
Par HTFanatic

63 10 2

Eight kids, four monsters, one night. Who will be the first to perish? ... Plus

Prologue Two
Jack and Milly: Eyes of Amber

Sam and Jordan: No Eyes

11 3 1
Par HTFanatic

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Jordan asked as Sam continued to walk down the empty road.

"You'll never know which way is right until you try it." Sam explained, not slowing his pace.

"But I'm pretty sure it was back the other way," Jordan said, looking back at the way that they had came. The road was dark, no street lamps, no cars, just the forest surrounding it. The only thing else that was making noise besides them were the crickets that were chirping louding around them, filling the quiet atmosphere. The ambiance was calming, but at the same time, extremely eerie. Then Sam froze, there was a car pulled over on the side of the road up ahead, it's lights flashing. They thought somebody might have been in the car so they ran up to it to see if they were ok.

"Hello?" Sam asked, walking around the car to the front, "is anybody in here?" He looked through the open passenger seat window and saw that the car was empty, but still running. Jordan was on the driver's side off the car, and the window was open on that side too.

"Isn't this kinda..weird?" Jordan commented, sticking her head through the open window and looking in the back. Sam looked into the forest for a second, lost in thought, but was interrupted when he heard a thud and a slamming sound coming from the car. He turned around and saw that Jordan had disappeared.

"Jordan?" Sam asked, walking around to where she was standing before, but she was gone. "Jordan this isn't funny." Sam said, looking more frantically around the car and down the road both ways. But he saw nothing, no trace of Jordan anywhere. Then he heard footsteps behind him, and they stopped right behind him. He felt something breathing down his neck. He glanced up and saw a man completely wrapped up in bandages, some glasses and a hat. But as soon as he got a glance the man quickly put his arms around Sam's mouth and neck and held him tightly as Sam started to yell for help. The man dragged him to the backseat of the car and threw him in. Sam suddenly smelled a sweet aroma filling the air. The smell started to make him drowsy, even though he resisted, the smell lulled him into a deep sleep.


Sam blinked his eyes open and the first thing he felt was a splitting headache. He groaned and tried to lift an arm to hold his head, but he couldn't. He opened his eyes some more and saw that he was tied to a chair, his arms behind the chair, wrapped up with rope. He looked to his left and saw Jordan still passed out. The room was small, but there were cabinets on either side of the room, with drawers beneath them. Vials of green liquid sat on the counters, and needles sat next to the vials. "Jordan.." Sam whispered to Jordan who was still passed out, "JORDAN!" Sam said louder. Jordan groaned and slightly lifted her head, trying to move her arms as well. She opened her eyes fully and looked around.

"Where are we?" She asked, seeing the green liquid on the counters.

"I don't know." Sam admitted, seeing the door on the far side of the room start to open and the man with bandages walked in and over to one of the counters. "YOU KIDNAPPER!!" Sam screeched at the man, who was looking at the green stuff in the vials.

"I only did what I had too." The man replied, picking up a vial and peering into it.

"By KIDNAPPING US!" Jordan yelled, struggling against the restraints.

"Don't struggle," The man said in a calm voice, "it will just make it hurt more." Jordan immediately stopped struggling in fear and confusion. He turned and had a vial and a needle in his hands. He looked at Sam first and walked over to him.

"Who even are you?" Sam asked in a shaking voice. The man looked down at Sam's terrified face,

"My name is Griffin." The man answered in a gruff voice, putting some of the green goop into the needle. Then something in Sam's brain clicked.

"You're...You're the invisible man." Sam stuttered, being even more terrified at the truth.

"Oh PLEASE!" Jordan intervened, "that monster stuff isn't real, it's just a guy in a costume." Griffin turned and walked swiftly towards her,

"If it's not real, explain this!" Griffin snapped, quickly unwrapping some of the bandages off his face to reveal, he had no face, there was nothing there. Jordan gulped and started to shake in fear. Griffin put the bandages back on and lifted the needle with the green liquid in it. He put a hand on Sam's forehead and pushed his head back as he squirted some of the liquid straight into Sam's eyes. He let out a deathly scream as the green stuff turned out to be acid, and it started to burn it's way through his eyes and flesh. He turned back around to face Jordan and he put a hand on her forehead as well. She closed her eyes, hoping that it wouldn't hurt as much, but as soon as the acid hit her skin, she knew it was over. She screamed as it ate away at her skin. "And that's just the first course." Griffin implied, grabbing another vile of acid and putting some in another needle...

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