Baby Doll

By eerieecho

200 3 11

"Baby doll, don't argue with me on this. Not now. Not when you're dressed like this." He said his breath gett... More



17 0 0
By eerieecho

I thought the name sounded familiar but I couldn't trace where I had heard it. She then left the room and I followed her out.
I wasn't exactly sure what you would have loved to eat so I made a variety of dishes. I hope you don't mind,' she looked back at me and smiled. The wonderful aroma of food assailed me once I stepped onto the landing. I definitely do not mind. 'My niece would also be joining us for dinner, she might be a bit late from school though.' I just hummed a response of agreement. I noticed her home was covered in earthy tones and still looked a bit elegant and modern. It was beautiful. I felt her suddenly coming to a stop and also did so before I barreled into her. She swiftly turned around and looked up at me. 'Before I let you into my dining area, do you have any allergies that I should know of?'

'Bee stings,' she raised her left brow at me and then burst into a peal of uncontrollable laughter, 'don't worry, even I don't understand how the eventuality is possible considering I am a lycanthrope,' I said giving her a toothy grin.

'Okay, your highness, welcome to a buffet with the Burkes,' she said opening the door to the kitchenette and dining area. The assortment of foods arranged on a rotating circular table piece seemed a bit larger than normal for two people. The smells coming from there were absolutely mouthwatering. Just then, my stomach growled to remind me that I hadn't eaten in a while. It had been a while since I had seen such a luscious meal. I had forgotten what it was like to just have that much food on a table. Take a seat and help yourself, Hilda coaxed me. I sat at the table and just stared at the table for a while wondering where to begin. A loud laugh rang out from beside me, You can start with the meats section, there is medium rare and cooked all the way through, whichever you prefer.

Thank you, I said smiling at her. I decided to have a kick at eat, I just served a bit of most things and stuffed myself.

So where are you from? Hilda asked me.

I belong to the royal shifter and supernatural court.

You're related to the king?

No, I'm his firstborn, I said as I took a sip of the glass of water that I then noticed was right next to me.

I'm sorry for your loss, she said looking at me with a pained expression.

So am I. a heavy silence fell between us for a while and all that could be heard in that time was the clattering of cutlery as the forks and knives made contact with the plate.

Do you ever miss him?

Every day of my miserable life, I say exhaling. I look down at my plate for a minute as the memory of my fathers smile assailed me and all the mementos of us where he taught me how to be king and when he drove me off to college where I did a double major in business and law so I could learn how to be a better king and succeed him when the time comes. We lost him a few days ago and the pain then was so overwhelming as well as the shock because he was doing so well and had no ailments whatsoever. We were to hold a party that weekend to celebrate my graduation then he went to bed that night and just never—he never woke up. The pain in my chest was growing once again and I could feel control slipping away from me again.

Dear, dear are you alright? I could hear the voice but it was slipping away from me as I was phasing again and I could feel my senses heightening and myself becoming a beast. I need to get away from her before I rip her to shreds.

I need to leave, I said my voice now becoming heavy as my canines began to protrude. I can't hold myself much longer.

* * *

School was really tiring today, I wonder sometimes why I insist on going while I already have several degrees under my belt. Not to mention the companies I own but as a board chair with different names each time. the board members in these companies are also supernaturals who understand what I am but our interest is based solely on business. They call me in only to make major decisions concerning the companies. As I walk up the steps I am hit by the sudden sense of something not being right. I slowly walk up the steps leading into the house careful not to make a sound or alert anyone dangerous of my presence. I quietly open the door and there is no one in the foyer. I then hear a quiet growling sound coming from the kitchen. I get into a fighting stance and walk slowly to the dining area cum kitchenette while praying that my aunt is still safe. I then kick the kitchen door open and dive into the back of the room only to find the royal Lycan in his shifted form tied up on the floor and angry. and my aunt staring at him wondering what to do next.

' Holy mother of skittles! you were supposed to feed him aunt not trigger the animal again,' I said as I dropped my bag and knelt beside the fully phased lycanthrope and looked into its eyes to understand the emotion plaguing its being.

' I panicked, I just asked him about his family and where he was from and then all of a sudden he just poof! Turned into that.' Then we both burst into obnoxious laughter.

'We really should learn how to laugh though.'


'What are we going to do with him now?'

'I know just the thing,' I said smirking down at him. His highness was in for a surprise. I couldn't wait to welcome his highness in my own fashion, and it had been a while since I had welcomed anyone to my turf.

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