Don't let go

By WarriorDragon215

47.1K 919 434

Izuku always wondered where he went wrong in his life. He wondered what he did wrong to deserve everything he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Meeting Them.
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29

Chapter 28

541 12 0
By WarriorDragon215

Eraserhead was pronounced dead on the spot. Izuku stabbed in straight through the heart.

"Eraserhead!!?" The Heroes yelled in surprise. As Izuku took his knife out of the man. Whipping the blood off his knife using the man's dead body.

"FIGHT!!!!" Izuku yelled once more. This time Dabi laughs and charges. Burning down everything in his path.

His aim was towards the hero President Mic. The Hero immediately tries to stop the villain. His voice echoing through the building yet he was scorched.

Toga ran after the hero Midnight. Momo decided to team up with Toga on this. The two attacking the woman. Midnight using her quirk. Yet Momo created has masks blocking the quirk. That's when Midnight took her whip out.

Yet Toga snuck behind the woman. While Momo distracted Midnight. When Midnight realised it was almost to late. Toga's knife was in her throat. Dabi then flew down next to them. A huge grin on his face.

"That's three down. Who's next?" He laughs as he asked them. Before he leaves and scorches some more heroes. These heroes being Best Jeanist, Edgeshot and Snipe. The three being killed immediately from the flames.

"Fuck!! We have people down. Mustard and Spinner is dead!!" Mimic yells across the room.

"The Heroes have a huge advantage against us. There's more of them. Yet we have more power then them. So keep at it everyone!" Toga yells through the crowd.

Overhaul then comes running out. Slicing down some of the Heroes. These people being Nighteye, Bubblegirl and Blood king. While Dabi went for some more kills too. Him killing one more person... While Toga and Momo going for another team kill. The person they are going after is Ryukyu. This women being able to transform into a dragon.

-In the far distance with Dabi. A stare down was going on.-

"Hello.." Endeavor says to Dabi.

"Ready to fight old man?" Dabi says while glaring at him.

"Do I even know you?" Endeavor asks Dabi while he stared Dabi down. This making Dabi even more pissed off.

"You never changed old man. You fucking asshole!!" Dabi yelled before attacking him.

Endeavor contracts with his own flame. As the two engaged in a battle of their own. Only as the fight went on their flames grew higher and hotter. The two of them burning each other as well as themselves.

"Dabi!!" Toga yelled running towards him. As a huge ball of flames surrounded Dabi and Endeavor. Engulfing the two. Toga stands watching as both fell to the ground.

"Dabi!!" She screams desperately as the tears formed in her eyes. Running over to him she falls to the floor. Both men were burned to death.

"NOOOOO!!! YOU SAID WE WOULD BE TOGETHER!! THAT WE WERE GETTING AWAY!!! D-Dabi... I-I loved you." Toga cries as she held him tight. Momo watches as she stood back beside the now dead Ryukyu and Mountlady.


"Wha-" Momo quickly looks up.

Before anyone could have reacted. Toga grabbed a gun and killed herself.


Momo ran over to the girl. Holding her tightly yet it was all to late. Toga was pronounced dead.

This wasn't the end. At least not yet.

There was several battles going on at the moment in fact. Let's look around shall we?

Overhaul and Mimic. They were in a battle against Gran Torino, Gang Orca and No.13. Overhaul was winning as you see. Gang Orca was now dead. Dying immediately as he went in to help. No.13 who knows where he was. His suit was gone so he was gone. Then there was Gran Torino all alone. He died last yet he managed to take Mimic with him.

All Might was fighting All For One. Their battle went on and on. Yet the winner was finally decided. For their was none. They killed eachother. Both was pronounced dead.

Fat gum was in a battle with Musclar and Twice. Fat gum and Muscular was both killed in the battle. Twice somehow managed to survive. No one knows how though.

Then there was the battle between Izuku and Nezu. Nezu and his intelligence managed to kill multiple people. Them being Gental Criminal and La brava. The two dying in each others arms. Nezu also killed the famous hero killer Stain. Nezu then went onto his next mission. Before Izuku put an end to Nezu. Killing him in a instance.

The war wasn't over though. Their was still people left.

Heroes: Kamui, Rock lock, Cementoss and Ectoplasm

Villains: Izuku, Momo, Hawks, Overhaul, Shiguraki, Kurogiri, Twice, Katsuki and Mr.Compress

The rest of them stood up and prepared for battle. Thats when Izuku realised something. Looking around Izuku wondered.

'Where the hell is Hawks and Katsuki? Did something happen to them or did they flee?'

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