My Name is Joseph

By abbyrbeiler

534 35 16

When young Joseph suddenly finds himself forced into the world of armies and battles by his jealous brothers... More

A Crazy Birthday Present
Strange Dreams
Revenge and Cruelty Part 1
Revenge and Cruelty Part 2
Far Away From Home
Friends in Exile
Seeing Yourself on the News?
Coming to Terms Part 1
Coming to Terms Part 2
Coming to Terms Part 3
My Friends Predicted This?
Of Simulations and Check-Ups
Pearls and Handsome Men
Dr. Williams and the Glasses
Set Ups

Getting Promoted

24 1 0
By abbyrbeiler

I glanced over at Jonathan and Owyn from my spot in the line-up. Owyn had been sick the last few days and today was his first day back on duty. He seemed quite perky for having been sick so many days in a row. Jonathan just looked forward at the sergeant, intent and ready to hear what his orders would be that day. I smiled slightly. Even though this is not where I had guessed I would be at this point in my life, I was content. I had friends, a good job, a purpose, and most importantly, God.

It had been two years since we had come to this outpost on the southern coast of the country. Nothing very interesting had happened since we arrived. The most drastic thing we had done, or at least been involved in, was raiding a base where some illegal arms and explosives had been found. What we normally did, however, was guard the military port that rested only ten minutes march from our base. There had been very few threats, and strangely, our sergeant had seemed exceedingly pleased about it. We did not know why, but we spent a lot of our spare time discussing it.

I looked forward again, bringing my mind back to what the sergeant was saying. Something about changing duties, or stations, or something? I mentally face-palmed. I had not distracted to the point of missing what the sergeant said in several months. Now I would need to catch one of the others and make sure I knew what he had said.

So, when the sergeant called me out, I suddenly felt extremely jittery. Had I done something wrong? He could not possibly know I had been distracted, and I hoped that he would not "quiz" me on what he had just said, because I honestly could not repeat it. I wracked my brain for what could have caused him to call me out, but came up blank. I thought over the last few weeks.

I had done what I needed to do, and then some extra, as I normally did. I had been as helpful as possible and I felt that I had succeeded quite well. Though, actually, I could not thank myself for that. It seemed that whatever I did ended up succeeding. The only thing I could credit that to was God answering my prayers.

I glanced back and Jonathan and Owyn as the sergeant signaled for me to follow him to his office, hoping that maybe they would know something about this. But their faces showed just as much bewilderment as I felt. My heart sank. The last time I had been called by the sergeant was almost two years ago, when I was still having emotional break-downs related to—well, my brothers. But I pushed the thought out of my mind. I had not lost control since I had decided to follow God again; he gave me peace. However, many nights I still woke up, panicked, flashbacks running through my mind, and had to ask him to take away the anger, pain, and fear that occasionally plagued me.

My spine stiffened as the sergeant entered his office ahead of me and I took a deep breath as I followed. He sat down, his books, computer, and phone swamped by all the papers and writing utensils that were scattered on his desk. I stood at attention, not sure what he expected me to do. When he merely looked up at me over his circular-rimmed glasses and down at his computer, I was even more bewildered.

After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, or at least uncomfortable for me, he looked back up at me and quirked an eyebrow, "At ease, Alexander."

I relaxed slightly, putting my hand down and spreading my legs a little more, but my shoulders were still filled with tension. The sergeant continued looking at me the same way, quirked eyebrow and all, until a small smirk appeared on his face. "You may sit down," he indicated the chair on the other side of his desk.

Now I was even more confused, but I sat down any way and looked at him. He chuckled again, "You know, the confused expression on your face could come out of a comedy movie or something."

My mouth nearly dropped open. I had never heard the sergeant joke with anyone. But I did not reply, still unsure of what he expected me to do.

"You may relax, Alexander. You aren't in trouble. The opposite in fact."

I was able to relax more now, but my curiosity was roused, enough so that I forgot that I should not speak unless asked to speak, "What do you mean?"

The sergeant's smirk grew, "That's the Alexander everyone's grown to love so much, is it not?"

My mouth did drop open this time, "Wha—What?"

"I don't know if you've noticed, Alexander, but everyone in your unit and even the people from the other units all love you. They listen to what you say and try to emulate your actions. You have become a leader among them."

My mouth would have dropped farther if it could have, "Sir?" I half-choked.

"Everything you do succeeds, Alexander. Even the raid on the warehouse that was found to have weapons was your doing."

This I knew was not true, "Sir, I did not do anything in that mission. I was not even there!"

He cocked his head as his eyes laughed at me, "But it was you that found the base after reading some coded correspondence, was it not? And it was only you who insisted there was anything there, even after the decoding-experts denied it. And it was you who came up with the strategy on how to storm it, was it not?"

I shook my head, "No, sir, I just suggested—wait, how did you know that that suggestion came from me? The corporal was the one who told you."

The sergeant clicked his tongue, "See? You can't deny it. And I know because the corporal was completely aware of who deserved the credit for that mission. And honestly, this base has been less threatened than it has ever been. And I also believe that has to do with your off-hand suggestions to the corporal."

I cleared my throat uncomfortably. I did often give the corporal suggestions, as he was always glad to receive them, but I did not expect that he was telling the sergeant that they were my ideas. Much less expecting that it was my ideas that were doing such good at our base.

The sergeant chuckled again, "Now that we have gotten that established, we can continue talking."

I looked up quickly, about to retort that I had not done anything special, but he cut me off before I could say anything.

"Alexander, don't even try to deny what you've done. During your training you certainly had struggles, but when we got here, you completely changed. You took the determination you had in training and applied to your work, but you also changed your attitude and actions towards others. You did not even notice that everyone follows you, Alexander. Not to mention your strategic mind and outstanding abilities have changed the whole way this base works. Not only within your unit, Alexander. I have been going to the base commander with your strategy, and he has been delighted."

He paused, and I tried to say something, but I could not seem to get anything out of my throat.

"And honestly, not only this base. Some of your suggestions have been applied in nearby bases. And you know how that's worked out?"

I shook my head dumbly, eyes wide and fingers fidgety.

"It changed those bases too, Alexander! This whole region has been effected. Less threat corporately than there has been for one hundred years!"

I did not know what to say when he stopped talking and gave me an intense, but un-readable stare. I knew that was a good thing, so why did I suddenly feel an apprehension—or nervousness? And not even one that was completely negative—just uncomfortable. I opened my mouth, but then shut it again when I could not think of anything to say.

"So, the commander requested you of me. And even though I do not want to see you go, I have agreed with him. You are to be promoted."

If I had not already been hearing the crazy things he had been saying, I probably would have died of surprise. But, as I had already heard the ridiculous things he had been saying, all I felt was the slow numb feeling taking over my mind, not allowing myself to process what was truly happening. I nodded.

The sergeant chuckled at my blank face, "The commander himself requested that you be trained to become his main strategist, Alexander. Maybe even looking at becoming a commander yourself in the future."

When I still did not answer, he quirked an eyebrow again and continued speaking, "So starting today you will be put into training. In two weeks you will be moved to the commander's base, and soon after that you will be able to begin practicing your new position. What happens after that will be up to you."

He smiled at me as if he has just announced the weather was going to be sunny tomorrow with a cheeky twinkle in his eye. I, however, felt like I was going to throw up. "Sir," I started, then took a deep breath, "I didn't do anything. I—"

"On the contrary, Alexander. You have done much."

"But I—"

"Even if I wanted to change it, Alexander, I couldn't. Not that I want to change it. You truly are perfectly fitted to the position. Even if it means you will soon outrank me."

He then stood up slowly and saluted me, never once losing the twinkle in his eye, "I am privileged to announce this to you, soon-to-be head-strategist."

I merely gaped at him as he then walked around the desk and exited the room, pausing at the door and looking over his shoulder, "You can come out whenever you come out of your shock." He chuckled to himself as he walked down the stairs back to the other soldiers.

I merely stared at his desk. The commander's head-strategist? Really? What had I done...? Then it dawned on me. God had allowed my suggestions to bring me to this. So, I would go into this new job just as I had the old one. Determined to do the best I could. I stood up and smirked slightly to myself. I could not wait to see Jonathan and Owyn's reaction to this new development.

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