Bare Knuckles ♛ lrh

By youreafakebetch

63.4K 1.7K 2.8K

in which she's dragged to an illegal boxing ring and runs into the most feared fighter there "You were never... More

01- party
02- coffee
03- cookies
04- drinks
05- sleep
06- project
07- hot
08- nerves
09- baseball
10- walk
11- gym
12- lilacs
13- maccas
14- meet
15- puppy
16- shots
17- date
19- drywall
20- workout
21- movies

18- interrupted

2.3K 70 175
By youreafakebetch

It was 12:15 and Luke was sitting in a booth, a coffee in one hand and his phone in the other, checking the time once again.

Evelyn was fifteen minutes late and Luke could feel a familiar feeling in his chest, one he hadn't felt in years. It was not a comforting feeling so he did what he did best and ignored it, while focusing on the dark abyss of his coffee.

The bells above the door chimed as it was pushed open which grabbed the blonde's attention right away. Disappointment started filling his body as the old lady that walked into the building was not the girl he was waiting for.

He continued to stare into his coffee.

The bell chimed again and he looked up somewhat hopefully. Twenty minutes past twelve and the brunette finally stood at the door looking around for the blonde. Luke watched as she scanned the tables, a smile instantly gracing her face as she saw him. He felt a small sense of guilt for the previous overreaction he had, the fear that consumed him for a while, before letting himself relax. She was here and that was all he cared about.

Evelyn was surprised by the diner choice, the same one her and Calum went to when he crashed it with Ashton. The tiny little butterflies that lived in her stomach were going wild as she approached the table. Even though it was a casual date she felt underdressed in her skirt and sweater she wore to prevent the autumn chill, as she took in Luke.

The black, silk shirt he wore fit his broad shoulders, toned arms and torso perfectly, typical black skinny jeans that hugged every muscle of his legs and black boots that made him undeniably more handsome.

Luke was soaking in her outfit at the same time, eyes raking up and down her legs to her face. The tights that clung to her legs would've made his knees weak if he was standing and definitely caught the attention of the more impure side of his brain that he had done so well at controlling around her.

Luke willed himself to continue not staring at her legs as he was imagining her tights ripped and on his floor, and gave her a smirk instead. She blushed as she reached the table and slid in opposite him, "Hi, I'm so sorry I'm late. The traffic was annoyingly slow today," she rushed out.

He shook his head, "Don't worry about it, you're fine." He smiled as she pulled her sleeves over her hand and rested her head on her palms as she got comfy. "Still drinking black coffee, I see," she teased. Luke looked at his cooling coffee and the smirk stayed on his face.

"Matches my personality I guess," he shrugged. Evelyn tilted her head, a slight furrow to her eyebrows.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked curiously.

Luke brought the drink to his lips before responding, "I guess just... bitter." He said hesitantly. "Dark," he paused again. "Strong," he winked slyly.

Evelyn laughed and blushed as she looked down at the table, amused that he compared himself to coffee.

The two were interrupted by their waitress approaching their table and asking for their orders. Evelyn ordered a breakfast sandwich and Luke ordered a cheeseburger.

He looked around at the empty place and internally groaned as he heard his stomach growl. He tried rubbing some slight fatigue from last night's fight and staying up until almost four in the morning, out of his eyes when he pushed harshly on the bruise that covered his eye.

He hissed and winced as he pulled his hand away from his face. That caught Evelyn's attention and she looked at him quickly, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just forgot it was there," he explained and pointed lazily at the brown and blue colors on his face.

"Did you ice it?" she asked him. He knew it was a simple way to relieve the pain faster but he just rolled his eyes and stayed quiet.

She laughed before asking, "Why are you so stubborn?" Luke scowled at her for a moment, a little annoyed she could see through him that easily, and shrugged his shoulders and brought his cup to his mouth.

"Do you like the pain of it or something?" She gasps a moment later and says in mock surprise, "Are you a masochist?"

What Evelyn did not expect was Luke to choke on the cold coffee, but she definitely did find it hilarious. She laughed at his expense for a moment before she noticed the large brown stains on her previously pristine cream sweater.

Luke grabbed a couple napkins from the napkin holder on the side of the table and wiped away the coffee he spit all over the wood surface. He created a pile of the soiled napkins in the corner of the table before looking back at the girl across from him. He looked at her curiously as she had a pout on her face, "What?"

She quickly points to the dark brown stains on her sleeves and chest, making it Luke's turn to laugh. She dipped a napkin in Luke's cup of water he had on the table and tried dabbing the stains out of the fabric. She glared at the blonde as he kept laughing, finding the situation oh, so amusing. "It's your fault I choked on my coffee." He shrugged, carefree.

She looked at him baffled, "How is it my fault?" Luke looked around quickly to see if there were any eavesdroppers nearby, before leaning closer to the girl across from him as if to tell her a secret. She leaned closer as well and turned her head to the side so she could hear him, but was still trying to scrub a stain out of her shirt to no avail.

Luke smirked before whispering lowly, "Because I am a masochist."

She quickly faced him, his face dangerously close to hers as he still had the smirk on his face. If Evelyn's wide eyes or blushing cheeks were anything to go off of, Luke would say he certainly didn't cross a line with that one, maybe just opened a new door of sorts.
Satisfied with her reaction he leaned back, his arms crossed casually over his toned chest and Evelyn covered her cheeks with her sleeves.

Luke chuckled at her, "You don't have to cover your face, I already know you're blushing like mad."

Evelyn made a noise of indignation before she covered her whole face with her sleeves and rested her face on the table. But before she could think of anything to fire back at the boxer, anything to at least try and get back at him for the embarrassment she felt, their waitress approached the table with their food.

"Sorry for the wait guys, one of our cooks misread medium rare as burnt to a crisp, so he had to remake your cheeseburger," she apologized politely as she placed their food on the table.

"No worries, we didn't even notice," Luke replied, shooting a knowing smile at Evelyn. She rolled her as and completely gave up at trying to conceal how flustered she was.

She thanked the waitress and immediately started eating to calm herself down. Though that proved to not work well as she could feel the stare from the man across from her again.
"Is there something on my face?" she quickly asked and wiped around her mouth with a napkin. Luke smirked and shook his head, "Just a blush."

Evelyn groaned and pointed at him with her fork, "I," she punctuated by jabbing her fork in his direction, "...hate you."

Luke nodded his head as he took a bite out of his massive cheeseburger, "I'm sure you do, Evelyn."

"I do," she insisted and took another bite of the home fries on her plate, "You're impossible. Literally impossible."

Luke laughed at the very convincing face she made. Evelyn laughed a little herself as she assumed the look on her face was probably ridiculous.

She glanced up from her plate when she heard Luke's light chuckles abruptly hault, the mood suddenly shifting. She looked at his face and followed the intimidating glare. She swallowed thickly as they both watched the man that was approaching their table.

Luke's face had turned the coldest she had ever seen it and she was sure the color drained from her face and her eyes were wide in fear. In front of their table was the same guy from tha last fight she went to, scars and tattoos unforgettable.

"Good afternoon, Luke," Blade said as he towered over the two sitting. He slowly trailed his menacing gaze from an enraged Luke to a terrified Evelyn. He smirked as he noticed her eyes dart away from him, "Evelyn."

Luke felt every bone in his body go rigid as soon as he heard her name come out of his mouth. His fist clenched tightly at the knowledge the guy even knew her name, never mind the way he said it tauntingly.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Luke seethed lowly at Blade. Evelyn could admit she was scared of the man after finding out the history he had with Luke, but at the moment she was scared for the blonde. If his body language was anything to go by, she was convinced he was ready to kill him right then and there in the diner.

Evelyn slightly flinched as he leaned closer to Luke over the table, his voice dangerous and menacing. "Don't think I fucking forgot what you did, you little fucking snake. You'll pay for what you did to me," he paused and a sinister smirk formed as he focused his attention to Evelyn. She had been watching Luke worriedly because she seriously was waiting for him to snap and start throwing punches. She knew Luke could handle himself if they did get physical but that didn't make it any easier for her to witness the blonde getting hurt.

She gasped as he grasped her chin and pulled her face towards himself, "Or this pretty little thing will pay," She ripped his hand off her face as fast as she realized they were on her and scooted further into the booth.

Luke was on his feet as soon as he laid his hands on Evelyn. He shoved himself between the table and Blade and blocked his very of Evelyn, "Don't you dare fucking touch my girl," he seethed through his clenched jaw.

Blade smirked as he noticed the way Luke was attempting to size him up, "Better watch you back, Hemmings. I'll show up when you least expect it and you'll be wishing you never fucked with me and praying for forgiveness."
Luke scoffed, disbelieving, "I'd like to see you fucking try."

The man only smiled before taking a step back, amused that Luke was challenging him.

"Watch your back," he spoke, "Watch hers too," he threatened and sent a wicked smile towards an overwhelmed Evelyn who was completely blindsided by the last few minutes. He walked out the door unphased and with a confident stride.

Luke hadn't known how long he had been staring at the door, though he was broken from his intense glare as he felt the small hand that wrapped around his bicep, "Luke?" He turned around and unclenched his jaw and stretched his fingers out as he looked down at Evelyn who was still staring at him like she'd seen a ghost.

He slowly slid into the booth next to her, Evelyn watched as he sat next to her and stared up at his blue eyes as he stared back. He slowly brought his hands up to cup her cheeks, almost as if on instinct, and rubbed his thumbs along her cheekbones. The gross feeling of Blade's hands on her face faded as she felt Luke's comforting, warm hands. "Are you okay?"

Evelyn swallowed, closed her eyes and opened them again and nodded a little shakenly. Luke sighed and removed his hands from her face, "I'll be right back," waiting until she nodded again before getting up from the table.

He came back with two styrofoam boxes and started putting both of their unfinished food in the boxes. He closed both containers and stood at the end of the booth, "Come on, let's go eat back at mine," he held out his hands for her to take. Luke picked up the boxes and put his arm around her shoulder as they walked out of the diner.

It was cold outside, a wind passed over the two as the blonde led them to his car. He unlocked it as they approached the doors and placed their food on the back seat while Evelyn detached herself from him and sat herself in the passenger seat and buckled her seatbelt in. Luke got in and started the car and pulled onto the busy New York street.

There was a tense silence in the car, Evelyn couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. It was clear Luke wasn't going to willingly explain what it was, and even if she already knew part of the story she wanted him to be honest. She kept thinking of what Blade could possibly do to get back at Luke, and what Luke had done to provoke revenge from the older man. One thing she did know for sure was that she needed to tell Luke what she already knew. She was dragged into this now, which partially terrified her, but she also knew she wanted to stick around the blonde regardless. She was too attached even if she wasn't sure he felt the same.

Evelyn watched as they pulled into Luke's parking spot at his building and reluctantly stepped out of the warm car despite the silence that had ensued. One still-silent elevator ride later and Luke was leading them into the lush apartment. He turned to look at Evelyn and gave her a small smile, "You can go wait on the couch while I heat up our food."

She nodded and made her way to the large sofa as Luke departed to the kitchen and put the food on two paper plates, he was too lazy for dishes most of the time. He grimaced slightly as looking at the food made his stomach twist, he lost his appetite long ago.

He brought the food into the living room with two bottles of water and handed her the plates while he turned the T.V. on, not missing the fluffy black blanket that was usually on the back of the couch was now over her shoulders. "Cold?" he asked as he sat next to her and took his own plate.

"Very," she replied and tucked her legs under herself. The two watched the random home remodeling show that was on and pushed their food around their plates. "Is it bad that I'm not really hungry anymore?" Evelyn asked as she looked down at the steaming food. Luke sighed and shook his head with a smile, "Glad it's not just me."

He placed both the plates on the coffee table in front of them and changed the channel they were watching. "Be right back," he mumbled before he disappeared down the hallway. She wondered if Luke even paid for heating with how cold it was in the apartment and the way she was shivering slightly under the blanket.
Before she could think about how much his heating bill could possibly cost that he wouldn't pay it, Luke was back in the room in a black tee shirt and grey sweats with an equally as fluffy blanket as the one she had been wrapped in.

Luke lifted one side of the blanket off her shoulder and sat himself right next to her. He pulled the blanket over his own shoulder and placed one arm over hers.

Suddenly grateful for the newfound warmth of Luke's body pressed against hers she smiled up at him, though he was focused on spreading the second blanket over their legs with one arm. Evelyn laughed before she quickly placed her legs over Luke's thighs and pulled herself closer to him. Luke paused a second and watched her practically curl into his side and make herself as small as possible, he found it absolutely adorable and had to refrain from cooing at her.

Luke had grabbed the blanket originally because he was cold himself but could now feel her slightly shaking. "Are you shivering, baby?" He asked, confused. Evelyn scoffed and pulled the blankets closer, "It feels like the North Pole threw up in here!"

Luke laughed and placed a warm hand on the top of her thigh as he finally stopped messing with the blankets, "That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?" he asked. She shook her head adamantly as another shiver ran up her spine though this time it was because of the hand on her thigh. "I bet you could have polar bears and penguins living in here."

Luke rolled his eyes and looked down at her, "Don't you think it has something to do with the skirt you're wearing?"

Evelyn blushed as she felt his thumb move gently along the top of her tights and she knew he was smirking at her, "Shut up." She muttered and pretended to be focused on the random romcom that Luke had switched to.

Evelyn smirked as she thought of Luke watching romcoms on his own time and opened her mouth to comment before being cut off by Luke, "Stop smirking, I know what you're thinking."

She looked up at him and his blue eyes. His hand squeezed her thigh teasingly, "You do?" she asked and cocked a challenging brow at him. She couldn't help but notice the way he bit his lip ring and how it made her make to kiss him badly. And maybe she had wanted to kiss him since she first saw him in that black shirt earlier too.

He nodded and relaxed back into the couch, "I don't watch romcoms in my free time, I would rather die than watch these." Evelyn's eyebrows rose, impressed.

"Okay Mister Mind-reader, what am I thinking now?" She asked.

"That I'm the outstandingly amazing and the most handsome guy you've ever met?" He asked. Evelyn rolled her eyes and laughed. "That's very far off from the truth."

Luke pretended to be offended for a moment before staring at her seriously and bit his lip in thought. He noticed how her eyes immediately fixated on his lips and smirked. She looked back into his eyes as he stared intensely into her own.

Luke's hand went up to the back of her neck and lightly played with the hairs there, the shiver that ran down her spine not going unnoticed. Luke's smirk was full of cockiness and confidence, "You want to kiss me."

Evelyn looked away quickly and out of the wall of windows at the grayish sky to pretend he wasn't right, fooling no one. She didn't stare out there for more than a few seconds before Luke placed a finger under her chin and tilted her head up to look at him, "Am I right, Evelyn?"

She nodded softly and let out a small breath, "Guess it's a good thing I wanna kiss you too then, huh?" He didn't give her a chance to reply before he pressed his lips against hers. She sighed into the kiss as she felt that familiar warmth go through her at the feeling of his lips against hers.

Her hands tangled into the short curls at the back of Luke's head and pulled gently. She gasped slightly as she felt his tongue move along her bottom lip. She welcomed the new feeling and opened her mouth hoping she was catching on to what he wanted. Luke groaned as he felt her open her mouth so willingly and pull a little harder on his hair.

In a moment of confidence, Evelyn shifted her legs so one was on either side of his waist and she was sitting in his lap. Luke pulled away in surprise and looked up now at the girl in his lap. She opened her eyes and sheepishly smiled when she noticed Luke's eyes scanning all over her face.

"Fuck, you're so beautiful," Luke whispered before pulling her face to his and kissing her harder than before. Evelyn's face was burning hot and her chest heaved with every breath she took. Never had she shared such an intimate moment with someone and she loved every second of it.

His tongue met hers and he instantly had all the control again and that may have had him getting embarrassingly more turned on than he wanted to. The day's earlier activities were seemingly forgotten as the two got lost in the feeling of each other.

After a few more minutes Luke reluctantly pulled away. Both were breathing heavily and had red, swollen lips. Evelyn looked up from his lip to his eyes and laughed breathily. Luke bit his lip as he watched her eyes scrunch up with her smile in the way that made his stomach do flips. "We should stop," he sighed, begrudgingly.

She laughed and nodded and moved back down next to him and fixed the blanket around herself. Luke thought he was subtle in the way he readjusted himself next to her but Evelyn knew what he was doing, she wasn't dumb and could feel his semi that pressed agaisnt her thigh moments ago. Her heart started racing as she realized she hadn't exactly minded it either.

Luke pulled her back over and into his side as he focused back on the romcom that he may have lied about watching instead of his bothersome boner. Evelyn rested her head against his shoulder with a content smile on her face as she sat cozy with Luke under the comfy throws.

♛ ♛ ♛

hi guys long time no see

please do not attack me if the ending was shit i've never written anything sexual lmao so it probably sucks

i might also bring back some books i took down bc i wasn't updating them 🙈 watch out

love you guys and thank you so much for reading, commenting and voting!

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