After the rebellion | Part 1

By hichloeex

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Katniss and Peeta's journey after the rebellion ended. How do Katniss and Peeta get through every day knowing... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
The end

Chapter 27

3.7K 87 40
By hichloeex


I finally get to my house in victors village, why did I run? Why didn't I just speak to him, come on Katniss. Sort yourself out.

I open the door to my house and walk in; closing the door behind me I run to the kitchen and sigh to myself. I look to my hand where the ring should be on my ring finger and I start to cry. Why did I throw it back at him, why did I leave him? I need him.

The door opens and I hope it is him, but I know it's not. I hear gale say, "Catnip, you alright?" I don't say anything I just run into his arms and hug him.

I pull away from his embrace and I take his hand in mine, I lead him to the couch and I sit down with him, snuggling into his warm, large, body. I need his comfort, I need comfort, anybody's comfort will do right now.

I pick my head up from his chest and look into his eyes, similar to mine grey and Seam like. I do what I know I shouldn't. I kiss him. I kiss Gale.

I crash my lips onto his mouth and kiss him, like I haven't kissed anybody before, this is wrong. I shouldn't be kissing Gale he's my best friend not my lover. It doesn't feel right so I pull away, it doesn't make my body go numb, it doesn't bring butterflies to my stomach and it doesn't bring hunger for more, only Peeta can make me feel this way, and that's who I need, Peeta.

I start to feel tears forming in my eyes so I quickly put my head back down onto gales chest and snuggle myself in, I don't speak, I just press my body against gales, I close my eyes and I imagine that it's Peeta's and that he's comforting me, not Gale, Peeta.

I realise it isn't working, so I slowly lift my head up and stand up, leaving Gale sat there, confused. I can't do this anymore, this isn't working. I run out of my house and out into the town, in search for one person, and one person only. Peeta.

I finally get to opposite the bakery, I see him, but not with whom I really want to see him with. He's with Delly.

This brings a lot of thoughts to my mind. Is he with Delly now? He doesn't care about me now. He cares about Delly. He doesn't want me, he wants Delly.

My knees start to give way and I fall to the floor. I'm sat on the floor opposite the Mellark bakery, and this triggers off a memory I've once lived before, when he saved my life. When he went out of his way to burn that bread to throw to me, he got beat by his mother because of that. He loved me and he wanted to save me. I really do need Peeta. Nothing that gale, or anyone else can do can make me feel like Peeta does. He saved me.

I see him and Delly start walking together back to Victors Village. I start to panic. I don't know why but I do. I decide it's time to go home, apologies to Gale and have another sleepless night filled with nightmares of how I let her die; how I killed everyone I loved. How I let Peeta slip away from me.

I follow the path that Delly and Peeta walked, back to Victors Village. I don't see what I expect to see. I see Delly walking back down the lane to her house, by herself. Where's Peeta?

I start to run. I put all the energy I have left into my run and I manage to get to victors village just in time to see Peeta slowly walking up the steps into his house. He closes the door and that's when I start to run again. I run up the steps to his house and I stop dead. I take a deep breath in.

I open the door to his house and run straight at him, I just wrap my arms around his body pulling him as close to me as I possibly can. This feels so right to be here hugging Peeta. I slowly feel his arms wrap around me which brings me comfort and so much of it.

We both don't say a word we just stand there holding each-other as if someone's going to take the other away. I start to sob silently into his chest and I think he realises because he hugs my tighter, if that's even possible.

This is what I need, my boy with the bread, hugging me.

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