Pokemon Ranger: Savior

By KirariHime94

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Serena is running. Hiding from a shameful past, a challenge she couldn't take. So she tries her hand at those... More

Chapter One: The Letters
Chapter Two: Rookie Mission
Chapter Three: Escort The Professor!
Chapter Four: Krokka Tunnel
Chapter Five: Duties of a Ranger
Chapter Six: Memories
Chapter Seven: Odd Quads
Chapter Eight: Tranquility
Chapter Nine: Gordor
Chapter Ten: Dragons and Jungles
Chapter Eleven: Jungle Relic Challenges
Chapter Twelve: Calamity
Chapter Thirteen: Reflections
Chapter Fourteen: Factory Business
Chapter Sixteen: Secret Base
Chapter Seventeen: Penny for Thought
Chapter Eighteen: Pyramid Finale

Chapter Fifteen: Frosty Treks

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By KirariHime94

     Space. The final frontier. I have always been fascinated by it. Learning about the stars and celestial bodies thrilled me to no end, and finding the Space Center in Mossdeep City was one of my favorite moments in Hoenn. Museums always intrigue me, and there's one in Hoenn all about the ocean that I love so much, but the Mossdeep Space Center held my heart. It had a rocket docked in the back and plenty of technology and screens with readings of things unseen above. I got to use the large telescope it had to view gorgeous colorful paintings of the stars and galaxies.

     There's just something about the unknown that makes me want to explore and discover. It ignites a drive in me that not much else can replicate. Believe it or not, I've actually been to space, albeit just barely outside the atmosphere, once. I was on the back of a Pokemon, on a quest to stop a meteor from plummeting to the planet we call home and destroying everything we know. Pokemon really do make our lives so much more interesting. I can't possibly imagine a world without them. 

     I've been deep in the earth into the heart of lava-filled caverns close to the planet's core with Pokemon. I've been to the bottom of the expansive ocean, exploring beauteous coral reefs and deep dark trenches, with Pokemon. I've soared through the skies on the back of a Pokemon, carrying me across vast lands, feeling the cool wind on my face. I've even met and captured an alien Pokemon from that meteor in space after an intense and memorable battle. Pokemon bring us wonders and joy, discoveries and inspiration. Above all, I'm most grateful for the adventures they've brought me and the lessons they taught me. This new path of being a Ranger has proven fruitful so far, and I can not wait to embark on the next road to adventure.

     Which, I thought, was supposed to be taking a submarine through an underwater tunnel.

     The Aquamole was ready and looking super cool, and I was beyond excited to take it beneath the waves. However, the tunnel was shorter than I expected, dark and empty, and nothing happened. Before I knew it, I surfaced in a cold cavern decked in ice, and my only way forward was into the caves. Not what I expected, but being in a submarine was a first. Positive thinking, right?

     Not even a few feet on land, and my feet were crunching on snow. It was definitely more chilly here than elsewhere. We are just to the south of the mountain range that divides the Sinnoh region, so the cold climates around these parts make sense. Doesn't mean I was prepared for it. Now I'm glad my uniform was a little big on me because it provides a little bit of warmth. Meager warmth, but some nonetheless.

     I was greeted by a big burly man who was most definitely dressed for this weather. He wore thick layers and what looked like furs, and it had a somewhat tribal vibe to it. He walked right up to me, so I'm assuming he is meant to escort me through the Panula Cave. "I'm Chris. Follow me." Then he turned right back down the wooden steps to the cave entrance without another word. Doesn't talk much, does he?

     Entering the cave, I could feel it getting colder. There were naturally formed step like cliffs that I climbed, avoiding gusts of wind from Golbat that had quite the agenda of chasing around Rangers. Dancing Jynx were a sight to see, though. At the top of these small cliffs, Chris was waiting. "Hurry." Simple man. Then there was a short quake. Regaining my balance, I look at Chris questioningly. "Lots of tremors lately," he simply said, then turned and went onward. That's reassuring, not.

     It kept getting colder the further we went in, and there were tremors occasionally that got stronger as we traveled inwards. Pretty soon the caves were encased in ice practically everywhere, and the stalactites and stalagmites looked like icicles sprouting from the floor and ceiling. Chris stopped at a cave threshold, and wouldn't move. I gave him another confused look and all he said was, "That Steelix is asleep. It's in the way." I peek through, and sure enough there is a huge metal snake chilling in the middle of the path. Maybe something heavy would awaken it? 

     I searched around and found a Poliwrath to spray a heavy burst of water at the Steelix's face. He woke up with a roar, then retreated back into an adjacent cave. Chris went ahead again and I followed, heading downwards. I didn't get why I had to do the work. Chris seemed like a perfectly capable Ranger himself.

     Deeper into the cave, I could hear the sound of water. Pretty soon we were in a cavern with freezing waterways and waterfalls. I'm surprised they weren't frozen over, but it sure was absolutely freezing now, and I was shivering as I walked. My fingers were so cold, my captures were slower. Following Chris down yet another flight of stairs, the floor was now completely covered in ice and I had to be careful to keep my balance or slip and fall.

     "Leader. Brought the guest." I wasn't sure who Chris was talking to, but when I got closer and stood next to him on the ice I saw her. She was a tall and cool looking woman with pretty purple hair and a nice warm dress coat on. She looked like someone to look up to and admire, and the way she carried herself commanded respect.

     "You're Serena? I'm Elita, the Leader of Wintown. You've already met Chris. I call him 'Silent Chris' for obvious reasons." Heh, just the nickname I was about to bestow upon him. "You don't have far to go to the Wintown exit. But there's a problem..." I wonder who is going to solve said problem?

     Apparently a litter of Piloswine was rampaging in the way, making the corridor to Wintown unusable. A baby Swinub got separated from the litter due to the recent unexplained tremors. the Piloswine were fierce, and looked like they wouldn't take no for an answer. Elita was investigating the tremors, so it was left to me to fix the issue with the Piloswine.

     Chris spoke up before we parted ways. "Leader...On the way, there was a rarely seen..." That was it. That was all he said, but Elita gasped and knew what he was trying to imply.

     "There was a Steelix?! That must be causing the tremors. Chris, guide me there, please!" So the two of them left me alone in a frozen cavern, where I was chased relentlessly by Glalie while on a hunt for a Swinub. Did I mention I love Pokemon yet?

     Lucky me, I got to have a little fun with this one. There was a slide naturally formed out of ice, and I could take it down to the ledge the Swinub was trapped on. I kept missing the hole and landing elsewhere, but that just meant I could slide again and again. It was exhilarating, but still damn cold.

     Returning the Swinub to its family, the Piloswine calmed right down and left. I was able to climb up the rest of the stairs to the other side of the cavern that was previously unreachable due to the freezing waterways.

     It seemed like there wasn't much left for me to go. Of course, its my life we're talking here, and things are never going to be that easy. Close to the exit, a huge tremor commenced, and right before me the wall exploded! Out came an angry Steelix and it charged right for me! "Capture on!"

     This angry fella was itself a danger. Just touching the Steelix caused massive damage! It kept slithering in a wide loop, and my Line wasn't long enough to get around it when it did that. I needed Plusle's help with this one, and I was able to capture it soon enough. Soon after, I hear footsteps, and Elita and Chris are coming up right behind me.

     "You captured the Steelix? Really?" I nodded, smiling. "I'd received many reports about a Steelix going wild in the cave, so I was conducting an investigation. I don't think there's any question that Steelix caused the tremors. I just don't understand why." The Steelix went off then, quaking the ground as it did. Then a certain annoyance comes walking in its place.

     "I come check on the Steelix and I'll be darned, what do I find? A brat, some lady, and a stone-faced guy fouling up our perfect plan!"

     Oh boy, here we go again.

     "I'm assuming you wanted to shut down the tunnel by causing quakes galore? Can you fools find something better to do with your time?" I taunt. The Coconut Head just snickers and runs away.

     "Halt, Go-Rock Squad!!" Elita calls and runs after him, but it's too late and he's nowhere to be seen. A few more wooden stairways and I exit the cave, and it was nothing  but a short grassy, hilly road to the town.

     Wintown is a pretty and quaint little town built into the cliffs of this mountainous area. Elita was waiting for me alone by the Ranger Base. "It's bitterly cold, but a Ranger doesn't whine about it. This is your destination, Wintown." Well, that basically means my mission is complete, because the main objective was to reach my destination by any means possible. Plusle and I do our lovely perfected pose.

     Elita was looking off into the distance, her hair blowing in the wind. "That Go-Rock Squad member fled into the Sekra Range. Like it said in the reports from Spenser and Joel, the Go-Rock Squad's secret base is somewhere in the Sekra Range."

     "That's what it seems like, yes. Those guys chose an interesting place to be dorks." I think I got a snicker from her, but she was serious again right after.

     "Serena, you're going to be assigned a mission of vital importance for the first time. It's one that you won't be able to accomplish unless you're fully committed. Are you willing to lay it on the line?"

     Serious and resolved myself, I replied, "Yes, ma'am. I would do anything to help the Rangers and protect people and Pokemon everywhere." She smiled, and we headed inside the Base. This one was wonderfully blue with a wintry feel to it. It even has potted evergreen trees. Light blue is my favorite color, and this Base is giving me inspiration for decorating back home. 

     "Serena, welcome to Wintown." Drawn out of my admiration reverie, I face the Leader. "The pressures placed on you as a Ranger were considerable. However, you overcame them all to stand before me in Wintown. Serena, I hereby certify you as Ranger Rank 9!" Woah, hold on a second. This is the most wondrous thing. As far as I know, my father was only at Ranger Rank 9 when he retired from being a Ranger. I've finally met his status, and only on the third day? I can't wait to boast when I go home. Pose time!

     I get the fifth segment opened on my Partner Gauge, so now Plusle can help me to the fullest extent of its abilities. I am overjoyed to have found a little Pokemon to be on this journey with me. No matter what, I'll always have a Pokemon by my side.

     "I have your newest mission from Spenser, who should already be inside the Go-Rock Squad's secret base. Your assignment is to act as a decoy so that Spenser has a better chance of recovering the Super Styler." I look at her quizzically. "Your job is to infiltrate the secret base and attract the attention of the Go-Rock Squad. While you create a diversion, Spenser will go in and take back the Super Styler. Even though you're only acting as Spenser's decoy, this mission isn't going to be easy!" I nod in understanding. I'm happy I get to explore the rest of the region, and even more happy to help out Spenser. He needs MY help! This should be fun.

     Just then, another Ranger approaches me. "Hi, pleased to meet you. I'm Freddie." He was dressed real tight in a thick coat, and I could barely see his face. 

     "I'm Serena! Nice to meet you too." We shake hands, or rather I shake his gloved hand. 

     "My role in this mission is to remain outside the Go-Rock Squad's secret base and try to attract their attention. In other words, I'll be the outside decoy. Let's use teamwork and get through this mission!" I thought I was doing this mission alone with Spenser, but if he's going to stay outside then I guess this works. I smile and nod affirmation, and the two of us head back out in the gosh darn cold.

     Trekking into the foothills of the Sekra mountains, the air smelled very fresh even if the cold was biting to the core. Supposedly, the base was located close to the summit, so I would have to get through some woods and then climb the mountain. I'm not yet sure if I do that via a network of caves or if I'll be on the outside the entire time. I was just pondering all this when a Charizard flew overhead of me.

     "Charizard, stop!" Running up was Aria. She saw me and paused for breath. "Oh, Serena! The Charizard that just flew off is the one from the Jungle Relic! It looks as if it was more badly injured than we thought. It appears to still be angry and hateful. I tried to capture it so I could help it, but I didn't have any luck..." The fact that Aria is willingly admitting her failures or shortcomings to me without a fuss, I'd say, is an improvement, and a symbol of newfound trust between us. "Serena, you can do it, can't you? Actually, I think it will only listen to you, Serena. Please save it before you go to the hideout."

     "Yes, of course. Aria, don't worry, we can help the Charizard! Everything will be fine." No more attitude, no more Arrogant Aria. I like this side of her. She's a good person.

     "Thank you, Serena...I have a confession. I was ordered by Elita to assist you. Before, I would have agreed but only reluctantly. But it's different this time. Do you know why?" I simply raise an eyebrow, waiting for the sap. "Because I'm realizing that you're actually a Ranger who's worth respecting."

     "Thank you, Aria. I hold nothing but respect for you, too. I really appreciate that. We barely have time now, though, so let's get moving. Together!" The smile I get from her this time was genuine and sincere, and I knew I had a new and strong friend I could trust. 

     The two of us go after the injured dragon and follow it as it flies further into the woods. Before we could reach the area, we were stopped a few times by some Coconut Heads and their mini squads of Pokemon. Aria, unlike some previous companions, actually helped capture some with me. Her movements were deliberate and focused, and together we made a great team knocking some sense into the dorks.

     "You're pretty amazing, you know that, Aria?"

     "Yeah, you're actually not so bad, yourself." Her teasing is now kind and not laced with malice. This is great!

     We got closer to the Charizard when we watched some Coconut Heads messing with an Altaria. The female wanted the lower Grunt to capture it for her. The Altaria busted his Styler and flew off, making a thick fog in its wake. They speed off, and suddenly thanks to them it's difficult to see.

     "That's what happens when you anger an Altaria." Aria is more conversational now.

     "Yea, they would do this when we're in a hurry." Slowly rushing headlong into the white, dense fog, I find and capture the Altaria. It stops emitting the fog and soon it's clear enough to continue to the summit.

     "You've polished your technique considerably since I last saw you."

     "Thanks, Aria." We head further up the mountainous path. The wind was blowing briskly here, and the grass and flowers danced in the breeze. Just past a waterfall and small creek, there was a burned and destroyed portion of the foothill woods. Following the trail of destruction, we found the Charizard. He was definitely visibly suffering pain. 

     This capture was somewhat more difficult than back in the Jungle Relic. The Charizard spat flames as it flew, and when it landed it threw flames into the air to land haphazardly around the area. I drew my Loops around it and the flames, careful not to touch anything, as it walked around among the fire. I conveyed all my feelings of trust and understanding in the capture, and it was a success.

     I approached the dragon then, and it was calm and holding more still. It lowered its head towards me, and I patted it. This reminds me a lot of my own Charizard. He's my faithful companion.

     "It's ok, Charizard, everything is ok now. We will never hurt you." It seemed to understand, and I released it. Flying in a loop, it came back around to hover by me. Then it roared and flew off. I think it was thanking me.

     "That is definitely a load off my shoulders. Thanks for your help, Serena."

     "Anytime. Let's go on." There was a set of large stone stairs that climbed further up the cliffs, and the woods and grass started to become sparse as we climbed. We were getting up the mountain now for sure. Navigating up and around cliffs with falling rocks, I find Freddie standing near the top.

     "Serena! It looks like the Go-Rock Squad members are coming out somewhere ahead. It's weird though. The doors to the Fiore Temple are firmly shut; there's no getting in or out. There's a waterfall up ahead, but it's on a sheer cliff face. There's no getting across that. I wonder where the Go-Rock Squad is coming from then?"

     "Yeah, that is confusing. We'll figure it out, though. We have to." Freddie nods and remains standing there as Aria and I keep going. At the top of this base part, there were big old doors just like Freddie mentioned. They looked ancient, and I definitely wanted to see more and explore more. It was intricately designed on the front, and colorful pictures were painted on the front and side pillars. There were steps carved into the mountain behind it. However, there was also no way to open them, like Freddie said. So how was the Coconut Heads getting anywhere? It seemed we were at a dead end.

     The Fiore Grand Falls, which is the huge waterfall Freddie mentioned, was off to the west of the cliff face. It was huge, but there some places that looked like we could lasso across with the local Tangela hopping around. So, that's what we do.

     After getting across the falls, Aria gets a text from Elita. "Serena, sorry! I have to return to Wintown immediately! There aren't enough rangers available, so Elita needs help."

     "That's ok, Aria. Thank you for helping me so far."

     "I know you can do the rest on your own. You've become that good. Please, be careful."

     "You, too." She throws up a cute peace sign and smile, and I wave as she hurries off. She cares about my safety now, too. Good ole Aria. I start to climb the sheer rock face, again chased by Gligar, climbing to the very top of this side of the mountain. It was very cold up here.

     Almost at the top, I heard a weird mechanical noise. Then a voice. "I got chewed out by the boss again today. I got caught scratching my back with my Styler, and that didn't go over well...If I get caught goofing off again, I'd be in for another reprimand. Back to work!" Then that noise, and silence. 

     I climb over the edge and see literally nothing but a big boulder just sitting there. The top of this peak is small, and there's nothing but the boulder and some foot space to stand. Where in the world did that Coconut Head come from or go?

     I notice a depression in the boulder, and an aha moment clicked in my head. It was a button! I push it, and lo and behold, the boulder rises, lifting a tubular elevator! This was the entrance to the secret base! 

     I got them now.

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