Izuku's support life

By frozenlion2

16.6K 569 103

Izuku has had a very troubled things got better but he doesn't believe he can be a hero. Instead he decides t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

1.4K 51 12
By frozenlion2

                      Chapter 6

                      Izuku POV

A week into being grounded and I'm starting to go crazy from boredom. All I can really do is study. Luckily I start school tomorrow and my uniform just came in. I hid it in the closet before mom could see because the last thing I need is her taking a million and one pictures. 

A few moments later I hear the door open. Finally now I have someone to talk to. I wonder if mom picked up the school stuff I need? As I thought while sitting on the couch "Hi Izuku. I picked up the stuff from the list you gave me." She told me as she set the stuff on the floor. 

As I looked through the bag I saw fresh notebook pencils, gloves for working a saw and blowtorches, a welders mask, and etc. "Thanks mom. You're the best." I said as I gave her the biggest smile. She smiled back. The rest of the night went on like this. We ordered take out. 

        Time skip brought to you by chibi loud mic

The alarm went off and I woke up and got dressed and walked out and saw mom in her hero costume."Morning mom. Is the coffee done yet? ~Yawn~" "Yes it is. If you're ready we will leave in a few minutes." "Thanks. Yeah I'm just about ready. Let me drink some of this." I told as I rubbed my eyes and pick up my #1 son mug. After getting some coffee in my system and feeling more awake me and mom get into her car and head to school.

We finally get there and I head to Gamma Gym for the entrance ceremony. The principal, a mouse bear rat creature thing, gave a long speech about how we should go beyond our normal limits and always do the best we can. That we must go plus ultra and more typical school stuff. I looked around at my classmate, the girl with pink braids and the girl who was messing with electronics before both weren't paying attention. Luckily for them the teacher Powerloader hadn't noticed yet. After another hour we were dismissed to our classrooms. 

As we entered the teacher introduced himself to us. "My name is Powerloader and I will be your teacher for this year. I will show you all the in's and out's of the hero Support group. Now let's now let the class introduce themselves. We will start with seating order." He finished as he pointed to the person in the first seat.

He looked taller and had a scar up his forearm with black hair and brown eyes. He constantly looked tired as he stood up and bowed. He was taller than me, which isn't that hard. He introduced himself as "Hello I'm Saburo Hayashida. My quirk is a bit weird. It's reincarnation and so I can see the previous life I had." He sat back down.

A bit weird but he looks nice enough I should ask him more about his quirk later. 

The next few weren't that interesting. Then the girl who was fumbling with electronics was up next. She has blonde hair and fair skin. She seems more prideful about herself and looks very foreign.She also seems pretty curious about everyone. She stood up and said "Yo I'm Ash Walker. I'm from America and I can only understand you all because of the translator in my ear at the moment and this mic translates what I'm saying to Japanese. Anyway my quirk is electronics. I can tell everything about an electronic by shocking it." And she sat down.

I wonder if her parents made it, or if she did, or she bought it. And that quirk could be useful in this field. 

A few more students the the girl with pink dreadlocks stands "Hi I'm Mei Hatsume I plan to make lots of babies now excuse me while I began planning my next one" and she sat back down. She has big gloves and overalls. She also has a pair of goggles on the top of her head.


I noticed everyone staring at me. I stood up hastily and bowed. "I'm Izuku K-Kayama. And I'm q-q-quirkless." And I hurried and sat down again. As I was sitting there I heard some people whispering about who knows what. They are probably whispering about my quirklessness. 

Next was another odd one. He had brown hair and had a grid on his eyes. He stands "Hello all. I'm Quin Kono. My quirk lets me see all living things in a range but I prefer not to fight. I can also use it to see inside objects as well." He held himself very proper and he seemed very kind. But was very quiet and reserved.

Hmmm the ability to see inside things will be very useful to see what's broken in something.

The last of the interesting people here is another guy. He stands up and says "I'm Eclair Fukuhara. I'm only here temporarily. I'll be in the hero course soon so I won't be making friends with any of you." He held himself more in a way of I'm better than all of you. He has a small scar on his cheek. He also doesn't appear to want to explain anything else.

Well we have the weirdos in the class now. Let's hope I don't get close to them.

As the day went on we were given a placement test to see where we would place among our peers after that was lunch. As I got my tray of food provided by the pro-hero Lunch Rush, I looked around to see if I could find Todoroki or Iida. "Hmmm both of their tables seem full, let's see who else there. There is some girl with orange hair and green eyes sitting with a guy with silver look hair. There is a spikey hair kid who seems to be mad at everyone? No let's avoid that mess. An elegant looking princess and a punk rocker? Weird duo but no. Well there-" My thoughts were cut off. "Do you always think out loud?" Said a mysteriously familiar voice. I turned and it was Ashe. "Umm j-just a habit s-somtimes" I answered back. "Well if you don't have anywhere to sit come with me" she said to me.

As I followed I finally noticed where I was going. It's all the strange ones from earlier. I sighed as I sat down. "So tell me all about yourselves?" Ashe asked all of us as she sat down. Mei was already working on something I couldn't tell. Saburo was busy arguing with himself? Quin was looking behind us. "Hey I asked you all a question." I sighed. "I'm Izuku and m-my mom is N-Nemuri Kayama. W-we live a decent life and I-I suffer from anxiety." I told her. "Well how about the rest of you?" Eclair looked up "Well my brother is the Pro detective Hero Rewatch. My parents idolize him and ignore me is that all you need?" Eclair said scowling at his food. "I'm sorry to hear about that Eclair." Ashe told him.

"I enjoy making babies and people tend to avoid me." Mei told us. "When you say babies do you mean?" And Ashe proceeded to make a cradling motion with her hands. "What? No I mean the creations that we will make duuuh" Mei said thinking it was the most obvious thing ever.  As we continued to talk and get to know each other lunch ended. The rest of the school day went on as normal and it was finally time to head home.

In the car "How was your first day of school honey?" "It was weird and fun mom. I see where you and mic get your personalties from." I responded. "Hey that's mean to say about me." "Not uncle Mic though?" "No your uncle Mic is pretty weird if I'm being honest" I laughed a bit. "You're not wrong. Uncle Easer would agree with us." "You're totally right" mom laughed as she said that. When we made it home I went and started to make some dinner for the both us while mom graded papers. After we finished dinner I ended up doing a bit of studying then went to bed.

A/n- Sorry about the shorter chapter today everyone I hope you like it all the same

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