
By HTFanatic

63 10 2

Eight kids, four monsters, one night. Who will be the first to perish? ... More

Prologue Two
Sam and Jordan: No Eyes

Jack and Milly: Eyes of Amber

12 2 0
By HTFanatic

"Milly are you sure it's safe out here?" Jack asked Milly as she led him deeper and deeper into the forest. She eventually took him to a small little clearing in the forest. The full moon was high in the sky at this point, shining in all of it's radiant glory. She found a large rock to sit on in the clearing and sat down on it with him,

"It's safer out here than it is back there." She replied, scooting a little closer to him. He had never seen her like this before. He had only known her since 5th grade, as the shy, awkward girl in the back of the classroom. Now she was shying up to him asking for a kiss. Even though he's had a crush on her for a while, he didn't think he'd get his chance this quickly.

"Yeah...I guess.." He said back, taking another glance at the moon before he looked at Milly again. She looked calm, but nervous at the same time. Jack felt that way too. Nobody was watching them, they could do whatever they wanted. Milly was the one who made the first move. She rested a hand on his and carressed his face with another hand. He didn't resist as she pressed her lips onto his. He put his arms around her and she did the same. They both secretly loved the sensation that was spreading between them like a wildfire. Then their moment was interrupted by a distant howl from deeper in the forest. They broke apart and listened to the howling.

"Wolves." Milly said, peacefully listening to the noise.

"You like it?" Jack asked, slightly shivering at the new cold breeze that started to blow through the forest, replacing the slightly warm air.

"Wolves are one of my favorite animals." Milly explained. But then Jack heard something large leap through the woods close to them.

"Did you hear that?" Jack asked softly, peering into the woods to see if he could see anything.

"Hear what?" Milly asked, looking in the direction that he was looking.

"I thought I saw something," Jack grumbled, looking back at her, "So, shall we continue?" She blushed as they started to make out again. But they were interrupted again by something large snapping some branches, this time much closer. "There it is again." Jack said, standing up and looking closer into the forest. Then he froze in pure fear, two bright amber eyes were staring back at him with narrowed pupils, and a large snout full of pointy yellow teeth. "Uh..Milly..."Jack said in a shaking voice.

"What is it?" Milly asked, her voice dripping with hesitance.

"The wolves are here," He mumbled, "run...RUN!!"  She shot up from the rock and ran after Jack who had gotten a few second head start. But she got a glance at the wolf as it sprinted after them, and saw that it was no ordinary wolf.

"WEREWOLF!!" She screamed at Jack, who glanced back and quickly started to run even faster after seeing the werewolf chasing them, with a hungry look in its eyes. They jumped over fallen logs and tried not to trip over any tree roots that got in the way. They almost felt like they were flying over the forest's ground. But then Jack saw the trees thinning in front of them as they ran past. Then he caught himself just before the ground dropped out from in front of him. He was standing on the edge of a deep ravine. But, he saw Milly speeding up behind him, but it was too late. She saw the cliff at the last second, before she sprinted right off of the edge of the cliff. Jack saw the terror fill her face as she tumbled into the pit of darkness below. Her scream filled his ears as she disappeared, never to be seen again. He heard a growl behind him and he quickly turned around. The werewolf was just feet from him, baring it's long, saliva cover fangs at him, and licking it's jaws hungerly.

"Please..." He choked out in the smallest voice ever. The werewolf didn't hear him and crouched down, it's claws extending and clawing at the dirt as it emitted a low growl. Then, it pounced. And the last thing Jack saw and felt, was the bright white fangs tearing into his flesh.

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