
By the_impssible_girl

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Victoria Stilinski never knew that her long time crush would even look at her let alone hook up with her. Jus... More

New Version
Unexpected Cast
Part 2 Aesthetic
Short Q&A
Cover Contest
Cover Contest Results
Part 3 Aesthetic
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2
Bonus Chapter 3


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By the_impssible_girl

Chapter Fifty-One
Only Human

I had one headphone in my ear while I walked down the empty halls, a burrito in my mouth courtesy of Scott-- AKA the best boyfriend in the world. Ugh, I love him. I also loved free periods, it meant I could do whatever. 

The only person I shared this free period with was Kira but, she's been a little off lately and I don't know what to do about it. Do I talk to her? I mean, what's the best way to ask someone if they like your boyfriend/baby daddy? 

And it's not like I can talk to Scott about it, he'd feel uncomfortable and become super awkward around Kira... and I can't talk to anyone else because, it make the pack have this new, weird dynamic that we don't need. 

I pulled out my headphone with a sigh, Beyonce wasn't even enough to bring up my mood, which is saying something. I froze in place as I heard voices coming from the girls locker room. It was a voice I've never heard before and, while I'm usually not the type to eavesdrop, I was curious. 

"-- I don't understand why you won't just forgive me. I said I'm sorry." I tried to listen for the other voice but, I could make it out, but I heard some sniffling and then the sound of the first girl's voice again. "Don't cry... I'm sorry, okay. I really, really am. I just, I wish you'd give me another chance, I still care about you." 

I bit into my burrito, this was getting interesting... "Okay, just-- promise you'll think about what I said?" My heart raced as I heard footsteps coming near me, without having a better plan, I quickly put the headphones in my ears and sat down against the lockers, shoving my burrito in my mouth as I pretended to bob my head to Beyonce. 

A few seconds later, I watched from the corner of my eye as new girl stepped out of the locker room. She looked disheveled and like she'd been crying. She didn't spare me a glance as she began walking down the hallway, rushing out the exit. 

I stood up from the ground, my mind racing with possibilities. My curiosity made me want to go into the locker room and see who it was that new girl was talking with, but I mentally scolded myself before I did. 

Whatever new girl and mystery girl were talking about, isn't my business. I should stay out of it. So that's what I'm going to do. I continued my walk down the hall, eating my burrito as I did so. 


I sat outside on the grass in front of the bleachers. Malia and Kira were sitting on the bottom row, Malia directly behind me. I picked at the grass lazily while Malia tried to braid my hair. She was good at doing her own but-- "Ow!" I hissed, pulling my head from Malia's death grip. 

She smiled down at me sheepishly, "sorry, I was watching Stiles." I frowned at my half-done hair and went to reply but, Kira beat me to it, "here, let me." Malia and her swapped positions and I smiled at her, "thanks, Kira." 

Kira nodded and I caught her smile before I turned forward again, watching Scott and Stiles warm up. I felt Kira gently grab the strands of my hair as she began the french braid, her hands working delicately, careful not to pull too hard. 

I smiled at the feeling, it reminded me of when my mom used to braid my hair when I was little, I'd sit just like I am now. I bit back a sigh as I then thought about Kira. Maybe I was wrong about her liking Scott, I mean, surely she wouldn't be this nice to me if she was trying to steal my boyfriend? Right? 

If she wanted Scott, I think she'd be more... aggressive toward me-- not that Kira is an aggressive person, but she's a badass with a sword, surely she knows what she wants and isn't afraid to get it. She'd probably just be straight up about her crush if she had one. 

"What's wrong with you?" Malia's voice broke me from my thoughts and I felt Kira's hands freeze in my hair for a moment before continuing their steady movements.  "Me?" Kira's voice was pitchy and strange for the girl. "Nothing."

I rose a brow, not believing it for a second, not that either of them even saw my raised brow. Malia was quick to respond though, "you reek of anxiety. And it's distracting." I held up a hand, "ooh, don't distract Malia, she's got math. What's going on, Kira?"

Kira's hands paused againa and I could hear her intake a sharp breath. What's wrong with her? "Okay, so, I sort of had an argument with Ashley in the locker room earlier..." My eyes widened slightly at that. I heard two people talking in the locker room earlier. Could that have been Kira and new girl? Was Kira the mystery girl who'd been crying?

"Who's Ashley?" Malia asked. Kira sighed and I felt her tie off my second braid, her hands leaving my hair. "She's my old... friend from New York. We had a falling out before I moved and now she wants to be friends again." 

I wet my lips, that's not what the conversation I heard earlier sounded like but, I couldn't exactly say that now could I? Instead I looked over my shoulder, meeting Kira's gaze, "wanna talk about it?" Kira shook her head, "no. I'm fine." 

"Well, I'm here if you need anyone," I offered, smiling kindly. Clearly she had some stuff going on. Maybe I'd misjudged her? I leaned back against Kira's legs, watching as Stiles lined up to shoot toward the goal. I hope Scott and Stiles do good. I know Stiles was worried about Lacrosse this year. 

Stiles lined up his shot first, but the ball flew right into the goalies goal stick. I shook my head while trying not to laugh. How did he manage that? A little while later, Scott lined up. Here we go, Scott's got this in the bag-- 

The ball hit the metal on the goal, a tink sounding from the impact. I cringed, looking back at Malia with a confused eyebrow raise. How did he manage that? He's a freaking werewolf for crying out loud. 

"Nice, McCall," I heard Garrett call to Scott, which made my blood boil. "Hey, Garrett. Shut up." I heard Stiles defend Scott. That wasn't enough to wipe off Garrett's self-satisfied smirk from his face. "Malia, can you, like, maybe... throw a ball right at Garrett Bradfords face?" 

Malia looked like she was actually considering doing as I requested, so I was quick to laugh. "Just kidding..." I looked back to the blonde jock and under my breath I mumbled, "kind of." The rest of tryouts went... horribly. 

Scott and Stiles were doing so bad, they didn't make a single shot, and they were getting shown up by this freshman boy. Kira leaned down to my level, "isn't the captain supposed to be the best on the team? Or... good?" She asked. 

I sighed, "Scott's usually way better... I don't know what's up with him." I rolled my lip between my teeth and sighed. Why isn't he using his wolfy powers? I looked over my shoulder at Malia, smiling sweetly at her. 

"Hey, Mal?" Malia met my gaze quickly, "hmm?" I sat forward slightly, "can you help me up?" I asked, laughing slightly. Malia nodded and even Kira stood up, both of them helping me to my feet. 

I smiled gratefully at them, "thanks guys, I'll be back." Malia eyed me, "where are you going?" I waved her off, "the bathroom, I'll be fine. Promise." I sent her a wink before walking off toward the school. 

Sometimes-- actually, no-- a lot of the time, being pregnant sucked. I always was hungry, I was always growing bigger, my back hurt, my feet hurt, and my bladder was like clockwork. I always had to pee. 

I was washing my hands when someone else entered the bathroom. I recognized the black curls and the fringe immediately: it was the new girl, Ashley. I wasn't going to say anything to her, really, I was just going to leave. But then I couldn't. 

She started crying the moment she entered the bathroom, it started as a few tears but, then there was a choked cry and she was sobbing. I felt myself go soft and I instantly wanted to soothe her, do something to make her feel better. 

My eyes widened and I went over to her, "hey, hey, hey...." I put a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it softly, she looked up, her brown eyes meeting my blue ones. "You're Ashley right?" I asked, to which she nodded, still crying. 

"Well, Ashley, wanna tell me what's wrong? Maybe I can help?" I asked, rubbing her back softly. Her shoulders shook as she cried and I didn't know what to do for her. I looked around the locker room and found one of the benches. 

I began guiding Ashley to the bench, "here, let's sit down." She kept crying, her body slumped in on itself and felt like I was freezing up, what do I do? I kept rubbing her back, just listening to her cries. It went on like that for five minutes, her crying while I just sat beside her. 

By the time she stopped crying, my phone was ringing before she could say anything. I gave an apologetic smile, "sorry, it's my boyfriend." I watched Ashley nod, her eyes flicking down to my stomach. Of course. 

"Hey, Scott," I answered the phone, standing from the bench where Ashley was wiping at her eyes. "Hey, we need to take Liam to the hospital, where are you?" He asked. My eyes bugged, "the hospital? Why? What'd you guys do?" 

I let out a groan and shook my head, "actually, don't answer that. I'm in the locker room. I'll meet you in the parking lot." After hearing Scott say okay, I hung up and turned to Ashley. Her eyes were puffy and I could see that the whites of her eyes were red and blood shot. 

Poor girl. 

"Hey, I have to go to the hospital. Uhm...." I hit my phone in my palm a couple times, bouncing it as I thought of what to say. "Here, do you have a phone?" She nodded, "yeah." I smiled, "kay, let me give you my number and you can call me if you need anything at all." 

Ashley gave me a smile, "thanks..." I laughed lightly, realizing she didn't know my name, "Victoria, but, call me Tori." Ashley nodded, "thanks, Tori." 


I may have lectured Scott and Stiles during the entire drive to the hospital, but it was only because they; broke a kids leg, had me leave school while I was in the middle of something, and they put me in the back seat. 

"Ugh," I stepped out of the jeep with an uncomfortable groan. "I hope you guys know that I'm getting a little too big to be in the back seat of the jeep." Scott and Stiles gave me a look before moving to put their arms around the kid, Liam. 

He kept saying how his leg hurt the entire drive and that only made me more mad. This poor kid was just trying to play lacrosse and my boys ruined that for him. I held open the door for them as we got to the emergency department. 

I hate this hospital. I swear, I've been here more times than I can count. I'm just glad its not me being seen this time. I went over to the service desk and got the attention of one of the nurses, who then began asking Liam questions. 

Can Liam sue them for hurting him? I don't think so but, maybe he'll get a restraining order. Like how Jackson did after Scott and Stiles kidnapped him sophomore year... oh, if I knew the things I know now, I might've been less angry at Stiles for that. 

"Oh... hi mom." I heard Scott's voice, he sounded like he'd just been caught doing something very bad. I turned to look around his broad shoulders to see Melissa looking at the boys with a tired look. A look that said 'what is it this time?' 

Melissa quickly got Liam a wheelchair and checked out his foot. "Don't worry, Liam. We'll take good care of you." She wheeled him off and I turned to the boys with a yawn. I was ready for pizza and a nap. 

Stiles began twisting his keys while looking at Scott and I, I had my hands pressed into my lower back where I felt pain. "Alright, I got to get going. I promised Malia I'd help her study." Stiles turned to me when I scoffed, "yeah, study." 

Scott laughed lightly and then looked up the hall, "sure. I want to check on him anyway." Stiles nodded and went to back away but he stopped himself, "hey, I don't need to say this wasn't your fault, right?" 

I glanced at Scott, he didn't think this was on him did he? Accidents happen and that's what this was, an accident. I mean, sure he broke a kids leg because he thought he might be a werewolf but, it's not Scott's fault that he's cautious. 

Scott shrugged, not meeting either of our gazes, "I don't know." I frowned, moving my hand forward to grab his. His eyes didn't meet mine. "Scott," Stiles lowered his voice to a whisper, "if you used any wolf power, that kid wouldn't be limping, he'd be crawling... back to the other half of his body." 

I shot Stiles a glare, not helping. I mean, did Stiles think that would help? He and I are going to have a serious talk about filtering your words on the way home. "If I hadn't been so worried about being captain, he wouldn't be hurt either." 

"It's okay to want to be captain, Scott. Wanting things for yourself isn't a bad thing," I put my hand on his cheek, making him look at me. I could see the uncertainty in his brown eyes and I knew he didn't believe me. 

Stiles sighed, "she's right. Team captain, Alpha werewolf. You're still only human." He gave Scott a pat on the shoulder and then turned to me, "you staying?" I shook my head, "I'll be out. Give me a sec." 

Once my brother was out the doors, I turned back to Scott and put my hands on his cheeks, gently holding his head in my hands. I gave him a small smile, "this wasn't your fault. Accidents happen." 

I took a breath, gathering my thoughts and my hands dropped down to rest on his chest, my fingers holding on to his jacket. "You can't... hold the world on your shoulders, Scott. You, you're only one person-- and, like Stiles said, you're human and apart of being human is making mistakes. 

"You can't punish yourself over making one mistake, Scott. No one can be perfect all the time..." Scott nodded, but didn't say anything. I sighed and grabbed the back of his neck, reaching up on my toes. 

I pressed my lips to his, showing him how much I loved him through the kiss. Because, I do, I love Scott McCall more than I ever thought possible and it pains me to see him so beat up about making a mistake. I just hope he soon realizes that it's okay to mess up and make a wrong decision. 

A/N: another chapter whoo!!  What do you think of Kira? Oh, and I'm living for Malia and Victoria, they're my brOTP... I love them so muchhh. 

Also, Scott and Victoria are so sweet with each other, it'd be a shame if something were to mess that up... kidding. Maybe. I dunno. Well, actually, I do know but, you'll see what happens. Season 4 is 'bout to be crazy. I'm so excited to be writing it!! 

What do you think about Victoria and Ashley meeting? Or well, sitting together with Ashley's breakdown? 

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