Pokemon Ranger: Savior

By KirariHime94

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Serena is running. Hiding from a shameful past, a challenge she couldn't take. So she tries her hand at those... More

Chapter One: The Letters
Chapter Two: Rookie Mission
Chapter Three: Escort The Professor!
Chapter Four: Krokka Tunnel
Chapter Five: Duties of a Ranger
Chapter Six: Memories
Chapter Seven: Odd Quads
Chapter Eight: Tranquility
Chapter Nine: Gordor
Chapter Ten: Dragons and Jungles
Chapter Eleven: Jungle Relic Challenges
Chapter Twelve: Calamity
Chapter Fourteen: Factory Business
Chapter Fifteen: Frosty Treks
Chapter Sixteen: Secret Base
Chapter Seventeen: Penny for Thought
Chapter Eighteen: Pyramid Finale

Chapter Thirteen: Reflections

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By KirariHime94

     I arrived in Ringtown feeling a bit tired but determined. I still felt like taking care of some action after today's events. Of all things to encounter, and on my second day, it was not only a legendary beast, but one I've met before. Twice.

     I met Spenser outside the Ranger Base, and when he saw me he greeted me with a swift hug. When he pulled back, he held my shoulders at arm's length and looked concerned. "I'm glad you're ok! What you went through today was unbelievable."

     "Hey, I'm ok! I handled my duties with maturity and finesse. I am mentored by you after all!" He smiled and released me, genuinely glad to see me alright.

     "Ok, then let's head to my place." We went inside the Base and upstairs, back to the Dragonite Bus. I was confused, and he noticed. "Oh, I have a small apartment in Fall City. I don't actually live here."

     "Ah, I see." So for the second time I was in the air flying with Spenser. The Dragonite held us both close together, but I couldn't see any expressions on his face since my hair was in his face the whole time.

     The Dragonite dropped us off in front of the Ranger Base in Fall City and Spenser led me to an apartment building. Once inside I took a good look around to glean what I can from it about its occupant. It was somewhat modern, not very decorated, and didn't seem to be lived in very much. The first room, the living room, had a small couch and coffee table, two lamp tables and a mounted TV. That was it. He invited me to sit on the couch and I waited while he fussed around in his kitchen.

     He called me to him later, and we sat at a dining table in the scantily clad kitchen. He laid out a meal of pasta and meatballs, and to be honest I haven't had any of that in a long time and I suddenly was very hungry.

     "Thank you so much for going out of your way to cook for my visit. It looks delicious!"

     "Not a problem at all. I live here alone and I don't usually cook much, but I make sure to be a good host when I ever have visitors. That's not often, just Joel lately. And Cameron if he feels like making the trip." I laugh at the inherent laziness everyone seems to agree upon but won't directly mention about Cameron.

     "Alright, so," I say as I start to dig into my food, "a deal's a deal. Story-time, Leader. Lay it on me."

     "Hah. You sure are persistent." He wiped his mouth as some sauce got on it, then continued. "Well, my Rookie Mission was a little bit more intense than yours and Lunick's. I had to find a way to clear some fallen debris in the forest with the help of Pokemon."

     "That's intense?" 

     "The entire time I was being chased by a Poochyena, and it had ripped half of my pants off." I bust out laughing. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

     "Is that even true?" I start cleaning the mess I made when I spit from laughing.

     Spenser raised his right arm like in courts. "Ranger's honor, I swear." Now he's cracking up with me. I was laughing so hard I snorted, which immediately made me laugh harder and get red with embarrassment. "Oh, now that's adorable." 

     "You're not helping!" I tried to kick him under the table but I kicked the leg of the table. Luckily we were both laughing too hard and he didn't notice.

     When we calmed down a bit, he motioned to me with his glass. "Alright, your turn."

     "Well, my father was supposedly a Ranger, too."

     "Yeah? Maybe I knew him." His eyes were lit up.

     "I doubt it. He's much older than us and he was from Almia."

     "Oh, yeah probably not. Did he do anything noteworthy?" I really like how every expression or question this man asks me is genuine and he's not just pulling my leg for laughs. 

     "My dad couldn't tell me any stories really from his time there. He died when I was around five."

     "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure he was an admirable Ranger." He put down his fork here in honor. I nodded so he could keep eating.

     "Thanks. My mother told me a few of the things he told her, but it wasn't like superhero quality. And before you ask, I didn't feel a calling or anything to be a Ranger because of him."

     "I wasn't going to ask, but now I want to. You can't interest me about something and then not tell me." Chuckling, he stares at me expectantly. "Why did you want to become a Ranger so bad? Those letters were amazing and filled with passion." I forgot he memorized some of my lines. I really inspired him and I felt pride again.

     "It was more like inspiration from watching you and Joel on TV, among others. I've done more than one thing in my life so far, and I like to pursue as many passions as I can and conquer them all! My journeys as a Trainer are far from over..." I pause here and suppress the negative feelings. "But I've also done Coordinating and was awesome at that. I was reigning Champ when I left Sinnoh."

     "That's impressive. What is Coordinating exactly?" My famous look of incredulity has made its epic return. He splutters when he sees it, like he was afraid of me for a second. "Seriously, I've never really heard of it."

     "Haha! Well, it's like a set of Contests with Pokemon. The judges gauge your ability to showcase your Pokemon's talents in different categories. Your bond with your Pokemon is the key to winning. I won ribbons in all categories and difficulties in Sinnoh, and I only need two more in Hoenn."

     "I am genuinely impressed. What kept you from those last two ribbons?" 

     "Well, a certain problem presented itself and I was distracted. By the time I was finished I had more important matters to attend to. I'll go back and secure my wins one day." Good save. The adventures I went through are amazing stories, but not for a casual dinner.

     "I'm pretty sure you will, and it will be easy. You seem to excel at everything you try." I don't know why but I actually blush at this. He's definitely right. I achieve all of my goals, except one. My facial expression must've changed as I thought that, for Spenser changed his too. "Serena? What's wrong?"

     "I just keep thinking about negatives and doubts. I came here for multiple reasons, one of which, an underlying and hard truth, is recuperation." It hasn't been very long, but I think I'm about to open up and bare my soul to this person. Maybe.

     "Recuperation? From what? Did something happen to you? Are you hurt?" He looked alarmed, and I shook my head.

     "No, no. I wasn't hurt and I'm fine." He relaxed thankfully, but he was still expecting elaboration. I took a deep breath, steeled my nerves, and mentally prepared for this torture of remembering. "I am a Champion. In Sinnoh, in Hoenn, and in Kanto. I traveled to many places, saw many things, and tackled many grandiose adventures and challenges. I got very cocky, and that was my mistake."

     I paused, unsure if I should continue or of how much I should reveal. There's a lot of shame here, and I'm not privy to show certain things. I looked up at Spenser and he was sitting patiently, no longer eating, calm resolve and kind eyes on me. "It's ok, Serena. Whatever it is, you can trust me with it." And I believed him.

     Looking back down at the table I continued. "I got all my Gym Badges in Johto. I rose through the ranks very fast over there too. I breezed through the Elite Four. However, the Champion, Lance, was too strong, and I was unprepared. Losing wasn't something I was used to, but I resolved to keep trying and never give up. But I kept losing. I got frustrated, and I got angry at my own team, and I pushed my Pokemon really hard. In retrospect, I know that my frustration nurtured the defeats, but at the time it really hurt.

     I used to retreat to places that I vibe with for R and R, and in Johto that place was the Ruins of Alph. I escaped there and spent many hours reflecting and apologizing, both to myself and to my team. I went after Lance one last time. That battle lasted the longest, and it was so intense. We were locked in a stalemate, neither of us getting the upper hand. Then I made the mistake." I averted my eyes, feeling the tears but fighting to hold them back. I can do this.

     "I took the risk, knowing my Pokemon would get hurt, and gave the order to use a different move and not replenish or heal. It was very risky, because that move doesn't always hit. As luck would have it, we missed and my Pokemon went down. That defeat hurt so much I ran away. I am ashamed to say I ran away from my problems and found escape somewhere super far away. I didn't contact friends or loved ones, and for months I simply lived in my underground cave in Sinnoh, never appearing above ground. And then I saw you. On TV. That's when I got the idea to become a Ranger like my father and try a different path in life, whether temporary or not. I needed something to make me move. I needed respite, not physical but mental, for I was really hard on myself moping around on the couch all day underground."

     I was fiddling with the corner of the table cloth while I finished my story. It was silent, and after waiting for a response that never came, I looked up and met Spenser's eyes. He was watching me intently. Please don't destroy me now that my innards have been spilled on the table.

     "Serena...There is no shame in taking a break. Sometimes things are harder than we imagined, and some challenges are going to take longer or require more skill to overcome. I've seen nothing but progress and determination in you since you've arrived here. I believe that no matter what obstacle there is, you can hurdle over it like nothing." He reached across the table and put his hand on top of mine. "You are a very strong and resilient person. I know that must've been hard to tell me. Thank you for trusting me. If you decide to stay here and help the Fiore region with your amazing prowess as a Ranger, or if you use this as a break to regain yourself and eventually return to re-challenge Lance, whichever you choose to do I will fully support you the whole way. I believe in you, and I know you can do it." I can feel the trembling, I know I'm going to cry now. How embarrassing, to be sitting in someone's house and bawling at the dinner table because my punkass ran away from the Champion of Johto.

     I lowered my head again and let the tears fall, shaking so much that Spenser grabs my hand with both of his. He squeezes softly, reassuring me that he's there for me and it's ok. "I'm sorry." I whisper.

     "Don't be." Is it me or did his tone change? It's...soothing, I guess is a word I can use here. "You have every right to feel the way you do. You rose in Rank here so fast, word got around quickly about the new 'superhero Ranger' from Ringtown. You're talented and amazing, but right here, right now, you're showing that you're also human." I gasp at this, and the shaking stops. I raise my head again. "You are human, Serena. Prodigy or not, you have feelings and they are valid."

     That's exactly what I said to Aria when she felt useless about losing at the Jungle Relic. I related to her feelings because I experienced them too. I recognized her shortcomings because I share the same. And now, Spenser is showing me the same mercy. I smile at him through my tears, and he returns with that smile that reaches his eyes. He stands up then and comes to my chair, arms outstretched. I stand up and hug him.

     "Thank you, so much Leader. You've given me a gift not many can give."

     "Hey, didn't I say you can call me by my name?" We depart the embrace and laugh at the joke. Having finished our meals, we clear up and sit back down at the table.

     "Well, other than adding to the significant reflections that are my takeaway from this adventure so far, do you have anything else you'd like to tell me tonight? Any heroic deeds, or super awesome encounters? People that are important to you?" Yes, I threw that in there. Yes, I'm digging. Leave me alone; a girl can dream.

     "As I've iterated before, I don't really have those kinds of stories, and nothing compares to the kind of things you've probably gone through. However, I have one particular story I want to hear from you."

     Interest piqued, ok. "Oh? Which one?"

     "In the report, Cameron mentioned you told him the Entei was a beast you have met before." It wasn't a question, but it was open-ended and meant for me to respond and provide the story. This is going to be fun.

     "Yes, twice actually." He was leaning back in his chair, but when I said that he abruptly hopped forward, eyes wide.


     "Mhmm. The first time the mighty beast approached me was in Johto. There's a city with two towers, one of which is only the remains for what it once was. It used to be known as the Brass Tower, but it is now called the Burned Tower. Legend has it, a long time ago, there were three Pokemon that perished in the fire that burned the tower down. A sudden lightning bolt struck it, causing a fire, and then it was put out by a sudden downpour.  Another Pokemon from the adjacent Bell Tower resurrected them and created the three legendary beasts as we know them today. The three elements, the lightning bolt, subsequent fire, and sudden downpour, are said to be connected to the three beasts."

     "Oh, I never heard that story before. That's where they come from?"

     "That's the lore from the people that live there, yes. On my Gym Badge journey, I had to go through that city, and of course I love to explore. I went inside the ruins and looked around. In the basement, the beasts were there!" Spenser gasped. I have a hold on him like a child and a storyteller. I didn't mean to impress with huge feats and chance encounters, but he asked.

     "Did you get to interact with them?"

     "Unfortunately, they fled after I approached. They ended up roaming around the region after that, as I saw them multiple times throughout the rest of my journey. Halfway through my trek through Johto, an unexpected event led to me going back home for a bit, and I decided to follow my brother to Hoenn. Once there, I went on a Gym Challenge journey there too. That's when I met Entei the second time."

     "So, wait. You met all three of the beasts then, not just Entei?"

     "Yes. All three were there, and I glimpsed all three individually multiple times around Johto."

     "That truly is amazing." Just wait until he hears about my other fateful encounters. He might pass out from overwhelming awe. However, I am humble and don't like to toot my own horn to gain any advantage, unless I'm countering annoying people. I don't have the patience...

     "In Hoenn, Entei met me at an island off the west coast. It was a strange meeting, but a wonderful one." I think I'll leave out the fact that I captured it and its brethren, and even battled with one of them during my Hoenn Elite Four challenges. 

     My chest swelling with pride, I beam at Spenser, and he grins right back. That confused me, as I expected continued ogling. 

     "I'm very happy to see you smiling again, Serena." Oh...OH. Commence the blush again. "The stories I like the most from you are the ones about things that you love or are passionate about. I could tell you cherish those memories a lot, and it really brought the best out of you. I'm grateful to get to experience that!"

     "Geez, must you always be sappy at inopportune times?" He chuckles and stands up again. He proffered his hand to me. 

     "Come and I'll walk you back to the Base for the night." I smile and take his hand, and we leave the apartment.

     At the Base, I thank him for the meal and the stories, and even for the encouragement, for lack of a better word. 

     "Anytime. Tomorrow Joel and I are heading to the Sekra Range to investigate a lead on the Go-Rock Squad up there. I'll most likely be out for a while longer than usual, but the professor is here as acting Leader while Joel is gone, so do your best to help out here in Fall City if anything comes up." Back to Leader mode I see.

     "Aye aye, sir." 

     "I told you, I have a name. Silly..."

     "Oh, your name is Silly now? Hi Silly, nice to meet you!"

     "I see what you did there, heh." With a chortle, we bid each other goodnight, but as I turn to leave I hear him call out, "Wait!" I turn back to face him. He seems a bit bashful and I wonder what's on his mind.

     "Serena, after all this mess blows over, I...I'd like to spend some more time with you. If that's alright." Can he blush? Is that possible? Is the apocalypse arriving already? I can't tell, because his cheeks aren't turning red, but he's definitely got that look on his face.

     Shyly, I respond simply, "OK." He nods and smiles, then turns and walks off back to his home.

     Did he...? Did I...? Welp. Time to retire to my room.

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