Lucifer's FairyTale

By photographybook

30.8K 1.3K 145

[Book One of the Murdag Chronicles] Eden Greene is part of the Murdag Pack that resides on Scotland's West Co... More

The Kilyan Dilemma
Happy Birthday?
Pep Talk And Memories
A New Look
Shut Up And Listen
Movie Night With Yours Truly
When Snowed In With The Devil
The Wolf's Control
Pack Meeting
Lesson I: Recognise A Fairy
Lesson II: Fight For Your Life
Whispers In The Dark
Two Fairies, A Sprite and The Big, Bad Wolf
The Escape
Rather Unexpected
Safe Day I: Nightmares And Stories
Safe Day II: Clear Sight
Safe Day VII: Just Relax
On The Road I
The Consi
Come Back Home
The Calm Before The Storm
Let The Battle Commence
End And Beginning


999 50 2
By photographybook

[A/N] dedicated to @_Ohsen because I lterally just watched her work her way through the chapters... keke <3 thanks for reading, readerling! Love, Kxx

The heavy door fell shut behind us and I sighed in relief. it was short-lived though because Lucifer was growing weaker by the second.

"Bring him in here." I looked up when the voice addressed me. The woman in front of me was definitely a fairy; she had the golden hair and figure of a Consi fairy but her skin was white like the Aetheris fairies' and her eyes had their golden iris. I didn't hesitate to follow her orders though as she made me put him down on the bed that stood in the room and take his hoodie off. We took the blood soaked bindings off and the gash looked even worse than before. The fairy held her hand out, hovering over the ripped flesh and it stopped bleeding until there was only a slight dribbling left and hurried to an adjoining room from which she emerged a few seconds later with a bowl of steaming hot water, antiseptic wipes and what looked like a needle and thread. And she set to work. Makri took Gia to a different room but I stayed. I held Lucifer's hand when she cleaned the wound and I listened to his screams of pain when she set about sewing the wound shut. Lucifer had blacked out from the pain some time during the ordeal and I only noticed the hot tears coursing down my cheeks when the fairy was done and cleaned up the now sewed up wound and skin around it.

"This might not heal properly." the fairy said after we'd left the room to let him rest. "It is better if you go visit the Consi Hive. They have the best healers in the world." The fairy sent me a warm smile and led me into the kitchen. Makri and Gia were sitting there with a cup of hot tea and some hot broth. Upon our entering Gia ran into my arms and asked after Lucifer.

"He's asleep now, darling. He'll be okay." I smiled and led her back to the table where she sat back down. A hot bowl of soup and a steaming cup of tea appeared in front of me and I looked up to see a young boy with a cheeky face winking at me before he turned back to the fridge to get the fairy a drink and I started wolfing down the hot broth. His ears were pointy and his eyes overly large in his pretty face. His rainbow coloured hair was a tangled mess on his head and he dragged his slim fingers through it every once in a while as if self conscious. Then he started humming a tune. He was a pixie.

"Please do not mind Lee. He lives here with me and looks after the house." The fairy said and ruffled the boy's hair; he turned to stick his tongue out at her and she laughed out loud. I'm sure it was one of the most beautiful things anyone in the room had ever heard. It was soft and airy but with a warm strong undercurrent that it seemed to fill the room and settle like dust.

"You still have to tell who you are, my dears. I am Rhian." She smiled and I couldn't help but honk how rude we'd been.

"My name is Eden Greene." I started. "I am the wolfling."

"Ah yes, I have heard of you. although I had a different image in my mind. And who is this lovely lady?" She smiled at Gia, but the girl looked up at me first. Only at me encouraging nod did she answer.

"My name is Gia. I am of the Consi Hive."

"Oh? The way you were acting I would've thought you were her daughter." the fairy seemed genuinely surprised and I shrugged.

"We were taken by Sprites and found her there." I provided and the fairy seemed to be happy with the explanation for now because she turned to Makri.

"This is Makri. She is of the Meli Hive." I answered for Makri and the fairy frowned.

"Did the Sprites do that?" She questioned and Makri nodded.

"Do you know how to get rid of it?" I asked eagerly but the fairy shook her head.

"I am not sure. You would have to ask one of the Consi Healers. They might know more about it. I can sense a strong enchantment on the threads. I am so sorry this happened to you." She turned back to me.
"I might have some salves to help with your burns though." I raised my hand to the burned flesh on my arm.

"Really?" I couldn't help the little spark of hope flourishing in my chest.

"Yes." she chuckled. "Finish your soups. I will show you the bathrooms and you can take a shower and freshen up. I will carry the boy up. What's his name?"

"Oh I'm sorry- his name is Lucian; he is a wolf from my pack and also my mate." she chuckled again.

"I knew that. I saw your mark. It is very beautiful, dear." I blushed and she laughed again.
"Come now. I'm sure you're dying to get clean. I will have new clothes ready for you when you're done. Then we will speak of your sleeping arrangements." We nodded and finished our food and drink.

Water was raining down on my face, washing the grime off my skin and it was the most amazing feeling I've had in a long time. The food earlier had been heaven already but now my heaven was complete. I stepped out of the shower after his knows how long, scrubbed down with a fruity scented shower gel and shampoo and I felt good for the first time in weeks. I froze when I noticed that I didn't even know how long we'd been gone from home but shook my head to get rid of the thought. It wouldn't do to think of such things now. I had to look after Gia and especially Lucifer. When I left the bathroom I saw a fresh white hoody and a pair of neatly folded light blue jeans on the chair in the adjoining room. There was also some fresh underwear and a pair of white, fluffy socks. I changed eagerly and relished the feeling of the soft clothes on my skin.

Eden? Are you done? Makri's voice suddenly sounded n my head.

Yes, where are you?

We're all on the same floor just step out of your room. I did as she said and saw her standing in front of another door at the end of the corridor.

"Makri!" I called out and she turned and walked towards me. Her ginger hair was silky and shining again and her pale skin glowed in the light. Even the stitches on her mouth couldn't ruin her beauty in that moment. I smiled at her and she hugged me tightly.

Thank you. She whispered and I laughed.

What for?

Everything I guess. Being half wolf, having such an awesome mate. I think I would've died in that camp if it hadn't been for your strength and especially warmth. She winked at me and I laughed.

Well thank you too. I don't think we could've escaped those elves if you hadn't had that blade. Where did you get that?

I took it off the Sprite when Lucifer was carrying him. She had that humorous glint in her eyes and I laughed out loud.

"You're priceless, you know that?" She just shrugged and before we could discuss anything else, Gia shot out of one of the rooms and came running to us. She jumped into my arms with such force that I almost fell to the ground.

"Hey there, little one." I smiled and held her tighter, running my hand over her now finally pale gold hair. She was such a pretty girl. Her golden hair fell to her shoulders in soft curls, her skin wasn't the Consi's natural tanned colour anymore but I knew she'd tan quickly enough. Her soft brown eyes sparkled and her skinny arms were wrapped around my neck.

"Thank you." she whispered and gave a kiss on the cheek. I chuckled and shifted her so she was sitting on my hip.
"Can we go see Lu?" I couldn't help but chuckle again at the nickname she'd given Lucifer. I doubted he'd be happy with it.

"Of course. let's ask Rhian where he is okay?" The three of us went back downstairs it Lucifer's room. He was still asleep and Rhian was changing his bindings.

"There you are." she smiled when we entered. "Oh you look so much better. I can actually see your faces now." she winked. "And what beautiful faces they are." I blushed and could see Makri do the same.

"Now I'm sure you want to sleep a bit as well. I have separate rooms for everyone but if you want to share that's okay with me. I have one room with a king sized bed and two single beds. Would that be better?" I looked at Makri who gave me a nod.

"We'd like to share please." I stated firmly.

"I thought so. I had Lee make the beds. I will carry Lucifer upstairs. Follow me." She waved her hands in a gesture and Lucifer started to float.

She's half Aetheris. Makri exclaimed as we stared in wonder and followed her up the stairs. The room was massive. The big king sized bed was pushed against the wall on the left and the two singles stood on the opposite wall. The space in between was filled by a collection of sofas, love seats and other seating opportunities. The walls were decorated in soft pastels with golden patterns. A big chandelier hung from the middle of the ceiling above the sofas. Rhian laid Lucifer down on the bed and made her way back to the door.

"There's clean bed clothes for you on your beds. I had Lee change Lucian's clothes for you." And with that she left. I looked around. Makri was making her way to the bed closest to the door and Gia had jumped to one of the big windows and stared outside. The fog had not lifted but was turning a stronger orange colour now as the sun seemed to set.

"Is he okay?" She whispered as I looked at his face. He was sleeping peacefully and didn't seem to be in pain anymore.

"I think so." I answered them picked her up.
"Let's go to bed." I helped her change because she claimed she was too tired to do it herself. When she finally settled in the warm silken sheets she snuggled into the soft fabric and smiled an angelic smile.

"Sing me a lullaby?" She peeked at me with one eye and I laughed and sang an ancient wolf lullaby. The soft words rolled off my tongue in a melody as old as time and soon enough Gia was breathing rhythmically and she was asleep. I pushed off her bed and walked over to the bug bed. Lucifer was still asleep and as I changed into my night clothes I noticed a pot of salve in the night stand.

For your arm. Rhian x

I smiled and took the pot gratefully applying it generously to my burned skin. I fell into the sheets afterwards and fell asleep immediately. Safe and without a worry for the first time in weeks.

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