Subject | Korekiyo Shinguji x...

By TheAnonymusAdmin

22.3K 878 757

After being separated from your childhood best friend, moving to a new school in a new town, and quite litera... More

❤️ Chapter 1 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 2 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 3 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 4 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 5 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 6 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 7 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 8 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 9 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 10 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 12 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 13 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 14 ❤️
A/N 1
❤️ Chapter 15 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 16 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 17 ❤️
A/N 2
A/N 3
❤️ Chapter 18 ❤️
A/N 4
❤️ Chapter 19 ❤️
While you wait...

❤️ Chapter 11 ❤️

943 32 26
By TheAnonymusAdmin

You woke up on the floor of your room; you must have fallen off your bed during the night. After all, you did have a dream about a break-in, so maybe you just freaked out while still being asleep. It was clearly early morning, and you sat up on the floor. Your neck and back hurt from sleeping in an awkward position on the hard wooden floor, so you groaned as you raised yourself and sat down on your bed. You reached for your phone to check the time.

"5:37... wow, I'm up early." You sighed, rubbing your eyes. You unlocked your phone and were immediately confused. You had about thirty notifications. "What the hell?" You clicked on the notifications and it opened a group chat. It was everyone that you exchanged numbers with at the academy. "Do they not sleep or something?" You asked yourself.

Secret Society

Catwoman: Yooooo :3

Pilot: Um hi?

AnimeGirl: What the hell is this name

I-smell-something-burning: Wow ok can we put this behind us

Catwoman: Nope :P

Siren: Why am I in here?

I-smell-something-burning: Who tf are you tho

Siren: Naomi

I-smell-something-burning: Lol

AsianDoctor: I'm not sure how to feel about my name honestly.


AsianDoctor: It's Taki.

Pilot: Omg I'm sorry it's just funny

AsianDoctor: Nah, it's fine. I suppose it is pretty funny.

TheJanitor: You do know that I don't just get cleaning jobs, right?

Catwoman: Yea but I was trying to be creative :D

TheJanitor: Fair point.

AsianDoctor: Also why is no one asleep? It's like 1 in the morning...

I-smell-something-burning: Your not sleeping either tho

Siren: You're*

I-smell-something-burning: Stfu

Siren: No.

I-smell-something-burning: Can't argue with that ig

ScaryArmyMan: I'm not a soldier.

Pilot: But you look like one.

ScaryArmyMan: I was not aware of that...

GravityDefyingGrape: Wtf

Catwoman: Welcome to the circus grape man

GravityDefyingGrape: Lol ok but imma go get some beauty sleep now x

I-smell-something-burning: Yea cuz you need it x

GravityDefyingGarpe: Fuck you

I-smell-something-burning: When and where :P

GravityDefyingGrape is now offline

Catwoman: Lol well done

Pilot: I vote to change the gc name to Area 51!!!!!!!!!

Catwoman: No I'm admin and I decide the names >:D

You laughed as you read the messages and decided to text in the group chat. After all, you wanted to talk to everyone whether it was five in the morning or five in the afternoon.


I-smell-something-burning: AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I-smell-something-burning: WTF IS THAT NAME XD


You decided to look at the nicknames. You looked for yours and... oh my God. Katherine was going to die the next time you saw her.

Why did you name me 'NowIWillPleasureMyselfWithThisFish' Kath

Catwoman: Hehehe

Catwoman: I regret nothing

AsianDoctor: Okay, I might have snorted so hard that my throat really hurts.

TheJanitor: Don't worry (Y/N), I won't judge.

AnimeGirl: Well I'm not complaining about my name anymore

AsianDoctor: I'm unbelievably bored. Katherine, add me as an admin. I have an idea.

Catwoman: Just tell me in pms.

AsianDoctor: Okay.

I wonder what they're talking about

I-smell-something-burning: It's Taki so it probs won't be a good idea

Catwoman set Livia's nickname to AnimeGrill

I-smell-something-burning: HAHAHAHAHAHA I TAKE IT BACK

AnimeGrill: Fuck you seriously

AsianDoctor: No thank you. :)

Jesus, what did I get myself into...

TheJanitor: I am becoming increasingly concerned with everyone's sanity.

ScaryArmyMan: I'm slightly enjoying this.

Pilot: Hey, who wants to hang tomorrow

Catwoman: You do realise that if we hang out with you we'll get stalked by paparazzi right??

Pilot: Oh yeah... :'(

Maybe you should just come over to mine or something

But not too many people because my house isn't that big

And I have 3 brothers so...

AnimeGrill: I don't know if I can, so probably not hehe

I-smell-something-burning: Sign me up :D

AsianDoctor: I can't, I'm working. Hopefully it won't be some crazy magician this time.

Siren: Um sorry I don't think I can.

ScaryArmyMan: I wouldn't mind.

TheJanitor: I apologise, I can't tomorrow.

Pilot: I'd love to!!!!!! :3

Catwoman: I'll come as well :D

GravityDefyingGrape is now online

GravityDefyingGrape: A hang out session?? Hell yeah I'm in

Catwoman: I completely forgot you were in this gc

GravityDefyingGrape: Wow i sure feel appreciated :(

Well, that's settled, I'll see you guys then lol

You are now offline

You didn't know a group chat this big could work. You had been in a group chat like that before and it was so difficult to communicate, you had to leave. You smiled to yourself as you got up and walked downstairs. Unsurprisingly, no one was awake yet, so you decided to make yourself some toast. At least Hiroya wouldn't serve you another burnt bagel...

Soon, you were done eating your toast and decided to head out for a bit. You felt like going to the park. After all, mornings were always nice in your town and the parks were beautiful. You liked to watch the fish in the pond as they swam around.

You put on your blue t-shirt and white skirt, grabbing your white backpack on the way out. As you left your house, you started to think about everything that had happened recently. You still felt like you didn't know enough about Kirumi to think of her as a friend, but at the same time you thought of Livia, Taki, Olivia and Naomi as friends. There was something off about Kirumi.

You remembered Katherine's advice. Maybe you really were just overthinking. Or maybe you were jealous? But why? You had never really been jealous of other people because they're also friends with your best friend. This time however, you felt like something wasn't right, though it felt wrong to just shut her out, or intervene. Kiyo seemed to like her, so you should as well, right? The last thing you wanted to do was upset him after just being reunited with him.

You were so deep in thought that you didn't realise you were at the park already. As you walked through the gates, you noticed someone. They looked kind of familiar. They were getting surrounded by a group. As you walked closer to get a better look, you came to a realisation. It was Takuya. The group were circling him and getting closer and closer. You pulled out your phone and texted Hiroya.

Metal Bat Boy

Come to the park quick and bring the bat

You waited, hoping he was awake already. Your prayers were answered as you felt your phone go off.

What's going on

My friend is in danger come quick

Ok ok I'm omw

You didn't just stop at that though. You called the police and told them what was going on. Now you were waiting for the police and Hiroya. You contemplated going over there to help Takuya out, but you weren't sure if that would make the situation better or worse.

As you stood there, Takuya must have noticed you, because he screamed.

"(Y/N)! HELP ME!" And with that, the eyes of the guys were on you. Two of them started walking towards you and you panicked. You didn't know what to do, and the fear caused you to freeze up and stay there. You were hoping Hiroya would get here soon. The guys were getting closer and closer. Soon, one of them grabbed you and you screamed, trying to get the attention of literally anyone.

"HIROYA! HELP!" You shouted, hoping that he was nearby. Hoping that he would hear. Hoping that he would help you.

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