The Pursuit of Happiness (Pat...

By Pentaholic2011

18.8K 404 8

Kayleigh has lived her whole life trying to make a mind of her own. Even with being raised in a city where ed... More



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By Pentaholic2011


"Riding a bike" Kayleigh screams at the tv as loud as she can with her arms in the air. I look from her to the tv she was yelling at as I furrow my eyebrows.

"There's one letter up there, how could you possibly know what the whole phrase is" I question as I watch the people on this episode of Wheel of Fortune try to figure out the letters let alone the whole thing. There was just an A in the board, how could she have possibly known what it is?

"Isn't it obvious" she asks me as I roll my eyes.

"To you" I scoff.

After they guess about four more letters they get the phrase right and I roll my eyes. Of course she was right.

Suddenly her phone starts to go off on the table in front of us and she leans over to see who it was. She lets out a groan as she falls back on the couch.

"Is it work" I question.

"I wish" she mumbles. "It's the landlord calling to ask if I signed the lease for the next year but I really don't want to be there anymore" she claims.

"Where are you wanting to go" I question.

"That's the crazy part" she laughs. "I don't even know. I just don't want to be there anymore, but this new salary won't kick in for another few weeks so I'm in a little sticky situation" she says.

"Are you looking for a roommate" I wonder.

She raises a eyebrow at me as she stares right through me. "You mean you" I ask.

"That's what I was getting at, but I guess I'm as easy to read as a Wheel of Fortune phrases" I tease.

"Not really, but I know how you think" she admits.

"Are you avoiding my question" I accuse.

"Just long enough so I can figure out what to do" she assures me.

"Would moving in with me really be that bad" I question.

"I'm not worried about whether or not we can live together, I pick up after myself and I keep to myself most of the time. I have no problems sharing a bathroom and bed and everything else.

But I don't do anything without meaning, you know this. So what does it mean if I move in" she questions.

"It means we're in it for the long haul. I wouldn't ask you to move in if I didn't see you as a part of my forever. I wouldn't have invited you to stay without the intentions of you staying.

I know us moving in together isn't something I can just wing like I do with the rest of my life. I want to do this right. It's only been four months we've known each other, but it's been the best four months I've known.

You don't have to answer right now, my door is always open for you" I promise her.

"I kinda do need a answer right now. And now I have yet another option to consider" she giggles.

"I'm going to go out on a limb and say I'm your cutest option" I smirk.

"You are, and that's nothing against my 60 year old sickly landlord" she laughs.

"I don't want to pressure you into moving in with me. You're already taking one big leap into life, moving in with your boyfriend wasn't really a part of the plan. But I would really like if you would stay. Then when I come home from bad games like last night I'll see you and I'll immediately feel better. And who else will put me in my place if you're not here" I smirk.

"You're right, someone needs to do that" she teases.

"So you'll move in" I question with hope in my voice.

She stares at me with those big grey eyes. Those eyes that shine unlike anything I know. Like if the world had two moons and they sat perfectly on her face.

"I think we could make it work" she says as her lips pull tight. I thought my heart was going to beat right out of my chest.

It wouldn't have been the end of the world if she said no. Many people don't move in together until they've been dating for a while and for us we've officially been together for only two months. But to people like her and me, time isn't a problem. It's about what you do with the time you're givin and every second more I can have with her is a gift. Getting to wake up in the morning to roll over and look in her eyes. Knowing that we can come home from having a hard day at work, whatever it may be, and we will still have each other and it'll be enough.

"Looks like you're going to have to talk to your land lord after all" I joke as she playfully hits my chest.

"I will, but I want to finish this episode of Wheel Of Fortune" she insists. The woman loved her game shows, that's for sure.

"You mean you don't already know all the answers" I joke.

"Not yet" she smirks.

Once the game show was over she keeps her promise and calls her landlord back. He was sad she was leaving because she honestly was super clean and did a lot for the building, but no one is meant to be in one place forever. Especially not someone like her who is special in so many different ways. Not even I want to stay here much longer. If things work out and we can live together happily I would love to get a house. Something we can call our own and live in happily ever after. But for now this will do.

She gets off the phone and we decide to go pick up some of her things. She didn't have to be all the way out until next week but she needed some clothes and her health and beauty things to keep her satisfied until then. Once she picks out what's she wants she brings it back and we get her set up. She didn't have all that much even though she lived there pretty much full time. But she had some records she had been collecting and cool things from home her dads keeps sending her.

Once she was settled in she looked around our room and smiled big. She lets out a sigh before turning to me. "Have you ever lived with a girlfriend before" she wonders.

"No. By the time I got a place of my own I didn't want the girls I was with knowing where I lived in case it never worked out" I defend.

"And I'm different" she questions.

"From the first moment we first place spoke I knew you were special. We were able to be friends first and learn from that. Now we can be together and be happy" I smile.

"You do make me really happy" she agrees.

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