17 And After!

By BharathiGopinath

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People make tiny mistakes in their life but that doesn't mean they are bad. Sometimes good people make bad ch... More

Introvert or Extrovert
Never Be Reckless
The Concert
Do It....
Student President
Campaigning Time
Working for Cause....
Just a girl with goals
Happy Day
Field Day
It's Field day
Be Wild
Girls Day Out
Double Date
Super powers?!
The party
It's a Dare!!
A twist in the tale
Sťîļľ Hávįňğ Přáčțîcę!!
Cheers to the one !!
Hallow's eve!!
Trick or treat??!!
Be kind for no reason!!
All Abőųt Attitude^_^
Hold On!
Jāñe's Dáý!!!!
Find Joy in everything you do!!
The Place!!
A new Friend!
Alright •__•
Special Chapter.

The Interviewee

67 13 39
By BharathiGopinath

"Are you Insane?? Laughing all alone??", said a familiar voice.

Mia was frozen to hear it. She wished it wasn't him. Mia hasn't heard from him after field day.

Everytime she meets this person, he either makes her furious or leave her feel confused about him. Last time they meet, he made her heart flutter.

She turns around to find the jerk, Alec.

He was dressed in casual style with tshirt and nice khaki pants. He looked like he has just walked off the pages of a magazine. It was a breathtaking view. He looked dazzling in all types of clothing.

It was very surprising for Mia to see him in the bookshop and couldn't  believe it as a coincidence. He looked at her smirking.

She glared back, before she could reply, Alec snatched the book from Mia. After seeing the title of the book, he made a guffaw. Mia showed her death glare.

"Look what the cat has dragged in", smirked Mia.

"It is how you greet people??", spat Alec.

"I will praise any man that praise me.!", replied Mia.

"Shakespeare?!! But I don't need you to praise me", laughed Alec.

"Whatever, give me the book!!", Mia tried to snatch it back.

But Alec raised his hand above his head. Mia couldn't jump up to his height. He kept laughing at her effort. Mia was way too short compared to Alec.

"You really get on my nerves", groaned Mia. Alec enjoyed seeing her get angry for no reason.

She kept jumping to get the book but it was out of her reach.

"I can't stand it any longer", hissed Mia angrily. Alec decided to give it back.

"You believe such things?", he questioned.

She took the book from him and moved to the next rack without responding.

"Hey, still angry?", he asked her.

She remained silent and searched through the rack for other books.

He blocked her way and prevented her from moving. Mia was furious at him for triggering her every time.

"What? Go away.", she shouted.

"I'm not going anywhere until you answer my question?", he insisted.

"So, determined ?? What if I don't tell you??", she shot back.

"I will get whatever I want", he replied back.

'So, this is the case...Alec always gets what he wants..he is so determined....he will make things happen just for him...he does what he wishes....maybe it's time for me to make him furious...I can never resist him..but this is my time...I will keep ignoring him and will never let him get anything he wants in my case....' the little devil in Mia's head planned to trigger him.

"Oh, so confident Mr. Jerk. That doesn't happen in my case.", she declared.

"Why do you act like this.? There is nothing wrong in answering my question. It's a mere question!!", Alec seemed serious.

"I'm acting fine. It's you behaving like a jerk at times and acting good later!!", explained Mia.

"Not so, now tell me the answer!! You believe in such things?", he demanded.

"What do you have to do with my answer?? Why do I even matter to you ??", she said. She kept moving which made him feel ignored.

"I don't like people ignoring me!!", he snapped.

"But I love ignoring jerks!!", affirmed Mia. Mia could see Alec's eyes filled with frustration.

Maybe this is how Mia could have felt when Alec ignored her for no reason.

"Hey, maybe you will need me soon!", he challenged her. And he added, "So, when you need me, I will make you pay for this!!".

"What, fuck no!! Why on earth would I need you or your help. Stop dreaming Mr. Jerk. I will never let that happen.", replied Mia.

But she could see Alec's confidence. What if Mia needs Alec's help?

She pays for the books and marches towards the driveway.


"Warm morning my fellow mates, it's a beautiful monday morning and I'm here to start the day with my thoughts.

'Most people around here are so busy trying to get somewhere else...they never stop and appreciate the miracle all around them.

They never appreciate the magic of the journey... So friends, take a pause and appreciate the things around you. Enjoy each and every moment of your life. Because we live only once.

Mia leaves the principal office and rushes towards her history class.
She was perfectly fine and her nose has cured but not completely. The bruised nose has changed slightly and she was feeling ecstatic early on Monday morning.


The bell rings bringing history class to an end.

Adam signed and said, "My head would explode soon. I'm having a terrible headache. God, Help me".

Mia and elena chuckled seeing him complain.

"Effects of bad drinking habit", teased Elena. Last night, Adam has drunk till he lost all his senses.

"Hangovers!! So, talked to Jane after the incident at night club??", Mia questioned packing her books.

"No, I woke up early this morning and found out myself in my room. I knew I messed up my first date. My mom told Jane left after dropping me home.", said Adam.

"She must be annoyed at you. I think it's time for breakup",teased Elena. She added," who would love an alcoholic?".

"El, I'm not in the mood to reply you. And for God's sake I'm not alcoholic. I'm an imbibe who absorbs alcohol too quick", Adam mumbled.

"Hey, boy!! It's not time to elaborate. Go and fix things with Jane.", advised Mia.

"There is nothing to fix. She would be totally pissed at you. She would have dug up a grave and might be waiting for you", emphasized Elena and made Adam feel bad for last night.

Elena kept laughing after each comment of hers.

"Hey, El. I think Adam would die due to continuous chaffing and severe hangover", insisted Mia.

"Mia, you have to help me to fix things with Jane", pleased Adam.

"What, no way!! Handle it yourself", Elean yelled and she said Mia to refuse in helping him.

"Mia, you know her well. Come on!! Help me minion", pleaded Adam.

"Say no, Mia. I'm on Jane's side this time. How could he ruin her first date like this!!", insisted Elena.

"Meet me at the yearbook committee room before lunch", said Mia and left the classroom to attend her next journalism class.


"So, listen up students. You have got some practical work to do. For your next project you will have to do an interview.

You students will do an interview with interesting question and try to get interesting answers. Try to frame the questionnaire with the best questions.

You can shoot the interview and submit it before Friday. You have to  interview our high school students who have excelled in anything.

To make the project more interesting, I chose 30 students. So, you all will choose among those 30!! These will include the most charming ones of our school, the one who are all in the Webb's charmers list", announced Mr.Barnard.

Mr. Barnard wanted to make all his classes more interesting than the previous one.

"Excuse me, Mr. Barnard", someone called him out.

"Yeah, come in. Ms. Jane. Got the list of students?", asked Mr. Barnard to Jane who entered the classroom with a bowl full of paper lot.

"Thank you, Ms.Jane for your help.", he thanked her for helping him get 30 students of this school for the next project.

Jane grins at Mia and leaves the class. Mia smiled back at her.

"Woah, amazing", Mia heard someone say it.

"So, now each of one you will pick up a lot and the name in the lot will be your interviewee. Submit this interview before Friday to score a good grade in journalism", he stressed about good grades.

"I'm damn sure, I'll interview the hottest boy of our school", a girl said out loud.

"Talking about the hottest boys, I wanted Alec fields to be my interviewee", said another girl dreamily.

"Girls, I will be interviewing him about baseball", another girl informed.

"Never, I'm taking his interview about football. He plays football more often than playing baseball. I heard that he was the star player back in his old school", protested Corale.

(To remind you readers, Corale and Mia have journalism class together.)

'What, baseball and football. Are they talking about the  jerk Alec or someone else....I never knew he would be good at games and sports like football and oh god, Alec is a baseball player and so is Adam. So many surprises about him.

How came Corale knew this.. whatever let her interview him...who on earth wanted to interview him.. and why all the girls are doing catfights for him. He is not worth it....'

A lot of questions arouse in Mia's mind.
She wishes to interview Adam. She knew that Adam would definitely be on that list because he is the key baseball player last year.

She sat back framing questions will other argued about interviewing Alec.

"Enough, girls. Now let's start picking up your interviewee.", infromed Mr. Barnard.

Patty was the first girl to pick up a lot. She found the name Matt on her paper lot. Matt was an expert in volleyball. So, patty felt satisfied. Few students got to interview Taniya, Ben, James.

Now it was Mia's turn to choose a lot.
She picked up a paper lot which had red mark on the top and gave it to Mr.Barnad.

She found the paper lot to be different than the other ones. She wondered why this hasn't got other students attention.
He opened it and smiled at her.

She got the paper lot from him and was shocked to see the name. Mia was terribly blown by the unexpected turn of events. She never thought it would happen. The name on the lot was ALEC FIELDS.

Mr. Barnard found it funny to see Mia's shocked expression.

'What the fuck!! Oh god, what do I do.! I never wished for it. Wait...this is what Alec said earlier.. something like I will need him soon...oh my God...is he a fortune teller...how come he knew this was going to happen....can he predict the future....now how am I going to ask him help...he will definitely refuse....after the incident at the bookstore...how will I face him' Mia was totally confused and her heart was beating faster than usual.

"Ms. Mia Hills would interviewing Alec Fields", Mr. Barnard announced it to the class and Mia came to her senses.

Mia slumped back to her seat. She wished it wasn't him but now she has to find a way to ask him help.

All the girls made noises hearing about Alec's interview by Mia. Corale was staring at her with pure hatred. Mia ignored them and kept thinking.

"Hey, it won't be bad. I hope Alec will cooperate", assures Patty.

Patty was sweet and compassionate one. She tried to motivate Mia seeing the worried look on Mia's face. Mia smiled and nodded at Patty.

Thus, the journalism class comes to an end.

Mia was wandering the hallway thoughtlessly. Adam grabbed her backpack from behind.

"Hey, come let's meet jane at the yearbook committee room", dragged her along with him.

"Adam, I have got my own problems to deal with. Leave me alone", protested Mia.

"Hope, mine is a life issue compared to yours. So, let's sort this out and will handle yours together! Help me out and I will help you as well", assured Adam.

Mia agreed to him and walked to the yearbook committee room.

They found Jane sitting on the floor and cutting out few pictures from the magazine.

"Hey, Jane", Mia greeted Jane grabbing her attention. Jane's smile fades away seeing Adam beside her.

"Mia, if you have come here on behalf of Adam, don't try to console me. I'm not in the mood", insisted Jane.

"Jane, I understand your feelings and I'm not here to support him. Yeah, he has completely messed up your first date. But he is not an alcoholic, Jane. He just loses his senses after few gulps. I'm here to help both of my friends.

It's better to give him another chance to rectify what he has done. He feels sorry for ruining your date. By accepting his apology you are apologizing yourself too.

Sooner or later, you will realize that he is the best out of all.

It takes minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them but it takes an entire lifetime to love them inspite of all their mistakes. So, accept his apology and let all that go", said Mia.

Jane looked at Adam and he made a pleading face with those big chocolate brown eyes about to water up.

Jane found him adorable and cute but she made a condition.

"Adam, promise me that you won't repeat this. And no more liquor. Are you alright with this?", asked Jane raising her brow.

Adam said nothing but hugged tight and assured her he won't repeat this.

"Mia, you are way better at consoling too. How come you do it better than Adam", Jane asked Mia.

Jane was right, Adam is the greatest comforter among them four and he consoles everyone with less effort.

"He does it with better grace but I do it more natural", chucked Mia and Jane stares at her for quoting Shakespeare's words again.

"So Mia, now tell me your problem. I'll help you", said Adam.

Mia narrated the whole story of her journalism class and also told them about the incident at bookstore. Adam laughed hard at Mia.

"This is how you pay me back, Adam??", Mia yelled at him.

"No, can't you shut your little mouth, minion. See now you have to plead and beg him to shoot the interview. If you have been friendly to him in the bookstore earlier, you wouldn't have been in trouble", Adam kept laughing at her.

"No, I'm not begging him. I'm not doing this interview", Mia made a decision.

"Why on earth, you picked up the lot with red mark. I put up a red mark on the paper lot to make it look different from other ones, Mia. I thought other girls would pick it up, so you wouldn't get to interview him", said Jane.

"What, it was you??", Mia was astonished.


What happens to the interview🤔?? Will Mia pleades Alec for the interview😫 or will she lose her grades🤧?? Maybe it was Alec's turn to ignore her🤫. Will he take this opportunity to make her pay for her actions😏??
Let's see the what happens in the next chapter. Stay tuned for the updates.

Hope you all enjoy reading my chapters😇. Comment below for ideas🥰 and improvisations🤗. This chapter is dedicated to my beloved ones😘 who keeps pushing me to write☺ and motivates me each and every time.😁😊

'Sometimes the best help a person can find is helping someone else.'
So try to help as many people as you can.

Helping someone can be in any form. Sometimes helping someone is hearing out their troubles and supporting them in times of need.

Sometimes the best way to someone is just be near them.

Maybe we can't stop the downpour but he can walk with them in the rain.

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