Identity V

By naurbcyaur

799 32 9

Detective Orpheus, a miserable young man wo hardly got any orders for his job as a private detective, suddenl... More

The order
A hidden room
Let's have a conversation...
The host
The game begins
Quick info about the story
We did it
Welcome back
Where are the others?
Dreams are dangerous
The common room
Past Mistakes


48 4 0
By naurbcyaur

Andrew's Diary

I've already been scared since I entered this mansion.
Not scared of the house, but of the people here.

I was scared they won't accept me, won't trust me, won't like me...
But all of my thoughts are unimportant now.

I should have been afraid of the manor and of it's host, I'm always doing something wrong! I shouldn't have come here...

I sighed.

I sat in a dark corner in the room, not trying to get noticed, while everyone else was screaming and yelling at each other.

They looked at themselves in fear after Mr. Riley came in to tell us we're trapped inside this building. Panic was rising in my body.

'' Maybe it was just an... accident? ''

Said this so called Victor. His thought was stupid, but I remained silent.
But the others took the chance and told him what they thought about that.

'' How so!?? Everyone is here!''

Victor looked intimidated when the angry guy from earlier yelled at him, he looked like he was about to cry and looked at his feet immediately. He may has talked a bit during this talk, but it was easy for me to sense that he's just as shy and nervous as me..

Mr. Subendar sighed.
''No need to get so angry, Servais... But you're right. That's impossible, everyone is here.''

The guy that sat in the other corner, with the greyish hair raised his voice.

'' Isn't it clear? It was the host.''

Mr. Subendar sighed again.

'' But they're probably gone by now..''
He looked frustrated but also a little annoyed...

This Luca guy stood up.

'' If it really was the host, they would be near. I mean the front door isn't the only exit out of here! You can still leave this house through the windows! If they want to trap us in here, they would have to lock them too.''

He was right.

It takes time too lock all the exits in here.
This means, the host must be inside the mansion...

Suddenly the woman next to Luca stood up too.

Her voice was raspy but she talked in a very soft tone.

'' Let's start looking around the manor, maybe we can find them together.''

It seemed like her smile calmed everyone down a little.

'' Yeah let's go!''
Other people stood up.
And even Servais joined them after Mr.Subendar needed to convince him several times...

The only one left now, was me.

I thought I could just go back to my room.
But then...

The woman looked at me, and smiled again.

''Hey! You in the corner! Are you coming?''

I slowly stepped out of the shadows, looking at my feet.

'' I guess we're complete now! Let's go find this psycho!''

Luca said the last sentence angrily.

Vera's Diary

This was the very first moment of teamwork in the manor.

Us, trying to find the host.

We split up in groups of 5 people.

I was in a group with  Mike Morton and Aesop Carl.

I didn't know the names of the others, but the other two members of our group were a woman with a braided plait over her shoulder. She wore a short, hooded dress and her hair almost seemed pinkish. 

The other one was a guy with longish hair and an expensive looking jacket. I think he was a writer or something, maybe a novelist..

We walked through the east hall at the second floor, checking all the rooms and chambers.

'' Do you guys really think we're locked in here?''

Mike asked with a scared tone. Aesop sighed:

'' Well it seems like it.. but we can't really do much about it.''

The writer guy seemed to be worried too now,
just like Mike.

The other girl seemed pretty curious about the hole situation and Aesop and me just seemed annoyed by it...

'' B- But this Luca said that the host must be near..We could catch them and then they will let us out!'' Mike said.

Aesop turned around to look at him. '' You really do believe everything.'' He sighed and turned back around.
Mike made an angry expression

'' As if you knew more about the situation then us...''

The other girl said angrily.

I raised my voice.

''He does''
Aesop looked at me with consent while the other 3 looked at me with confusion.

'' The host seemed very smart. This meeting we had was very spontaneous and should've actually solved our problems.
But they used it against us and locked us up in here, without getting caught.
They're the mastermind. Do you really think they're still here? I don't think so..''

The others stared at me with a shocked face.

'' She's right. This is useless.''

Aesop walked a few meters in front of us and created a distance.
Mike seemed frustrated.

'' I guess you're right''
He sighed in annoyance

''Then why are we even trying to find them...  We won't succeed anyway'' the other guy said

The girl grinned.
'' Tell that to Luca..''

Mike and the other guy smiled.
He turned around to her and said:

'' I'm Mike by the way''
She smiled

'' I'm Fiona''
She then looked at me waiting for a response.

''Vera'' I said quickly.

We then looked at the guy with the expensive jacket.

'' Oh, my name is            ''


How weird.
The name of this guy wasn't written in the diary. Instead the row where his name should have been written, was covered with a black spot. I guess it's just an ink stain.

Mike's Diary

I was nervous.

When we were walking through the hallways I panicked.

You couldn't see it from the outside, I'm quite good at hiding such things.

But the fact that we're trapped in here made my head fill with memories of that terrible day...

I tried to breath normally, but it seemed so hard in that moment.
The others didn't notice it, at least I thought so.

'' Are you okay Mike? ''
Fiona asked calmly.

'' Yeah sure.. It's just..''
I sighed '' This situation is just very..''

'' Scary? '' She asked.

'' Yeah exactly! ''

I tried to stay calm and chuckled awkwardly.

'' We should get back to the common room. ''
Aesop said.

The way he talked made shivers roll down my spine. I didn't like it, not at all. And to be honest I didn't like him either, since the moment he opened his mouth.

He just seemed so cold, like he didn't care about anything...

What a jerk

'' I think so too. All of the possible exits are locked.''

Vera answered and looked at her feet.
She basically almost seemed like a copy of Aesop. She was talking in that cold way too,
the one that creeped me out.
But even though they seemed very alike, there was something about Vera that seemed different...
I just didn't know what it was yet.

Aesop and Vera turned around and were just about to walk towards the room we came from, until we heard someone calling for us loudly from downstairs.

We looked at each other, I was even more nervous than before at this point...

We ran down the stairs and sprinted down the hallway, leading to the garden, where the voice came from. The garden was also inside of the manor, panes of glass surrounded it.

Vera opened the door hastily and stormed into the garden.

'' Is everything alright?! ''

Most of the other guests were already there.
Next to the big fountain stood this girl with the so positive attitude from earlier...
I think her name was Patricia Dorval, but I wasn't sure.

She held another letter in her left hand and had a sad and scared look on her face. The face that just shined so brightly and looked so happy in the common room....

She was shaking a bit.

''Patricia found another letter.''

Said a guy with messy black hair and a burn mark over one of his eyes.

He seemed tense.
I saw him hanging around with this Patricia, Fiona and a guy, wearing a bandana over his eyes.
I guess that he's blind too, just like that other girl.

'' Could you read it? ''

I asked nervously but determined.
Patricia Dorval raised her voice and sighed

''My dear guests,
Since you are reading this letter now, you were probably looking for me in the manor and found this instead of me.
I guess you also realised that the door is locked.''

Patricia took a deep breath.
That guy whispered something to her and I assumed that he was asking if he should take over and keep on reading, since her response was:

'' Thank you but I got this, Norton.''

She took a deep breath again and continued reading.

'' I'm afraid but I'm already gone and the game could start any second now.
But you all are very smart.
I listened to your talk earlier and all of your aspects were extremely smart and logical. That's only one of many reasons why you are perfect for my game.
For now you are locked in my manor, so don't even try to get out.
I guess that you probably think that my mansion is a place you would never want to see again...
But soon, it will be the place were you wish you'd be.
Kind regards,
Your Host M.N.''

Her voice cracked a little at the end, but she seemed like she was the strongest of all of us in that moment...
The others were trying not to scream, hiding their face in their hands, crying or just staring into the void.

Emily's Diary

No... It can't be.. This can't be true! tricked...

I was horrified and scared.
Really scared.

I immediately looked at Miss Woods,
Who stared at the letter in the woman's hand with a disturbed and shocked look on her usually innocent face.

She didn't move, didn't even blink.
It looked like she was paralysed.
A single tear was rolling down her cheek.
I brushed it away with the back of my hand and suddenly she looked at me.

''Are you okay, Miss Woods?''

She gazed at me for a moment, studying my face, as I studied hers. Her green and blue eyes were full of sadness.
And then..
She hugged me.

It was so sudden.. but it felt good, it felt right.
I slowly put my arms around her waist and caressed her hair. She sighed.

'' I told you to call me Emma. ''

she chuckled in her tears, I hugged her tighter and she did the same. It was the only thing that felt lovely to me in that moment...
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