Nothings Gonna Hurt You Baby...

By cherubkookie

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Namjoon brought over another tray of drinks for the table, Seokjin and Taehyung taking theirs happily. Jungko... More



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By cherubkookie

It's not that Jungkook doesn't want to meet Taehyung's friends, it's not. It's just that he really doesn't want to.

"I just don't understand how you find all of these homos to hangout with, am I not enough for you?" He groaned, his pink socks dragging across the carpet to watch the other throw various items of black clothing onto the bed.

"You're bisexual! Not even fully homo! Besides, to be a true ally I think I need at least one friend on every part of the spectrum." Taehyung explained, with a roll of his eyes.

"Nice to know that I'm just a diversity quota for you." The younger didn't actually have any argument against going, he knew he probably should be getting out of the house. It was only a matter of time before Taehyung went into Jungkook's room, guns blazing and demanding that he separate himself from his computer.

Being a computer science major and ultra introvert made it hard for him to spend his rare freetime anywhere that wasn't on a discord server. Typically, this was no issue for him and Taehyung being roommates. The other was quite introverted as well, spending his time painting the girls who ended up in his bed on occasion but otherwise practicing his violin and portraits in solitude. The two would often only speak to each other for weeks on end, and hanging out would occur in the form of one crawling into the others bed with total silence or texting memes back and forth from different ends of the couch.

But that all changed when Taehyung started going to Persona. 

Jungkook had never heard of the club in his life before he had told him about it. It wasn't advertised, there were no whispers around classes of going there on the weekends. At first Jungkook didn't know why, he figured it was odd that his roommate spent nearly every weekend at a club across town. Especially when we wouldn't even be drunk as he came home, but he was his only friend and Jungkook wasn't about to let him go over going to a straight edge nightclub.

But after an alarmed encounter with catching a glimpse of scratches and bruises all over Taehyung's back, he knew exactly why he hadn't heard of it, why he never was offered an invitation. Because it was a BDSM club.

Jungkook liked to think of himself as a pretty open person, he did join tumblr when he was twelve. He had read enough smutty fanfiction in his adolescent days of budding bisexuality to discover what BDSM was, and if that was what Taehyung was into, so be it. He could totally be the supportive side character in Fifty Shades of Taetae.

But being coerced into meeting his kinky friends at Persona? Not exactly what he pictured spending his Friday night doing, even if it was less pathetic than sitting in his room looking at Widowmaker fanart.

"You know, you said the dress code is black. That is my whole wardrobe, you know." Jungkook complained from where he laid on the bed.

"Black and sexy . Last time I checked, cargo pants and t-shirts 5 sizes too big for you are not sexy."

He couldn't really argue with that, he was so comfort driven that if he could wear joggers everyday, he would. He had never really liked to stand out, choosing to be comfy and secluded instead.

Black jeans hit his chest, causing him to groan in pretend misery. The only response he received was a black silk button up landing across his face.


Another assumption Jungkook had about himself that was being tested was that he was polite. Sure, he wasn't a kiss-ass but he always maintained a gentlemanly way of being. At least that's what he thought until Taehyung started lecturing him about proper etiquette as he drove. Of all places, he really hadn't expected a sex dungeon would enforce manners too heavily. Apparently, he was sorely mistaken ("Jungkook-ah, I'm serious. If someone is wearing a collar do not flirt with them.").

The club looked like any other from the outside, in fact it looked a little less dingy and lively. It was two stories tall, all windows completely blacked out by curtains. Despite this, white flowers sat in window boxes by the doors, making the red porch light over the door look less intimidating. His Dr.Martens made his footsteps loud but they were even louder in his ears as he walked down the rainy street with Taehyung, or maybe that was the blood pumping in his veins.

He wasn't a virgin, he'd lost that in a short lived post-high school hoe phase to a girl back home in Busan. He had even tied up one of the guys he slept with last year, there should be no reason for him to be so nervous. His body didn't seem to agree, though. His palms felt clammy with every tremor of his hands and his chest felt like it was going to beat out of his chest.

Of course Taehyung, ever the empath, grabbed his hand and rubbed his thumb soothingly over his knuckles.

"We don't have to do this! These places are a lot of pressure, I was into the scene for a year before I ever went to a club. We can go home and play video games, if you want."

Despite his kind words, Jungkook knew he would be disappointed if he backed out now. Taehyung never really had a space that allowed him to get out of his shell, something that he and the other both shared. Jungkook could never take this from him. He felt honored, in some weird way. He knew that this was a special place to his friend, one that he probably couldn't share with anyone else.

"No, I'm okay. Just nervous. Stay beside me, please?"

Instead of a verbal answer he was met with an infamous boxy smile and a kiss pressed to his silky, black hair.

The front door was heavy, leading into what looked like a weird foyer. A pretty woman with long, talon like nails sat behind a ticket window. Her upper body was only clothed with a latex top, the breasts cut out and black tassel pasties covering her nipples. When her cat-like eyes landed on Taehyung she smiled a terrifying grin, it was both sexy and intimidating. Welcoming and warning.

"Welcome back, Handsome." She nearly purred, one of her long nails going to red on her red painted lip.

"Hello Mistress." Taehyung mumbled, his cheeks and ears instantly going red in embarrassment. Jungkook could hardly hide his shock, something the woman picked up instantly.

"Who is this pretty little bunny you've brought me?" She inquires, eyes lighting up with mischief. "Rude of you not to introduce us."

"Of course! I apologize." Taehyung replied, possibly sounding more sorry than Jungkook had ever heard him be in the year and a half they had been friends.

"This is my friend, Jungkook. He isn't in the scene, he is just here to check things out. Jungkook, this is Mistress Kitty."

"Is that your real name?" Was the only thing the youngest could say, his eyes glued to the woman's forehead. Taehyung had said some dominants found eye contact from someone who wasn't a dom rude, and the breasts on display weren't safe territory either. But forehead? Forehead was safe. Jungkook might have been sweating.

"You're adorable." She said, clearly taking pity on the boy. "Some dominants or even subs use different names. It can help them get into the right headspace and be a great way to provide more discretion. So.. Kitty is not my legal name if that is what you're asking. But it is my real name in this space, as a domme."

More people walked into the foyer, causing her to clear her throat and hold out her hand, Taehyung instantly giving her his ID despite them clearly being familiar, causing Jungkook to do the same.

She handed the cards back to the men before sliding a sheet and pen over to Jungkook.

"Here is your waiver. Signing this just means that you agree to obey all rules of the dungeon and at the bottom are the boxes saying whether or not you intend to drink. Alcohol is strictly prohibited from any and all play areas, and anyone believed to possibly be under the influence will be subjected to a breathalyzer test prior to any play, should they choose to engage in a scene."

Her tangent was rattled off the top of her head, obviously having explained it a million times before. Knowing he probably wouldn't be able to survive the night sober, he checked the little yes box along with reading the many rules before signing his name and sliding over the papers under the window. Instantly Taehyung handed the cash over to her before he grabbed his hand, going for the door to the main room. This caused Mistress Kitty to laugh, her long nails twinkling as she waved her fingers.

"Have fun, bunny!"

The industrial building was quite large, one massive room lined with a few various doors on the wall. The floor above seemed to just be a balcony all the way around, with many more doors lining every side. It almost resembled a jail in some way. To further that idea, individuals with walkie talkies walked around the space. They were dressed in red polos, clearly separated from the rest of the visitors.

Visitors who definitely weren't limited to wearing black. While that was the majority, within 30 seconds he had still seen several more pairs of pasties, leather harnesses decorating bare chests and enough latex to fund a condom company.

"How did all these people walk in here like this?"

"It's vanilla to the door, there is a locker room to change into kink gear. The general dresscode for people not in kink gear is black with some sexy effort. It's on the outskirts of town but we still have to be careful."

Jungkook couldn't do anything more than nod, his wandering eyes falling upon a woman strapped to a large metal X, her chest red from the repeated slaps a man was laying into her.

Despite his assumptions about what the club would look like, it wasn't exactly what he thought. It was well lit, warm shaded lamps on every nightstand beside the various couches that would look completely normal if not for the various sex toys beside them. There were two stages on opposite ends of the room, a large one that was empty even though people gathered in the various chairs and sofas around it, chatting. The smaller stage currently had a man strapped to a bench, a long tail coming from his ass and he howled every time a smack was landed on his skin. Hard pass, Jungkook thought.

Taehyung squeezed his hand and dragged him up to an area raised up on a platform. With deep relief Jungkook realized it was the bar. The bar itself was already pretty occupied, the tall tables around it seeming to be filled as well. Jungkook distantly recalled Taehyung referring to it as 'newbie night', which made him wonder how many people were nursing drinks to avoid their nerves like he was about to.

"Namjoon-Hyung!" The older cheerfully said, leaning over the bar between two seats.

The bartender turned around from there he was placing a drink in front of a guest and smiled wide, a deep dimple carving itself into his cheek. He wiped his hands on a small towel and tossed it over his shoulder as he got out from behind the bar. His brown hair was pushed out of his face, dressed in a simple black T-shirt and jeans.

"How did you get stuck with bartender duty?"

"Hoseok is doing a scene." The man shrugged. He turned to Jungkook, eyeing him up and down before he held out a hand. "You're Jungkook! I've heard a lot about you."

Jungkook clasped both his hands around the man's hand bowing his head slightly.

"It's very nice to meet you, Namjoon-ssi."

Taehyung seemed to stifle a giggle in his hand, Jungkook looking up to see the new acquaintance pushing at his shoulder.

"What did you tell him about me!" He admonished before turning to the younger boy.

"Nothing!" The brunette defended himself before turning to his best friend. "You can just call him Namjoon-hyung or Hyung. He likes to keep things familiar, unless you're in trouble. Then he makes you call him Daddy."

The shell shocked look on Jungkook's face is enough to make Taehyung burst into laughter and Namjoon scowl.

"Please don't listen to anything he says. Let me make you a drink, you're aren't playing right?"

He gave him a shake of his head, watching as Namjoon went back to the bar and Taehyung led him over to a tall table with two other men. One was a slight man, a black t-shirt hanging off of his torso. He had a dark expression on his face, drinking what appeared to be a glass of water.  Beside him a broad man was talking animatedly, his dark drink almost spilling out of his glass as he gestured.

"Yoongi-hyung! Seokjin-Hyung!" Taehyung exclaimed, The broader man patting his back before he raises a brow at Jungkook.

Both men trail their eyes up and down him, appraising him in a way that reminds him briefly of Mistress Kitty. As though he were crossed between the man marrying their child and a toy they were deciding if they wanted. It made Jungkook feel oddly paranoid, maybe he was out of place here. He hadn't expected to want to fit in, but he did. After all, his wardrobe did get torn apart for this outing.

The insecurity was short lived when the man who patted Taehyung on the back passed him completely, wrapping two long arms around the younger.

"It's so nice to finally meet you, Jungkook! It's about time someone brought me another darling!"

The affection was such a surprise to his system that Jungkook couldn't even respond, only saved by the other gentleman grabbing his friend's arm and tugging him back.

"Don't scare him!" He scolded, a small smile finally cracking across his otherwise intimidating face. He turned to Jungkook, simply bowing his head briefly in acknowledgment.

"Hyung is just excited anytime we get newcomers. We've heard a lot about you."

"It seems like everyone has." He mumbled under his breath, finally taking a seat at the table, his feet swinging in the air.

A waitress dressed in leather sat down two fruity looking drinks in front of the youngest two, Namjoon tipping an invisible hat from the bar before he went back to serving customers in front of him.

"Of course I have to brag about my best friend." Taehyung offers, Jungkook grinning tightly in response.

It did kind of hurt that he wasn't told much about this side of his friend until a month or so ago. Of course part of him understands, he's sure it's rare to find someone you can enthusiastically talk about getting your ass beat for fun with. But he thought that they were closer than that. Even after he told him, he wasn't given many details or stories. Sure, Taehyung would very occasionally mention being sore or a handcuff joke that Seokjin would make. But he still very much left Jungkook out of his world, until he thinks he is so far gone past being lonely that he has to, apparently.

"Are you planning a scene?" His friend addressed Yoongi, who still grasped the glass of water.

"I'm keeping my options open. I doubt it, but with all the newbies here they want someone to keep an eye on things and be prepared to step in."

Jungkook really didn't see what someone as small as Yoongi could do as far as 'stepping in' could be. He was obviously in shape, but petite regardless. Some of these guys looked like they had steroids for breakfast.

"Yoongi-Hyung is a professional dom here, He's really respected in our community."

Taehyung stared at Yoongi with such obvious adoration that, if not for his glaring heterosexuality, Jungkook might think he has a crush. He had always been like that though, an obsessive personality. Taehyung was the type to become so passionate about a subject that he would master it in a week and then never touch it again, in favor of a new pastime. It was somehow clear to Jungkook though, that this wasn't the case. He had been going to Persona for a few months now, seeming more and more in love with the space and it's people than before.

"What do you mean professional?" He questioned, the slight crease in his brow becoming apparent.

"People pay me to tie them up." Yoongi replied, almost looking bored. "I do all forms of play but bondage is my specialty. I play outside of my appointments, but it's rather rare for me."

Jungkook couldn't help but spare a glance down to the man's hands, something warm stirring in his stomach at the sight. Condensation from his glass gathered at his fingertips, fingers long and nimble. Jungkook never really considered himself a person who was into hands, but at the mention of bondage, it was hard to not think about said hands tying knots around your body.

If anyone noticed his blatant staring, they didn't say anything. Jungkook interrupted his own silence with a question.

"Seokjin-Hyung, are you a professional too?"

The man instantly withdrew his attention from Taehyung before looking at him and shook his head. His pretty lips were slick with alcohol as he took a sip then smiled.

"No, I used to be! I was a professional switch before Namjoon and I started dating. Sex in most forms aren't allowed in professional appointments where money is being exchanged but we both think of dominance as too intimate to be shared outside of our monogamous relationship. We both mentor and hold workshops here, though!"

It was odd to hear people talking about sex so casually, even with people his age. Maybe it was because he wasn't used to being in social settings, anyways. This type of talk could be completely normal outside of the comfort of his bedroom, at least that's what Jungkook was trying to tell himself to resist freaking out.

Unable to get any words out, he simply nodded and took a few sips of his drink. Despite the vibrant color, it wasn't too sweet. That was something he was thankful for, he had never been a fan of sweet things but he didn't want to be rude. God knows what they did to people who lacked manners here.

His silence wasn't addressed, Seokjin and Taehyung speaking enough for everyone. It left Yoongi to watch on fondly between scouting the room to make sure everything was going well for everyone. Jungkook couldn't help but wonder what led all of these people here. Sure, he had been brought along but Taehyung had found this place on his own. It made him curious as to how many people felt that left out in their own lives that they found their way to a BDSM club.

Taehyung looked so carefree, so at home here. He had always been friendly, introverted but friendly. Despite that though, It was always just him and Jungkook. They didn't need anyone else and they didn't go out of their way to be a part of anything bigger. Jungkook didn't resent Taehyung for this place, but in passing it had always seemed less important that it was. It brought back all the ugly feelings Jungkook felt, about how if he wasn't going through a hard time, maybe he wouldn't have ever been invited. This wasn't his space, it was Taehyungs.

Suddenly Jungkook felt very silly for tagging along, for dressing up like he was a part of something here. Everyone knew that he wasn't meant to be here. He wasn't even into this whole BDSM shit, he was fooling himself.

"I'm gonna go find the bathroom." Jungkook mumbled to no one in particular, Taehyung and Seokjin were still knee deep in a discussion about flogging and Yoongi was otherwise occupied with watching a scene of intricate knots being tied around a woman.

The large room itself wasn't hard to navigate, only a few doors and halls along the walls but Jungkook couldn't help but get distracted by the different sights around him. His emotions were bubbling up slowly but strongly, like they always did before he broke down and the last thing he was wanting was to start crying in front of people who didn't bat an eyelash while getting whipped.

Shocked by the loud noise of a girl shrieking, he jumped. It caused him to bump into a large, intimidating man with a very grumpy grimace on his face.

"Watch it!" He grumbled before turning back to the scene he was watching.

Jungkook mumbled out a soft but desperate apology as he all but ran towards a hall that said bathroom, next to the large stage.

Tears slowly crowded his vision, swallowing the lump in his throat as he refused to let himself go until he reached the privacy of a stall.

Just before he reached the bathroom he collided with another man, this one causing the both of them to topple back onto the ground.

"Fuck, I'm sorry." Jungkook rushed out, sitting up as he watched ringed hands dust off leather pants.

"It's okay, I should have watched where I was going." A cheerful voice chirped. The hand reached out to him and he allowed himself to be pulled up. His eyes met other brown ones ringed with black liner and he could hardly contain the gasp fighting its way out of him.

He was a little shorter than Jungkook, blonde hair swooped on either side of his face. Tucked into the leather pants was a white button up, accented by a black harness. Jungkook couldn't help but question why he was out of dress code, while it oozed sex appeal, it hardly looked like kink gear.

"Are you okay?" The man questioned, a puzzled expression gathering on his face. Jungkook nodded rapidly, not trusting his voice. He pushed his long hair behind his ear, mentally cursing himself at the feeling of wet tears gathered on his cheek. Of course he was asking if he was okay, he must look like a weepy wreck.

"I'm fine." He was able to manage, his voice only wavering slightly. "I was just looking for the bathroom."

It was obvious he didn't believe him, but the man nodded. He pointed at the door only a few feet away and forced a bright smile, hiding his pretty brown eyes from sight.

Not trusting his voice any longer, the boy nodded and shuffled quickly to the restroom.

Once safely inside the privacy of a stall, Jungkook allowed himself to let go. He stayed silent, his breakdowns had learned to be quiet since he was a teenager. His body shook as he held himself up against the wall, crying until he knew he was out of tears. He forced himself to breathe deeply until the hiccuping stopped and faked a flush to the toilet before washing his hands, splashing some water onto his face.

As soon as he walked out he was once again met with the sight of the man wearing white. He lifted his head from where he was looking at the ground and pushed himself off the concrete wall.

"You're new aren't you?"

"It's that obvious, right?" Jungkook laughed humorlessly. He didn't get any laughter in return.

"Yes." The man answered honestly. "But I also work here and I never forget a face."

Despite not belonging here, he really didn't want to get kicked out. Blondie looked dead serious and it made Jungkook question if he had broken some unspoken rule.

"I'm here with Taehyung. We were sitting with his friends Yoongi and Seokjin in the bar."

His eyes lit up with recognition before something dark passed over his face.

"They didn't offer to escort you? Even when you're clearly upset?"

"To be fair, I don't think they heard me say I was leaving or noticed that I was upset. They all were enjoying themselves and I have a great skill of going unnoticed." He tried to reason.

Blondie's eyes traveled over Jungkook like everyone else's hand tonight and he shook his head. "I somehow doubt that. But regardless, I'll deal with them later. Follow me."

He didn't wait for him to respond, simply turned on his heel and walked out of the hall, his thumbs hanging in the loops of his leather jeans.

"Where are we going? I know how to get back to the bar."

"We're not going to the bar." Was the only response he received until the man stopped in front of a wooden door. Producing a key for it from his pocket, he opened it and stood aside, his hand stretched out. "This is my office, come on in."

Despite his comforting demeanor, Jungkook couldn't help but question him. He didn't even know anything about him other than the fact that he worked there.

"No offense but the idea of going into a lockable room with a guy where you can hit people in the open isn't really cool with me, who are you?" He awkwardly asked only to get a smile in return.

Blondie dug in his back pocket and handed Jungkook a crisp, grey card with pretty gold writing.

"I'm Jimin, I'm a professional dominant, mentor and DM here. Anyone who has been here more than once knows me so feel free to ask around. I can give you my key if that would make you feel more comfortable?" He offered, holding the key out.

The younger took it with a nervous hand, stuffing the key into his pocket and sniffling slightly as he walked into the office. It was very clean and looked like any mid-level corporate office aside from the various paddles and erotic art on the walls.

Sitting on a white couch, Jungkook rested his hands on his knees nervously. Jimin hadn't said anything since he walked in, instead choosing to fill two plastic cups of water at a fountain. He sat one right in front of Jungkook on the coffee table, taking a step back to lean against the wall and observed the guest in front of him.

"You can drink that." He said, puzzled as Jungkook didn't make a move to grab the cup. "I did get it for you."

"Oh, I'm sorry." He replied awkwardly before shaking hands lifted the small cup to his lips. Jimin continued to watch him as he drank it, causing him to squirm under the attention.

He was used to going unnoticed and unbothered. Social settings in general made him uncomfortable and unhappy but he had never had to cope with having someone's undivided attention. Especially doing something as mundane as drinking water.

"Uhm, why am I here?"

"I just wanted to give you a moment to collect yourself. Did something happen out there?"

Was Jungkook really so pathetic that a stranger felt the need to give him water and a place to rest before going out there? He must have thought something awful had happened to Jungkook, something obviously worse than just being a crybaby over feeling like a poser.

"Nothing happened, I just got overwhelmed like usual. I'm okay, I can go back to Taehyung. I'm sure you have more important things to do than to be playing babysitter."

It was indescribable, the look that passed over Jimin's face. It was as though he was almost offended by Jungkook saying he could go do other things. It felt like slow motion as he walked over to the younger, setting his cup on the coffee table before nudging it out of the way with his foot so he could crouch in front of the boy.

"You are my highest priority, right now." He stated earnestly, shocking Jungkook even further into silence. When it was obvious he wasn't going to respond, he finally continued. "I finished my scene a long while ago, newbie nights are sort of made for us higher ups to walk around and get to know people. You aren't disturbing me at all. Anyone who I see in this building automatically is my responsibility. Especially when they are escorted by someone who has subbed for me."

The younger wanted to ask instantly what he meant by escorted by a sub, but was interrupted by Jimin standing and holding his hand out to him. He chose not to question the action, allowing himself to be pulled up to a stand before the followed Jimin out of the office and back down to the bar. Jimin turned and took the keys and cup from Jungkook, somehow making him feel like a toddler who had held onto mommy's car keys as a distraction.

He tossed away the cup as he rounded up the platform stairs and over Jimin's shoulder Jungkook spotted Taehyung's wide eyes.

"Jungkookie's back! Where did you go? I tried texting you!" He exclaimed, obviously more tispy than earlier if the flush of his cheeks and three empty glasses on the table was any indication.

Yoongi lifted his gaze from his phone, raising a brow at the sight of Jimin and Jungkook beside each other. He nudged Seokjin's arm with his elbow, the oldest startling out of his staring at Namjoon. His own cheeks were flushed as well, meaning there was a good chance that Yoongi was the only one completely sober.

Jungkook opened his mouth to reply but was beat by Jimin's steely voice.

"He was trying to find the bathroom, and we ran into each other. Nice to see you, by the way."

Taehyung at least had the decency to wilt slightly into his chair.

"Hi, are you angry Hyung?"

"I'm more disappointed." Taehyung made a quiet, unhappy sound at that but Jimin continued.

"You know how things work here, if you bring a newbie you have to stay with them."

"He didn't know I left-" Jungkook added, guilt swallowing him whole.

"I should have paid closer attention." Taehyung interrupted him. His expression was downcast, shuffling his black shoes against the bar of the barstool.

"And I definitely should have called or looked for you and tried harder to figure out where you were at, I know I'm safe here and the idea that you wouldn't be didn't cross my mind. It was selfish and I'm sorry."

Jungkook hadn't heard Taehyung ever be so serious. Even in serious moments he always attempted to brighten the mood or make things lighter, but now he stood with his head down. He clearly felt bad and Jungkook couldn't help himself when he curled his arms around him, receiving a hug in return.

"It's okay Hyung, I'm not mad. I know I'm safe here, too." The last bit might have been a stretch but it was worth it to see his friends' faces light up again, the arms around him squeezing tighter.

"We should have kept a better eye on him." Seokjin added guiltily, Jimin only nodded in return.

"Yes, you should have. We'll talk about this later."

"Thank you for taking care of Jungkook." Taehyung added sweetly, his large hand coming up to pet down his dongsaeng's black hair, the younger blindly melting under the touch.

Jimin seemed to notice it, his eyes locked onto the tendrils twirled around Taehyung's fingers and the way Jungkook leaned into his friend. His broad shoulders were hunched in slightly to make himself fit against him, not even questioning the other hand that landed on his tiny waist. There was curiosity in Jimin's gaze, something that wasn't uncommon when people saw how the two interacted. Jungkook wasn't known for much but if he was, it was his hesitancy to affection, physical or otherwise. It didn't fit very well with his shy demeanor, not to mention he was often overstimulated by others. Others hands always felt too rough, voices too loud and perfume too strong. But Taehyung was safe.

"Of course. Though I do wish you would keep a better eye on your friends, Pup." He said teasingly, eyes having a hint of mirth in them.

That word, that was something Jungkook recognized. He had seen it plated in a collar hidden under Taehyung's bed, in his text messages and in overheard phone calls from the other room that he really wished he hadn't heard. That paired with the obvious flush pushing down from his friend's ears to his chest and the embarrassed expression on his face, led to Jungkook hardly containing his gasp as he stood up abruptly.

"You dommed Taehyung? But, he's straight!" He exclaimed, Jimin raising an amused brow and he could feel his best friend's hand tugging at his sleeve, clearly trying to get him to quiet down.

"That hardly has to do with anything." Yoongi drew out, seeming as uninterested as ever.

"We didn't have sex. Didn't even kiss. It was just an appointment I made here after I visited the first time." Taehyung reassured him, even though he had shared more than kisses with boys, Jungkook knew.

"I know that you can't have full sex, but like, isn't there some sort of sexual contact?"

Sure, prostitution was illegal but wasn't sex part of BDSM? It didn't make sense to Jungkook why someone would want to be tortured for hours if they couldn't even get fucked.

"There could be. Sometimes my subs will achieve orgasm. Sometimes they get to experience subspace. But the vast, vast majority of my scenes aren't sexual in any way, shape or form. Even if they're undressed." Jimin explained. He seemed completely relaxed explaining this to Jungkook, his thumbs tucked into straps of his harness as he leaned against the railing by the table.

"If?" Was the response he received, Jungkook's brow furrowed in confusion.

Namjoon brought over another tray of drinks for the table, Seokjin and Taehyung taking theirs happily. Jungkook reached for his cocktail only to watch as Jimin's  hand grabbed it before he could. His plush lips kissed the glass as he took a sip of the fruity drink, his eyes never wavering from the younger's.

"Oh baby, I could have you in tears before you take off a single thread."


His tone was sugary-sweet, but Jungkook could tell the words were honest and he didn't have it in him to doubt it. The room suddenly felt warmer, sparkly brown eyes suddenly darting to the floor to stare at his big boots.

"Jungkookie~" Taehyung all but whined. "I'm tired. Can we go home and watch Ponyo?"

Jimin watched him with apt attention as Jungkook nodded, double checking any surfaces of the table and stools for all of his friends' belongings. He already lost his things often, but drunk Taehyung was a whole different type of monster. He could feel the older man's eyes on him as he bowed and bid a farewell to his other new acquaintances.

Lowering his head, he mumbled out a soft goodbye. "Thank you for your help, Jimin-ssi."

Unlike Seokjin and Namjoon, he didn't insist on a more familiar name. "Jungkook-ssi."

Taehyung, loose limbed and cheerful as ever flung himself into the older two men, receiving several pats and kisses to the top of his head until he felt satisfied enough to pull away.

"He's an affectionate drunk." Jungkook attempted to explain awkwardly, Jimin only smiling in response.

"I know." Right, because he is his friend. His friend who called him pup affectionately and dommed him in apparently a totally platonic, heterosexual way.

"Let me escort you two out."

"Oh that's not necessary!" Jungkook genuinely felt like he might combust if he was to spend any more time with the man and his unwavering attention.

His protests became useless as he didn't receive any response, only Jimin walking towards the exit and Taehyung following him. He bit back a sarcastic remark and followed behind the two outside until Taehyung seemed to take the lead towards Jungkook's car. Jimin hung back, not knowing the way and instead decided to keep the quieter of the two company.

"So what made you interested in coming tonight?"

"Taehyung forced me." He blurted out, instantly regretting it at the less than happy expression he gets from Jimin in return.

"Not like that. I wanted to come, but it was his idea. I sort of don't leave our apartment, ever." He mumbled, embarrassment eating him alive. "I think he felt bad."

"I think you coming helps him too."

Jungkook raised a skeptical brow only to be met with a shove in his shoulder.

"Don't look at me like that!" Jimin laughed. "It's hard not having someone in your vanilla life that you can talk to about stuff like this. He obviously thinks you're an open minded person, and kind enough to go into a space he values and respect it."

A warm feeling spread in his chest at that, watching as Taehyung's tipsy form walked down the wet sidewalk, the street light reflecting off his leather jacket.

"I'll always support him, I've always taken care of him. " He whispered fondly, a sad smile twitching at his lips. "I'm starting to think he doesn't need me to anymore though."

"Why is that a bad thing?"

"It's not! I'm happy for him. I just mean, I'm kind of useless if I can't take care of him or help him somehow. Then there really isn't much reason for him to want me around."

It seemed much more self deprecating out loud than it did in his head. It sounded pathetic even to Jungkook's ears, his cheeks burning in shame at what Jimin must think of him. It wasn't like him to show those parts of himself to people close to him, let alone strangers. He hadn't even admitted that to Taehyung.

"Jungkook I-"

"FINALLY!" Taehyung stressed, oblivious to the conversation going on behind him as he reached the car. He pulled on the handle to the passenger seat until Jungkook dug into his pocket for the keys, pressing the unlock button.

There was a sad, unreadable expression on Jimin's face as he dropped the previous topic, instead going around to buckle Taehyung into the seat. Jungkook's heart jumped at the sight, unable to swallow the lump in his throat.

"Drive safe, Jungkook-ssi." He said emotionlessly, even despite the small smile that was on his lips. He waved a gloved hand and turned back the direction he came without waiting for the others' response.

Jungkook couldn't help but feel disappointed by the end of the things, cursing himself slightly as he got into the driver's seat. Why did he have to say all of that? Why did he cry and embarrass himself like that earlier? Why couldn't he keep his sad boy shit to himself for one night? Of course he had to forget any social skills he had and ruin any possibility of friendship. He was probably laughing about him to the other men while Jungkook's hand shook putting the key in the ignition.

Taehyung turned to face Jungkook, eyes closed and seconds away from sleep. He lethargically raised a hand to wrap around Jungkook's wrist, thumb pressed at his racing pulse.

"I think he really liked you, Jungkookie."

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