𝐑𝐞π₯π₯𝐨 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐒𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬...

By peachymaximoff

76.5K 1.9K 334

ON HOLD "happiness is a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but if you sit down quietl... More

00. cast + summary
01. welcome to the world
02. our little butterfly
03. a month of pure joy
04. when hell freezes over
05. half the challenge
06. code of silence
07. so much to be grateful for
08. happy turkey day
10. december 25th
11. not your enemy
12. the workaround
13. only innocence
14. birthplace of our sorrows
15. a vow of our own
16. we fight for those we love
17. forgiveness
18. you'll always have me
19. five years later
20. we have tomorrow
21. just as strong
22. my legacy
23. mother's innocence
24. birthstones
25. promises we can't keep
26. a bond not broken
27. our first moments

09. act of betrayal

2.2K 59 2
By peachymaximoff

s3e8: the other girl in new orleans

"What was it, Tristan? Hmm? What is "Cepheus?" Elijah asked in the study. He and Brynley stood in front of Tristan, who sat in a chair, beaten.

"What's next? Charades? While you guys host the world's most messed-up game night, you got bigger problems?" Marvel scoffed as he walked in.

"Freya, would you mind dealing with this situation, please?" Elijah requested.

"Oh, no offense to your lovely sister, but you and I need to talk." Marcel cut him off. "I'm here on behalf of The Strix, and I'm not leaving without Tristan."

"Oh great, you're a errand boy for the Strix now," Brynley rolled her eyes.

"Elijah, look, the way I see it, you don't have a choice." Marcel spoke.

"Is that so?" Elijah replied sarcastically.

"How long before The Strix decide to come get their guy? And if they destroy half the Quarter in the process..." Marcel rambled and looked at Brynley. "Not to mention, your little girl could get hurt-"

"I can handle The Strix." Elijah cut him off.

"Oh, you can't even handle Tristan! He's about to OD on wolf venom, and the only thing that you can get out of him is-is Cepheus, whatever the hell that's supposed to mean." Marcel reminded. "The guy has been around for a millennium. He can withstand all your vampire mind-games. And if you end up killing him, we lose Rebekah for good."

"So what are you suggesting here, Marcel? I simply hand over this wretched fiend and stand idly by as you set him free?" Elijah said.

"If I take Tristan, make it look like I busted him out, I get in tighter with him and The Strix. I can find out where Rebekah is and keep them from declaring war on the Quarter if you trust me." Marcel sighed.

"I will not release that filth." Elijah denied.


Elijah walked through the courtyard, attempting to go up the staircase but Marcel stopped him. "Elijah! I'm not finished."

"Why don't you run along to your little friends and remind them that any attack on me is a really bad idea." Elijah suggested.

"That's not gonna work. They're as stubborn as you are." Marcel shook his head.

"So stay away from them, Marcel, before I interpret your behavior as an act of betrayal." Elijah replied.

"That's the thing, Elijah.." Marcel pulled out a stake. "See, I betrayed you before I even got here."

Elijah turned around to see many members of the Strix standing in about every entrance. Fear grew in the original's chest, knowing that his daughter was upstairs in the nursery and Brynley with Freya in the study.

Brynley watched as Freya walked around a weak Tristan, cashing another spell. "Somo ve de ver se, nat-"

Both the witch and the fairy turned around to see a member of Strix walk into the room. Brynley and Freya looked at each other with scared looks before the blonde made a fist with her hand, casting a pain spell. The vampire dropped to his knees unconscious just as Brynley heard the cries of her daughter from the baby monitor.

"Go, now!" Freya screamed and Brynley rolled off her bracelet, running towards the door. Aya grabbed her by the neck and vamp-sped her against the wall. Freya raised her hand and Aya let Brynley go, clutching her own head in pain.

Brynley ran out of the room and looked across the balcony, where the nursery was. She felt her heart stop when she saw two Strix vampires making their way to the room. She grew her wings and flew across the courtyard, landing on the other balcony.

She thrusted her hands forward and waves of gold energy flew from them, slamming the two vampires back against the wall. Brynley ran into the nursery and picked a crying Evie out of her cradle as she tried to figure out what to do next.

"Aguanta." Brynley flicked her wrist and the door to the nursery slammed shut, a gold border surrounding it.

"Okay, okay, shit, shit," Brynley mumbled and Evie cried more. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Oh my god."

Brynley pulled out her phone and called Elle.

"I need a guard member to come pick up Evie in the next twenty seconds," She turned around at the sound of the vampires pounding on the door. "Now."

"On their way." Elle replied and Brynley dropped her phone, placing Evie back in the cradle.

"We're just gonna play a game, it's called, 'how fast can we get you out of here before you have to watch Mommy hurt some people?'" Brynley whispered and Evie smiled finally. She turned back around when she heard the door fly open, two vampires staring at her. "You're not laying a hand on her."

"Bombolla de protecció." Brynley looked at Evie and waved her hand, a gold bubble forming around the baby. She looked back at the two vampires and her eyes glowed gold.

One of the vampires lunged at her and flashed his fangs. Brynley raised her hands and yelled, "Esquena!"

They were pushed back by her magic but one of them sped-forward, grabbing her by her neck.

"Onades de dolor." Brynley managed to say and the vampire dropped to his knees, unconscious. The other sped out of the room and Brynley let out a sigh of relief before the vampire came back in and stabbed her in the stomach with a knife. Brynley let out a shriek of pain and fell on to the floor.

The vampire walked over to Evie, the baby crying louder and louder as the unfamiliar man got closer to her.

Brynley clutched her stomach and ripped off a wooden plank from the rocking chair. She lifted it up and stabbed the vampire from behind, making sure it went through his heart. He dropped to the floor dead and Brynley exhaled, clutching on to the side of the cradle for support.

Evie looked up at her mother, crying when she saw the blood coming from her stomach. Brynley shook her head and looked down at her daughter. "Don't worry, Mommy's okay, I just have to find your dad, I'm gonna be fine- Ah!"

Brynley's other hand went to her chest, feeling a pain in her chest. It was like when Elijah was daggered but worst. Her eyes widened she realized this was soulmate pain.

Chase and Elle flew through the window of the nursery and immediately ran to Brynley's side. They saw her stomach and each grabbed one of her hands, chanting, "Cura al cremat, cura al cremat."

"Wh-Why isn't it working?" Chase stammered, noticing the wound in her stomach wasn't healing.

"Let me-" Elle and Chase turned around with their hands raised, their eyes glowing silver to see Marcel. He raised his hands. "Hey, I'm trying to help."

Chase looked at Elle, who nodded. Marcel bit into his wrist and brought it to Brynley's mouth. Her stomach healed but she still clutched her chest in pain.

"What's happening?" Elle asked.

"Elijah is in a...situation right now," Marcel sighed. "When he wakes up, she'll be fine."


Elijah opened his eyes and immediately sped upstairs, into the nursery. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw Brynley holding Evie. He ran over and wrapped his arms around his soulmate while kissing their daughter on the forehead. "Are you alright?"

"We're okay." Brynley nodded and Elijah looked down at blood on her clothes. "I'm fine, Marcel healed me."

Evangeline reached her arms out to Elijah, the original taking the baby in his arms. Elijah brushed a lock of hair behind Brynley's ear and kissed her lips, "I love you."

"I love you too." Brynley smiled and the family of three made their way to the living room where Freya and Hayley were.

Freya held the stake that Marcel had brought. "This stake was imbued with dark magic. It's strong enough to take down even you."

"So apparently The Strix has no shortage of weapons." Elijah sighed and Bryn nodded.

"Well, at least they don't have Marcel..." Hayley spoke up.

"I'm not so sure about that." Elijah said.

"Look, I know he attacked you, but," Hayley gestured to the stake. "He could have used that thing on you, and he didn't. And, for what it's worth, he did save me.

"And healed me. A few minutes more and I would have been dead." Freya reminded.

"But he's also the one that brought those guys into our home in the first place. They went after Evie!" Brynley shook her head and Elijah placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Do I need to remind you that because of your beloved hero, Tristan is free, Rebekah is lost... This prophecy threatens to devour us."


Elijah and Brynley walked into the nursery, Evie asleep in Elijah's arms. He noticed the tears flooding Brynley's eyes when she saw the dead vampire in the nursery. "Did you do that?"

Brynley nodded, staying silent as she wiped the tears from her face, but more just kept coming. Elijah laid Evangeline in her cradle and turned to Brynley, cupping her face. "You did it to protect our daughter."

"He's dead, Elijah," Brynley mumbled, her eyes not leaving the dead vampire body. "I killed him."

"Brynley, that man went after our child. You were doing what you had to do for our family." Elijah explained.

"I still killed someone! There's no justifying that, he's dead!" Brynley sobbed. "I've been in this world for five years and I haven't had to kill anyone. I didn't want to, I didn't want anyone to ever die because of me. What does that say about who I am-"

"Look at me," Elijah whispered and Brynley finally met his eyes. "You are good, you are undoubtedly good. No matter what. What you did today doesn't change that. You're still you. You were protecting our daughter, you were doing whatever you had to do to save her, that's who you are."

A/N: WE HIT 200 FOLLOWERS!!!! thank u so so fricking much i love you all.
ALSO i was in tiktok the other day and then this one video popped up "recommended elijah mikaelson stories from wattpad" and i was like omg maybe broken butterfly will be there?? AND IT WAS

i know this isn't that big a deal but it is to me i just got really excited. thank u sm for all your support on the series, and for the two people that have asked, yes, i will be writing a legacies book for evie because i have all these ideas about who she will be and all that so yeah!! also this is the last book of the butterfly series but that's okay because we're having a spin-off!

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