The Secret of Two

By ccharlotte1

99 17 20

BBC Sherlock fanfic Naomi Darlington, the daughter of a noblewoman and a CIA agent, has to help a newly dis... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

9 2 5
By ccharlotte1

We crossed the Thames into a part of London that I didn't know. I was restless as I was wondering how far from the MI6 headquarters we were. We arrived at a white-brick building that looked like any normal office building but this was for a secret agency headquarters. Nevertheless, the POD came to a stop and the door slid open.

Two guards were waiting at the top of the stairs, in front of the massive black doors. I gave them my ring and they allowed me to enter. The guard on the left opened the door and I swallowed back the ball of nerves in my throat. The entry hall had a high white ceiling with stalactite-like chandeliers. People swarmed around me, talking on their earpieces, or carrying stacks of papers. In front of me stood a desk with a woman looking bored by her paperwork.

I advanced toward the desk while trying not to bump into anyone or get bumped by people. When I reached the desk, the woman looked up with hopeful eyes of not having to fill the paperwork. "What can I do for you, miss?"

"Hi, I'm Naomi Darlington, daughter of Edward Blakeley and he asked me to join him in his office."

She looked at me with suspicious eyes. I was just a girl standing in the hall of the english international secret agency. And I arrived in the gown I wore at my dinner with the queen so I looked out of place in my finery among businessmen and women.

As I was looking around to observe the swarming wave of people in the hall, the secretary called my father asking him if I was allowed in.

She hung up, "His office is on the 7th floor, number 734."

I thanked her and slowly made my way to the elevators. Once alone in the elevator, I started thinking. What could he tell me? Have I done something wrong? Is it about a new public event I must attend? He would've waited home to tell me that.

The elevator doors slid open and an immaculate white corridor stretched in front of me. I arrived at office 734 and paused before raising my hand. I could hear voices through the door but I was too preoccupied to fully understand what was said. I finally knocked.

"Enter," the serious voice of my father answered.

"You wanted to see me, sir," I noticed that a presence lingered in the corner of the room. My mother. What would both have to tell me? "Are we waiting for Alexander and Elizabeth?"

"No, it is only you and us."

"Is it so important that you couldn't wait for us to be at home?"

This time, it was my mom who answered, "I thought you would like to know as soon as possible."

This confused me even more. What should I know now? And why does it only concern me?

Edward gave a side look at his wife while I looked from him to her and back to him, waiting for either of them to tell me.

After a second of awkward silence, my father took a deep breath, "Naomi, you are now 18 and you are of age to be married."

My parents never talked about arranging a marriage for me or my siblings. They wanted good marriages for all of us but we were only part of the lower nobility in America. I thought I could marry whoever my heart desired.

My mother, reading my thoughts, continued, "I haven't talked to my brother in almost twenty years and I thought that he would've married, and he did, and have children of his own which he did not. We don't have a high status in America but here in England, the Darlingtons are practically as high as the Kensingtons."

I looked at her with big round eyes. I knew what she meant. Her children, me, are now political bargaining chips since we don't have any cousins. Was she going to marry me off to some random British guy? To Liam, so our families could unite since we're placed so high?

"This means that we have to keep our status here too. Your father arranged a match for you and is still in negotiations for Alex's match."

All the blood in my body drained away. My father was in negotiations. Like the girl is only an artifact to be sold to the highest bidder. But they are simply marrying us off. For the sake of our name. My thoughts immediately went to Alex, he would never be satisfied with a woman. He told me he had an eye for Liam but Liam kept flirting with me earlier at the training grounds. Surely Liam Kensington would marry the youngest princess, Grace, Christopher's sister.

My father pulled me out of my spiral of thoughts. "You are to marry the prince."

I felt light-headed. The prince. Not any random British guy but the prince. That will make me a princess, a role I was not prepared for but most of all a role that I do not want. I didn't know yet what I would do with my life but being a princess never crossed my mind.

"I have seen you two together since we arrived. You seem to have developed a good relationship with him," my mother told me.

Hot tears of rage sprung up in my eyes and I whispered, "But this is not what I want, this is not what I'll ever want." Unable to control myself, I let the tears roll down my cheeks and I practically screamed before reminding myself of the offices around, "This is so unfair!" I turned to my mother. "You are a Darlington and you chose your husband."

Pain flashed across her eyes as I brought back the memory of her leaving her family for Edward. "I was betrothed, but I chose Edward over my betrothed and over my family. I ran away and it took me years before contacting them again."

I couldn't believe what Mother was saying. She had been betrothed too and didn't want it and escaped her marriage for love. And now she expected Alex and I to marry someone we didn't want?

The room spun around me and I staggered toward the door. My corset tightened over my chest, caging my breath. My back hit the door. "I-I can't." I opened the door and ran. On the elevator ride downstairs, I clawed at the laces at the back of my dress to loosen them. Once back in the hall, I walked as calmly as my enraged mind could. I lost myself in my anger and disappointment until I was back in front of the Darlington Mansion.

Seeing me out of my constant calm and playful appearance, Bessie snapped me from my trance, "Nini? Is everything all right?"

I tried to look strong for her but failed to. "Yes, I'm fine, thank you."

I made my way to my room and shut and locked the door. I slid to the ground and everything in me broke. I didn't hold anything back anymore and it all flowed down. At least I knew my future husband but I liked him as a friend.

I opened my ring and texted Chris asking about some important announcement his mother probably told him about after I left.

Chris: Hum, yeah. I guess you know that we're now supposed to get married.

I winced at the fact that this was very real.

Naomi: I thought that my brother would've been the one to marry a princess since he's older.

Chris: You know what? I think we should talk about it face to face. Name a time and place and I'll meet you there.

Naomi: You told me about this club in the Shard. Let's meet there at 4 pm for tea.

I don't think my night-blue dress would be appropriate for an elite club in broad daylight. I was still shaken by what happened so I called Andrea to help me.

                                                              *          *          *

Before leaving for the Shard, I tried to pass through new hallways to escape my siblings's questions, especially Alexander's. I changed my elegant gown for a dark blue maxi skirt and a white tank top.

The tall tower grew closer. Chris told me to meet him at the 31st level where the restaurants were. I looked at the map of all the levels at the club's entrance. There were some private lounges, conference rooms, hotel levels, restaurants and bars, and open-air balconies at the very top.

I entered a lounge where Chris was waiting at a table with biscuits and empty teacups. He waved me over, "Did you think I would be your betrothed?"

"Honestly, I did not even think I would get betrothed at all," we both drew tight smiles across our faces, trying to pretend this situation was not deeply unsettling.

A silence followed. I took a deep but uneasy breath and decided to break the tension. "Let's not make it any weirder. I think we should stay friends and try to learn to live with each other."

"Agreed, and I want you to know right now that I don't know much of you yet but you seem like a nice person with whom I wouldn't mind spending my life with. But I don't have any feelings for you and I think it'll stay like that."

I still reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze. "I don't have feelings for you either, but I think we would get along." A server entered the lounge with a teapot.

We continued chatting about everything and anything. About our siblings and what we would do as king and queen. We left when dinner time arrived and I had to face my parents once again.

I noticed a message from Alex telling Bessie and me that we were required for tonight's dinner. Great. Other news that is to be discussed with the whole family.

                                                              *          *          *

    I had the bad luck of being the first one in the dining room with my parents. A raging fire threatened to rise up in my throat but I swallowed it back. I held back my tongue from lashing insults and complaints to my parents and tensely sat down.

    We waited a few minutes before Elizabeth showed up and finally, Alexander. We stared at each other, knowing what was to come. Servers brought the plates and we ate in silence.

    My father finally put down his fork, took a sip of wine and looked at me intently, "Naomi and Isabella already know that Naomi is now betrothed."

I held my father's gaze but from the corner of my eyes, I saw that Alexander's jaw almost hit the ground. "Excuse me, what? Betrothed as in to be married? To who?"

It looked as if my father himself was going to pick his son's jaw from the ground. "To Prince Christopher of Buckingham. And you, son, are to be married too. I'm currently in negotiations with Mr. Kensington for the hand of his daughter."

This time, it was my mouth that fell open. "Mr. Kensington's daughter, Sarah Kensington?"

He ignored me, "With this news, I will be asking for more work here for the coming winter so we may stay here. Elizabeth, you will be sent to a new school here and Alexander, you will be able to start your agent training here with the MI6 recruits."

He turned back to his half-eaten meal. I gaped at Alex and Bessie looked from me to her brother and back at me like we've grown second heads. Bessie would spend the whole winter away from us in some English girls-only boarding school. The only relief I had is that Alex's betrothal was not confirmed yet. If I couldn't be happy, I would help my brother to achieve it but there isn't so much I can do to stop my father's will.

Mother cleared her throat, "Queen Katherine will announce your upcoming wedding in a few days and you will make your first public appearance on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. A party will be organized for everyone to meet you and for you to have your first taste of royal life."

Her mentioning my future life as a princess practically made me sick.

"Besides, Queen Katherine, who is an old friend of mine, offered me a position in her household that I declined." Edward snapped his head toward her, shocked that she would skip over such an opportunity. Isabella immediately calmed him down, "I declined and offered her that my position should be given to Elizabeth to complete her training and education."

Bessie blushed, "Oh, I will gladly accept such an invitation. Thank you, Mother."

I got lost in my thoughts and only picked at my food for the rest of the supper. I only paid attention when my name was mentioned which was only to hear Father telling me to have a new dress for the party.

I headed back to my chambers and immediately dismissed Andrea. I changed into a nightgown and after such a heavy day weighing on my shoulders, I couldn't wait to sleep. I laid in bed for hours, turning over and over with my body so tired but my mind would not stop playing my day over and over.

I gave up sleep when the first rays of sunlight pierced through my curtains. I changed into more flexible clothes and headed for the training grounds near the Royal Mews of Buckingham Palace.

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