The Rossi Coven [1] Emmett Cu...

By MariaFerero

219K 4.8K 284

A new coven shows up in Forks. Luciana Rossi and her very large family/coven show up Bella's senior year read... More

Cast list
Family Tree
Full Character List
Chapter 1 [Prologue]
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Importan A/N
Chapter 30

Chapter 31

3.3K 77 11
By MariaFerero



"This is stupid." I mumbled as Aki and I took a seat on an abandoned tree trunk in our backyard. We were surrounded by a bunch of testosterone filled men. They -being Emmett, Jasper, Iñaki and Liam- thought it would be a genius idea to have a "wrestling match" to pass time and ignore what we all knew was going on in Italy as we speak.

It was still the same day Jasper arrived to spend some time visiting. We hadn't heard anything new from the group in Volterra, which could be both bad or good.

"Don't worry Doll." Emmett beamed, sending me a small wink. "I won't hurt them too bad."

"Em, my brother is a hybrid with superior strength. I'm a little more worried about you getting hurt than him." I retorted, cocking one eyebrow at him. This over confidence was going to be hilarious when Nacho crushed him.

"Ouch! I'm hurt you think so little of me." He quipped, giving me some side eye.

"Okay, okay, we get it. You guys are a lovely couple. Can we start?" Liam interrupted, earning an eye roll from me. "You two are sure you don't want to join?"

"Positive. I have to go to school and I don't really want a bunch of bruises to accompany my outfit." Aki retorted. "But if I was playing, you would all be toast, so just be thankful I'm doing this favor for you."

"Luz?" Nacho questioned, sending me a suspicious look. Normally I jumped at the chance to participate in these kinds of things. I just wanted to watch at the beginning. I've never seen Jasper or Emmett fight and I wanted to observe before I jumped in.

"I'm good for now." I smiled, gesturing for them to get back to what they were doing.

First, Liam and Iñaki approached each other. Emmett and Jasper took a step back in order to stay out of the way. My brother and brother-in-law shared one look before Liam charged. He went straight for Nacho's knees, trying to flip him and then pin him. Unluckily for him, Nacho was ready. He sidestepped to the left, right out of the blonde haired vamp's way.

"You gotta do more than that coldy." My brother smirked, sending both Aki and I a wink. In the blink of an eye, Liam charged again. This time with a different tactic. At the last minute, he spun to the right, catching Nacho off guard and pushing his around five feet backwards. The Spaniard quickly recovered. He reached forward, grabbed the collar of Liam's shirt and flung him into the woods.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6." Aki started counting. If she got down to zero before Liam returned, Nacho won. "5, 4, 3." Still no sign of the blonde Swiss vamp. "2, 1, 0."

"Wow that was a lame way for it to end." I voiced, sending my brother an unamused look. "Will you go fish him out of the woods?"

"Can't you do that? I need to relish in my glory for a few minutes." Nacho retorted, doing a stupid victory dance. He looked like he was doing Keiri's potty dance.

"I don't want to."

"Neither do I."

"Do I look like I care?"

"Do I look like I care?"

"Yes, so go fish him out." I ordered, pointing in the direction that he flung our family member. My order was met with lots of grumbles and grunts as he walked into the trees. "Did he really think he would win that argument?"

"Yes, he always thinks he will win." Aki clarified for me, rolling her eyes. "Are you two going to start?"

"Sure. Ready, Em?" Jasper smirked, taking a fighting stance. They locked eyes and Jasper took a slight step back. Emmett took this as hesitation. He charged straight for his brother, the obvious attack, and tried to tackle him. Jasper was too fast. He jumped right over Emmett's head. It make him look like a ballerina, gracefully gliding through the air. This just made Emmett frustrated, he turned right around and went at Jasper again. This time making contact. He grabbed the side of his brother's shirt, pulling it until it ripped, allowing Jasper with an escape option. As Emmett tried to process where the blonde had gone and what he was holding, Jasper made his move. He leapt forward, jumping clear over the bigger man's head, landing directly in front. He grabbed Emmett by the wrist, easily flipping him so he landed on his back. With a confident smirk, Jasper placed his foot on my mate's chest.

"Wow. That was interesting." Aki laughed. "You guys fight in two completely different ways. I like seeing them go head to head. Jasper, where did you learn how to fight like that?"

The southern vampire's eyes were glued to the ground as he suddenly became uncomfortable.

"I have a long past. Not everything was easy when I first turned." He said allusively. This gave both of us absolutely no information, but we had no real right to pry into his life if he didn't want us there. No matter how much I wanted to.

"Who wants to go against me!" Nacho cheered as he re-entered the backyard, Liam slung over his shoulders, looking like a cranky kid.

"I think you should go against Jasper. I want to see how he handles a hybrid." I excitedly suggested, clapping my hands together without even noticing. This earned me a chuckle from Emmett as he plopped down on the open spot to my right.

Jasper and Nacho nodded to each other, moving to prepare themselves in the center of the open space. This would be interesting.

"Good job by the way." I mumbled, nudging my mate with my elbow as he reached to hold my hand in his.

"No way. I lost and looked like a noobie." He complained, leaning down to rest his head on my shoulder.

"Oh Em, are you sulking?" Jasper quipped, sending his brother a mocking face.

"Jazz, just focus on not getting your ass kicked by this half vamp. He looks like he can school you." Emmett boomed, sending his brother a glare.


After hours and hours and HOURS of wrestling. Nacho came out on top. He beat every single one of them. Jasper was definitely more of a challenge for him, but he still won in the end. Emmett beat Jasper a few times and Liam pretty consistently. Jasper generally whooped my mate, but struggled a little at the beginning when going up against my brother-in-law.

By the time the sun started setting, I got the urge to join in. I easily crushed Liam. I knew exactly how he fought and he never changed, that's why he was so easy once you learned his style.

Aki cheered me on, along with Emmett as I faced off with Jasper. I had to clarify to him that he was allowed to try and whoop me because his manners were telling him to go easy. Nacho and I didn't fight because we tend to hold grudges for waaaaaay too long when we do so.

The last person for me to fight was Emmett. I had gone up against his brother about three times and crushed Liam beyond repair. It had to be at least past midnight at this point and I was ready to try and crush the poor man in front of me.

"All relationships are off. I am going all in. No babying, baby." Emmett stated, squaring up. Aki laughed, trying to cover her mouth as she sat on the same log, eating as she watched. She claims it was the only way for her to keep busy so she didn't get bored watching.

"Good luck Emmett. She is going to crush you, no doubt about it."

"We will see. Ready, Doll?" The giant man in front of me questioned, sending me his infamous smirk.

"Of course Babe." I laughed, squaring up, digging my shoes into the ground just the slightest bit.

Within a second, he was coming dashing at me. As the giant figure grew in size, I took a slight step to the left. He overcorrected, flying past me. Before he could fall, he steadied his feet and turned back around to face me, a look of pure determination on his face. He charged at me again. This time I stood my ground. He ran into me, surprising me slightly as I skidded back a few steps. As he reached around me to try and flip me on the ground, I slid under his legs, tripping him as I went. As he landed hard on the ground, I sprang to my feet, taking a seat on him chest.

"Having fun down there?" I smirked as Jasper laughed hysterically from the sidelines.

"Humph." He sighed, rolling his eyes at me.

"Oh don't whine." I scolded, standing up and offering him my hand. He reached up and grabbed it. Before he could try and pull me back down, I heaved him up onto his feet.

"I want a rematch." He stated, looking down at me with a pouty expression.

"Awww. Maybe you'll get it next time." I joked, standing up on my tippy toes. I pressed a quick kiss to his lips, our first. Before I even thought about it, I turned around and walked back to Aki, grabbing some chips from the bag sitting by her feet.

"Oooh, Lucy I think you broke him." Jasper chuckled, making me turn around. The second I locked eyes with the big goof in front of me, he dashed straight for me. Before I knew it, he was pulling me close, pressing his lips to mine again. This time it wasn't quick. He held me there as I practically melted into him. This kiss was full of passion and feelings. I felt him grinning into the kiss, as he laced his arms around my waist.

"Ewwww!!!!! That's my sister!!! ASQUEROSO!!!" Nacho yelled, making fake gaging noises as he walked past us. "It's late. I need sleep."

"Nacho eres inútil!!!" I yelled back as my mate pulled me into a hug.

"I don't want to see someone sucking your face off. It just reminds me that I'm lonely." He laughed, dashing away. Emmett chuckled into my ear as he held me close to him. My face was now crimson, more from being uncomfortable than being embarrassed. 

"That's one way to make up for beating me." He whispered in my ear.

"Shut up." I scolded smacking him lightly. "I need to go to bed."

"And I need to join you."


"I swear Luz! Emmett is making you a literal child!!!" Aki yelled at me as I sat in a pillow tent with three kids. Emmett was outside holding the top up because he couldn't figure out how to make it stay. Charlotte actually came up with the idea that he hold it himself and he couldn't say no to her. So here we were.

"Momma, don't yell." Keiri instructed her mother, as she stuck her head out of the tent.

"I'm sorry Kichi, I didn't mean to yell, but we need to clean up. The rest of Emmett's family, along with uncle Alessio are coming back." My best friend explained to her little daughter.

"There are more of them?" She asked, shocked. It was hilarious. Sometimes I forget she's only just turned three and that her memory only lasted so long.

"Yeah, I have a lot of brothers and sisters." Emmett explained, reaching forward to help the little girl to her feet.

"Cool!" She smiled before dashing off to who knows where.

"To be three years old...." Aki sighed watching her daughter leave.

"Literally, life seems so easy." I laughed, laying back on the pile of pillows.

"Put the pillows back!" Nico came into the room yelling. Emmett's face at being caught aiding in our activities was priceless. He looked terrified.

"But Daaaaad." Charlotte whined, rolling out of the tent because she was tangled in a blanket that Eli wrapped around her.

"No but Char. You need to go put on clothes." Her father instructed, reaching to unwrap her.

"Fine...." She grumbled running off. Elijah quickly followed her, not wanting to get in trouble.

"How long until they show up?" I asked my cousin, hoping to divert his cranky attention as long as I could.

"I think we have twenty, maybe thirty minutes." He explained, leaving to follow his daughter and hunt for his reclusive teenage son.

"Looks like you two are on cleanup duty." Aki chuckled walking away before we could say anything.

"Wow thanks Kiki. So helpful."

"You know it babe!" She laughed, sending me a wink over her shoulder.

I turned back to Emmett. He was still watching in the direction Nico disappeared to.

"You're fine." I laughed, grabbing his attention.

"Tell that to your brother." Emmett mumbled.

"You're fine." I restated, rolling my eyes. "Help me clean up this mess?"

"Of course." He chuckled. Wrapping the blanket up as I went to pick up the pillows we put inside.


"Welcome back!" I heard Giusy greet from the entryway.

"Uncle Lex and Uncle Mickey are back!" I yelled making all the kids jump up and charge for the front door. It was cute.

"They're like a little army." Jasper laughed, getting up to follow them. I could practically feel the excitement radiating off of him at the thought of seeing Alice again.

"Are you not excited to see your family?" I chuckled, turning to look at the big man next to me.

"Aren't you excited to see your brothers again? Michele literally disappeared for way longer than he planned." He retorted back, raising an eyebrow at me dramatically.

"Touché." I laughed, jumping up and offering him my hand. He took it, using me to lift him to his feet. A light chuckled left his lips as he looked down at me.

"You're one tough cookie." He mumbled, placing a light kiss on my lips.

"Yes, yes, I am an angel. Now come on! I want to go see my brother." I yelled, speeding away in the direction of Michele.

Upon locking my eyes on the figure of my big brother, I leapt into the air expecting him to catch me. Thankfully he did, letting out his annoying laugh.

"I missed you brother." I murmured, keeping myself latched onto him.

"I missed you too Lulu." He laughed.

"What am I?! Chopped liver?! Rude!" Lex yelled at me, bringing my attention to his spot in the corner of the room.

"You dipshit!" I yelled, still not releasing my brother.

"Aunty Lucy!" Charlotte scolded me.

"Yeah gosh Luce!" Emmett jumped on the bandwagon, greeting his family who stood around watching us.

"Sorry Char..... but your uncle is mean."

"How am I mean?" My cousin questioned, coming over to join Michele and I's hug.

"You disappeared one night while I was sleeping and risked your life. THAT is mean." I stated, whacking him lightly before wrapping my arms around his waist. "Don't do that again."

"I won't, I promise Luce.... but look what it got us." He smirked, pulling back to open his arms dramatically showing me the audience surrounding us.

"You did a good job. I will give you that." I laughed, moving to give Esme a hug. "Hi Esme! I missed you."

"I missed you too sweetheart." She smiled, returning my hug.

"How was everyone's trip?" Giusy asked from her spot next to Esme and I.

"Good!" Alice chirped from her spot tucked under Jasper's arm. She sent me a large grin and a wink instead of a hug.

"Where are Rose, Edward, Bella, and Carlisle?" I questioned, confused. They were not a part of the large congregation.

"They are back at the house. We only came to drop off Alessio and pick up Jasper and maybe Emmett, if he wants to come." Esme smiled at me.

"Wait just drop off Alessio...?" I said trying to process the words being said.

"Yeah, I just need to collect more of my stuff..." My brother trailed off, not making eye contact.

"No! Piccolo bastardo!!" I yelled at him.

"Come on Lulu...." He tried.

"I told you I was the better brother." Nacho laughed from the hallway.

"Shut up!" Giusy scolded, sending the idiot a glare.

"You're moving out?" I asked, taking a deep breath.

"Yes. With all the Cullen's back I can move in with Rosalie." He tried to explain.

"But we've basically lived together for two-thousand years.... you're just going to leave?" I questioned, my voice barely higher than a squeak. Emmett reached out to place a hand on my shoulder. Giusy rounded the rest of our family out of the small space and Jasper, and Alice sent me a small smile before walking out.

"Lulu, I'm not leaving you. You can literally run to me in less that five minutes." He tried to reason, again, coming closer.

"But you aren't going to be in our basement anymore and I won't be able to come bug you with every little thing..."

"You CAN come bug me with every little thing." He smiled, reaching out to grab me and pull me into a tight hug.

"No I can't." I mumbled, a tear running down my face. "You have a life now. You're leaving me. You don't need my help, I'm just the annoying little sister. You're leaving just like Teuvo and Myra."

"Lulu, you could never be an annoying little sister. You are my... my life. You are one of the most important people in my life. I would never leave you."

"But Rosalie is more important..." I cried.

"I'm still here though. I am not dead. I love you with my entire heart and if you need absolutely anything you can still come to me." He sighed, rubbing my shoulders soothingly.

"You're my big brother.... you're not supposed to pick someone over me." I croaked, gripping his shirt in my hands.

"Luz, it's going to be okay. Our world is changing. It is constantly growing and shrinking. You are going to have to adapt as it goes." Giusy whispered, coming up to run her hand through my hair. Whenever I cried or something was wrong, G was both my sister and my mother.

"You have the beginnings of an amazing life here Lulu. You have people who love you and life is just going to get better. You don't need every single one of us in your life twenty-four-seven. You are an amazing part of our lives and we love you, but you are allowed to live your own life. Pick yourself for once." My brother instructed, pulling away from me and looking into my eyes. I've never seen him more serious than right now.

"Go get your stuff before I loose it again." I chuckled, pushing him lightly in the direction of his room.

I stood there for a second, staring off into the distance. My world was changing. My family was right. I deserve to live my own life. I have Emmett, Emmett is amazing. These kids are great, I get to see them grow up. BUT I am not their mother. I can be a part of their life without being the sole person caring for them.

"I'm sorry." Esme mused, sending me a sad smile.

"It's okay. I'm just being over-dramatic." I chuckled, sending her a small smile.

"Luz. Why don't you go take a walk, or go take a second and relax by yourself." My sister suggested, wrapping me in a quick hug before pushing me in the direction of the house.

I stumbled briefly and then walked all the way to my room without talking to anyone. I sat there, breathing, tuning out the sounds ricocheting around the walls of the house.

I was startled with a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I squeaked out, locking my eyes on the door separating me from whoever was on the other side. It cracked open and my brother peeked his head in.

"It's me. I wanted to say goodbye for the night and give you a hug. I will see you at school in two days though." He smiled.

"Okay, dork. I love you. Say hi to everyone for me." I smiled lightly, getting up to bury my head in his chest again.

"I will. See ya dork!" He laughed walking out and not stopping until he entered the car in the driveway. I let out a big sigh I didn't even realize I was holding. Suddenly two large arms wrapped around me, pulling me into a cold, hard chest.

"I thought you would go home." I mumbled, leaning back into him.

"You're brother is starting his life." He murmured into my hair. "I am here to help you start your life."

"Thank you Em." I mumbles, turning around in his arms, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I'm here for the long run. This is the beginning of forever." He whispered, pressing a passionate kiss to my lips.

"The beginning of forever...."

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