Paw Patrol Marshall the son o...

By demon-Marshall

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when the PAW Patrol finds out Marshall is the son of Lucifer will the PAW Patrol treat Marshall differently More

love parents and secrets
chapter 1
the mysterious pup chapter 2
mysterious pups demon form
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 6 Bloodbath

chapter 5

514 10 4
By demon-Marshall

Chase: What is it? * tilts my head to look at Tuck* Tuck, can you give us about 55 minutes or so please?

Tuck: Fine Chase, but you better be safe * leaves Chase's puphouse and goes inside the lookout*

Chase: * shuts my puphouse door and takes a seat in a chair* What is it?

Marshall: what is this feeling my hands are always sweaty my heart skips a beat feels like something is wrong with my stomach my head feels dizzy do you know what this feeling is called I said

Chase: it sounds like, in my opinion, your in love. You might have a crush

Marshall:love is that where you force your slave to do whatever you want?

Chase: no silly. Love is an emotion you feel. If you love someone, then you would try to leave hints or tell the person or pup your in love with how you feel. You have I wait for a few days or weeks to see what your heart wants. Your soulmate, or someone you think you like

Marshall: So love is a emotion that sounds stupid I wouldn't know much about emotions I don't have any

Chase: you may think that, but you said your heart skips a beat, your stomach feels weird, your head feels dizzy, and your hands are sweaty, right? Your heart knows what feelings are, but your brain in fighting them

Marshall p.o.v my ear twitch as I hear somebody at the door I open the door quickly as I pull in a chocolate lab as I pin him up against the wall showing my fangs

Zuma: * whimpers and sweat*

Chase: Hey! Cool it! It's just my friend Zuma. Please be gently. Sorry about him Zuma, he's new to the neighborhood.

Zuma: * sweats more and nods, shaking in complete fear*

Marshall:f-friend what is a friend I say letting go of zuma

Chase: * pulls the big black timber wolf into a chair and sits on a table in front of him* A friend is a person you know and trust. Someone you can hang out with and have fun.

Zuma: A friend is also someone who tries to help you out when you need it. Like Chase needs help with his he-

Chase: ZUMA! BELT UP!!!! * covers my crimson red face in embarrassment*

Marshall: so I friend is somebody you hang out with I said tilting my head to the side

Chase: Yeah, and a friend is someone that can try to make you feel better or get time to hang out with you is they aren't too busy.

Zuma: Don't you have friends where you come from dude?

Marshall: well no where I come from there's war fighting killing slave's people and animals being tortured blood and dead bodies all on the ground and some through windows

Chase and Zuma: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Zuma; * faints*

Chase: Well, there's only one or two reasons after hearing that you have no friends. Either your from a crazy area in the forest where many wolf packs fight a lot, or......................

Marshall: or I'm From Hell is that what you're going to say

Chase: Yeah. But, I feel like we've met before. * gets up and goes over to my bookshelves* let's see.......

P.o.v the bookshelf engulfed in flames as I have all the books burn as Marshall runs and get water filling buckets and bucket up as he smiled in his head running back to chase handing him a pail of water as both of them dump the water on the fire but it wasn't enough

Chase:  growls and cast water roughly at the bookshelf, cooling it off*

Marshall: I look down and see a piece of a Cockapoos fur as I show Chase fur

Chase: * growls darkly and storms over to Skye* SKYE!!! WHAT THE FUCKING HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!!?!?!?!?!?!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!?

Sky: knocks on the door

Chase: Skye, if it's you, I'm going to hurt you into next year

Sky:why chase

Chase: You put my bookshelf on fire, and don't you lie that you didn't, your fur is in MY puphouse. So get the fuck away

Sky: I just got back with Katie I don't know how that happened you can call Katie and ask her

Chase: just get away from my puphouse.

Sky: well I was only coming to tell you Katie wanted to talk to you

Chase: * growls darkly and calls Katie, trying to stay calm as possible

Katie: hello pet clinic here how can I help you

Chase: Katie, it's Chase. Mind if I ask you something?

Katie:yes I don't mind

Chase: Was Skye with you? The reason I ask is her fur was near where my bookshelf was, which was on fire

Katie:yes she was she wanted her famous violet Rose Spa and that can last for 3 hours

Chase: Did she have a reason why she needed it?

Katie: stop Chase just because she lied on you when y'all was pups that was years ago that doesn't mean she is a liar you don't even know the reason you never even bothered to ask her why she lied so you are clearly and the wrong chase when you don't know the whole facts she cries every night because she can't get you to talk and because how much you ignore her how much you don't want to talk to her she just wants her old friend back

Chase: Well she has to learn I don't like her any more. I may of liked her when I was younger, but that was years ago. I'm sorry Katie, but I'm not the right pup for Skye and that's a fact. She has to move on like I did. Bye hangs up and sighs

Marshall: that Cockapoo don't want you as a mate she supports you you might not know this but if she didn't lied to her father about you and her dating and her father found out that you was gay he would have killed you on the spot and you wouldn't have been able to do nothing about it

Chase: * sighs* Yeah, but I don't like being in a lie forever.

Marshall: well she did tell her father about you and yes he did not like it at all he did not like you do you want it hard to stop being near you being around you just cut you off from her life completely she said I know so it's like this her parents her brothers and her four sisters has nothing to do with her she has no one she needs her friend and you disowning her just makes the the cuts Run Deep further than they should

Chase: * sighs* Skye, come here

Marshall: I will give you two some space I said walking out your door as the Cockapoo walked in


Chase: Look, sorry about what happen. I'm just in a mess in my own head. I didn't mean to leash out at you. Okay * hugs Skye and sighs*

Sky:* I start to cry as I hug Chase back

Chase: *nuzzles Skye and hums a lullaby to calm her down

P.o.v sky starts to fall asleep as Chase sings the lullaby as Marshall started to walk back into the woods as Marshall spreads his wings it is about time for me to stretch my wings Marshall said as he looked around to make sure nobody was watching him as he flew deeper into the forest

Chase: * keeps singing and puts Skye in bed*

Marshall: as I fly through the woods I come to a clearing as I land on the ground and sit down starting to look at the stars so I'm in love I say looking up my father will not approve of this

Truly be continued

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