Daddy Long Legs | narry au |

By twinkiepayne

22.8K 565 217

" What did you just call me?" " Daddy Long Legs." " Why?" " Because you have long legs and you're daddy." ~*~... More

last authors note :(


704 22 13
By twinkiepayne

Niall was laying on his bed, scrolling through his phone. It was a Friday night and he had no plans. His friends were busy, so he was stuck at home like a loser.

Maura stands in Niall's doorway to his room.

" Do you have any plans?" Maura asks.

" Nope."

" What about Louis?" Maura asks.

" He's working." Niall mumbles. He would love to be hanging out with Louis, but Louis has to work.

" What about Liam?" Maura asks.

Niall lets out a sigh," He's with Zayn."

" Well, don't be a bum. Make some plans and go out." Maura says.

" With who mum?" Niall asks.

" I don't know, but figure it out." Maura says. She walks away. Niall rolls his eyes. He loves when Maura thinks he's a failure for staying at home when all of his friends are busy.

He continues scrolling through his phone when he gets a notification on Snapchat. Snapchat from Harry Styles.

Niall raises his eyebrows. What the hell does Harry want now? Niall wasn't complaining because Harry wanted to talk, but what if it was an accident?

Niall goes into Snapchat and opens Harry's message.

Harry Styles

Harry Styles - Hey Ni! Do you have any plans tonight?

Niall stares at the message in disbelief. Was Harry gonna ask Niall to hang out?

Niall 🤷🏼 - uh, no I don't why

Niall had many thoughts running through his head. Why would Harry ask if Niall had plans? To rub it in his face that he's a loser? To hang out? Niall was so lost in thoughts he didn't even see Harry message him back.

Harry Styles - Oh good! Would you like to hang out with me and my friends?

Niall stares at this message. Was Harry really asking him to hang out? Niall thought he was dreaming because this couldn't be real.

Niall 🤷🏼 - yeah that's cool with me

Harry Styles - Okay! Text me your address and I can pick you up

Holy shit. Niall just sat in awe. Was he really going to hang out with Harry? He thinks he was.

Niall sent his address and stood up from his bed. He had to look presentable to his crush. He quickly got into some better looking clothes. He got a snap from Harry saying that he was on his way. Niall walks downstairs and sees Maura sitting in the living room. She gives him a weird look.

" Where are you off to?" Maura asks.

" A friend is picking me up." Niall says.

" Wait, you actually made plans?" Maura asks. Before he could respond, Niall looks out the front window to see Harry waiting for him. Niall runs to the door.

" See ya later mum!" Niall calls out. He slams the door closed and runs to Harry's car. He opens the passenger door and gets in. He looks to see a smiling Harry sitting in the driver seat.

" Hi Harry." Niall says.

" Hi Ni. I'm so glad you can hang out." Harry says. He starts to drive away.

" Thank you for inviting me." Niall says.

" It's no problem. I told you I wanted to hang out with you sometime." Harry says. Niall smiles.

They drove back to Harry's house while making small talk. Niall still couldn't believe that he was with Harry right now. Harry parks his car in the driveway and they walk inside. Harry leads Niall to his basement where Harry's other friends were sitting on the couches.

" He's back! The party can begin!" One of Harry's friends says. Harry lets out a laugh and guides Niall to the one empty couch.

" So who's this?" Another friend asks. Another friend slaps that friend's shoulder.

" Dude, that's Niall Horan. He's on the football team and amazing!" The one friend says. Niall felt his face get hot. He was not used to people knowing his name.

" Thanks." Niall quietly says.

" Oh! Niall! That's right. I've heard of you before from Harry." The one friend says. Niall raises an eyebrow in confusion. Harry talks about him?

" So you're not sitting here not knowing anybody, these are my friends," Harry says mention to the two other couches and the three people sitting there," Mitch, Connor, and Lance."

" Hi guys." Niall says and waves.

" What are we waiting for? Lets start drinking!" Connor exclaims.

" You're such an alcoholic." Mitch says.

" I am not! I just like drinking and there's nothing wrong with that." Connor says.

" Yo, no actually I have a drinking game." Lance says. Harry looks at Niall.

" Are you okay with spending the night? Or do I have to be DD tonight?" Harry asks. Niall's heart ached. He loved seeing that Harry was caring for him.

" I'll be fine. I just have to text my mom." Niall says.

" Good! Because every time you're at a party, you end up DD and I want you to have some fun." Harry says. Niall smiles at Harry.

" Woah, how the hell do you end up as DD every time? That's not fair." Connor says.

" My friend chooses me every time. Granted, I don't drink much, but yeah." Niall says.

" Well, good thing you're drinking with us!" Connor says. He goes to the kitchen in the basement and grabs five beers. He hands them out to each person.

" Lance, what's your drinking game?" Mitch asks. Harry opens his beer and looks at Niall.

" Do you need me to open it?" Harry asks. Niall sadly nods his head. Harry lets out a laugh and opens it.

" You're adorable." Harry says. Niall brightens up at that.

" Harry! Put on Netflix!" Lance yells. Harry gives him a dirty look as he grabbed the remote.

" For what?" Harry asks, turning the telly on.

" We're watching the Bee Movie and drinking every time they say bees!" Lance exclaims.

" Do you realize how much they say bees?" Mitch asks.

" I am aware. That's exactly why we drink to it." Lance says.

" I'm down." Connor says.

" No throwing up in my basement again Connor." Harry says.

" That was two times!" Connor exclaims. Niall snickers at the friends bickering at each other.

" It's two times too many." Harry says. He puts on the Bee Movie and leans back, putting his one arm behind Niall. Niall didn't know if he should lean back, so he stayed as still as possible.

From the start of the movie, the boys had to drink. Let's just say the Bee Movie is names the Bee Movie for a reason. Niall doesn't drink much, so not even a quarter into the movie he was a little buzzed. He could still see and remember things, but everything was blurry.

Harry looks at Niall sitting next to him. It was starting to hit Harry too, but not as bad as Niall.

" Ni, you don't have to drink every time they say bees. Just do it once in a while." Harry says.

" It's too late. I think I'm buzzed." Niall says. Harry lets out a giggle.

" I'd slow down Ni." Harry says.

" Never! Go big or go home!" Connor exclaims.

" Bees!" Lance screams because 'bees' was said on the telly. The five boys take a sip of their drinks. Niall didn't think he could last any longer and they weren't even halfway in the movie. Niall looks at Harry.

" I think I'm gonna stop." Niall says.

" I think that's a good idea." Harry says. Bees was said again on the telly and four boys take a sip. Niall had to lean back on the couch because the alcohol was taking over. Niall felt Harry's arm wrap around his shoulder. He had to contain his smile.

Then Harry pulled Niall in closer to his body. Niall didn't even bother to hide his smile. He was basically cuddling with Harry. This was a dream.

The night went on and let's just say, the boys got very drunk by the end of the movie. They couldn't even do anything else after it because that's how many times the movie said bees. And let's just say, Niall and Harry may have cuddled during the movie.

But anyway, the boys claimed their spots to sleep in. Mitch was on the couch. Connor had the floor next to the couch. Lance had the other couch.

" Do you want to sleep on the couch?" Niall asks Harry, sleep taking over him.

" We can share it." Harry says. Niall seemed to wake up more at that.

" Huh?" Niall asks.

" Just cuddle with him already! Oh my god!" Connor yells. The two other boys agreed with him. Harry raises his eyebrows. Niall smiles.

They both lay down, Harry in the back, Niall in the front. Harry immediately wraps his arms around Niall's body. Niall felt at bliss in Harry's arms. And with that, Niall fell asleep.


Hi y'all!!!

I don't really have anything to say.

Oh! I know! I just wanted to let you know that I kinda want this story to have like 20-25 chapters. If I exceed that, well good for me. But the goal is 20-25 because I don't want to drag the story on. We'll see though.

Thank you guys for reading. I love you all.


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