Samantha & Josh-A Short Story

By insomniawriter194

541 34 18

Samantha Lucas is a 29 year old, college dropout from Lawrence, Kansas. A small town girl living in the big c... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

Part 4

49 3 0
By insomniawriter194

     The next few days seemed to fly by fast and as she walked up to the revolving door, exhaling deeply as she glided through the entrance. She knew he wouldn't always be on her floor but if he harassed her in any way she would just go above him, even tell Barb. The elevator dinged open, everyone was sitting at the desks, quietly working away. Barb came parading out of her office, her long blonde locks swaying with her hip movements.

"Oh Samantha! Thank goodness you are here!" She said, walking up to Samantha's desk. "Please don't ever get sick again, anyone else compared to you is just so.." She paused, looking up. "Incompetent." Samantha giggled at Barb's notion, pulling out her chair. "Please check emails and proceed from there." She said, walking towards an analysts desk.

"No problem." Samantha said, opening her emails. She worked diligently up until lunch, tackling the tasks Barb sent with ease. As workers started for the lunch room, Samantha took out her phone, texting Josh.

Samantha: hey babe, want to grab a quick lunch?

Josh: ugh! I can't today, stuck in meetings all afternoon. Currently in a shit storm meeting me babe save me..

Samantha giggled to herself, knowing he was making light of his current situation.

Samantha: aww ok 😪💔

Josh: Dinner at our house right? Or will you finally let me take you to my favorite restaurant? 😬😬

Samantha: Fuck it let's go!

Josh: ly babe see you soon🥳🥳🖤

Samantha smiled, sliding her phone back into her purse. She loved the way he always sent a black heart, because their hearts were both black. They both knew that they chipped away at each other's darkness. She stood up from her desk, walking towards the elevator, pushing the button. I'll just go grab a hot dog. The doors opened, his blue eyes caught her breath.

"I'll just wait for the next one." She said quickly, her breath ragged.

"Oh! Don't be silly Samantha, please come on." He said smirking, his eyes locked on hers. Samantha exhaled, stepping onto the elevator; standing polar opposite from him. "I'm glad to see you took our offer." He said arrogantly, pushing his smooth black hair. The doors closed, her stomach sank to her ass.

"I needed the job or I wouldn't be here." She sniped, tucking her black curl behind her ear; shifting uncomfortably. He stepped closer to her, his breath only inches from her neck. He wrapped his hand around her arm, gripping tightly. "Let go of me!" She yelled, tugging her arm from his grasp. "If you touch me again, I am going to HR!" She screamed, as the doors opened up. She quickly stepped from the elevator, as he followed closely behind, a smirk forming across his face. She picked up pace, hurriedly walking through the revolving doors. He followed her, grabbing for her arm again.

"Wait!" He shouted, pulling her backwards like a rag doll. "Look, I gave you the job because you deserved it. I've seen your work but no one here knows about our past. I'm not that kind of guy anymore Samantha, I promise." He said, his lips curling into a frown. Samantha looked up at him, scanning his face for sincerity.

"Great." She said shortly. "But you took something from me I will never get back. Please do not talk to me or ask me for anything. If something needs to be done for the company, please go through Barb." She said, pulling her arm again from his grasp. She turned to walk away, walking up the street to a food truck. She stood in line behind a short older woman with brown hair, turning to look back. He was walking towards her, his suit flaps flopped in the breeze. She quickly ordered her hot dog, pulling her wallet out to pay. He pulled a twenty dollar bill from his money clip, handing it to the cashier. "Thank you." She said, grabbing her hot dog and soda from the vendor. He grabbed his change, stuffing a ten dollar bill in the tip bucket.

"Anytime, I hope you'll find that you can forgive me somehow." He said, grabbing her a few napkins. "I'd really like to take you out and make it up to you." He smiled softly, handing her the napkins. She felt herself scoff, taking a huge bite of the hot dog, chewing quickly. He's got to be fucking joking right? Is this guy mental?

"You're kidding right? I'd never go out with you Jackson, ever. I have a boyfriend and he doesn't want me talking to you or even near you for that fact. Please stop following me, please just stop." She said, walking back towards the office. He fell back a bit, slowing his speed as they came up to the office building. They walked through the entrance way, he pressed the button, both waiting for the elevator. The doors open, letting a group of people out. They both stepped in, the tension rising in the air.

"A boyfriend huh? Does he know?" He asked curiously.

"Of course he knows Jackson. The darkness.." She paused, shaking her head, turning towards him. "How could you ever think it was okay to do something like that? You drugged me and took advantage of me while I was drugged. You're a creep and you're always going to be a fucking creep." She said, anger filled in her voice. He stood there, smirking at her.

"You wanted it." He paused, running his hand over his mouth. "You know you did, I know you wanted me. I could tell." He said coldly.

"I didn't actually, I thought you were a nice guy but I was wrong. You're a coward and a sociopath! If you approach me again, I am calling the police and telling them everything!" She yelled, as the doors opened. A few people were standing, looking puzzled as she pushed past them. She didn't bother turning around, she knew he was still smirking.

She was standing in the mirror in the bathroom at Josh's condo. Our condo. She smoothed the short tight fit black dress over her thin body, twisting to check that her ass wasn't falling out. Her full breasts showing in the deep v cut, as she adjusted the ruby hanging from her necklace. She slid her peep toe black pump over her foot, as she sat on the bed. Josh emerged from the kitchen as she slid her other pump on.

"Fuck." He whispered, walking up to her. She blushed, tucking her short curl behind her ear.

"You like?" She asked, twirling again. He bit his lip, pulling her into him.

"I love it, you look ravishing." He whispered in her ear, goosebumps lacing her skin. She kissed him on the cheek, stepping back to grab her clutch; tucking it under her arm.

"Thank you, now let's get to the restaurant before we miss our reservations." She said, her hips swaying as she exited the bedroom to the front door. He followed closely behind, his hand gripping her round ass as they walked out the door.

When they arrived, it was a small Italian restaurant in the Bronx. The aroma filled her nostrils, making her mouth salivate. He opened the door for her, she walked in taking in the rustic look.

"Joshy!" A tall dark haired man said, his hands reaching out for Josh.

"Hey Roberto! It's good to see you." He said, smiling widely, pulling the gentlemen in for a brief hug.

"Ah, who is this beautiful lady?" He smiled, grabbing Samantha's hand, kissing it softly.

"This is my girlfriend, Samantha." Josh said quickly.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." She said softly, sliding her hand from Roberto's hand.

"Ah, not from here huh? Well we will make you never want to leave." He smiled, walking through the tables to a booth in the back. "Here we are, can I get you anything to drink? A Merlot? I have a nice white wine we just got in, I'd be happy to grab you a glass." He said, pulling the neatly folded napkins in their laps, handing them menus.

"The Merlot is fine, thank you." Josh said, smiling widely at Samantha. Roberto walked away, going to get the glasses of wine.

"This is beautiful." Samantha said looking around the restaurant.

"It's my favorite place in the whole city of New York. I've been coming here since I was a kid."

"It's lovely, thank you so much for bringing me here." She smiled, as Roberto made his way back to the table with their glasses of wine.

"I'll give you a few minutes to get acquainted with the menu miss. You want the usual Josh?" He asked, scribbling on his pad.

"I think I might just do that, but wait for her order before you put it in and can we get the bottle?" Roberto shook his head, heading back to the bar. He quickly came back, setting the bottle on the table between them.

"What's your regular?" Samantha asked curiously.

"You'll see, I'll let you try it." Samantha scowled, looking over the menu. "So, how was work today?" He asked, sipping the Merlot.

"He approached me." She paused, looking up at him. His eyes cut and he sipped his wine again. "I told him to never talk to me again or I would go to the police. Do you know he had the audacity to ask me out?" She said, sipping her wine. Josh curled his hand into fist, sipping his wine again. "I don't think he will be a problem anymore." She smiled, grabbing his curled hand, rubbing gently. He uncurled his fist, entangling his fingers into hers.

"I just want you out of there as soon as possible. I don't trust that guy for shit, he's a fucking creep." Josh said, bringing her hand to his lips. "If anything happened to you, I don't know what i'd do." He said, rubbing her small hand across his scuffed face.

"I am already looking, believe me. I actually was looking at going back to school in the fall for real this time." She smiled, her eyes filled with joy.

"That's great news! I am so happy that you're going back. You want me to pull some strings for Columbia?" He asked, as she pulled her hand back.

"No, no! I could never get in there, my grades were never that good." She paused, giggling. "I actually applied to Manhattan College." She blushed, sipping her wine again.

"Oh! That's amazing, I hope you get in! I'm sure you will, you were almost done with your undergraduate. You got this, babe!" He said, shaking his fist.

"I'll find out next week. I just have to keep working there until my lease is up and I'll find a part time job so I can completely commit to finishing my degree." She said, swirling her wine in the glass.

"Well about that," He paused, pulling a piece of paper out of the breast pocket of his suit. "I paid off your lease this morning. Your landlord is a real asshole by the way." He chuckled, rolling his eyes. "I know that's not what you wanted but I just wanted to do something special for you. I know the last week has been chaos and calamity and I just wanted to take some stress off you." Samantha's mouth fell open, she pushed her hair from her face. She was shocked, she wanted to be mad. However, she saw this as a huge opportunity to save some money, before she had to dish out thousands for schooling. She pulled back from her thoughts, looking into Josh's bright green eyes. A smile spilled across her face and she stood up. He stood up, gripping around her waist, as she tucked her face into his chest.

"Thank you. Thank you for believing in me Josh." She whispered into his chest, pulling back and looking into his green eyes again. His lips pushed into hers, her body curving into his. He pulled back, kissing her lips again. They sat down as Roberto came back to grab her order. She ordered a simple, yet elegant pasta dish.

"Got it. I'll have that right out for you guys." Roberto said, grabbing the menus. She smiled, as he walked away.

"So, you're not mad at me right? Your landlord said we can move your things out this weekend." He said, swirling the wine in his glass.

"No, you would've done it anyway. I know you." She smirked, pouring more wine into her glass. "I'm grateful, now I can save for school in the fall."

"Mhmm." He chuckled, pouring himself more wine.

"No Josh! You are absolutely not. You're not paying for it and that's the end of that." She said chuckling.

"We'll see about that." He smirked, winking. She scowled, furrowing her brow. "What can't a guy be crazy enough about a girl to want to give her the world?" He asked, his green eyes fixated on her. She blushed heavily, pulling her napkin to her face. "Oh don't be shy honey. I know you're the one, I can't see myself with anyone else. I also haven't brought many women here either. Why Roberto came up to us and seated us. This is his restaurant." He chuckled.

"Ah, so this is you wine and dining me? Make me fall for you harder, don't think that's even possible. I'm already head over heels.." She said, blushing again. He grabbed her hand, stroking it lightly.

"Well I want you to meet my family, think you could make time for it after you move all your shit in?" He asked softly.

"Of course! I'd love to meet your folks." He chuckled, rubbing her hand again.

"I love the way you say that word. It's cute."

"I bet it is, just like I think it's sexy as hell when you say Bronx." She said, winking at him. He bit his lip, leaning over the table to kiss her forehead. This was the first time she felt her heart skip a beat. She pictured his lips making their way down her body, clenching her legs together. He smirked, pulling her back to reality.

"Later." He growled softly. Had he just read my mind? "I want you in the shower." She parted her lips, her legs still clenched together, as her cheeks reddened.

"You drive me insane." She whispered.

"Good, I can't wait to make you moan in my ear later." He whispered, his green eyes locked on hers.

After dinner, the car ride was long and tedious. She felt herself dampen and she wanted to take her clothes off right there. He weaved in and out of traffic, flipping through stations on the radio.

"Fuck, I want you right now." She whispered, pulling at her dress. He quickly turned off into an alleyway, turning his headlights off, unbuckling his seat belt.

"Well come here." He said, tugging at his pants. Samantha slid over the center console, pushing her dress up past her hips. "I love when you don't wear underwear, Samantha." He whispered in her ear. She moaned as she moved her hips, sliding her vex over his boxers. He slid his hand down, rubbing her hard bud. She moaned loudly in his ear, her body heating up quickly. He tugged his boxers down, his long cock rubbing against her. She sat up, pushing her body back down, letting him slide slowly inside. Her body trembled as he pushed his hips into hers, her lips hovering over his.

"Yes Samantha, cum for me baby." He mumbled into her lips, his breathing uneven. He moved his hips faster, thrusting into her, deeper and deeper. Samantha moaned louder, as she pressed herself against him, moving her hips up and down. She could feel herself coming undone as Josh moved his hand down her back, grabbing her ass.

"I'm coming!" She yelled, her head pushed into his chest. He growled, picking up pace, the SUV shaking. She felt his cock convulse inside her, as they both groaned in pleasure.

"That was amazing, please do it again." She said, her breath ragged.

"When we get home. I still want you in the shower." He whispered, his breathing finally evened out. She moaned into his chest, pulling her dress down a little. She kissed him, slipping back into the passenger seat. She looked at him, as he pulled his dress pants back over his waist. She bit her lip. That was the craziest thing I've ever done. 

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