By GingerSpirits

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When your ex-boyfriend starts dating the girl you hate, the only good way to cope is by fake-dating your best... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter IV

Chapter III

609 26 57
By GingerSpirits

The house meetings had gotten increasingly more awkward now that Anne and Gilbert started “publicly dating”. Winifred had been acting like more of a bitch than she normally does. She even said that from now own they had to sit separated, meaning, each house on a different side of the table. No one listened to her of course, even Roy and Josie thought it was a ridiculous idea.

Anne and Gilbert were not acting much differently than they did around each other, which was a bit weird for both parts, considering the were not a couple before, but apparently they acted like one. Cole kept telling them how he saw it coming, but they just ignored him. How could he see something that was not there? They were friends, the best of friends, but Anne would never tell Cole that.

It was so easy to be around each other, and yes, that is probably something you would want to have with someone you are romantically involved with, but it was not like that with Gilbert, and she was sure Gilbert thought the same thing.


He was supposed to be here already. Face-mask Friday was a new tradition of theirs. While everyone else supposed they were doing couple things –sex, but no one dared to say it out loud in front of them for some reason-, they would put on The Big Bang Theory and wear face-masks, and he was late. Anne was about to send another text telling him to hurry up when he opened the door, dropped his school bag next to the door, and took off his shoes.

“About damn time” Anne said, crossing her arms.

“Aw, you missed me, red?” Gilbert asked, she just rolled her eyes, “Sorry, I was helping this girl from my class with an assignment, I lost track of time”

“Which girl?” she raised her brow.

“Zoe, you don’t know her” he said casually, rubbing his eyes.

“Huh,” She said, “Anyway, come on, we have a show to watch and face-masks to wear” she clapped

“Which ones are we wearing today?” He asked, coming to lay with her on the bed. He put his head on her chest and hugged her waist. “I don’t want the black ones you peel off, they hurt” he said with his eyes closed, Anne running her hand through his curls.

“No, I bought these that are like bubbles” Anne said, happily.


“You put like- the cream on and after a while bubbles start forming, I think they’re called foam masks or something like that” Gilbert hummed, “are you ok?”

“I’m fine, just a little tired” he started yawning mid-sentence.

“We don’t have to do this tonight, you could just go to sleep” Anne said softly, still massaging his curls.

“You sure?” he yawned again.

“Yes, you’ll have to pay me back next week though”

Gilbert laughed softly, “I will”

“Wanna stay the night?” Anne asked, “You don’t seem like someone capable of getting up and walk to their house right now”

“I’m not” he said, hugging her tighter.

“You want to sleep right now?”

“It’s still early, right?” Anne stopped massaging his head, ignoring Gilbert’s little groan of protest, to grab her phone so she could see the time.

“Almost 10 pm” she said, starting to run her hand through his hair again. Gilbert sighed happily.

“Early” he stated, “let’s watch Black Mirror”

Anne agreed, turning on the TV to put Netflix. He moved off of her to slide under the covers. She got out of the bed and went to change to her PJs in the bathroom. It usually took her around 10 minutes to do her nightly routine, but this time she did all her process 10 times faster so Gilbert would not have to wait long. It was useless though, he was already asleep when she came back.

After turning off all the lights, except for the little lamp next to her bed, she got into bed. Black Mirror was off the table now, so she decided to read, Percy Jackson –Diana had been begging her for months, and she finally started reading it-. It was not long until Gilbert’s soft and relaxed breathing lulled her into sleep, with the book still in her hands.



The following morning, Gilbert woke up first, Anne cuddled to him. One of the lamps was still on, which… weird. He took Anne’s phone to check the time; his phone was dead since he did not have his charger.


His first class was at 9 am, he had time to stay in bed for a little while. Gilbert looked down at Anne. How could someone look so beautiful this early in the morning? Wait, what? Well, it’s ok to think your friends are beautiful, and he was not blind, he could clearly see how beautiful she was, even asleep and hair a bit messy because she moves a bit when she sleeps. He kept getting these weird thoughts about her more often than not. Maybe it was because he was allowed to stare, she is his girlfriend after all, or that is what everyone thought. He started to see all the beautiful little things about her even more, he had seen them, but now it was like he was really seeing them. He did not realize he had spent the next 14 minutes looking at her until her alarm went off at 7:50. Anne stirred and opened her eyes after a few seconds. Gilbert turned off her alarm and she sighed, closing her eyes again, he laughed.

“Wake up, we have class” He whispered.

“Five more minutes,” She mumbled to his chest.

“I have to go to the house, I need to get ready for class” Anne turned around, letting him free. Gilbert pulled off the covers and shivered. “It’s cold”

“Take one of my hoodies”

“They won’t fit, red” He responded, “You’re tiny”

“They’re not tiny” Anne opened her eyes, sitting on the bed and rubbing her eyes “I like them big”

Gilbert snorted, “That’s what she said”. Anne hit him in the chest and he just laughed, getting up to look for the hoodie.

“Wear the pink one” Anne said, smiling.


“Guys look hot in pink and also, that way your frat friends will know it’s mine” She explained.

“First of all, I’m already hot, thank you very much, and second why would I want them to know it’s yours?”

“Boyfriend things” She shrugged.

“Roy never wore your hoodies” He argued.

“Well, Roy’s a bitch” Anne said, matter-of-factly, “Now, pink hoodie, come on” she clapped.

Gilbert started looking through her hoodie drawer and found other thing instead, “What the fuck is this?” he said turning to look at her, showing her…the thing. He knew what it was but for some reason, he was not expecting to find it here, or that she had one.

Anne laughed out loud, “Oh my goodness, I forgot that was there” Gilbert looked at her confused, “It’s a vibrator, curly. What else do you think it is?”

“Why do you have one?”

“Because I have needs,” She laughed, “and my boyfriend doesn’t satisfy me, I had to find an alternative”

“Your boyfriend could please you, you know?” He was not lying, the first time he met her he could not stop thinking about her, as time went on, those thoughts calmed down, but knowing she had this…vibrator, did something to him. Brain, stop it. He winked at her before turning his back on her again, putting the dildo back on the drawer and taking the pink hoodie.

Anne gagged, “stop”

He laughed, putting the hoodie on, “Yeah, yeah, I know you can’t resist me, I can’t please you right now though, I really have to go”

She threw a pillow at him and he dodged it. “Get out”

Gilbert grabbed his backpack and put his phone in his pocket, “See you later, babe” he said with a smug smile, standing next to the door, getting out of her room before she could throw another pillow at him.

He was almost at the door of the house when he found Winifred. Gilbert smiled politely and walked passed her, or tried to. She grabbed him by the wrist.

“Why are you doing here so early?”

“Because I slept here?” He responded, raising his brow.


“Well, not that is any of your business, but my girlfriend lives here, in case you forgot, and I wanted to be with her” He smiled, trying to his annoyance. Gilbert was impressed how with just a few words Winifred was able to annoy him, and he was a fairly patient and tolerant person, but she was 100 times worse than any other person he has met, not even Roy annoys him as easily.  “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have class and I need to go get ready”

Winifred muttered something as he was walking away, he turned to her again, “If you have something to tell me, you could just say it, you know?” or maybe tell Anne what you think, she’ll be glad to tell you a piece of her mind too, but he was not about to say that, drama was only good in movies and TV shows, not in real life.

That is very rich, actually. What is real life anymore? He is fucking pretending to be his best friend’s boyfriend to make people jealous, if that is not a fucking movie… oh wait, it is. He almost forgot how he got this stupid idea after all. I’ll be your Peter K., he had said. The difference was that LJ and Peter actually liked each other… on second thought… no.

Winifred. She is still here. Something on her face shifted, but she played it off casually, “I just think… you could do so much better than her” Winifred said with a shrug.

Gilbert laughed, “I strongly disagree, considering she’s the most perfect girl I’ve ever met”

And wait… the words came out of his mouth before he could think about it. Huh. Anne was the most perfect girl he has ever met, it is true. Wow. He had not realized it before. I mean, he is pretty much blind not to realize how perfect she is with her blue eyes, red hair, her freckles, her laugh was perfect too and her- Focus, Blythe.

He smiled again, “Goodbye” Gilbert said quickly before finally going out of the house.


Pinterest is addictive, so addictive. Anne had been on the app for almost two hours, it started with a quick search of ‘blue cottagecore aesthetic’ and for some reason she cannot understand, she is now looking at pictures of Harry Styles. Then, THAT picture came up. It was Harry with his hands covering his face, his beautiful eyes, his rings and, the most important part of the picture besides Harry himself, his nails. His beautiful nails, painted yellow with little black smiley faces. Because of those nails, Anne was at the store buying black and yellow nail polish, but she could not paint her nails, could she?

She could not.

It had to be a boy, and luckily, she had her very own, cheaper –and more accessible- version of the man with style himself. Gilbert. Now, the tough part was getting him to agree. Anne needed the perfect moment to pop the question.

Gilbert with yellow nails and black smiley faces? Yes, please. Anne was excited.


She knocked on the door because, unlike Gilbert, she had manners, and also did not want to walk into a house full of frat boys unannounced. One of the freshmen opened, letting her in immediately. Anne tried not to snap at the boy who called her ‘Gilbert’s girlfriend’ before letting her in, just smiling and going in to find his ‘boyfriend’.

Gilbert was in the living room, watching some hockey match on the TV with some other boys. He was wearing her pink hoodie, and he looked really hot in it, but that is not why she is here right now. Moving on. Moody noticed her first, nudging Gilbert to make him turn. He smiled brightly when he saw her.

“Hey, beautiful” He said, standing up from the couch.

“Hi” she responded quietly, standing on her tiptoes a bit to give him a little kiss.

They are fake-dating. People expect them to kiss, and it was getting easier every time, every kiss. So, whatever.

He leaned in at the same time, moving his hand to her chin, holding her. It was longer than a little kiss, but not long enough to make the other people in the room uncomfortable.

“What are you doing here? I wasn’t expecting you” he whispered, still a little dizzy from the kiss “I wasn’t, right?”

Anne laughed softly, “No, you weren’t. I just wanted to ask you something”

“Is everything ok?”

“Yes, everything’s fine” she smiled shyly, “I just- have you seen this picture of Harry Styles where his covering his face with his hands and you can only see one of his eyes, and he has his nails painted?”

“No,” He furrowed his brows, “Was that what you wanted to ask? If I knew about some picture of Harry Styles?” he laughed.

How dare he!

Anne gasped, “first of all, it’s not some picture of Harry Styles” she frowned and crossed her arms.

Moody snorted, quickly adding a comment into their conversation, “How dare you, Blythe”

“Thank you, Moody” She nodded, smiling, then turning back to look at Gilbert, she frowned again. “That’s not what I wanted to ask, it was only to prepare for what was coming” He looked confused, as usual, “See, as I mentioned before, Harry has his nails painted in this picture…”


How dense is he?

“And I was thinking I wanted nails like that,” Anne took her phone out quickly to show him the picture.

He took the phone and looked at the picture, “They look cute, I’m sure they’ll look even cuter on you” Moody gagged from his place on the couch.

“Yeah, about that…” She smiled, “I don’t- I was thinking- like- they would look better in another boy, you know? And I was thinking-” I hope he gets what I’m trying to say here.


“And they would look so cute, even hot, in a boy” Anne continued, trying to convince him. Moody started laughing, she sent him a deadly glare and he stopped.

“Probably” he furrowed his brows. Not convinced.

“And you’re a boy” Please, please, say you’ll do it.

“I am, thank you for noticing” He replied sarcastically, crossing his arms, smug smile in his face.

“And you’re my boy” that seemed to change something inside of him; you could see it in his face. He dropped his hands, putting her around her waist to bring her closer. “You’re my boy” she repeated, quietly, putting her hand on his chest. His heart was beating a mile per hour, but she was not going to say anything. Hers was the same.

Moody groaned, startling them. Gilbert turned to look at him, but Anne stayed the same, looking at his side profile, and what a great side profile it was.

“Stop being all cute in front of me, I feel lonely,” He said and some other boys nodded their agreement.

“You’re lonely because you want to” Gilbert retorted, and wait a minute- Anne looked at him. Moody hissed a quiet ‘shut up’. Gilbert just rolled his eyes, turning back to Anne.

“What was that about?” She raised her brow.

“Nothing!” Moody replied instead.

Anne hummed unconvinced, “Anyway…”


“Baby” Anne whined, putting her arms around his neck. Heck yeah, she was getting really good at this fake-relationship thing. Even Gilbert seemed a little flustered, his cheeks were extremely red and she could feel the heat coming from the back of his neck. Poor thing, he must be so embarrassed Anne is making look like the whipped boyfriend right now. “Pretty please?” she pouted. Coming up to nudge his nose with hers, Gilbert’s lip parted, and wow, he looked so good right now, this close. Maybe she had outdone it because she was starting to feel her cheeks and neck heating up too. He was looking at her like a starved man and either he is a really good actor or he just as hot and bothered now as she was starting to get. Fuck. There are people around them. This needed to stop. “Please?” she said, coming out a little weaker than intended. She could see Gilbert’s brothers looking at them –some more discreet than others- from the corner of her eye. She leaned just a little bit, kissing him slowly and quick, way too quick.

“Fuck,” He sighed, their faces still close, “Fine”

Moody played the sound of Indiana Jones’ whip the instant the words left his mouth and Anne could not help but to laugh a little.

“Thanks,” She smiled, “I’ll wait in your room” she said quickly, kissing his cheek.

Anne left quickly to his room, barely catching a “shut up” coming from Gilbert and then the laughs of some of the boys.



Fucking Anne Shirley

How could she do that? And also in front of everyone. Gilbert has never felt this sexually frustrated. Apparently the sentiment was clear in his face because as soon as he left the room, the boys started making comments about it.

“Shut up” He said, making the boys laugh.

“I’m surprised you were able to contain yourself, man” One of the freshmen said, Jonny.

“Please,” Moody said, dragging the e, “Ten more seconds and he would’ve put her up against the wall”

Ok, maybe, but not on this wall. He would have carried her upstairs to his room and then put her up against the wall, but he was not going to say that.


Gilbert hated petnames, but hearing her whine ‘baby’ to him, that was- that did… things to him. She had to stop doing that. He has to tell her that calling him petnames makes him lose his shit. No. Wait. He could not tell her that. What would she think? No, never. Oh my god and the ‘you’re my boy’. Fuck. And now he could not stop thinking how would that sound if she were in bed with him. Ok, brain, you’ve got to stop now.

“Look he’s all dizzy and flustered” Moody laughed, breaking him out of his thoughts.

“Shut up” he repeated.

“It’s that the only thing you remember how to say now?” His friend laughed, “wow, she’s got you good”

“Shut-” Gilbert sighed, “I have to go” he said, going out of the living room.

“Please put music on, I don’t wanna hear it!”

“SHUT UP” He shouted. “She’s just going to paint my nails” wow that was just ridiculous.


She did just paint his nails. Anne was applying the second coat of yellow when she said, “So, why did you tell them to shut up when I left?” And wow, how is he going to tell her that she left him so hot and bothered that his brothers saw it painted perfectly in his face without it being weird?

It was like destiny, his phone dinged, saving him from that awkward explanation. Grabbing it, he saw it was a Snapchat notification. Huh. Anne must have seen his confusion on his.

“What?” She asked.

“Zoe wants to add me on Snapchat” He said, accepting the request.

“The girl you studied with the other day?”

“Yes, I don’t know how she got it. I didn’t give it to her” Just as he finished that sentence another ding sounded. “She just sent me a snap”

He opened it. It was a picture of her on a couch and written on the little black line bellow ‘heeey’. Anne took a quick look from her spot next to him on the bed.

“She’s cute” She said.

“Yeah” Gilbert shrugged. Not that he cared.

“Does she know you have a girlfriend?”

He almost snapped –haha, snapped- his neck of how fast he turned to look at her.

“Are you jealous, red?” He smiled smugly. Jealous Anne… he liked it.

“I am not” She rolled her eyes, “and you didn’t answer my question”

“She knows” He replied, the smile still in his face, “Everyone knows. Apparently no one saw me as a relationship type of guy”

“Well,” She sighed, starting to draw the smiley faces on his nails, her brows furrowed, concentrated, “you are kind of a fuckboy

“I am not”

“You fucked almost every girl in my sorority, curly”

“I did not” He wanted to cross his arms, but if he moved Anne would kill him, “That’s an exaggeration. I only had sex with Winifred and some other girls 10 tops, and how many of you are there? Like 50” he argued, “People only think I’ve fucked a lot of girls, 10 is not that many by the way. Also, last year a girl said I slept with her and I didn’t, probably not the first nor the last to say something like that. So, yeah”

“Why didn’t you say anything? Like- she lied, you should’ve said something” Anne asked, stopping her nail art.

“You know how it is, it’s always worse for the girl. She didn’t get slut-shamed for sleeping with me, but people would definitely say something if I said she was a liar. I don’t care that much really, but I don’t understand why someone would make up something like that” He said, his smile gone and replaced by a little frown.

“You’re cute for doing that. Also,” Anne smiled, “She probably did it for clout. Like Winifred, remember? What I told you a few weeks ago?” he nodded, “fucking the hottest guy here probably earned her some popularity, even respect, around here” she shrugged and continued her nail art.

Hottest guy here… so she thinks I’m hot

Another ding came before he could even go around that thought. Zoe. Right.

‘no reply? Damn:(’ it said over another picture of her pouting.

Gilbert opened the camera and took a picture of his –almost done- nails. He wrote ‘my gf is painting my nails, it’s a bit difficult to snap’, his blurry pic proves so. It was opened almost as instantly as it was sent, but then 10 minutes passed, then 30, then an hour and he got no reply.

A few hours after Anne left, obviously after taking an extreme amount of pictures of his nails and also recreating THE famous picture, he was on his bed watching TikTok when he saw some very familiar hands come up on his for you page. The caption said ‘my boyfriend let me paint his nails like Harry’s #harrystyles #couples’. It was a TikTok that started with different pictures of the nail-painting process and then a short video of him posing for the camera. Gilbert really thought she was just taking pictures of the nails, not filming him. When he looked at the likes, what the fuck- 862k likes and it has been up for only two hours.







And it went viral





Did you look at the comments???????

Everyone wants you as a boyfriend


If any of the boys see that



They’re going to see you with your beautiful nails anyway


I hate you



I have to sleep

Gn <3



Good night.


Gilbert spent the following week wearing his yellow nails with black smiley faces. Girls loved them and Anne could not be prouder of her work, but of course, his brothers never stopped making fun of him about them and making a ‘whip sound’ every time they could. Also, not that he would ever tell Anne, but she was starting to like them.


A/N: This is the picture of Harry Styles with his BEAUTIFUL nails:

I don't have much to say here except for... girls masturbate too! and that Face-mask Friday it's totally a thing my friends and I do.

Leave a comment if you'd like and tell me what you thought!

Please, be safe, be smart and treat people with kindness :)

xo GingerSpirits

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