mountains. It was equilibrate , being very advatantagous for the citizens. His thoughs were intrerupted by the landing. Once outside, a young man greeted him.

'Salutations, General Grievous! Welcome to Corellia!

'I suggest you shut up if you know what is good for you. Let's see the terms.... surrender immediately and lend your solar system shipyards to the CIS.

'Well, we can't actually offer this now... we need something in... return. You death will make fine.


The representative jumped in a cover, while from the pillars of the corridor they were walking, appeared soliders with rocket launchers. They fired. Grievous was unable to dodge that so he took the full hit. His armor however was impenetrable to little rockets. He was covered in black ash, stunned by the act. His body, though was unharmed, just dusty.

'Open fire!

Grievous decided to retreat. He wasn't going to battle those scums , when he could bombard the planet surface. He boarded back his shuttle and left for the orbit...

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