
By the_impssible_girl

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Victoria Stilinski never knew that her long time crush would even look at her let alone hook up with her. Jus... More

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Unexpected Cast
Part 2 Aesthetic
Short Q&A
Cover Contest
Cover Contest Results
Part 3 Aesthetic
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2
Bonus Chapter 3


3.3K 90 6
By the_impssible_girl

Chapter Fifty-Two
Duct Tape

Music played from my stereo, cancelling out any noise that may or may not be coming from Stiles' room. I thought it'd be best to be safe rather than sorry. I was doing my creative writing homework, writing a short story based on any genre of my choosing. Of course I decided to do paranormal and write about werewolves, it's pretty easy writing out my visions. It'll be an easy A for sure. 

My writing stopped, however, when I felt a kick against my stomach. I froze for a moment, wondering if she'd move again. She did. I felt another kick that was directed at my belly button and I laughed slightly. 

It felt so weird, the feeling of her moving inside me. I set my computer next to me and rolled up my shirt so I could see the movements from the outside. I gently pressed against where I knew she was resting and then moved my hand away and waited. 

After a moment, she kicked back right where I'd pressed. I laughed lightly and pressed again, this time where my baby boy was sleeping. Maybe if I make it to where they both wake up at the same time, I won't be woken up at midnight and then again at three a.m. because they have opposite moving schedules. 

I dunno if that's actually a thing but, it feels like it might be? 

On my skin, I could see it bubble up slightly as he moved. I wondered it it was his foot or maybe an elbow or knee. Or hand. I could feel tears clouding my eyes and I didn't fully understand why I was getting so emotional. 

I rested my hands on my belly, one hand over my baby boy and the other over my baby girl. I could feel her kicking against my hand and tears escaped my eyes. I love them so much that its overwhelming. 

My heart almost hurts with how much I care about them. I hope they feel the same. I want to be a good mom for them, I want them to be happy and to always feel loved. I thought back to earlier today with Ashley and I. 

Oh god, I couldn't even console a crying girl and I'm supposed to be a mom to two babies? If I can't handle a crying teenager how and I going to handle these two? Ohmygod.. I'm going to be a horrible mother. 

I can't do this. What made me think I could do this? They deserve so much better than me... 

I was full on sobbing when I heard my door open. Stiles had wide eyes but then he frowned, "why're you crying?" He asked, worry lacing his words. I sniffled, bringing my hands to my face to wipe away my tears. 

"What if I can't do this? What if I'm a horrible mother?" The tears I wiped away were soon replaced with a new set of tears. I couldn't stop crying. What's wrong with me? "Why is she crying? Stiles, what'd you do?" Malia's voice carried into my room and soon after hearing her, I felt her arms wrap around my shoulders. 

Stiles let out a sigh, which gained my attention as I sniffled, trying to stop crying. "I didn't do anything. Victoria, did Scott call you?" I shook my head, trying to calm my breathing as a hiccup left me. "N, no." 

"He needs me at his house now. Something about Liam," my tears stopped at that. What's going on with the kid? I thought he was at the hospital. "Are you gonna come?" I nodded, wiping at my eyes and then pulling my shirt down. 

Malia helped me up from my bed, thankfully. "I'm gonna stay here. I still need to study." I gave her a smile, "I'll help you study this weekend, promise." She just nodded and then waved Stiles and I off as we made our way to the jeep.


Scott was quick to answer his door, leading us into the house quickly while he and Stiles threw themselves into a conversation. "Like I said, I told my dad everything I could." Scott was frantic, "but you didn't tell him about Liam?"

Stiles sighed, "you barely told me about Liam. What did you do with him anyways?" I followed the boys through the house, my hand on the base of my belly as we walked. "He's upstairs." I frowned at that, "what's he doing upstairs? Shouldn't he be getting an x-ray?"

Scott sent me a look that said he messed up. Uh oh. "He's.... lying down." The uncertainty of his words made me cock a brow. I shared a look with Stiles and then sighed. "What's he really doing, Scott?" I crossed my arms, looking up at him. 

He scratched the back of his neck and a narrowed my eyes. "I'll just show you." Stiles and I followed Scott into his bathroom, which confused me. Where was Liam? Scott gave me a small smile before pulling back the shower curtain. 

My eyes widened as I saw Liam in the tub. He was duct taped and completely immobilized. Liam began letting out muffled cries and his wide eyes found mine. I narrowed my gaze at Scott, my eyes set in a glare as Stiles closed the shower curtain with a sigh. 

Great. My boyfriend kidnapped a kid. A fifteen-year-old boy who is going to be reported missing sooner or later. And now, he's made Stiles and I guilty by association. I followed the boys back into the room and stood in front of them as they sat on the bed. 

"You kidnapped Liam?" I asked, my voice low and quiet. I could tell by the look on Scott's face that he was worried about my reaction to this. Stiles sighed, "and bit him." My eyes widened and Scott sent Stiles a look. "You bit him!?"

Scott nodded, "yeah..." I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. "Why would you bring him here?" Stiles asked. Scott looked to him, "I panicked." I rolled my eyes, "obviously." Stiles looked slightly amused with the situation but, also annoyed and unsure where they go from here. 

"This isn't goign to end with us burying the pieces of his body out in the desert is it?" Stiles asked and I could hear Liam's muffled screams. My glare deepened and I snapped. "NO! We are not killing a child! You're going to fix this. Now, go grab the boy...." When no one moved I growled out, "now." 

The boys stood up and began moving to the bathroom, but stopped when I went to leave the room. "Wait, where are you going?" Scott asked and I huffed. "I'm not the one who kidnapped Liam. So, I'm gonna go order a pizza." 

And with that, I spun on my heels and made my way downstairs to find the landline. I walked into the living room and found the phone, a smile on my face as I grabbed it and the phone book, looking up the number before calling. 

I ordered an XL pepperoni pizza, I figure the boys and Liam might be hungry too. I made my way back up the stairs to check on the boys, only to find Liam now tied to a chair, crying while Scott and Stiles kneeled in front of him, bickering. 

"You're not going to die." Scott reassured and my eyes widened when Stiles spoke up, "probably not." Scott sighed, "Stop it." Stiles nodded, "okay, possibly not." I let out a groan, gaining the attention of all the boys. 

I shook my head at Stiles, "why did you guys make him cry? What'd you do?" I crossed my arms and then eyes Liam who was sniffling slightly. "Liam, for the record, I'd just like to say that I didn't kidnap you and I'm here to help you. I also got you pizza." I smiled at the boy. 

Liam sniffled and his crying stopped but, I could still see the distrust and stress on his face. Poor boy, he was just so confused right now. I frowned at him, looking to the boys, "can you guys untie him? He's not a prisoner?"

"Yeah," Both boys got up to quickly release the duct tape while Liam bowed his head. I stood in the doorway, frowning at him. "Liam, are you okay?" I asked softly. Scott sighed, " We're sorry about that." Stiles nodded, "we're really sorry." 

I watched cautiously as Liam turned away from the boys, bending down and-- oh no. He grabbed the chair and swung it around, hitting Scott in the head and knocking him to the ground. 

I quickly back peddled away from the room, my back pressing against the hallway wall as I watched as Stiles breathed quickly, "Liam, what the hell is you..." Liam punched Stiles in the face, knocking him back into the dresser, before turning and moving to run out of the room. 

He paused for a moment, looking at me, and I slightly worried that he'd hurt me too. But, he didn't, instead he gave me an apologetic smile and then ran down the hallway. He stopped at the end though, looking down at his healed ankle with a confused frown. 

The boys came running out of the room, falling through the door in a heap before Stiles yelled, "get him!" My eyes widened and I looked to Liam, "run, Liam!" He didn't react quick enough and I watched as my boys tackled Liam, all three of them tumbling down the stairs. 

"Ohmygod! Scott, Stiles, Liam?" I ran over to the stairs, looking down as I saw their entangled limbs. Stiles was groaning in pain before he snapped back into reality, he began grabbing at limbs, screaming, "I got him! I got him!" 

He didn't realize Liam was already out the door. I crossed my arms, looking down at the two boys who were kicking eachother in the face before realizing that the newly turned wolf was gone. 

"See, this is what happens when you kidnap kids instead of talking with them in a civilized manner!" I snapped, walking down the stairs and stepping over the boys, making my way into the kitchen. I swear, these boys are nearly more trouble than they're worth. I'm kidding! Sort of. 


The next morning, I woke up tired from the late night of... kidnapping? I was exhausted and my back and feet were aching, but I was determined to have a good day. Today I had another appointment for the babies, it'll be my 28-week scan. I'm so excited!

After the appointment its full moon prep that I don't get to be apart of. Scott wants me home and safe since Liam might be out of control and he doesn't want me getting hurt, which I understand and completely respect. Which is why I've decided that tonight I'll video chat with Danny instead. 

My dad popped into my room, knocking on the door frame as I was grabbing my school bag. "Hey, dad." I smiled at him, putting my bag on my shoulder. He was dressed in his uniform with a coffee in his hand, ready for the day. He smiled at me, "school starts soon. You and your brother need to get going." 

I nodded while leaving the room, following him over to Stiles' room. We were met with an interesting sight. Stiles was putting chains onto Malia's wrist, making sure they fit. "Is that too tight?" He asked her. 

"No." I glanced up, with a smirk, checking to see my dads reaction and it took everything in me not to laugh at his open mouthed look of surprise and concern for his son. It was great. Stiles glanced up from the chains to see me and dad in the doorway. 

Stiles looked from us to the chains while Malia looked up at us, "hey. Um..." He tried to think of an explanation but, came up empty. "That's... this is not what you think at all." I giggled lightly at Malia's confused expression. "Kinky," I stated, laughing once again when my dad frowned at me. 

Dad shook his head, looking away from malia and Stiles, "I don't even want to know." He turned and walked down the hallway, but not before Stiles could yell, "there's nothing to know cause... I just..." 

Malia looked from me to Stiles and began untying the binds, "I don't get it." I smiled fondly at the girl and gave a sigh, "I'll explain it to you later, don't worry." Stiles' eyes widened at me slightly, "can you not?" 

I laughed before turning away and walking down the hallway, "lets go! I don't want to be late!" 

A/N: another chapter. It's shorter but, whatever. I hope you guys like it!! 

Comment and Vote, please. Until next time--XO 

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