Trolls: Music In Life

By Rally9933

27.6K 286 93

After the events of Trolls World Tour, all tribes of Trolls lived in harmony once again. But not all of them... More

A Mysterious Troll
Try The Music
Pop (Pop Village)
Funk (Vibe City)
Country (Lonesome Flats)
Rock (Volcano Rock City)
Smooth Jazz, sort of
Classical (Symphonyville)
Techno (Techno Reef)
Lost (Day 1)
Lost (Day 2)
Lost (Day 3)
Lost (Day 4) & Found
We Can't Help You
Aggie's "True Colors"
The Master Of All Music
I Can


1.4K 15 9
By Rally9933

In LED castle down in Techno Reef, Trollex and Beat were ready to call it a day. But as Trollex fixed his bed, he can't get over about Aggie out of his head

"This is a terrible idea," He commented.

Beat nodded, "Yeah. This is the first time Aggie made a terrible idea where she can stay for the night."

Mostly everyone thought Aggie's idea was terrible. She was all alone up on the cold dark surface.

"Ugh! That's it! I'm going up to accompany her," Trollex threw the blanket onto his bed, and swam towards the door, out of his room, "She shouldn't be alone up there."

"Aaaawwwwwwww, you really care for her," Beat shook proudly, like she supportively excited for his best friend.

"Of course, I do," the King of Techno told him, "I owed her for saving my life..., and she's a good friend."

"Is she? Or more than a friend?" the Techno Beat Drop Fish gave a sly look.

"Okay, now you sounded like Barb... or you're just being yourself! Just don't think about that. Nothing happened between me and Aggie." Trollex reassured that.

"Yet," Beat finished up the sentence

"We're just friends, okay? Will you excuse me? I gotta go."

Trollex swam out of his room as he made his way out of the LED castle.


Meanwhile, Aggie was actually on the beach, near the shore. She made herself a shelter made out of long sticks and giant leaves on the sand. She made sure the wind won't blow them away. She dug her bag to unpack pillows and a teddy bear. She still wore the cape that the trolls made for her. She might use this as a blanket for the night.

Trollex floated out of the water, and saw Aggie fixing up her shelter. He smiled proudly to see how resourceful Aggie is, and she's taking the risk of sleeping out here for the night.

"Hey," He called as he hovered closer towards Aggie, "Want some company?"

"I guess," Aggie grinned as she sat up and turned to the Techno Troll, "What are you doing here, Trollex? Should you be in Techno Reef? Even at night, you should be in charge."

"I left Beat in charge. Besides, I can sense if Techno Reef is in danger at night," Trollex explained, "You do know this is a terrible idea, right?"

"I know. I admit it. I just want to be near Techno Reef, that's all," the Magic Musical replied embarrassingly.

"Why can't you stay in Techno Reef? You can breathe underwater with my bubbles."

"I'm not comfortable sleeping underwater. Plus, I'm afraid that the effects of the Heart Bubbles might wear off overnight."

"Hmm, you got a point," Trollex sat besides Aggie when she scooted aside to give him a space to sit, "Wow, you're really good at making this all by yourself."

"Yeah, my relatives taught me how to survive if I ever get lost on the beach," Aggie replied.

There was an awkward silence between them. They didn't even try making eye contact towards each other. It's been a long week when they got lost in the forest.

The silence broke when Aggie noticed the stars twinkling at the clear night sky, "Hmm, the stars are beautiful tonight, huh?"

Trollex looked up to see what Aggie saw in the sky. He stared at the stars, and they were so tiny... and beautiful, "You're right. We don't usually see stars because we're underwater, and it's hard to see from down there. It's pretty clear to see when you're in an open surface."

Aggie suddenly remembered their conversation when they were still lost at the forest, "Hey, Trollex, you didn't finish what you said to me yesterday."

"Which one?" The Techno Troll asked.

"Yesterday, you want to tell me something, but I didn't let you finish because I saved you from the tarantacapuff," the gray troll reminded, "So, what do you want to say?"

"Umm..." Trollex suddenly blushed as he remembered what he was going to say to Aggie before they almost got attacked by a tarantacapuff, "Nevermind. It's not so important."

"Everything is important. Come on, tell me," Aggie was eager to know.

"You wouldn't understand," Trollex shook his head, "You might not like it."

"What are you talking about? Trollex, please tell me. We're friends now, remember?"

"That's the whole point... I don't think you would understand what I'm about to say."

"I could try."

Trollex sighed in defeat. He knew Aggie is a good troll, and she would understand everything, even if this is an embarrassing one, "I don't know how to explain this, but... Aggie..., I..." He looked into Aggie's eyes, and finally confessed, "I think I have feelings for you."

Aggie paused for a while as her face made a shocking expression, "What?"

"Ugh! I know that wasn't right, but... Yeah, that was it. Weird, right?" Trollex made a little chuckle to make the moment funny, but Aggie didn't laugh in respond. She only stared at him in shock. The way she stared made the king groaned in embarrassment, covering his face his hands from Aggie, "Oh, I shouldn't told you that!"

"No, no, no! It's okay, Trollex. You don't have to be ashamed of telling me that," Aggie said immediately before Trollex almost floated away in embarrassment. The Techno Troll slowly put his hands down, trying to be brave from being embarrass, "But, just curious, why do you like me? As in like like me?"

Trollex sighed as he turned to face Aggie again, "Because... I see you very special."

"What do you mean?"

"When I first met you, I saw myself in you. You're such a dreamer, happy-go-lucky, and fun-loving little troll. You trusted us leaders so easily to help you. You always believe in hope. You have hopes, dreams and expectations, and you kept trying to make them real. And you have great passion for all music. You kinda reminded me of myself when I was a little troll, before my parents died, before I became king."

Aggie hung her head down after listening to Trollex's explanation. It's like she was pity for him that he can't have what she's having anymore now that he's king. He saw something more to her that she didn't even see in herself. She scooted closer to Trollex, and patted his back.

"When we got lost, and when you saved me, I... I feel so worried for you. I feel that... I'm in love with you." He continued.

As much as she was shock, Aggie was speechless. She doesn't know what to respond. The King of the Techno Trolls... is in love with her? This is so uncommon. No one's been in love with her before.... Not even a royalty. She just looked down, and responded, "Oh."

Trollex observed her respond as he shook his head down, thinking Aggie didn't love him in return, "You don't feel the same way, huh?"

"No. I mean, it's not like that," Aggie replied. She groaned in frustration when she was speechless to respond to the king, "Trollex, what you said to me was very sweet, but..." She sighed sadly, "When we got lost, I... I feel something very funny when you were around me. When you took care of me, cheered me on when I walked the invisible bridge, taught me how to swim, I felt... I'm in love with you, too. But I don't know if that's what I've been feeling."

Aggie has doubts of her feeling for Trollex. She's still too young, and she doesn't feel in love before... or she thought she was in love before, but she was been played. Sure she has a slight crush on Trollex, but she's not very sure of it. All those times she had with him, like when their noses touched, he gave her a back ride when she got sick, she listened to his heart beat, she might be in love... or maybe her mind played tricks on her. She doesn't know what she was feeling. She kept looking down, not wanting to make another eyes contact to the King of Techno.

"You're not sure about your feelings," He inquired,

"I just... don't know. I'm sorry but... I'm just so confused." She sobbed, feeling ashamed.

Trollex felt so sorry for Aggie. He knew this would happened, but he can't bottling up his feelings any longer because Aggie was so curious what he was about to say that day. He regretted of confessing his feelings for her. Now, she's confused of her feelings for him. He wanted to help her, but he doesn't know what to do.

Then, his eyes widened as he has an idea, but this is gonna be the most embarrassing thing he has to do, despite that he never did this before.

"What if... I can help you?" Trollex said.

"What do you mean?" Aggie sniffed as she was a little confused.

Then, Aggie became more confused as she felt Trollex's hand on her cheek. He made her turn to him, and their gaze met with each other. He slowly and gently caressed her cheek, and their faces were few inch closer to one another

"I'm sorry for what I'm about to do," Trollex said suddenly

"What are you—" Aggie was about to ask a question, but she was cut off.

Trollex brought his face closer to Aggie's and...

They kissed.

Aggie's eyes widened in shock when her lips touched Trollex's. She doesn't know what do to anymore. She felt a little scared when she was kissed. She wanted to pull away from this. But the longer she feet this kiss, Aggie felt her heart beating fast in her chest. Trollex's lips were soft and warm. She never kissed anyone before she thought kissing someone on the lips was disgusting, but Aggie tried it, ti was actually sweet and romantic. All that confusing feeling she had felt around the King of Techno suddenly melted away and disappeared. She slowly closed her eyes, and kissed Trollex back, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Trollex was surprised that he felt Aggie kissed him back. He thought she would react immediately when their lips touched, but.... She never did. She just kissed him back. It happened so fast when Aggie wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself closer to deepen the kiss. Trollex's heart suddenly beat so fast as he placed his other hand on her back, never wanting to let go of her.

Their first kiss became a passionate kiss. They blushed so hard with their cheeks turned red. They love how they kissed each other so much, they don't know how to stop. Aggie placed one hand on Trollex's chest, touching the part where his heart is as she felt his heart beating, and Trollex combed her hair with one hand behind her ear.

They slowly pulled away from the kiss as they breathed for air. Aggie stared into Trollex's green eyes and smiled softly. Trollex looked down, and stared at Aggie's face. He saw how cute and beautiful she is, despite not having her colors yet. They both blushed and looked away nervously, but they are still in each other's embrace. Both of them don't know what to say or how to start of complimenting their kiss.

"Wow..." Aggie started, "That was..."

"Intimidating? Crazy?" Trollex guessed, still blushing.

"It was wonderful." The Magic Musical complimented with a romantic tone.

"So..., are you still confuse about your feelings?"

"Nope. I think I already know."

Aggie giggled softly as she gave Trollex a quick but sweet and soft kiss. The King of Techno kissed her back as he placed her head on his chest, letting her ear pressed against the spot where his heart is beating. Aggie smiled softly as she loved the sound of his heart beat. She closed her eyes, and let herself listen to Trollex's heart.

Trollex smiled as he never knew he would found someone like to Aggie love him. Out of all the female Techno Trolls he knew and who like him, he couldn't believe he chose someone very different., either she was outside of her tribe or even outside of the 6 main tribes. That doesn't matter to him. All that matters is her kindness, fun-loving, and respect for all trolls.

Suddenly, Trollex heard a cute squeaky yawn. He looked down, and noticed Aggie was the one who yawned. She's still cute that way.

"Somebody is tired," He cooed as he placed Aggie down where her head was on the pillows, and a teddy hear near her face. Trollex covered Aggie's body with her cape as a blanket so she won't get called by the night breeze.

"Thanks, Trollex." Aggie said tiredly.

"I'll be here for you," the Techno Troll gave her a kiss on the forehead, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." The Magic Musical Troll replied before pretending to fall asleep.

Aggie beamed as she was so happy she got her first kiss. And that kiss from the King of the Techno Trolls himself. It took a lot of courage to tell him about her feelings, which she was co fused at first, until he kissed her, it was all clear to her now.

Trollex looked into the horizon of the ocean. He smiled proudly as he finally confessed to Aggie about his feelings for her. No more denials, no more bottling feelings. And it was a funny but romantic feeling that he kissed her. Guess Beat was right. Trollex does care for Aggie more than a friend. And he wouldn't let anything bad happen to her.


"Aggie learned many things during her adventure with us: Everything has no limits, even music. It's not too late to be young and enjoy the time of your life. If you want to try something, like playing different music than your own, then do it, but don't forget the music you were born and raised with."

Poppy closed the scrapbook of Aggie's story that she shared with the younger trolls.

"But for Aggie's case, she was born and raised to listen different music, and enjoyed it before she can choose the music that fits in her life so she can earn her true colors. But my fellow leaders and I advised her not too rush such a thing if she's still enjoy playing more than one music."

"But we can't give up to help her earning her True Colors," Branch added, There's still a way without risking of letting her playing other music than the one she has to choose, or she'll lose her True Colors forever. We don't know what to do yet, but we will try and try until she finally got what she wanted. Right, Poppy?"

"Yeah, because that's what friends do," The Queen of Pop nodded in agreement.

Just then, Aggie came in, playing her saxophone, which startled Poppy, Branch and the young trolls, "Ha! I'm still jamming the music here, baby!"

All the trolls went outside in Pop Village to celebrate, welcoming their newest friend into all tribes.

All: A dream is a wish

Poppy: Yeah, yeah.

Essence: A dream is a wish your heart makes
When your fast asleep
In Dreams you will loose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for you keep..

Delta: Have Faith in your dreams and someday
Your Rainbow will come smiling through..

Barb: No matter how your heart is grievin
If you keep on believin..

Aggie: The dream that you wish will come true

All: Hey Yea Yea

Poppy: (Yea Yea!)

All: Hey Yea Yea Yea

Poppy: (Yea!)

All: Hey Yea Yea Yea! Hey Yeah!

Satin and Chenille: A dream is a wish your heart makes..

Smidge: When your feeling small...

Guy Diamond: Alone in the night you whisper..

DJ Suki: Thinking no one can hear you at all

Biggie: (Here you at all)

Quincy: You wake with the morning sunlight

Trollex: To find fortune that is smiling on you

Branch, Hickory and Prince D: (Smiling on you)

Quincy and Essence: Don't let your heart be filled with sorrow for all you know tomorrow

Trollzart: The dream that you wish will come true

The K-Pop Gang: Hey yea yea yea! Hey yea!

All: (A dream is a wish)

The K-Pop Gang: Hey yea yea yea! Hey yea!

Delta: When you can dream then you can start

Trollzart: (Then you can start!)

Delta: A dream is a wish you make with your heart

Trollzart: (Make with your heart)

Barb: When you can dream then you can start

All: (A dream is a wish, Yeah!)

Barb: A dream is a wish you.

All: Make with your heart

Branch: A dream is a wish your heart makes

Cooper: When you fast asleep

Prince D: (Fast asleep)

Trollex: In dreams you will loose your heartaches

Guy Diamond and Tiny Diamond: Whatever you wish for you keep

Poppy: You wake with the morning sunlight

Delta and Clampers: To find fortune that is smiling on you

The Funky Family: (Fortune that is smiling on you)

Aggie: Don't let you heart be filled with sorrow

Poppy and Branch: Because for all you know tomorrow

Trollzart: The dream that you wish will come true

Cooper and Prince D: No matter how your heart is grievin

The Reggaeton Trolls: If you keep on believin

Aggie: The dream that you wish will come true
Yea Yea

All: (Em hm, Yea yea, Yea Yea
A dream is a wish)
When you can dream then you can start a dream is a wish you make with your heart
When you can dream then you can start..
A dream is a wish you make with your heart
When you can dream then you can start a dream is a wish you make with your heart..

Aggie: When you can dream then you can start

Trollex and Aggie: A dream is a wish you make with your heart

All: A dream is a wish that you can start a dream is a wish you make with your heart
When you can dream then you can start a dream is a wish you make with you heart



Anna Kendrick - Queen Poppy

Justin Timberlake - Branch

Rachel Bloom - Queen Barb

Hilary Duff – Aggie

Anthony Ramos - King Trollex

George Clinton - King Quincy

Mary J. Blige - Queen Essence

Kelly Clarkson - Delta Dawn

Gustavo Dudamel - Trollzart

Ron Funches - Cooper

Anderson Paak - Prince D

Sam Rockwell - Hickory

Walt Dohrn - Smidge, King Peppy, Cloud Guy

Ozzy Osbourne - King Thrash

Karan Soni - Riff

Justin McElroy - Techno Beat Drop Button

James Corden - Biggie

Icona Pop - Satin and Chenille

Kunal Nayyar - Guy Diamond

Kenan Thompson - Tiny Diamond

Ester Dean - Legsly

Gwen Stefani – DJ Suki

Red Velvet - The K-Pop Gang

Flula Borg - Dickory

Jamie Dornan - Chaz

J Balvin - Tresillo

Berenice Amador - Marimba

Jamila Hache - Tambora

Betsy Sodaro - Clampers Buttonwillow

Kevin Michael Richardson - Growley Pete

Da'Vine Joy Randolph – Bliss Marina

Marcella Lentz-Pope – Carol


Yes! Finally, I finished my story. I'm sorry for keeping in asking for reviews, but I learned my lesson. Honestly, I enjoyed writing this story, because... it's been my dream since last month, and I can't believe it came true. I hope you like my story so much.

P.S. Aggie was originally voiced by Anne Hathaway, but in Trolls, I decided to change her voice actress to Hilary Duff.

After this epilogue, I have to write a question, and please answer by review. The question will be posted soon.

Thank you very much for support and enjoying my first Trolls story. Goodbye and have a good day.

Moral of the story: Music has no limits, and enjoy listening and playing different music, never stick to just one.

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