Out of the Darkness~ The Guil...

By StefanieMorton

666 59 0

The secret is out. Humans have learned the truth about witches and warlocks. Steps must now be taken in order... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Author's Note

39 2 0
By StefanieMorton

Hello, my lovelies. I truly hope everyone is doing okay in these trying times. 

I want to take just a moment from your day to inform everyone that I will be stepping away from Wattpad. I will complete this story, in my own time, and post each chapter separately as I've been doing once the story is finished, but there will be NO updates from me until then. And when this story is completed, I will not be returning with any more stories, Guild Leader Chronicles or not. 

I've simply realized lately that this site, Wattpad, is a joke; as some of you may have seen my announcement I made a few days ago. To me, and I'm sure to many other writers on this site, it's as though a writer can't really get their story out there, regardless of the awesomeness of it, unless you are a Premium Account holder (which, lets face it, most people just can't afford), have a sex based story (unfortunatly I do have one, and sadly it's my most popular book even though I destest it, but it's the only book that gives me followers), or you have a fan-fic. And to me, a fan-fic author is a lazy author because the hard work, building the characters and so forth, is already done.  

To the roughly thirty of you who have stuck with me from the beginning, I honestly love each and every one of you. I've made a couple of really good friends off this site, and I've enjoyed throwing everyone for a loop here and there, but I think it's best for me and my stories if I step away from Wattpad. 

My story that I started collaborating with @yourfriendbri will not be finished, at least from me. If Bri wants to finish it, she has my permission and blessing to do so. 

Thank you to everyone who has been patient, and I'm sorry that once Out of the Darkness is finished that I will be leaving. 

Take care everyone, and stay safe,

~Stefanie Morton


I really want everyone to listen to the song I've posted with this author's note. I'm not a fan of Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus, but the song conveys how I feel about all of you. 

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