Weeaboos In Walmart

By Disasstors

20 1 0

Kei and Ezume's amazing adventure of finding Weeaboos in Walmart. Pilot (With some grammatical corrections)... More

CHapter uno
Chapta tree

Part twa

7 0 0
By Disasstors


I was just calmly walking through the aisle of Walmart with Ezume staring at everything while holding 10 salt packs. I mean who really needs that much salt?

Ezume POV

Salt is such a magical thing, I don't know why Kei was so mad when I grabbed so much, I mean it has so many uses, like food.


Ezume had just grabbed six more packs of salt. I keep telling him I need to eat actual food, but Ezume ends up wasting all of my money on salt. It's a mental disorder.

Ezume POV

Well anyway, we were just walking through Walmart and I was just looking at all these strange people when this huge shirt came out of nowhere and hit Kei in the face.


It was so sweaty. *shivers*

Ezume POV

I looked in the direction to see where it came from to see a HUGE guy with a weird blue pony thing on his jiggling tummy staring at another huge hairy guy. I decided to walk over to see what was going on when I saw a little doll thing in between them. It looked like a girl with yellow hair.


All I wanted to do was cook fried rice. I look away for one second and Ezume has wandered off somewhere. How many times do I have to tell him not to talk to strangers!?

Ezume POV

I walk up in between the two huge guys and picked up the little doll. When I did I felt some sort of menacing presence around me, like I was about to get hunted by a giant squid. I turned around to see those two huge guys towering over me with scary glints in their eyes. I decided to give them a big smile to try to lighten their menacing glares but instead of a smile in return both of them, surprisingly, jump quite high in the air. Next thing I know I can't see anything and there is an enormous weight crushing me into the floor like a pancake.


I turned into the next aisle, only to find Ezume in a pool of blood and salt with this big idiotic smile spread across his face. These two obese men were crushing him. A store manager happens to see the two Oompa Loompas fighting for the weeaboo toy. The poor store worker tried to pull the men off Ezume but failed miserably. It was pitiful to watch. It took two men and a truck to pull them off of the passed out Ezume, who was rushed to the hospital. Before we left I noticed the spot that Ezume was crushed and there was a large dent and cracks all through the floor. 

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