Young Justice Imagines

By Mega_Fangirl_24

232K 4.9K 1.6K

This just a book of oneshots with different YJ characters. I've made this book 'cause Young Justice is AWESOM... More

Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes)
Impluse (Bart Allen)
Nightwing/Robin (Dick Grayson)
Connor Kent (Superboy)
A YJ peom
Update line up
Καλδυρ'αμ/Kaldur'ahm ( Aqualad)
Roy Haper (Speedy)
Tim Drake (Robin)
One last Author note
Date Prefences
Kid Flash (Wally West)
BeastBoy/Garfield Logan
Impluse/Bart Allen
Help me, please
Dating Wally would include
Dating Dick would include
Dating Jaime would include
Dating Kaldur would include
A little Bit About Me
Dating Connor would include
Dating Bart would include
Dating Garfield would include
5 Things I Love About You
Dating Damian Wayne Would Include
Wow, I don't even have a title.
Dick Grayson
Jaime Reyes
Wally West
How many times have i made this post

KidFlash (Wally West), S1

13.8K 334 124
By Mega_Fangirl_24

(I LOVE KIDFLASH,sisterly love that is. I miss Wally so much. Almost cried whilst listening to the YJ theme songs)
What you need to know, the rest is on the first chapter check there.
F/T means favorite topping
F/M means favorite movie

You walked into The Cave, carrying boxes of everyones favorite toppings of Pizza
"PIZZA'S HERE" you shouted , it was movie night and everyone had brought their favorite movies as celebrations for a major win today that you and Wally had infiltrating Poison Ivy's stupid plan with some seriously mean plants. And since nobody was going to disturb you for about 2 days due to a serious problem with the Green Lantern most Senior heroes as you called them were out.
Wally raced to meet you and the pizza.
"SWEET, DIBS ON F/T" you face drops
"OH HECK TO THE NO WEST IT'S MINE" you shout back just to match him up, you didn't care about you the fact that he was your crush you were talking pizza. But the unexpected happened
"I know I want to share" he whispered into you ear suddenly behind you, sending shivers down your spine. With that he took the boxes and motioned with his head to the T.V. room.

~ time skip, brought to you by several hours worth of movies~

You had the first pick of movies and decided on F/M, but by the seventh and a half movie you had fallen asleep on Wally's shoulder his head on yours.

~ time skip, brought to you but Kaldur splashing water on your face~

"Aww, I told you Superboy they would get together" you woke up to M'ghan and Connors faces
"Wha-" you started to say when you notice Wally's hand wrapped around your waist, your head still on his shoulder his head on yours. Thats when Wally started to stir, once he noticed you position and how you were trying to break from his grip he held on tighter and kissed you forehead.
"Morning, Y/N"

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