Blood and Apples: An Annora P...

By BellesLuckyMelody

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Moments; singular, siphoned, like grains of sand which fall restlessly, and build without limits...growing wi... More

Chapter One: Blood Tells
Chapter Two: Follow the Blood
Chapter Three: Veiled in the Vein
Chapter Four: Murder served Cold
Chapter Five: Articulated Arteries
Chapter Six: Consumed Carotid
Chapter Seven: Imbued in the Blood
Chapter Eight: Blood of my Heart
Chapter Nine: Dark Fae Drinks
Chapter Ten: Heavenly Host
Chapter Eleven: Where Angels Fear to Tread
Chapter Twelve: Murder Menagerie
Chapter Thirteen: Apples and Enigmas
Chapter Fourteen: Jagged Jugular
Chapter Fifteen: Temporal Lobes and Twilight
Chapter Sixteen: Finicky Familiars
Chapter Seventeen: Court of Light And Dark
Chapter Eighteen: Problems and Party Favors
Chapter Nineteen: Illuminating Luminescence
Chapter Twenty: Raining Red and Bleeding Gold
Chapter Twenty-One: Drinking From Death's Cup
Chapter Twenty-Two: Diving into Death and Dark
Chapter Twenty-Three: Splitting Shades and Shadows
Chapter Twenty-Four: Lost in Temptation
Chapter Twenty-Five: Cancerous Cunundrum
Chapter Twenty-Six: Cravings under a darkened sky
Twenty Seven: Desperate Disintegration
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Ruined Realms and Wrecking Balls
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Bleeding on the Brain
Chapter Thirty: Love, Hate and Lacerated Livers
Chapter Thirty-Two: Living Lumbar
Chapter Thirty-Three: Killing For Keepsakes
Chapter Thirty-Four: Lessons To Kill
Chapter Thirty-Five: Cavity in the Cranium
Chapter Thirty-Six: Angel Gold and Devils Blood
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Laying down the Law and Guzzling Guts
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Tracks, Trails and Probable Deniability
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Lies and Lacerations
Chapter Forty: Lost in Love, Torn and Teathered
Chapter Forty-One: Mindfully Mended, Beautifully Broken
Chapter Forty-Two: Lessons on a Learning Curve
Chapter Forty-Three: Madness, Missing and Mutual Acquaintance
Chapter Forty-Four: Listening for a Lifeline
Chapter Forty-Five: Disparity and Desperation
Chapter Forty-Six: Running From Ruination
Chapter Forty-Seven: Cataclysm and Catastrophe

Chapter Thirty-One: Rush of Ruin

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By BellesLuckyMelody

    I was rather pleased with my handiwork. I'd managed to fish out the bullets and deposit them on the kitchen table next to the Pad Thai. Walker insisted on keeping them. I thought he was crazy. But that wasn't anything new.
"Eat, eat Annora darling. No point in wasting good food." Walker says. I look down at where Garrett is still lying in a great, ol' giant lump on the ground and bite my lower lip nervously. "Ohhhh don't worry about the kid, he's fine, he's fine, right Birdie? You didn't do anything lasting to him, correct? Mores the pity, in my opinion."
"Romanoff is correct, Annora my beloved. Goodson is fine. He's sleeping."
"Uhhhh he looks like he's in a freaking coma," I snap.
Chamuel cocks his head. " apt description of what his body is going through at the moment."
"You put him in a coma!" I shriek at Chamuel.
Chamuel sighs. "Amour, he was being completely unreasonable. He'd just shot Romanoff, twice, may I add, and was going to come to take you by force if need be."
"He'd never—"
"—I read the intent in his eyes, yes, amour, he most certainly would have. I had few options left to me. This was the least...harmful of them."
"Again, mores the pity," Walker interjects.
"Shut up Walker," I say, then sigh. I push back a few strands of escaped hair and then grimace. "I'm sorry, Chamuel. You're right, you're right. There wasn't much else you could do. And...and...well this won't hurt him in the long run, correct?"
"Correct, my beloved. He will wake when I will it. He may have a headache, but other than that, he'll be just fine. Well, not fine exactly, as there is something definitely 'off' about him right now. But physically he'll be no worse for wear."
I let out a deep sigh of relief. "Okay, good, good." I lick my lips. "I...I am a little hungry."
"Well of course you are, darling girl. Sit, sit, and eat. In fact, I think since Goodson was so obliging to bring double portions, I'll partake as well."
"Oh of course, Walker," I say. "I mean you just got shot twice. I think you deserve some freaking food for your troubles." And I smile when he laughs. We fish out some plates (black of course) and begin to dish out the food. "Oooohhhh it's still a little warm," I say happily.
"I can heat—"
"—nope, we've been through this before," I say laughing. "Take my food from me and I stick a fork through your hand. I'm fine just like this." I put a bit of everything onto my plate except for the Tom Yum soup which I bring into the circle of my arms and eye Walker dangerously as if to say, you touch and you die.
Walker laughs, "You're not sharing the Tom Yum?"
"Nope, no way Jose. This soup is mine, all's my precious." And I grin when Walker laughs louder.
"We should have a movie marathon Annora darling. We could start with The Lord of the Rings trilogy and move onto Star Wars, oh and then The Avengers. Oh, then Hellraiser, the Saw movies, and the Jason and Freddy movies."
"You know I don't do horror movies."
"I know, and I don't get it." Walker bemoans, "They're soooooo bloody good!"
Bloody good.  Probably why I didn't like them in the first place.
I sigh and chew thoughtfully on my food before swallowing and answering him. "I think I see enough horror, Walker. I don't need to see anymore, even if it's not real."
"But that's the point. It isn't real, my pretty girl. And it's always amusing to see how wrong they get everything."
"Wrong?" I ask.
"Oh horror movies are always wrong. Especially the ones with serial murderers. They're always so sloppy, messy and stupid. And nothing is realistic at all. That's why you should enjoy it, it's sooo far from being real its amusing."
"Then why do YOU enjoy them. Why do you watch them?"
"Well, because they still contain blood, guts and gore galore, darling girl. I like that stuff, you know," and his eyes gleam. "Although the first Saw movie had promise, the second one wasn't too terrible. Then they just got silly. I like psychological thrillers and horror too, like 'Silence of the Lambs,' that was one terrific movie."
"Okay, I'll give that one to you. That is an excellent movie. A really excellent movie, and Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins are truly spectacular!"
"Especially Anthony Hopkins," Walker says,
And I nod, "Yes, especially Anthony Hopkins. Although Ted Levine as Buffalo Bill was really spectacular."
"Oh yes, how could I have forgotten him. He was truly wonderful! He played his part perfectly. I wonder if he enjoys any of that stuff in real life."
"Uhhhh I don't think Ted Levine is anything like his character in Silence of the Lambs, Walker."
Oh Walker, Walker, Walker. "Do you realize, seriously, do you realize just how nuts you sound most of the time.  I mean, is it really a wonder that people think you're a psychopath?"
   Walker shrugs.  "I can't control what people think of me, Annora darling girl.  You better than anyone know that,  And so what if they think I'm a psychopath.  I mean, I am a psychopath.  At least I'm better than that asshole Dark Fae King,  he's a total sociopath.  I'm not quite that bad."
   Hmmm...the two of them were kinda neck to neck in my opinion, but I wasn't going to go there right now.  "Can we just agree that if I agree to watch 'Silence of the Lambs with you,' you WILL NOT discuss all the gorgeous attributes of Buffalo Bill. Cause I'm telling you, I swear I'll, I'll hex you."
   Walker laughs.  "Baby girl, you can't hex me, that's my territory."
   "Trust me, I'll figure out a way.  I'll agree to a movie marathon eventually, as long as you keep a a...a...civil tongue."
   "God, why must you ruin all of my fun, Annora darling girl?"
   "Because your fun is bloody, brutal and usually ends up with someone dead, Walker."
   "Hmmm...true. True.  Okay.  We'll try it your way."
Oh, I was SOOOO glad to know that he was willing NOT to kill anyone while we watched movies, or talk about skinning them or taking them apart piece by piece.
"Sooooooo which should we start with, baby girl?"
"Which of what should we start with?"
"What movie? What series? We'll make an evening of it. You me, my couch, or the Heavenly Chair if you can sit two," and he wiggles his eyebrows. "I'll conjure up some popcorn, kettle corn, your favorite!"
    My chest feels tight again and I run my hand over the skin over my heart, feeling uncomfortable suddenly. Why do I feel uncomfortable. Why does the idea of a movie marathon with Walker suddenly make my heart beat faster and the lead ball of concrete settle in my stomach again. Walker and I, well, sure he's kinda crazy. But he's MY crazy. And I have already established that I'll probably finish the bond with him. So why now am I so hesitant and...and...uncomfortable.  It's like something inside me rebels at the very idea of being well being being with him....with any of my guys for real.
"I...I don't know if that's a good idea."
"Of course it's a great idea." Walker seems to be getting into it now. "We could begin with Lord of the Rings if you'd prefer. But, truly, I'd much prefer Hellraiser.  Ohhhhh yes, Hellraiser! Clive Barker is a genius!"
I swallow—hard. "Hellraiser. Walker, Hellraiser is totally disgusting. I mean, this Frank buys a magic box that somehow when solved calls "Cenobites"—and they're totally into extreme sadomasochism. Larry, Frank's brother cuts his hand carrying a mattress up the stairs, and lets his blood drip on the attic floor. The blood resurrects Frank as a skinless corpse, who is soon found by Julia, Larry's wife and Frank's ex-lover. Still obsessed with Frank, she agrees to bring people back for him to drain so that he can be fully restored, and they can run away together. Julia begins picking up men in bars and bringing them back to the house, where she mortally wounds them. Frank sinks his hand into the dying bodies, draining their life, regenerating his body. Frank explains to Julia that he had exhausted all sensory experiences and sought out the puzzle box, with the promise that it would open a portal to a realm of new carnal pleasures."
   "I know, I know the story, it's delicious! The chains! The whips! The flesh torn from bone, and sinew and tendon and oh the blood...the delicious wonderful blood." Walker rubs his hands together,  You can't tell me you don't like this, my darling girl.  You're a Treader.  I KNOW you understand this as I do. The pain with pleasure."
   "Walker, that movie is totally sick.  I mean...I mean...his daughter solves the box and summons the Cenobites and Pinhead and they are crazy, even crazier than you, Walker.  I mean, they can't differentiate between pleasure and pain anymore, and the pain and death is THE ONLY way for them to have any pleasure."
   "AND?" Walker says.
   I stare at him shocked.  "Walker...that is NOT you.  You do not need pain not that extreme to feel pleasure in the act."
   Walker sighs.  "I guess not.  I mean, it IS more pleasure with some bloodletting, but the act in itself in pleasurable even without the extreme blood and gore."
   I roll my eyes.  "Oh well, what a fucking relief that is."
   "Soooo..." Walker frowns, "No Hellraiser."
   "Hell no," I snort.
   "May I suggest Star Wars?" Chamuel says smiling.
   I match his smile.  "The originals right? 4, 5, and 6, right? The only ones that REALLY matter."
   Chamuel nods, "But of course."
   "Hey, I never invited you to movie marathon night, Birdie."
   "That is fine, I'm inviting myself, Ramanoff."
"Can we bring the DVD player and movies to Tir na nOg," I ask, and watch as both men stiffen considerably.
"Must we?"
"You yourself said something was wrong with Garrett, Chamuel, and...and...if I admit it to myself...I do feel somewhat...odd."
"Odd? How so?"
"My chest it's so tight, Chamuel. I feel such an aching horrible sadness. And whenever Garrett is close to me, I feel this weird pull to him. No don't freak out. I'm not attracted to him, and I don't feel anything for him like what I feel for you guys...but there is this odd feeling. My chest feels like it's turning to stone, like my heart is becoming a solid mass of concrete. It's awful." I rub my chest again. "I don't know what's wrong. And I don't like not knowing what is going on. And...I have this weird feeling that I'll find my answers in Tir na nOg."
"My amour, may not be so off, Romanoff. This only began AFTER we returned, correct? perhaps the answers we seek are in Fairy. She did promise Branuel Of De A'lanuel she'd return three days hence. She only has one more day anyway."
"I don't like it." Walker mutters.
"You don't fucking like anything, Walker," I mutter. "Listen, I'm packing up my apartment, and you're going to figure out what to do with Garrett, something that doesn't have him passed out like a lump on a log on the fucking ground, okay? When I return from my apartment we're going to portal to Tir na nOg and we're going to figure out this shit, okay? Oh..." And I give Walker a small smile to soften the blow, "I've got a portable DVD player at my place, I'll bring the DVD player if you'll bring the moves...okay?"
Walker sighs. "Fine, fine, for you Annora darling, for you darling girl anything."
    And THAT was what I was counting on.

   "Well...I didn't hurl this time," I mutter, even though my stomach still feels like it went though a fucking blender.
   "No, you did not.  You are getting better at this, my amour."  Chamuel smiles.  "It probably helps that we portaled to the secret grove too.  The power is very potent here.  It would help you transition a little easier."
   "Oh, and NOW you tell me," I say snidely,
   Chamuel sighs.  "I only just thought of it right now, my beloved.  Forgive me, please."
   I put my hand in his and nod.  "I forgive you.  I mean, it's not like you don't  have a shit ton on your mind right now too." I frown when i see a familiar carriage pulling up.  "What IS is with these guys and their freaking carriages.  I mean honestly,  You'd think we were stuck in the 16th century or earlier even."
   "As I said, amour, time has no meaning here in Fairy.  They prefer the...old ways, the Goddess touched ways."
   "Couldn't we just portal to Terrenel's palace?"
   "We could," Chamuel says and then stops, and I narrow my eyes. 
   "What?  What is it, Chamuel.  What aren't you telling me."
   "My beloved."
   "Don't my beloved me, tell me what the fuck is going on."
   "We are not going to Terrenel's palace first.  We are going to see Branuel Or De A'lanuel."
   "Noooo," I whine,  "Awe come on,  Don't I get a rest before I need to deal with his crazy?  I mean, I just got finished dealing with Walker's brand of nutso!"
   "Hey, darling girl, you know you love me."
   "That is up for debate, dude," I mutter.
"You promised, amour."
"Promise, shmomise," I gripe. "Fine, fine, we'll go see the sociopathic king." I turn to Walker then, "Heck, you could totally turn Branuel Or De A'lanuel onto the Hellraiser series. That seems right up his fucking alley."
"Actually," and Walker has the good grace to blush.
I groan, "Oh jeez dont' tell me you brought them."
   "How could I not? As you said, they are right up his alley?"
I shudder.  Great, just great.  Just what the murder slap happy king needed, more ideas for his chamber of horrors.  "You are too much, Walker."
   "If it makes you happy, my beloved, I brought The King and I, as well," Chamuel said smiling.
   "Suck up," Walker mutters.
   I smile then, "Oh, awesome, Chamuel.  Thank you.  Yes, now I'll totally watch The King and I with Branuel Or De A'lanuel.  It might give him a lesson or two on how to not be a total asshole, or else he lose the girl."
   "The girl being you," Walker says dryly.
   I stick my tongue out at him.  Childish, but I don't care.  "Any girl.  He treats them like shit, Walker, Chamuel.  He could definitely use a 'how to treat a girl" etiquette lessons."
   "Etiquette lessons," Walker laughs, "Etiquette lessons....of you're adorable, Annora darling."
"Seriously just stop, Walker. You know how much I have being called cute and adorable. It makes me sound like a fucking bunny. And I'm no one's fucking bunny," I growl this last part out.
"Get into the carriage, Lady Royal and guests," The coach driver instructs us.
I look first at Walker and then to Chamuel and sigh. "I guess we're doing this then."
Walker looks excited and rubs his hands together. "I guess we are. Okay, in you go, darling girl."
    In I go. In I fucking go. Great, just great. Another trip to the meat locker which was Branuel Or De A'lanuel's palace. Just how the fuck did I get into these damned predicaments?

"My beautiful Mo bhanrigh meadhan oidhche, it is so good to see you...and looking so well, my beautiful queen." Branuel Or De A'lanuel comes rushing over. At least this time we'd been shown to a giant study, and not the meat locker throne room that looked more like a dungeon than anything else.
"Well, I promised didn't I?" I say a bit harshly, and instantly regret it when his face falls.
"You sound...upset...angry even, Mo bhanrigh meadhan oidhche. What is wrong?"
What a loaded question that was. He should be asking what was right? "Sorry," I rub my chest again and sigh. "It has been a very trying two days, okay? I...I had some issues with my partner. I had to go to another murder scene, this one was particularly...horrible...he took—"
"—The brain!" Walker jumps in, eyes bright, excited even. "He took the brain, Mr. Crazy King. Care to share why he's taking the brains? I mean, I have my theories, but I'd love to know if they're right."
"The brain you say?" Branuel looks thoughtful.
"He's gotten a taste for it," Branuel Or De A'lanuel murmurs so quietly I have to strain to hear him.
"YES!" Walker says triumphant. He turns to me. "Didn't I say nearly the same thing before we came over?"
I sigh. "Yes, yes, Walker. My what a smart boy you are."
"Do NOT call me a boy, Annora darling. I am most certainly NOT a boy. And I'm nothing like that kid we left in the human realm."
"Kid?" Branuel Or De A'lanuel frowns. "What kid? Do you have a child, Mo bhanrigh meadhan oidhche. I did not think it so, I felt as if I'd have known something like that."
I choke on my laughter. "NO! Oh my Gah, no, no kids, no kids for me."
"Ever?" Chamuel says quietly.
I turn to Chamuel then. "Huh?"
"You said, no kids for you. Do you mean, as in ever, my beloved. Because in regards to this trust we're building between us...I feel obligated to tell you that The Graces they see more than a few children in your—"
"—La la la la..." I cover my ears. "I don't hear you. I don't hear you, Chamuel."
"Now Annora darling, don't be a child. Wouldn't you love a few little Walker's running around," Walker says, with a lascivious smile on his face.
    OH MY GOD! Children! Children with these men. Nope. Nope. Not doing this right now. Compartmentalization Annora, remember, compartmentalization.
   "We have more important things to discuss right now guys," I say, taking my hands off my ears and glaring at Chamuel.  How dare he bring up such a subject right now.
   "I apologize my amour...I just thought you'd like to know—"
   "—Well I DON'T!" I yell, and the stone in my chest seems to grow and solidify.  I swallow.  What the fuck was wrong with me? I was so damned angry.  I mean.  No I wasn't crazy that Chamuel had brought up the subject of kids.  But I shouldn't be this angry over it, should I?
   " beloved.  You shouldn't.  Something is...definitely not right."
   "Sooooo this is why you've come.  Something is amiss with my queen."
   "Our queen," Walker spits out.
   "She might be yours in some way, War Lak.  But trust me when I say, she is definitely NOT your queen.  You have no part in the Fae Royal Court, therefore, she cannot be your queen."
   "She is most certainly my queen," Walker says quietly, gently.  More gently than I've ever heard from him before.  "The queen of my heart."
   Branuel claps his hands.  "Oh who knew the War Lak could be so poetic."
   I point at Branuel and glare at him.  "Don't you DARE mock him, Branuel Or De A'lanuel.  Walker and I may have a complicated history, but he and I...he and I...we...we..." I look to Walker then and swallow heavily before saying, " one another." I don't wait to see what he might say or how he looks before turning back to the Dark Fae King, who looks shocked now.  "You and I? Well we've got little between us right now but intense devision and a very possible love hate—leaning toward hate hate relationship.  So, don't you dare mock, my Walker."  I stiffen when I feel arms come around me, and then force myself to relax.  It's Walker, I'd know those arms anywhere.
   "You love me, darling girl," he whispers.
   I swallow.  The stone in my chest is still there.  But somehow it seems slightly looser and less concrete.  I nod jerkily.  "Yes, Walker.  You're a giant, and I mean, giant, pain in my ass.  You're very likely a true psychopath, and borderline sociopath, but as you said before, you're MY psychopath and sociopath.  And yes...I love you.  God, how could I not? I fought it, I fought it so hard....but you know me, I fight everything," I laugh bitterly.  "But when mom died...well, your mom basically took me under her wing...and were always there...always there as my protector."
   "Oh my darling, my sweet, sweet darling.  Why then did you stay way for so long? almost broke me, darling girl."
   I lean against him.  Snuggling my back more firmly against his front.  "Again, I'm sorry, Walker.  But...again, YOU KNOW me.  The more obvious something is, the scarier it is for me, and the more I'll fight against it. scared me...I mean...what I felt for you scared me.  And...I had to get away.  I couldn't let myself fall for you, not then.  I was too...too fragile.  Mom had just died...and I was working toward becoming an officer.  And then, well, Garrett and I got partnered up and it became easier to pretend..." I gulp, " pretend that you, and what existed between us, didn't exist."
   "As lovely as this all it...I think it's going to make me sick," Branuel Or De A'lanuel says dryly.  "All this heart and flower stuff...that's what you humans say, correct, War Lak? All the hearts and flowers make me want to Keck."
   I raise an eyebrow.  "Keck?" I ask
   "It is an old word means to wretch, to uh throw up," Chamuel explains to me.
   I roll my eyes.  "Gah, you guys all talk sooooo freaking OLD and so damn formal."
   "Regardless, it is how we speak," Branuel Or De A'lanuel says and then he turns somber eyes to me.  "So, tell me, what is wrong? Other than the fact that you harbor love for the War Lak."
   "Well, other than the fact that my partner has gone completely loo loo and that I feel like I have a stone lead ball in my chest?"
   "Loo loo?"
   "She means that her human partner, Garrett Goodson seems to have taken leave of his senses.  He's become obsessed with my amour, and went so crazed that he shot Romanoff twice with his sidearm."
   "His department issued gun."
   At this, Branuel Or De A'lanuel's eyes brighten considerably.  "He shot you, War Lak?"
   Walker shares Branuel's smile with one of his own.  "Oh yeah, twice.  It was great!  And if Annora darling hadn't stopped us, we would have had a lot more fun.  I'd barely gotten to bleed him."
   "Now that IS a shame," Branuel says, "tsk tsk...well you look no wore for wear.  So I take it that the bullets did no lasting harm."
   "Nope, Annora darling fished them out."
   Branuel's eyes gleam.  "Would you do that for me, my midnight queen?"
   "Do what?"
   "If I let you shoot me, would you carve the bullets out afterwards and take care of me."
   I look horrified. I know I do.  "No, no way!'
   "Now I'm just hurt.  You'd do it for the War Lak but not for me."
   "No, no I mean, sure I'd help you if you were hurt." I think I would, that is. "But hell no I'm not shooting you, you sociopath."
"But we'd have so much fun. We could do it in bed."
    OH. MY. GOD.
"Branuel Or De A'lanuel, my amour, is not THERE yet. You must back down a bit."
"Back down? Try back off!" I shout. "Listen you crazy sonofabitch. I'm not fucking you, and I'm not going to shoot you while we're fucking. That's totally crazy sick. And you, you're just loony! You're the looniest person I've ever met. And there is no way I'm ever going to be alone with you in any intimate setting EVER! Do you understand." I finish out in a rush and swallow. Whoa!!! I hadn't quite meant to let all of that out, Where had that all come from?
Branuel narrows his eyes and before he can say anything, Chamuel takes me from Walker and wraps me in his arms protecting me within the circle of his arms.
"It is as we have been trying to tell you, Branuel Or De A'lanuel. There is something amiss with my amour. She is forthright, blunt to the point to being rude at times...but this...this is much even for her. Something is not right. We came to you with hopes you could explain what is going on. This occurred when we returned from your realm." Chamuel sighs. "I can feel her bonds, but they're very strained. Especially..." He sighs, even deeper then, "Especially yours, Branuel Or De A'lanuel."
   Branuel Or De A'lanuel comes over to me and cups my cheeks, and looks deeply into my swirling eyes.  "What has happened to you, my midnight queen."
   "No-no—nothing," I mutter. I gasp when he pulls me out of Chamuel's arms and wraps his own around me. He tucks me under his chin and presses us tightly together.
"I too can feel it...the strain. Something...something is not right with the bond. Something is..." He pulls back, his eyes are stormy and furious. "AMIRA!" He spits out.
"Huh?" I ask.
"When she healed your heart wound. She must have done is the only explanation that I can come up with."
    THAT BITCH! I knew. I knew I shouldn't have let her touch me.
"That bitch!" Walker spits out, and I almost laugh. "Well fix it."
Branuel Or De A'lanuel sighs. "I cannot. Only Amira can correct what she wrought. And unfortunately she will not be up to...fixing anything for a little bit."
I narrow my eyes. "What do you mean?"
"Just that, my midnight queen. She went to Yuriel's tender mercies...and mine. She is in no condition to be doing any healing other than her own...and even that will take some time."
"You tortured her," I said flatly.
   "No more than she deserved for her impudence." His eyes darken considerably, "And now...I shall have to do more.  She cannot get away with this, my darling queen."
   "I agree," Walker says, voice just as flat as mine.  "However, can I suggest you wait to torture her anymore until she heals adequately to heal my darling girl? And just how long is it going to take her to heal from her injuries. Annora darling is straining badly. You felt it yourself. Her bonds are very shaky, yours especially. And whatever has happened to her, it effected Goodson on Earth."
"The kid that's her partner on the human realm."
"He is NOT a kid, Walker." Walker ignores me and continues.
"As much as I'd LOVE another shot at Goodson, I don't relish my Annora Darlings's reaction to the violence between us, nor do I wish to know what else might happen because of what your crazy psycho bitch ex-lover did to my darling girl."
"She was hardly a lover."
"Did you fuck?" I ask crudely, and angrily. Cause yeah, I was pissed. I'd just begun to build our trust, and then I find out that he's been sleeping with someone else, AND that she's a crazy psycho bitch, who did some whacked out shit to me and fucked with me and through me, with Garrett. I watch as the Dark Fae King's eye twitches, it's almost funny.
"We slept together a handful of times, yes. But again, it was so infrequently she could hardly be called a lover."
"Listen dude, you fucked the girl, and she fell madly in love with you. And then you asked the girl who is madly in love with you to fix/heal the girl you're currently trying to woo, or sleep with, or whatever...what the fuck did you think the outcome was going to be?" I'm so angry I could spit fire. "Let me go before I do something I won't regret." I'm surprised, but happy when he does so instead of pushing the point. I move away from him and shake my head. "What did she do to me, Branuel Of De A'lanuel? Can you at least tell me that?"
Branuel runs a hand through his hair and sighs. "I'm not entirely certain. As I said, she is the best we have. Her healing power is unparalleled. Even her mother cannot touch her in the healing arts, although she is good...she might—"
"—YES!" Walker shouts. "Get the bitches mother here right away and fix this shit."
"You do not tell me what you do, War Lak."
"Do you disagree with me?" Walker asks.
"No. I just don't agree with you giving me imperious orders." Branuel looks thoughtful. "Perhaps...Desharra may at least figure out what her daughter did to you." Branuel nods. "I'll summon her immediately." He snaps his fingers and a small child appears next to him—no—not a child, a gnome. "Breshin, bring Desharra to me immediately."
The gnome, Breshin, bows low and immediately disappears. "Must be nice," I mutter.
"What must?"
"To wink in and out like that," I say.
"Oh, when we complete out link, you shall be able to do the same, my beautiful queen."
Hmmm...that had some promise to it.  A moment later a beautiful Fairy appears in the room.  Her hair is a dark waterfall of midnight black, much like my Branuel's (no, bad Annora, he wasn't my anything) she had beautiful black on black eyes, absolutely no pupils that i could see, just giant orbs of black.  She was slender, and garbed in a long black dress that I didn't entirely hate...kinda goth chic (as Walker called it).
   "You called, Your Majesty?"
   "I did, Desharra.  It seems that your daughter has been very, very naughty indeed."
   Desharra stiffens.  "I was under the impression she had already suffered for her infractions, Your Majesty."
   "Not nearly enough.  Not nearly enough," Branuel spits out.  His eyes swirl menacingly. "Apparently she not only insulted our Goddess blessed queen, but she did something when she was supposed to heal her.  She did something to our bonds."
   To her credit, Desharra looks horrified.  She drops immediately to her knees in front of Branuel and bows her head.  "Please, oh please Your Majesty forgive me...and forgive my child.  She...she knows not what she does.  I...I have tried to tell her that this obsession she harbors for you, is fruitless.  But she persists in her her obsession.  I told her what would happen if she insisted upon continuing down this path.  She...she wouldn't listen to me.  She, she loves you, Your Majesty."
   Branuel sighs, and for the first time I see a softness in his eyes I haven't seen except when he looks at me.  "Desharra, your devotion and love that you harbor for your child serves you well.  But Amira...she is not a child, she is a woman full grown and she must be punished, now more than ever.  What she had done is a death sentence you realize that, I know you do."  I gasp, but he ignores me and continues.  "To use her healing hand to is one of the worst of crimes."
   "But...but my Lord, I mean Your Majesty...she wasn't trying to harm or kill you....she loves you."
   "SILENCE!" Branuel suddenly shouts, furious, all hints of softness gone.  "She tried to take my queen from me.  In doing so she would have, she did harm me.  What would have happened if my midnight queen died? Did she even think that it could have possibly killed me too?  No! She thought naught of this. She thought ONLY of herself. I cannot accept this. I cannot let this go. And if I spare her," he sighs then, " lose her healing gift would be a huge blow...but then...I cannot afford to look weak. And I cannot afford for our people to know that I am a king that allows someone to harm their queen, possibly kill her. No. When she is healed, she will heal my midnight queen, and then...then I shall pass sentence upon her."
"Please oh please You Majesty, please do not kill my only child." Desharra cries crystalline tears, they drop like diamonds from her eyes.
"It is done, Desharra. Your only job now is to see if you can locate and detect what it is that your daughter did to my midnight queen. You will do so now. And if I have even an inkling that you're harming her, I shall kill you outright, do you understand. No mercy Desharra."
Desharra nods and stands shakily to her feet. She approaches me unsteadily, still crying. When she is about a foot away she asks quietly. "May, I have your permission touch you, my queen?"
Well props to her. I like her better than her bitch daughter already. I nod. "You do." Desharra lays her hands on my chest and closes her eyes. I soon feel al warmth and it fills my entire body until I can see my skin glowing, actually brilliantly glowing. After a few minutes she lets go, she's breathing heavily and a fine sheen of sweat covers her brow.
   "Ohhhh Amira, oh my darling girl, what did you do...what did you do..." she murmurs.
Don't like the sound of that.
   "What the fuck did your bitch daughter do to my darling." Walker snarls.
"She...tried to sever the bonds between our King and...and..."
"—YOUR QUEEN!" Walker shouted!
Desharra bows her head, and tears are still streaming from her eyes, even faster now. "Yes, our queen. She...she couldn't break them completely, our queen's mental and emotional shields and wards are too strong. She could only...crack them. So she tried to insert some...what is the word, interference?"
"Interference?" I ask hesitantly.  "What sort of interference?"
   "Love of loyal king bring but a rush of ruin...find a human whose heart in love is white and pure, and this is love which will endure." Desharra murmurs.
   "I don't have time for freaking limericks right now," I growl.  "I need to fix this," I rub my chest.  "It aches.  It aches something horrible."
   "She...tried to insert a different love into your life, my queen."
   "Exactly, my amour.  She tried to replace your bond with Branuel Or De A'lanuel with Goodson.  She didn't count on your mental and emotional shields being as strong as they are, and the kings as strong as yours. And she certainly couldn't have understood the level of obsession Goodson would go through."
   "What if she did, though?" I ask coldly.  "I mean was it specifically geared to Garrett? It couldn't have been, she doesn't even know him.  So, any human would have done?"
   Desharra shakes her head tearfully.  "No, the human in question would have to already be bound in some way to you...and feel something for you for the "spark" to ignite.  And the more he feels for you, the stronger the emotions spark."
   "Garrett," I sigh.  We'd slept together.  He definitely had a crush on me.  We had settled things when Chamuel came into my life, and  God, I could just kill the bitch!  Garrett didn't deserve this torment.
   "You cannot kill her, my amour."
   "Why not?" I ask coldly? Shit.  I hated that he could hear me right now.
   "It would kill something in you to do so, my beloved.  You know it would.  No matter how angry you are right now. It would break something in your to kill her."
   "Oooohhhh would you prefer to kill Lady Amira, instead?" Branuel Or De A'lanuel asks me, eyes gleaming brightly and excitedly.  "It will be my gift to you, if you would like."
   "She did not understand the nature of the spell, my beloved, you cannot blame her for—"
   "—THE FUCK I CAN'T!" I shout.  "Don't stand there and try to tell me she didn't know what she was doing, Chamuel.  You say she had no idea what level of obsession the human in question would go through, but what if she did.  And I seriously believe she understood exactly what she was doing.  If she understood, think about it.  Maybe she was hoping the person would become so obsessed, and if I rejected them that they'd kill me.  KILL ME, Chamuel.  This wasn't an innocent little spell she enacted.  She meant for me to die.  And you know it!"  I turn to Branuel and nod.  "When she's healed enough, she needs to fix this, and then...then...I WANT, not I NEED to be in on the decision on what to do with her, do you understand, Branuel Or De A'lanuel."
   "Oh yes, my midnight love, my beautiful queen, ohhhhh yessssss....." he hisses.  "Minnnneeee....mine precious one, my, precious, precious mate."
And somehow that sounded even more sinister than Gollum in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy caressing that damned ring to fuel them all.  God but life was such a freaking mess.

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