I need this (camren)

By Annabella213738

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Will they last WARNING Camila G!P More



175 3 1
By Annabella213738

Camila POV

i woke up the next morning with my arms around Lauren I tried to get out slowly to prevent waking Lauren

Once I was out her bed I started to get dressed my mind thinking of the drug I so needed in my system to function

I walked over to where I left it last night but there was nothing I looked all over the floor to see if I had dropped it I check my pockets just in case and nothing I could not lose it that was the last of it for awhile

Okay I just have to remain calm I took deep breaths thinking of where it could be then I thought mabey Lauren had put it away so her parent's  won't see I raced to Lauren who was sleeping peacefully in her bed

I shook her lightly making her eyes fly open reviling her green eyes

"What what wrong" she asked sitting up

"Where is it" I said simply looking at her seriously

"Wheres what" she asked me like if she didn't know what I was talking about

"THE DRUGS Lauren the drugs where are they" I told her feeling my anger rising

"Calm down Camila you promised you weren't going to use them anymore what happened to that" she told me making me remember last night

"I know what I said" I told her sitting on her bed with my head in my hands taking deep breaths thinking of ways to get the drug back

"Can you at least tell me where you put it"I asked looking at the girl next to me

"Oh I flushed it" she said so confidently my heart dropped at that she just wasted perfectly good drugs

"Okay love I'm going to go home I need to take a shower and change but I will be back and we can hang out here today what ever you want to do" I told her trying my best to leave but not worry Lauren I started to give her kisses on face

"Fine but you better be quick and if you get high don't come back" she said making me stop the kissing and shake my head okay I leaned in to connect our lips pulling away after a few seconds not wasting anytime

"Okay I'll be quick" I said racing out Lauren's house and onto my motorcycle racing my way to Derek's because I needed it

When I got to Derek's I busted through the door and ran upstairs to his room to see him knocked out

"Derek" I said walking him

"What happened" he said sitting up

"You won't believe what Lauren did" I told him as he got his baggy of drugs out

"What" he asked preparing to get high

"She flushed the rest" I told he then turned his head to me and simply laughed

"What that is not funny you know what Gabe said" I told him

"Sorry kid you're on you own this is all I have left" he told me

"What you have to be kidding you're not going to share what's you problem" I asked offended

"Look you can get high with me right now but after I'm leaving and so are you" he said and I nodded my head just happy he agreed to let me have some

"Okay your only getting a half" he said putting the substance on the spoon for me

"That's all I need" I told him knowing Lauren will not even be able to tell the difference all she wants is for me to be nice and I can do that

I had the latex tied around my arm when I injected the drug into my blood flow I let out a long satisfying sigh feeling the oh so good feeling flow though my body

"Thank you Derek" I said leaving a twenty on his table and rushing out his house on to my bike and on my way to my house

I ran to my room taking the fastest shower I could then got dressed in a black long sleeve and some grey sweatpants since we were staying in today and I was to exhausted to put anything else

I hoped back on my motorcycle and sped off to Lauren's

Once I got there I looked at the time it was a little after lunch so I'm pretty sure I can walk to Lauren's room unbothered

I walked in the house and it was empty at first glance I closed the door and went upstairs to Lauren's room

I heard the shower running so I guess she was in there I was debating if I should join her or not till I heard the water turn off for some reason I was nervous

Oh yeah I was nervous she was going to be able to see right through my lies or that she would be able to tell I was high off my ass

Until the bathroom door opened and out comes a vary naked Lauren

"Wow" I said shocked I got a boner that quick

"Wow" she questioned

"Sorry you're just really hot" I told her the high making me want her more

"Well thanks babe" she said walking over to her door to lock it

"Oh fuck yeah" I said pulling off my cloths watching Lauren walk over to me

I sit on Lauren's bed to pull my underwear fully off in one swoop then scoot over looking at my girlfriend climbing on the bed

Without wasting a second I feel Lauren wrap her cold hand slowly around my member and start to pump

I released a long sigh loving the feeling of Lauren's hand wrapped tightly around the member

"Fuck" I let out throwing my head back in the process

Lauren stoped pumping my member but instead starts straddling me attaching our lips they moved in sync I felt like I was in heaven I was high and making love to my girlfriend how can it get any better

She started to kiss down my jaw line stoping at me ear "I want you inside me" she said and continued kissing down to my neck I flipped us over so I was now on top kissing and sucking on her neck roughly

I grabbed my shaft and ran it along my girlfriends folds teasing her entrance her eager moans filling her room

With a smirk I push inside her earning moans from the both of us

"Oh fuck" Lauren said running her finger nails down my back as I set a steady rhythm

I was exhausted and as much as I love fucking my girlfriend i needed to fall asleep

To make this a little faster I reach down in between our bodies and started to run small circles on her clit as I picked up my pace

Her moans becoming sharp and quick it started to get tighter around my member I quickened my pace and pounded my girlfriend

Lauren's moans filling the room I felt her walls clamp down on my member making me shoot out ropes of cum into my girlfriend helping her ride out her orgasm

" Fuck I love you" I told her standing up to grab a towel to clean her up then threw it into the dirty cloths after

"I love you too" I heard from the bed I ran getting under the covers with Lauren

"Can we take a nap" I asked knowing I'll fall asleep anyways

"Yeah we can" she said looking into my eyes

"Thanks love" I said giving her one last kiss then falling asleep

I was awaken by Lauren straddling my waist she had my basketball shorts and a sports bra on

"Hey baby" i looked up to her

"Hey my mom just came and said dinner will be ready soon" she told me making me smile at her cuteness

"Okay I'll just take a shower"

"Oh I'll join you to save water" Lauren said giving me a wink witch made me chuckle

After the quick shower I got dressed in my black long sleeve and some jeans I had in the dresser and Lauren's younger sister Taylor knocked on the door saying dinner was now ready

We were all sat down at the table eating spaghetti for dinner

When Lauren dad decided to talk to me

"So Camila why is it you look so exhausted all the time" he asked me I had to come up with a quick lie

"I've been working a lot with my friend over the summer but school is about to begin so I'm trying to fix my sleep schedule" I told him sipping my water looking at Lauren

"Well that's good Camila but you do know we live in Miami right" he said signaling to my long sleeve what is up with this dude

"I'm just a really cold person" I told him truthfully i guess

Then one of Lauren's younger siblings stared talking moving the conversation along

After dinner I left my dishes in the sink and went right up to Lauren's room taking off my cloths and waiting for her arrival

Lauren came in not to long after looking tired as well

"Let's sleep" I said to her as she started to take her clothing off leaving her in a bra and panties

And she jumped in the bed like a little kid I covered the both of us in Lauren's blanket and we cuddle and fell asleep in each other's arms

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