Who would want an outsider as...

By CallieGirl

450 6 0

Alexa is an outsider at her school. She only has four friends. Then all of the sudden Jay comes. He feels an... More

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

163 4 0
By CallieGirl

Hey guys…well whoever is reading this… I would love it if you would recommend this story to your friends and tell me what you think I should add or how I am doing.

~Chapter 2~Jay’s POV~

            For some reason I could not understand how Alexa would think I didn’t want to go to the movies with her. She was my mate after all. Did she not feel it or know it? I loved her as much as possible. She was my life now. The missing piece in my heart. I answered immediately. No sooner had the words come out of my mouth than I did we bump into to this perky blonde girl. She glared at Alexa and her friends before turning to me. “Hi my name is Chrissy, you must be Jay. It’s nice to finally meet you!” she said extending her hand to me. I kindly shook it, but retracted my hand as fast as I could. “OH, and hi you emos. Why don’t you go kill yourselves already? I mean no one likes you. I bet Jay is just being nice.” She said with much venom in her voice. In return I said, “For your information, I happen to love hanging out with Alexa and her group. They are the nicest people I have met and they don’t try to be something they are not. Now if you wouldn’t mind leave us alone you cold hearted bitch.” Chrissy stood in awe for a minute before scurrying off in the opposite direction.

            We continued our walk down to our houses. It turned out that we all lived on the same street. Even better I lived right next-door to Alexa. We got to our house I said good bye to Alexa and went inside. I had a stupid grin on, but I didn’t care. I was so ecstatic that I had found my mate. My mom saw me and immediately knew what had happened. So she called down my two younger sisters who were in 7th grade. Hailey and Kayla jumped down the stairs and started screaming in happiness. I just smiled even bigger at them then laughed.  We all decided when I should tell her or even just invite her over so my sisters and mom could see her. I couldn’t handle it anymore I was so overjoyed.

~Alexa’s POV~

            When I got home I put my iPod in its speakers and did my homework. I couldn’t wait until I could start to sketch. I would sketch every amazing feature of Jay. I still couldn’t believe how kind he was to me and my friends. I sped threw my homework in what felt like only seconds. I got out my sketch pad. I reached for my charcoal pencils, but the doorbell rang before I could get them. Being the middle child of 6, I never got to the door first. One of my siblings always did. There is Tessa who was the eldest, she is 25.  Then there is Kevin who is 20. Then me, I’m 17. Finally, there is Nick who is 15 and Dana who is 13. Tessa and Kevin don’t live at home anymore though. Dana being the, social butterfly she is, got to the door before me. She isn’t allowed to do that, because mom isn’t home yet. I scold her before turning to see who is there. My mouth dropped open as I saw that it was Jay. “Alexa, do you want to come over for dinner tonight?” Jay asked in a serious yet some what loving tone. I stared at him in awe even longer than before as I asked, “Why would you want ME to come to dinner tonight? I’m just some girl you met today in school.” He stared at me in what looked like disbelief.  “It looks like you don’t have anyone home to help you make a meal tonight so I thought you could come over.” He stated. I thought for a minute, and then replied, “My brother and sister need me to make them dinner, so I can’t.  I’m really sorry.”

            Just then Nick comes over and says, “Carter wants me to go over for the night cause he got the new scary movie that just came out. Oh! and Dana wanted me to tell you she is sleeping over at her friend, Charlotte’s house.  Who is this by the way?” He smirks and walks away.  Jay smiles before saying, “When you are done dropping them off where they have to go you can come over. See you soon.” He walks over to his house next door.

~Jay’s POV~

            Wow! Wasn’t that perfect! Now she will be able to come over. I go over and say to my mom, “Alexa is coming over please make the meal the best one ever.” “Alexa?.........Oh! Your mate. Ok I will try and I will tell your sisters as well.” She said rather coldly. “Mom, why are you acting so cold now? You and the twins were so excited before.” I say. Her answer is, “Well, I don’t want to get too excited until we know she will accept it. Now go get ready I bet she will be over soon.” I got upstairs a little confused. Why wouldn’t she accept it? Forget that just get ready for her.

~Alexa’s POV~

            All I could concentrate on was finding the perfect thing to wear. Finally, I picked out my light grey skinny jeans, a cute purple shirt, and my purple converse. I dropped off Nick at his friends house and Dana at her friends house. I got home at 6:30pm, grabbed my bag, and went over to Jay’s house.


How was it? Comment and Vote. Any ideas you want me to put in? Byyyyyeeeeee

                                                            ~Callie ;)

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