Blood Veil

By HajerandMalka

33 0 0

Princess. All my life, I have been waiting to become Queen, to finally be entitled to the throne. Having slee... More

blood veil

33 0 0
By HajerandMalka


In a world full of the pathetic and the weak, I was surrounded by the expectations to be perfect. Being the first daughter of the vampire kingdom, Drasula, this doesn't allow for any errors. I need to say the right words at the right time in the right way. I had to be knowledgeable about everything, from politics to history to predicting the future. I need to make sure everyone respects me as a princess, so making sacrifices was never an option.



I felt quite privileged being the youngest son in the true blood family, I could do what my heart pleased without being questioned and got to live life how I wanted. I would have become a spoilt child if the true blood kingdom wasn't slowly deteriorating. As true bloods, artificial blood doesn't quite fulfill our craving like the real blood does, specially the blood from humans, but not many humans are willing to volunteer to feed a whole kingdom, and so my parents had to take actions.



I was not always destined to rule the kingdom; my family hoped and tried to raise a son who could take over the thrown. After my younger sister had been injured as a child, my parents made the decision to cease the efforts to raise a son after the royal witch failed to successfully help her, the responsibility of raising a child that needs extra care was too much to focus and bringing another child would be a hindrance, so they reluctantly decided to give me the power when they are ready. I was ecstatic when I heard the news, my heart beating with joy I was more than eager to use my powers.



I wasn't prepared to be next in the thrown. My big brother was training to become the next king. He left for training in the master combat but when the general came back, he said my brother had died on the way there trying to protect outskirt villagers from rouge werewolves. Now the pressure was on me to be responsible for the throne. All of a sudden I was being told what to do and how to act, so I could replace my brother in this honorable position. I could never be as great as he could have been, but I don't have an option so the only thing to be done is to try my best.



I sat on the dining table with a high shoulder and a straight back, my legs crossed but my right leg hanging delicately on my bottom left thigh for support, my hands were placed on my lap, in an eloquent manner, on top of each other. The clock ticked as I wait for my father to take his first bite before I take could sip on my soup. My mother sat in front of me nodding in approval of her meal. She had a soft, elegant smile and radiant eyes, which seemed dark but bright. Her cheeks were hollow and the ratio of her face seemed perfectly proportional. Her face for sure was the face of a queen. I have always admired how beautiful my mother is despite being 4083. I have always aspired to look as gorgeous at her age.

"Marrie! Why do you look like that? You're a princess" my father suddenly said, huffing air as he takes a bite from his raw beef. I carefully look down at my attire and notice that his comment was partially regarding the bland brown cloth wrapped around me held together with a lose string I found on my dressing table.

"Father, no one can see what I look like. I am in the comfort of my home. I don't need to wear proper clothing" I reply taking a sip from my chicken blood soup. Closing my eyes with each sip to be presented as feminine, a habit I try to maintain.

"Marrie, you have to think about what people with say if they see you" he argued back with a disappointed look laced on his face. I put down my spoon and looked at my father with a smile, causing my father to grimace as he scrutinized my expression.

"I understand you're concerned of how people will perceive me, however, you must remember that you had, in fact, hired high profile security to make sure no information leaves the palace. If any news spreads of how I look when I am not in public that speaks more on your security. I trust the king can protect my privacy just as he protects his kingdom." I reply with a calm voice and a tight smile before looking away from my father's flabbergasted face to have another spoonful of my soup. I could feel the tension in the room, my parents tried to maintain a silent conversation, signaling with their eyes, until my mother cleared her voice to grab my attention.

"My dear, we have some news for you" my mother spoke up. To my mother's statement, I put down my spoon and turn my attention towards them, waiting for them to enlighten me.

"It is no news that the true blood kingdom is not in very good shape at the moment" she started off, her usual way to ease me into the topic. I pick my spoon and take a sip as I try to remember who exactly they were.

"Aah yes, the breed who only drinks pure blood," I receive a nod from my father, "a day doesn't go by when I don't feel bad for Mr. and Mrs. Russington, with their first born now gone and their inexperienced son taking place of a slowly fleeting land, I could even say I somewhat respect them for tolerating everything,"

"well, I had some tea with Mrs.Russington a week ago and so we had made the decision to have you marry off to their next in line for king" my mother states, my spoon stops mid-way to my mouth, I place my spoon back down and turn to look at my parents to make sure this is not a witty joke or prank

"Sweetie, Mrs.Russington just seemed so helpless and unsure, I truly felt awful not doing anything to help her, so your father and I offered to have you marry their son and join our forces" my mother explained with her most convincing voice, though sadness was tangled in every inch of her voice, yet, she didn't seem visibly upset for not asking my consent, she didn't hesitate to sell me. I spent a few quiet seconds considering my mother's decision before speaking once again

"This is quite a mutually beneficial plan for the both of us. They have a stable hand to build their kingdom back up as our own. We will give them aid for their sick and unwell, and we will have extra land, empathy point and a perfectly trained army, it sounds absolutely perfect. However, I do have a request." I say, making sure I frame my words properly. My parents' looks taken aback before quietly being encouraged to continue.

"After I am married, I request your thrown" state looking right into my father's eyes.

"Why would you suggest that Marrie" my father responds immediately, visibly offended by my request. My mother seated with a mouth slightly open and eyes widen.

"if you insist here is one reason off the top of my head, I am of age for a king and so is my fiancé, if I were to marry that would mean that I am ready to rule and was just waiting to become be wedded to move onto the final step, the same happened to you father as well as grandfather. It won't be a surprise when our people will expect me to take the throne. Otherwise people will see the married as a business transaction rather than a perfect couple that rules this lovely nation" I argue, as I spoke I saw my father not taking my words into consideration and waiting to shut me down.

"I refuse to give you the throne Marrie" he finally says after I had finished my sentence.

"Well then, I refuse to marry anyone," I smile back at my father as I take a sip at my forgotten soup.

"Who gave you the right to refuse young lady" my mother speaks up, I laugh at their growing anger and give then my best cocky smile

"Mother, you do realize you never asked for my consent, I could just send Mrs.Russington an email stating that I am taken. Oh how the news of the queen selling her daughter would haunt you for the rest of your life." I stated calmly, closing my eyes to take in the iron tang that lingered on my tongue, I honestly was not opposed to marrying anyone for the sake of my kingdom, but watching my parents fumble for words always amused me. The dining room stays silent after that, all three of us finishing our meals without another speaking on the matter, until the dining room opened up reveal a little girl at the door, her puffy dress stained with dirt.

"Mom! Dad! I had so much fun today, the garden was so much fun" my little sister said skipping towards the table, I smile at her, grabbing some tissue and slowly getting up to walk towards her.

"Gigi, your dress is dirty" I laugh, carefully sitting down and patting her dress to remove the dirt with the tissue.

"Sorry, I just had so much fun, we played tag and Amala even gave me a bracelet, it was so amazing today" she giggled, and extended one hand showing me a purple beaded bracelet while the other tried to help me remove some of the dirt. I place my hands on the floor to slowly raise myself, my knees nearly giving out before I stood straight and encouraged my little Gigi to sit at the table so mother can start feeding her.

"Did you know your sister found her prince charming" I squeal to Gigi as I sit down and check if her Sippy-cup was closed properly.

"Really!" she gasped loudly, looking at me with wonder in her eyes.

"Yes, and he is strong and kind and so handsome. He and I will rule Drasula and will be in our own happily ever after" I smile, slightly shaking my head from side to side to emphasize my point. "isn't that right father" I turn towards him and wait for his response, I know my Gigi has big gleaming eyes waiting for the king to confirm his retirement, denying it would break his baby's heart and no one can dare doing that.

"Of-course Giselle, your sister is taking the throne next week" he grits between his teeth as if he were lying. Gigi does a little dance at the news which satisfied me. I turn back to my mother and give her the bottle which she snatched from my hands and snarled at me before turning to Gigi with a wide smile and motioning for her to open her mouth to start drinking her blood.

"Well this dinner is finished" my father rambles before walking out the door. My mother catches my eye so I give her a vague smile, but she walked away, following my father and leaving me to feed little Gigi. I walk over to her and makes sure she drinks without any troubles.



I hate studying.

I've been studying for the past few years and it's been torture. The small words in the stupidly big book always give me a headache, and after the first few hours I end up getting nauseous. So here I am, stuck in my room, reading about some stupid king who apparently ruled well, I couldn't be bothered, all I am focusing on is how much I'm missing out. My friends are out, laughing and drinking, while I'm here stuck with a book and an urge to run away. In the middle of this gruesome experience, a series of knocks interrupted my lack of concentration.

"Your highness" someone says behind my door. I thank every lord for giving me an excuse to stop studying, even if it were just for a second. I open the door only to realize it was a butler.

"What is it" I say, my voice slightly hoarse from not speaking for so long. Even I was shocked at how my voice sounded.

"The king and queen has requested to see you" the butler responded before walking away, leaving me to register his words. Mom and dad wanted to see me? Must be important. I put on a shirt to cover my bare chest and leave my room to see what my parents had to say. The halls were covered in pictures of me and my brother, Nolan. Man I miss him.

I finally spot mom and dad sitting in the dining room. We never sit here unless we need to have a family discussion, today's discussion must be pretty important. I knock the door before entering in with a smile to lift up my parents spirits, neither look any more relaxed.

"Hey... everything okay?" I ask once I reach my chair and sit on it. I don't get a response for a while until my father cleared his throat to look at me.

"You're getting married" my father says without an ounce of emotion in his voice, as if it were a statement. Like I had no say in the matter.

"What!" I practically screamed, looking at my parents to see if they were lying to me in any way.

"By the next two weeks you will be married to-"

"You can't just marry me off like that!" I interrupted, I felt like throwing my chair at them both.

"Ezra please" my mother says, her voice soothing and calm, doing nothing to help me. I already had a headache and this was making it worse

"You can't just make me marry someone I barely know, how could you do this to me? And without asking me first! The hell" I stand up and walk away from the table, I refuse to marry someone I barely know. I'm okay with becoming a king against my will but this is too far.

"You're marrying the princess of Drasula" my mother's stern voice rings in my ear, I turn towards my mother so fast my headache grows

"No way" my voice is barely above a whisper I don't think my parents even heard me. The princess of the Drasula is the pretties princess in the whole vampire colony, beating her mother by a land slide, her eyes are big and dark with under eye bags a dark grey so pretty you could probably kiss them without getting tired. Her waist small and her legs short, the perfect size to cuddle and love. I even heard she was kind and loving. And I'm marrying her...

"Ezra?" I hear my mother call me of, putting me out of my gaze, I can't be marrying the perfect princess.

"How" was all I was about to let out, my throat failing on me to ask more.

"Mrs. Darlisa and I had tea and she mentioned that her daughter was looking for a prince, so I took the spot before anyone else. I once heard you and your friends talk about how much you liked her so I wanted to make you happy" mom explained, sounding apologetic, leaving me with my mouth open and my head swirling with questions and no answers, I walk back to the table and sit down faster than I should have, but somehow I feel eager now.

"The princess Marrie, wants to marry me?" I ask one more time for conformation. My head felt light and weak at the news.

"Yes, she does" was all the response I got from my father before a massive grin spread across my face, I wooed and jumped off my seat and rushed out the door in excitement to announce this news.

Princess Marrie is going to marry me, and there is no way I'm not celebrating.



I place the pillows of my new bed onto the center of the pile. I wasn't used to making my own bed, however I was informed that prince Ezra quite enjoyed a domestic wife. It never hurts to have a little practice before his arrival tomorrow. I walk away from the bed and look for any imperfections. Satisfied, I sit down on my desk chair and rest my legs after standing for too long, making sure my feet were on the ground but didn't have any pressure on it.

I look the mirror in the opposite side of the room and made sure to see if anything was out of place, running my eyes over my face for the ninth time before deeming myself perfect and glamorous. The face of a future queen meeting her future king in an hour looks like everyone's dream wife. That brought a smile to my face, one with perfect teeth, perfect cheekbones

I look perfect, just how it should be

I move my leg around for a bit before I felt comfortable standing up to walk to my door and open it. My dress long and fluffy enough to cover my legs, making it seem as if I were gliding rather than walking. So unrealistic for any vampire.

Perfection is unrealistic after all.



If the car went any slower, I would have practically been bald by pulling my hair strands one strand at a time, my stomach felt queasy as we reached closer to the princess of my dreams, I couldn't wait to see her. I've only seen her here and there in the news and each time she caught my breath, like love at first sight, the mere thought of her knowing who I am felt like an honor and a blessing.

The car ride went on for longer than I'd hope before the front gate of the giant palace came into view, bigger than mine by approximately three times. In front of the gate, stood the king with a black furry coat and a large umbrella over his head, and next to him is the princess herself.

She is even prettier in person.

She wore a long sleeve lace dress that pinched the waist I've always wanted to squeeze, and the lower half of the dress was fluffy and cute, reaching mid-thigh with black tights matching the dress. The black material complimenting her paper white skins the way it always does, and an umbrella in her right hand to block out the sun with her dad.

We finally reach the gate and if it wasn't for my father grabbing my hand, I would have opened the door myself. After a few seconds the door opened up and I stepped out with the most charming smile I could master as I tried to look at the princess's eyes, which I achieved immediately. She even let out a giggle and looked to the floor in embarrassment. Successfully melting me into absolute goo.

My father and I walked over to the two and we shook hands as we introduced ourselves, but I swear I felt as if princess Marrie held onto my hand a bit longer before letting go. I wouldn't have let go either if I'm being honest. Not long after we were brought inside, the princess asked to pull me aside to show me something.

"You don't have to refer to me as princess, just my first name is quite alright" she says as we walk, she is quite the slow walker but that's alright, gives me more time to get to know her more.

"Well, same back at ya" I reply to her, she looked at me and rolled her eyes with a found smile before turning towards a room. At this point I could hear my heart beating out of my chest.

"This is our bedroom, I made sure to have everything before we meet, I wanted everything to be ready for when you come back tomorrow," she smiled looking at the room door before looking back at me, my mouth felt dry as I grabbed onto the handle and opened the door only to reveal a gorgeous beige room, two decks tables next to eat other with a cup filled with pens, a dressing table attached to a long mirror on the other side, crystal lights and two other doors, and the absolutely giant bed placed on the center of the back wall.

"I hope you aren't uncomfortable with sleeping on the same bed, we are getting married-"

"I love it" I couldn't stop my smile from spreading so far across my face, a sudden urge to jump around and twirl the princess was so overwhelming, I'm not sure how I was able to restrain myself.

"Ezra, I have to tell you something" she suddenly sighs, pulling at my arm as she walks towards my bed, my face drops as I am dragged over to the bed, I start rethinking if I even made her uncomfortable enough to warrant her to confront me.

"There is no doubt that we are getting married" the princess said, trying to ease into whatever she had to say

"And I am very happy to be marrying someone as beautiful and kind as you" I couldn't stop myself, she probably saw me as an oversized puppy but she is everything I wanted in a girl, let alone a wife.

"Don't take this personally, however, I am not in love with you" those words felt like a blade slicing my heart in half without any remorse "I wanted to make sure no one was nearby when I told you but I wanted to tell you as soon as possible as too not lead you on, that would be despicable of me to put you through"

"But, why are you marrying me then?" I ask, my voice sounded weak and pathetic, like a kicked puppy, how could one not feel like this when the love of their life doesn't love you back. I shouldn't have assumed she reciprocated my feeling, of course it was all for politics.

"I am marrying you for the sake of my kingdom, because my mother said so, because I want to help your family. Today is the first time I am meeting you, I wanted to make sure you didn't do anything that would make me uncomfortable," Her voice was calm and leveled, she doesn't look like she is lying, she is being honest. Damn, I really got my hopes up

"Well then..." I got up from the bed and pulled my hand out for Marrie to take.

"I am so deeply sorry for hurting your feelings. A relationship is built on communication and honesty, I only wanted to do my part." She said as she grabbed onto my hand and carefully stood up, her grip tight as if it was hard to stand up without my support.

"I'm not giving up on you princess, you will fall for me even if it costs me my last breath" I announced, bringing my face closer to her, taking a greater look at the dark gems she had as eyes. She gave me an empathetic smile back before letting go and walking towards the door to open it. She didn't even blush, she is going to be harder to swoon.

But I'm no quitter.



It is quite pathetic how the prince of a failing kingdom has the nerve to act as if our matrimony is a gift from the universe. I'm surely not blind, I can see just how gorgeous he is, his eyes aren't dark but a light shade of grey which is at the verge of matching the color of the sclera, a cream white. These eyes are the show piece DNA that only true bloods possess, unusual for vampires but not enough to be deemed a freak, a balance that everyone won't shut up about.

"It feels like I'm looking at crystals, it's so beautiful"

"His eyes are so pretty I can't stop staring"

"You're so lucky to have a prince with such pretty eyes"

The prince will be arriving to plan our wedding any minute now, simultaneously the surrounding women are drooling over my fiancée, which is getting quite annoying.What's the point in a handsome husband if he can barely rule over a kingdom? His brother really was the only good future king.

"I'm so lucky to be marrying him" I giggle, blushing, trying my best to look like an epitome of a love sick puppy. The girls swoon over my confession and continue to talk about how he and I are a perfect couple. So superficial.

Just when I shifted the conversation onto a different topic, the prince, my fiancée, opened the door with a cardboard bag in his hand and a charming smile plastered on his face, the one I saw all day yesterday before he left to gather his things and confirm what he wanted to bring to be well settled in our palace.

"Why, hello ladies, sorry to interrupt your little talk but I would like to steal my lady for a bit" he sang, his voice deeper so he could seem like a true prince charming. The girls squealed at his request and hastily pulled me up, as if I were to be arrested for committing a crime, and handed me to the man I am forced to spend the rest of my life with.

"I got you a drink" he smiled, genuine and loving, breaking my heart a bit at his dedication. I let out a small thank you and looked into the bag to see two drinks in it.

"I know today is going to be quite long with planning the wedding which is only a week, so I got you two coffee infused blood. I heard you like your blood served similar to witches and humans" that actually impressed me. If this dedication was put into his research on how to help his kingdom I can assure you that true bloods would have lived longer.

"Let's go, shall we" I said trying to swoon, taking a hold of his hand as we walk out the room, leaving the girls to themselves. I caught a glimpse of Ezra's grin widening as he squeezed my hand tighter. Once I felt we were far enough from the girls I let go of his hand and stretch it before holding them out in front of me.

"Who were those girls" Ezra questioned after a few seconds of silence, as we approached the dining room where we will be deciding on how the wedding will be held.

"Some girls I stumbled upon, they heard I was engaged and were asking me a few questions, thought I'd entertain their fantasies" I responded, staring straight at the door trying to ignore Ezra's strong gaze

"Oh" was all the response I got from him, sounding disappointed in a way.

"They all would not stop commenting on how pretty your eyes were" I assured him, causing him to look quite shocked.

"Does that mean you think my eyes are pretty," he smirked, and faced an inch closer to mine.

"Your pretty eyes do not substitute your lack of knowledge" I responded with, yet this did not put him in a worse mood. I guess it can't be helped. I stopped in front of the door and grabbed onto Ezra's hand and waited for him to open the door, but to my dismay he didn't do anything except wait in front of the door. I sighed and tilted my head to the side indicating for him to open the door, and when he finally realized what had to be done, he opened the door to reveal one old lady and Mrs.Russington sitting next to each other.

"Good afternoon Mrs.Russington, good afternoon ma'am" I greeted, giving them both curtsy, making sure not to damage my legs. As so as I finished my curtsy I caught Ezra hesitantly giving a bow himself to copy my own. This is the guy that will be the new king.

We both sat in the dining room and started getting to work, deciding on the themes, food, dresses, and invitations. I can't leave my palace so I can only try my wedding dress the day before my wedding for any last arrangements. It's a good thing that the tailors have memorized my measurement already. A suit had already been stitched as soon as the news broke out. For now I scanned through the guest list and pointed out any guests I deemed important.

"an obvious pick would be you, sweetie" I heard Ezra whisper next to me, I scoffed at him, trying to seem like his words affected me, as I continued looking at the list of potential guests.

"I would like to invite the king of Fluworl and make sure that he brings his daughter, I also request to bring the president of Allthynia, she is a hopeless romantic she would defiantly stop by, I would also enjoy for the twin witches that guard the outskirts of the dragon forest, not quite sure if they would enjoy coming but I could have a small talk with them"

"Who are those people" Ezra interrupted me, I let out a sigh before turning to face him.

"The King of Fluworl is the head alpha of the werewolf clan, his daughter was rumored to be looking for a vampire partner, hence I am inviting them both The president of Allthynia is a human lady that rules over the all-inclusive land where all creatures may live in harmony, it would be good to have ties with her and her power. Lastly, the twin witches make sure the dragons don't murder everyone that is in their forest. As a prince you should know this information." I let out, my voice felt like it was filled with venom, Ezra's eyes widen and taken aback, I give him a loud laugh and hit his shoulder before pinching his cheeks as I turned back to the paper

"Got you baby, I was merely joking, everyone struggles from time to time, and you'll catch up eventually, I believe in you" I made sure to make my voice to be as light and comforting as I possibly can. I can see that the two lady's believed me however it seemed that Ezra just let out a light chuckle and let me handle the rest of the planning. Its better this way anyways.



It's way too silent in our room. The only noise that could be heard was the pen writing on the paper as Marrie jotted down the wedding notes. I asked her what it was about but zoned out so I can't say. The two cups of coffee infused blood stood empty next to the papers. I tried to talk to Marrie later but after the fifth try it was clear she wasn't going to answer me any time soon. I decided to lay on my bed and text a friend while I waited for her to finish, so I can actually ask her some questions. After all this is my wedding too, everything needs to be perfect.

"You're really good at pretending" I decided to point out. Whenever we were with other people I felt like I was married to the love of my life, but when were alone she was totally different. It made me want to pat her in the back, yet pull all my hair off.

"Thanks, I try" she suddenly answers for the first time since she glued her butt down to the seat. I sit up straight and watch her put away her pens and place the letters to the side. She then opened a drawer and pulled out a piece cloth and a bottle of liquid.

"What's that" I asked, leaning towards it to get a closer look

"You ask so many questions, it's amazing" she remarked, as an annoyed laughed tailed her sentence right after. She looked so cute with a smile on her face.

"I'm just curious" I snap back, trying to focus on the jocularity and picking up the bottle to examine it once more.

"It's make up remover" she stated before taking the bottle and pouring a few drops of the liquid onto the cloth.

"Wait, you use make up" she just seemed so natural. What would she need make up remover for? I watched her get up from her desk and walk to the dressing table with the cloth.

"Of course I do, make up enhances beauty after all" she says, sitting down onto the chair and rubbing the cloth onto her skin. I watch her through the mirror as her smooth pale skin shifts to a darker light grey shade. Lifting up her sleeve she continues and wipes her hand with the cloth which removed whatever she used on her hands to come off to reveal the same shade of light grey, which also painted her face.

Before I could say anymore she shifted closer to the mirror and started grabbing onto her eye, I twitched my eyebrows together in disgust, but it felt like I couldn't look away, it was too amusing to miss. She pulled out eye contacts, large and dark, she then rubbed her eyes for a minute before removing her hands to reveal smaller, more detailed eyes, too small for her large face, she lastly opened her mouth only for her cheeks to all of a sudden puff out of their pretty hollow shape, her face looked more round than oval. Her hands carried two plastic suction tubes out of her mouth that I had never seen before.

"These two are cheek suckers, been using it since I was four, to lose my baby fat" she explained, her speechwas more clear but only slightly.

"You look so different" I gasped, trying to get use to how she looked all of a sudden. Her cheeks, her eyes, her completion, had it all been a lie, what else had she been lying about.

"it's the price of respect" she mumbled, it sounded like it was more so directed towards herself rather than to clear up any questions I had.

"Marrie, you do know you don't need all that make up, you're beautiful just the way you are" I finally blurted out. Yes, she may look completely different, but she is still the beautiful Marrie I have come to love.

"Could you be honest with me for a second" she suddenly requested, I gave her an approving nod and waited for what she had to say "would you have married me if I looked like this?"

I stepped back and thought about my answer, my throat went dry and nothing would come out. Before my mom said that I was marrying Marrie, I had already refused to marry anyone, but because I had an unending love for Marrie, I bended my rules. Would I have still loved her if she looked darker and had smaller eyes? My thoughts got interrupted by a chuckle from Marrie.

"I'm not ugly, many vampires look like me and are works of art. It doesn't mean a princess should look this way, a few sacrifices have to be made to be recognized as a princess" Marrie explained walking towards me and turning around, silently gesturing me to open the zipper of her dress. I trailed the zipper down to the end and looked to the side, stepping away from her to allow her to change in the comfort of her privacy.

She pulled the dress off her body and revealed herself in a bra, which pushed her chest down. Her legs however did not look any better. The short limbs looked broken and fragile with two giant scars circling right below her knee. The red cut barely stitched together.

"Your legs..." I gasped, trying to find the most reasonable explanation.

"My mother had them cut off and resized so I could appear shorter. A proper witch was supposed to do it, however our royal witch didn't know how to operate it properly so the procedure ended up with two numb stubs that could fall off any second," she explained

"Does it hurt?"

"it's numb, I can barely feel it, all I know is that it might fall off one day, now could you get me a change of clothes, I don't feel like walking" after that the conversation simmered into a silent agreement of not to speak about that anymore. The atmosphere was not tense, but awkward knowing that the person I fell in love with was not who I thought she was.

I love her regardless, she is still my beautiful Marrie and nothing with change that.



"The capital of Drasula is?"



"Don't pressure me, it makes me nervous"

"This is supposed to be common knowledge, you're the damn king after all"


"It's Vykolas, Ezra"

"I knew that, you just didn't give me enough-"

"What is a common procedure used to separate artificial blood with mammals blood?"

I've spent most of the day questioning Ezra on his knowledge. Both of us getting seemingly more frustrated as time goes by. As I question Ezra with basic question he should know by now, I am finishing a report on what my first plan of action is as queen, which I have to send to my father for him to approve. I am suggesting renovating the true bloods palace to make it a refuge and the sick true bloods facility to help them become healthier before giving them jobs forafter they recover.

"I never knew you were so smart" Ezra confronted, his eyes running though notes I made of the most important information, which he should know off the top of his head. Sitting next to me, he ran a hand though his hair before giving me a lopsided grin.

"I spent a majority of my life studying all of this, its second nature at this point" I boasted, feeling proud that he sees me that way. I don't get to hear it often so it's nice to bask in the praise of my brains.

"You're like, beauty and brains all in one, no wonder I like you so much. Well more like artificial beauty but nonetheless still beautiful." he continued. It always goes back to beauty doesn't it? I focus back to my report and continue writing about my plans, leaving the boy to do as he pleases.

"I'm really happy you decided to open up to me yesterday, it was very brave of you" he continued, he sounded genuine and reassuring, like he was trying to comfort me. I ignored his ridiculous statement and reviewed every sentence on the report so it was nothing less than perfect.

"I'm really proud of you for showing me a side of yourself that not many can see" he consoled putting a hand on my shoulder. I looked back at him trying my best to look disturbed, which successfully caused him to remove his hand from my shoulder.

"Study" was all I said as I returned to writing my paper. Writing on a computer would have been more effective, but I prefer writing on paper, it has always helped me prose my words better.

"What are some study tips? To umm, help me know this stuff better" Ezra spoke, breaking the silence I had forced us into. I turned to him and caught him biting on the pen with his eyebrows frowned together.

"Don't memories, understand" I replied, knowing that he needed that advice more than anything.

"I already understand everything, how does that help with anything?" he contradicted looking fairly annoyed, I internally sigh and tried to plan out my words as to not aggravate him.

"I never said you didn't understand the content, I'm telling you that you should be able to understand the information to recite it rather than just mindlessly memorizing it, you never memorized the rules to football, you understood the rules and started playing it, it's the same concept" I expanded before putting down my pen. I placed all my papers together and turned to Ezra only for him to be closer than I expected.

"I'm so lucky to be marrying you Marrie" all of a sudden, he sounded like he was trying to convince himself with the waver of his voice and with absolutely no confidence in his voice.I pushed his face away with my finger and got up to look at myself, just to check if anything is out of place. I hadn't put my check suctions in yet since it was only me and Ezra in our room.

"Don't forget that true bloods will be having their annual feeding in two and a half hours, make sure you are ready by then," I reminded him, looking at the black puffy skirt paired with a dark grey shirt. I look like a Goth librarian if I'm being quite honest, but classier and elegant when paired with subtle jewelry.

"Damn, your father really is awesome for setting it all up" Ezra said, looking back at his notes with a high shoulder.

"I was the one who set it up" I informed him, trying to do a pretty twirl only to lose balance half way through. Always something I wanted to do but never could.

"Wait, you were the one who is doing everything?" his eyes turning straight towards me in an instant, grabbing his head from the impact, I would assume from the headache he said he was prone to having. I should go get him something to soothe him.

"No one told you who set it up, you just assumed that my father did it when it was mewho wanted to make sure all true bloods have enough blood to last a month. So when you went back home last Saturday I took it upon myself to have a meeting with the kingdom's blood supplier on a how to provide a sufficient way to-"

"You're awesome you know that, right?"

"You didn't let me finish my sentence, I was going to explain-"

"You don't need to, I already think that someone like you doing something like that just shows you care about me,"

"I don't care about you Ezra, I care about our people" I felt myself lose patience as I walked over to the bed so that I am not standing too much. It's as if he does not care about anything else besides how I present myself.

"Well, if you care about my people-"

"Our people"

"Marrie they are still my people"

"True bloods are now a part of Drasula, hence they are my people as well, so I would appreciate it if you were to refer to them as our people, or just the true bloods"

"Marrie stop acting like you're perfect all the time" his voice raised by a degree but not enough to be a scold. I stayed silent, looking at him with disbelief in my eyes. I was already prepared to kick him out the room when he started to become irritating but now he really is pushing his luck far.

"Oh you won't say anything else, you talk to me like I'm disgrace or like I'm holding you back for some reason, I'm trying my best here okay, I'm doing my best but sometimes I feel like I'm sacrificing so much only for you to act like I'm pathetic, I'm trying my best Marrie." he let out his frustration. It was inevitable for him to get frustrated at my attitude, I've never been best at comfort so it is best to let him complain and I would try my best to shift my attitude to fit his preference while also maintaining some degree of authenticity. Maybe even apologies if I convince myself for long enough.

"You fake an entire personality then act like you're all that huh?"

This little bitch



I couldn't stop the words from leaving my mouth. She has put my down for so long and atlast it felt like a sudden realization. If she is going to act like she is trying to be honest then I will do the same thing. I was out of breath and my hands were shaking, my headache still throbbing. I snapped out of my agony to hear Marrie's footsteps thumped towards me, her eyes looked like a snake ready to pounce, her posture, straight and precise like always, yet her face looked down at me when she reached my chair.

"I've never met someone so utterly disgraceful, in my existence" she groaned grabbing my face and tilting it up to look at me. Her voice was low and quiet, but rough, like it came from the back of her throat.

"I-I was just-" I've never seen someone so angry at me, the dagger of eyes felt like a stab in my heart. Seeing someone so gorgeous look down on you doesn't make you feel great at all.

"Ezra Russington, you have never made a sacrifice worth complaining for. All you've ever lost was that brother of yours that would have been a better husband than you could even imagine, you are lazy, you complain and you cry, evidently everyone treats you like a precious baby, all because they are desperate for someone to replace Nolan. Well here is some news dear, you will never live up to Nolan, you're worthless and careless" her voice sounded calm and leveled, she never raised her voice even once, but she just kept speaking and degrading me with her might and domination. I tried to lift my hand to remove hers, but she had already thrown my face to the side and strut away.

"we have all made sacrifices, I had endured my legs being cut off, I had removed a rib for a smaller waist, I made sure I look like the perfect wife and made sure I forget myself everyday being the kind and sweet princess of everyone's dreams. I think over my words constantly to please others. I downgrade my achievements to make people comfortable. I have practically forgotten who I was for so long to seem like an angel, I became a shell of a vampire only for a royal disaster to tell me that I am too much for them. You are weak Ezra, just a few books and discipline broke you, so weak," she stepped back and picked up the two suctions for her cheeks form her dresser before heading towards the door. Her beauty was just a hoax and her true ugly self was unveiling. At this point I couldn't control myself, she can't act like she was so much better just because she suffered. I stood up, grabbed her arm and jutted her towards me, causing her to trip, but I didn't let her hit the ground.

"You don't know what it is like to have your life turned onto your head, you've never had to give up everything, you've not had responsibilities you weren't prepared for, only to marry an insufferable petty princess calling you weak, when I gave up everything just for you" I hadn't realized it until I was done but I had been shouting at her, my voice echoing throughout the room. I felt my breath failing me as I looked at the woman in my arms, her face hadn't changed a bit, it was still straight and angry.

"You're right, I don't know what it's like to be you, I only have the same responsibilities you have and a personality I am expected to keep up, so if you're going to act like a pathetic baby, do it without my knowledge, I don't care for you anymore, I can just as easily refuse to marry you and leave your kingdom by themselves," she said all this with such ease, pushing her hands to be released from my clutches and turned away to head to the door, I pull my hands away from her and clench them until she would leave.

"You know, if you didn't act like such a spoiled brat I would have fallen in love with you," she had said before closing the door behind her, I let out a scream and took the closest object next to me and smashed it on the opposite wall. Before I got back to consciousness, the room was a mess, the mirror broken, papers scattered. My mind was suffering.

What a bitch.



My parents scolded me that night, said that I was ruining the marriage and I should be more considerate of Ezra's feelings. They said they had heard Ezra screaming and told me to make sure he doesn't become that angry ever again, my father even threatened to remove my place as queen and would just give the thrown to Ezra instead. I left their room and felt myself want to throw Ezra into a fire pit, make my mother eat a lode poison and have my father get slaughtered like a goat. Our wedding is soon and I'm messing up my chances.

I quietly placed a few tablets on Ezra's side of the bed when he wasn't in the room and headed over to my old room to sleep in for the night. As I passed the witches office I saw my father talking to her, I would have just walked passed them if I didn't notice my father leaning further towards her. I stopped on my track and crept closer to the door to see what was happening.

I watched as the witches chubby cheeks were grabbed by my father before they leaned into each other for a kiss, I covered my mouth so I wouldn't make a noise as they continued to make out. When they separated, I caught onto the witches eyes and watched her eyes widen and mouth fell open. Before I could see any more I walked away and returned to my room, trying my best to get that visual image out of my mind.

What a shock my father is a cheater.



After the feeding ceremony or whatever it was called, I looked for the royal witch and asked her to make me a love poison to put in marries drink tomorrow. She agreed without hesitance or questioning me. She plucked some strands of my hair for the poison and told me to come to her with a glass of any drink, to dissolve the potion in. If charm doesn't work this should do the trick. I'm not sure why Marrie was acting like she knew better, if she would just listen to me then none of this would have happened. I still love my Marrie even if we fought yesterday.



I barely slept last night, I was too busy thinking. At least my eyes bags would turn out prettier tomorrow.



"Hey Ezra" I heard someone call out while I read a book about my father in law's achievement. I turn around and faced the princess herself. Her stance was low and her fingers were twirling together as if she were nervous. I walked towards her, making sure to keep my distance from her. I caught her looking at the book for a second before turning her gaze to me, she stared into my eyes rather intensely.

"Marrie is everything okay?" I ask, she isn't acting like she usually would, its worrying. Less like the bratty princess and more like the perfect picture she had created.

"I just, I thought about it last night and I want to be the wife you want, so I decided to apologies for what happened and to learn how to love you properly" she simply said grabbing my hands into her own and bringing it closer to her lips, I kissed them gently before looking back into my eyes with a starry gaze.

"Are you feeling okay, what's gotten into you" I asked, concern raced into my mind. I placed my hand on her face to check if anything was out of place, she just laughed and pulled my hand away from her face.

"I realized last night that I shouldn't act so mean when you are only doing what you can. We are all trying new things and working around what we have, so I'm going to try my best to be a good wife and lift you up to the best of my abilities" she smiled, not quite enough to reach her eyes but enough to seem believable, so I pushed her a side and look outside the door to see if anyone was listening in on us.

"Baby, no one is in the hallways, it's just us. I can't wait to see you in a suit today," she giggled, her voice shifting to a sultry one near the end, patting her hand on my chest and leading up to kiss my cheek only to topple over onto my chest. I looked at her perplexed as she let out a small cute laugh and grabbed my face, pulling me down to give me a soft kiss on my cheek.

I coughed and pulled my face out of her hold to look away from her, feeling slightly uncomfortable with her weird actions. She smiled back and waved, as she walked away from me with a lovesick grin. Her walk was slow and cautious as usual but it looked slightly limped.

I wonder if she is okay



The maidens doing my makeup laughed sweetly, as I talked endlessly about the man I will be marrying, my cheeks hurt from smiling so much and my mind seemed to be calculating my next move, which had to be smart, at the speed of light. It had to make people think I was helplessly in love with the man I am going to marry. I will become queen and rule Drasula, even if it means losing my sanity along the way.

I still can't fathom where Ezra got that damn book. The book of my father's achievements written by someone who never confirmed any of the information, and ended up with discrediting many of my mother and I's achievements. I remember wanting to confront the author, but my mother only pulled me aside and told me not to do anything 'silly'. So Ezra is going to believe that damn book and my new life prevents me from disproving him.

"What's your favorite thing about him" someone asked, her gaze excited and eager, as she tried to apply some eye shadow on my eyelids. I let out a chuckle and thought through my answer for a bit before answering.

"Well besides his beautiful grey eyes, I just adore his charm, he always turns me into a puddle of goo with just a few words" I played with them similarly to how I did this morning to Ezra. My act worked like a charm, making the girls squeal. I cover my face to seem embarrassed and try my best to keep smiling.

"This is so stupid" I thought to myself



I opened my mouth to elegantly swallow a piece of cake by Marrie. Her delicate ring finger wrapped in a diamond, that she had picked for herself, which she told everyone I proposed with a week ago. Her sleeves were laced in white, with a deep V cut that showed her bony chest. The dress pinching mid waist before creating a dramatic puff that draped over the floor. The fabric challenging her skin's complexion. She looked healthy and happy, she was glowing

"Baby, open your mouth" I blushed, she scrunched up her nose in the cutest way, making me melt in her gaze. After she opened her mouth to take in the bite, she leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek

"I'll go get us some Champagne" I said standing up and patting her shoulders. Marrie placed her own hand on mine as she continued to take a bite of her cake and turning her attention to my parents across the table. I walked away from the party and tried to meet up with the witch to give me the love potion I had asked for.

Holding the potion in my right hand, I looked over my shoulder and wondered if this was a good idea. If I truly needed this, if she had already promised to love me without it, yet she doesn't really love me, she is only pretending to love me to make me happy. I'm not going to put her through that, I'll make it easier for her and make her love me for real this time. I thank the witch and pour a half the potion into a glass and rushed back over to the party, hoping no one suspects why I was so late



Ezra returned with the bubble drink in his hand and gave me a gentle smile, copying mine, before handing me the drink. I thanked him and took a small whiff of the drink. I noticed how it smelled, nothing of Champagne, but more of roses and lavender with a hint of burned wood, similar to one of a love poison. I laughed to myself and took small sips of the drink for the rest of the conversation, I guess a love poison would make it easier to act like a love sick puppy.

Once I was done with my glass I rested my head on Ezra's broad shoulders. I never realized how broad they were until now. I felt my head get light and my eyes started to close, I shook myself out of this trace and tried to listen to what the conversation was, only to feel a sudden jab on my stomach, I silently wince in pain trying my best to present myself as proper and perfect.

"Marrie, you okay?" I heard someone say, I looked up, Mrs.Russington was looking over to me with concerned written all over her face. I smiled at her and reassured her that I was fine, that I was slightly tired from the long day. Everyone nodded understandingly and went back to their previous conversation, but another jab hit my stomach, just as painful as the last. I successfully ignored the pain and managed to seem as unaffected as I possibly could.

"Let's dance for a bit sweetie" Ezra suggested, pushing my face off his shoulder and taking my hand to lead me to the dance floor we had built. I don't to see the grass often, so with guards surrounding the area, I was able to have my 'dream' wedding in the forest closest to the palace. I took careful steps to make sure my legs don't snap open again and get ready to get slow dance with the new king of Drasula, I can't wait for the official ceremony tomorrow.

Ezra took me and held me close to his chest and started to sway us both side to side, I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes, the sudden jab coming back much more painful and in tenfold. I let out a pathetic whimper and held my eyes shut as tightly as I could. Ezra noticed my pain and rubbed my back trying to comfort me, but doing nothing to sooth the increasing pain.

As the pain increased I felt myself lose consciousness, I couldn't feel my body but the pain never stopped. The outside noise slowly started to cancel on itself and I felt like I couldn't comprehend any of my surroundings. My body started to dissociate from itself. As if I were watching myself fall limp on the man holding me. I saw myself slowly look up at Ezra.



I looked down at the angel in my arms, as she stared back with a distant look. Her face looked blank, must be from the potion. I called her name and patted her face a few times to bring her back to consciousness, only for her to look at my neck with an intense scare, her face morphing into one of hunger, I called her name one more time, only for her too pull me in her hold and take a bite off of my neck.

I screamed at the excruciating pain and pushed away Marrie, but she held on tighter and took bite after bite of me. My arms felt weak and my body thumbed violently as the princess fed off of me. I could barely hear other screams from others outside guests through my heartbeat. I slowly start to feel blood leave my body, my limbs becoming heavy as I felt it touch the ground. I saw Marrie look at me one more time with a wicked hungry smile, her mouth covered in red and eyes wide and delusional. The guards held onto her body to remove her from be. Before I can process anything else I closed my eyes and felt my last breath leave my body.



I watched the princess thrash violently in the clutches on the guard as the prince layed lifelessly on the floor, a pool of blood engulfed him. The screams of the guests was muted by the window, a safe distance from the chaos. My heart clenched itself as I reflected back the moment when the princess eat the innocent, the kings hand slowly rubbed my back, suppose a job well done.

"Why did you make my do this?" I sounded angry, but my voice was wavering and weak. I couldn't look away from what I had done. I could picture the queen's face, filled with despair and agony.

"You did the right thing baby" he replied, kissing my cheek and walking away. The princess had disappeared into the forest. This news was going to flow around Drasula like a river.

"I'm a murder" I let my voice raise to catch his attention. He turned and faced me with a loving grin, before walking back towards me.

"Baby, we didn't know what she would have done with her knowing about us, we had to act fast" he soothed, rubbing his hand on my cheek to calm me down.

"I didn't want to murder anyone" I whipped his hand off my face, my eyes started to burn as tears rolled down my cheeks, my head was pounding painfully hard and there was nothing I could have done about it, "I-I could have whipped her memory or something, why did you make me do this?"

"What if she caught us again, you were reckless. If it happened again would you whipped her memory once more? We had to have her out of my life baby,"

"But this is ridiculous, we put so many people in danger " tears still flowing down my face in heaps, my breath went rough and my eyes started to get really blurry. I rubbed my fingers through my eyes while the kings footsteps started to get closer.

"I'm sorry baby" I heard him say, small kisses lingering on my face as I cried and whipped my tears off.

"I want to help her" I whimpered, causing the king to stop and look back at my face. He looked shocked and confused. The only noise left in the room was my quiet sniffles, as the king thought through what I said.

"How about we capture her alright, take her and put her in the dungeons" he finally said pulling my face towards his own with a finger, facing his own sweet smile before receiving a short peak from him. "I've wasted too much time here, see you tomorrow baby, early morning right after the sun rises"

I place one more kiss on his lips and watch him walk out the door. I looked outside. The area looked deserted and lonely, blood covered the white tile dance floor as well as the grass, a few chairs and tables were flipped over, one glass shattered on the ground near the prince. I couldn't see him well from here but I had never seen anything look more lifeless.

The next day rolled around and I had my bag of potions and my wand tucked away on my belt, my hands were slightly shacky. I gripped the straps of my bag to help my fingers feel more occupied. I waited on the pathways to the forest for the king, and soon enough I spotted his lead body and powerful silhouette walk towards me, an umbrella majestically placed in his hands and a sword tucked away on his belt in case of any dangers. I felt myself relax as he came walked closer towards me.

Quietly we walked around the forest, hand in hand once we deemed it far away enough from each other to be safe, I tried my best to look for the princess's aura through the forest trees, her aura mixed with botched potion didn't make it hard to find her.

"Just a few more steps and she should be in our frame of vision" I said as I leaned down and touched the ground to find her aura once more. I turned to the left since her aura shifted to that area. Before I could get back up, a vicious scream was heard in the distance, one coming from the back of the princess's throat.

"Call for the guards" the king ordered before rushing over to the scream. I quickly summoned a message spell and transported it to the palace before booking it, then I followed the king. Once I got there, I spotted the king looking over the shivering princess on the floor, a puddle of vomit on her lap as she cried out. Her dress was apart and her skin bumpy with burned spots. Before I could think, I captured her into my clutches with a spell to prevent her from moving any further, as well as a shade for her so she wouldn't be burned any further.

"I can't believe she is fine" I say, relieved that she was alright. I felt her body violently shake through the spell, her legs dangling mid-air. I pulled the thrashing lady towards my direction as I began to think of a few concoctions to make for the princess.

As she came closer to me, her face was twisted with wide wicked eyes and teeth grinding on each other. Her face dripping in tears or sweat. I couldn't tell which was dripping on her chin. If I could get her close enough to be, I could be able to get a sense of how the potion had specifically affected her and how I could reverse it.

Before I could move any further, the king grabbed onto the princess hair with his umbrella carefully covering his body with the same hand, and sliced his sward right into his own daughter's chest with the other. I watched, horrified as he let go of the sword and stepped back to look right back at me. I felt my spell weakening at my shock as the princess coughed up blood. Her body stopped shivering. I sensed her aura dying out on my hands, as her eyes lost their life.

I was snapped out of my trace once I heard rushing footsteps from the distance, I pushed the sword out of the princess's chest and waited for the guards to arrive so I could get her to safety before she lost all the life from her eyes.

"Guards! Please! Help! This witch is a monster!" I heard the king scream. I turn towards him and found him clutching onto the princess with tears forming in his eyes, his umbrella trying to cover both bodies. I strengthen my hold on the princess and levitate her towards me so the king isn't near the poor girl, causing the kings hand to slip off her.

"Guards help! She is taking my precious baby with her!" he screamed louder once the tall guards finally arrived towards us. I couldn't move at the deathly stared I was receiving. I heard the king sob as he ordered the guards to arrest me. Faster than I could blink, I felt my wand being taken away from me and my hands tied together behind my back, losing the strong connection to the princesses aura, her body falling limp on the grass next to the sword.

The last I saw of the king was a devastated cry as he clutched onto his dying daughters body, covering her body as he carefully watched me get taken away to rot in jail. Guards laughing at how my supposed plan didn't work. From what I heard, the princess has successfully died the same night.


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