
By CatherineAlexandra96

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A story that talks about a girl who meets a boy...a boy that is well known in their town and a boy that every... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 5

64 44 7
By CatherineAlexandra96

The time was getting closer and all Alex could think was how that date would go and what would happen. She has never been on a date that she wanted before and that was leaving her pretty nervous. It was all new to her and she was scared of messing up. She didn't want to go too fancy but she didn't want to go too casual so, since it was an amazing night of summer she decided to put some black shorts and some collants to make her legs look a little more tanned since she was a pretty white girl, yet whenever she could catch some sun, she would get really tan. For her upper part, she decided to put a purple and white shirt, giving a knot at the end of it, making the outfit look a little more young and cool. To finish that look she put her short black boots that had a little of heel, which made her look a little bigger, even though she was still a short girl. Since she took a shower, she decided to let her hair dry naturally, making her keep it loose. A little of perfume and some simple makeup and she was ready to leave. She would walk to the Milkshake, so she needed to go with time or else she would get there tired and sweaty and that was something she didn't want. With all those thoughts she decided to get her things and then she made her way downstairs where she could hear what was happening already.

- Thank God you showed up. - Her mom said quickly as she heard Alex coming down the stairs. - I need your help.

- Mom, I have things marked and I can't get late. - She said looking at her as she heard a laughter coming from the living room.

- You're going out with whose authorization? - A male voice said as he walked to the stairs to see her and see how she was dressed. - And you think you are leaving like that?? - He asked her as he laughed sarcastically.

- Did you forget I have 20 years?? – She asked confused. – Since when do you talk about my clothes??

- You are not leaving the house like that. – He said serious as he kept on drinking from his Whisky bottle.

- I really have to go mom. – Said Alex ignoring what he said, ending up walking towards Susan to give her a kiss. – Don't wait for me because I will get late. – She said, warning them already.

- Honey... - Whispered Susan as she kissed Alex, knowing that things weren't be good at home.

- I told you, you are not going to leave the house. – Said Tom as he held Alex's arm strongly, knowing he would mark her.

- What do you think you are doing?? – Asked Alex quickly as she saw how strongly he was holding her arm. – I am not 8 anymore. You should get that in your head. I do what I want and don't come with the bullshit that I still leave under your roof because I wanted to come here alone so you wouldn't worry anymore.

- And you say you aren't a kid right?? – He asked her laughing at her face. – You shouldn't be 20 at all!! Let along 8! You shouldn't be nothing at all!

At that moment, Alex looked at him, still being surprised by his words, which made her try to contain her tears, not letting them know that that affected her.

- Once again throwing that to my face right?? – Asked Alex trying to act good, containing her tears, knowing what he was talking about, still feeling his fingers squeezing her arm, holding her tightly.

- You know what you did and that will keep on hunting you and as long as I can, I will be here to remind you of that. – He said looking at her and showing her a really angry and disgusted look.

- You know what I say to you?? – Asked Alex laughing as the tears started to stream down her face, not holding them anymore. – I am so damn happy she is not here anymore to see the useless man you became. I am glad she is not here to see you all drunk and treating me like trash. I am happy she is gone and she is not suffering because of you.

Hearing those words made Tom get even madder and hungrier, what made his hand fly to her face, slapping her strongly, ending up making Alex bite her lip with how strong that slap was, making her bleed.

- Tom!! – Screamed Susan, shocked by what she was seeing, not being able to do anything.

- Don't you even dare to talk about her, do you understand?? – Said Tom, talking loudly as Alex stood frozen, holding her cheek, feeling it burning.

- Why?? Are you scared of hearing the true?? – Asked Alex laughing as she kept on crying, even though she wasn't making any effort for it. – You are not worthy of shit and she is good where she is. Seeing what you became it would only destroy her even more.

- Shut up!! – Screamed Tom, getting really pissed with what she was saying.

- I hope your own demons take care of your head because you deserve that pain. You deserve the fact that she is not here anymore and you don't have her. Everyone knew you would make her suffer from the way you are acting and you have been acting since she is gone. You changed and you changed for the worse and if there was something she would hate to see, it would be you, holding that damn bottle every single day, getting drunk and going to the damn hospital because you don't have the balls to face what happened. You are not a man and you keep on blaming me because that makes you feel powerful. Guess what, you suck and you are everything but powerful. You are disgusting and you are a damn failure. – She said looking at him and telling what she was feeling at that moment. – You are nothing to anymore and the only thing that you know you have right now is the damn alcohol. No one cares about you and you are so lonely in this world that you make our life a living hell, but this won't last forever you know?? And one day you will regret what you have been doing.

- Get out now and don't you dare to show yourself here. – Said Tom drinking even more at that moment, trying to not do anything he would regret.

- Is that you kicking me out of the house?? – She asked him laughing. – If you think I will do it, you are terribly wrong. I will come back and the same way you will keep in hunting me, I will keep on hunting you and I hope that every single time you look at me you remember yourself of her. – She said gazing him now as she saw his eyes really dark at that moment, full of rage and hate.

- Get out!! – He screamed again as he threw the bottle of Whisky against the wall. – Now!

- My pleasure. – She said sarcastically as she made her way out of that house, feeling a massive pressure on her chest to cry, but still being strong in there, not letting herself break.

- Alex... - Called Susan, touching her arm and gazing the cut she had in her lip, which made Susan nod a lot.

- Don't wait for me mom. – She said kissing her mom's cheek once again and leaving without giving her a chance to talk or beg Alex to stay.

Susan stood there, looking at her and letting her own tears streaming down her face. Her family was completely destroyed and that was not the image she pictured back in the past. She was speechless with what happened and once she got closer to the door, she looked to her right side and gazed a picture frame that was in there, making her crying even more with the thoughts of how everything was before and how their lives were. Everything changed and everything was different.

On the other hand, Alex was now making her way to the Milkshake, trying to stop crying, even though that seemed impossible. Even though saying those things to her own father hurt her, she knew it was what she was feeling at that moment. Nothing was the same anymore and Tom was not the father that raise her. He was lost. All her family was lost and she was completely lost in the world. She didn't know what to do anymore and she didn't know what she could do to change her life.

Every single time she thought her life was about to change, something had to happen. All she could do at that time was getting used to that life since it has been like that since she left.

All Alex wanted at that moment was to run away and never come back. Even though she wanted to go on that date with Liam, she didn't want at all. She knew her makeup was all ruined and the marks were showing up and even though she was not in her best, she didn't want to cancel that date. The thought of having the marks in her face and in her arm was scaring and leaving her nervous. Alex knew Liam would ask questions and she was scared of answering them. She could feel her lip and cheek getting swollen and it would be impossible for her to cover that up.

Although those thoughts were scaring her, she was getting closer to the Milkshake and she knew she was 15 minutes late. Liam was already there and she could tell that he was impatient with the way he was walking around, touching his hair and checking the clock. Alex was lucky he was still there waiting for her because if it was another one, probably they would be gone by now since they didn't have each other's number, which was weird but true. Nevertheless, Alex started to walk faster towards him, not wanting to let him go for anything.

- Liam! – Called Alex, trying to make him know she was there and she didn't forget about the date.

Hearing her voice, made Liam smile and turn himself back to face her, still coming towards him and still distant but knowing she didn't leave him hanged. She was there and that date was about to happen, making him extremely nervous and shaky but excited at the same time.

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