Her Secret (Nalu) (Book 1)

By sHiPdAddY

35 2 0

Ever since Lucy's parents were murder she was left alone until a dragon named Ruby came along and took her in... More

Chapter 1: "Who is She?"

35 2 0
By sHiPdAddY

♡~Her Secret~♡

"Do fairies really have tails? Do they even exist...Like them, this place as eternal mystery...A never ending adventure"

Entry ???*

Im so excited for today  finally the day I start a new adventure and my next phase of trying to find her...I'm currently traveling to a town called Magnolia. You're probably wondering why and that's because there is a certain guild I'm looking for there...

My reasoning for this Journey is that I think they will be helpful to me, I've been searching none stop for nine years...NINE YEARS!! Still nothing of Ruby.

Apparently there are some dragon slayers that lye there, I also recall there were rumors of a dragon spotting too... that might just help me find my dragon Ruby.

Lucy POV

I set my qill down and gently closed my Journal putting it in my brown leather satchel. I then set my empty cup down finishing my drink and got up putting a few gold coins down on the wooden table before quickly, existing the ran down tavern.

"That place gave me the creeps" I thought.
I mean the only reason why I ended up in that sketch tavern in the first place was to just take a break since I've been traveling for awhile, I was exhausted and I just needed some chill time

I dug through my satchel and pulled out a vanilla looking map I was following, before making myself vulnerable I made sure I was far away from that tavern, I was now following a dirt trail through the forest.

I looked around making sure I wasn't being followed and then at my map, currently I'm between clover and Hargeon while Magnolia was kinda in the middle of these two, Id say I have about 5 more hours before even stepping on Magnolia ground.

5 hours laterrrr

My stomach grumbled as I made it into the front of Magolia, the sunset was beautiful to say the least, the yellow and oranges hues mixed into pink as it was setting.

I looked back in front remembering I can't get distracted part of my mission on finding ruby was coming, I couldn't get too excited since I still had no idea where Fairy Tail was

The only thing I could do was ask around for some directions
After getting directions I made my way that wake and it took about a 20 minute walk before I saw Fairy Tial in my view..."don't worry ruby I'm coming for you" I thought before walking up to the guild Fairy tail.

Natsu POV

"WOOHOOO!! I FINALLY FOUND A PERFECT JOB REQUESTT~" I internally screamed to myself to excited to even think straight (like he ever does 💀)
Running over to Ezra with the job request in my hand, waving it in Erzas face but all I got out of her was a glare and her arms crossed, I didn't really get the message that she was waiting for me to calm down.

"are you even paying attention Erza!! You see this?! I finally got a job request that's worth my time!! How about it Erza? You,Me,Wendy,Gray and happy~?!?"

I was waiting engarly until my attention got flipped somewhere else...

Cana sat at the bar watching this all go down "Gray your clothing?" Gray looked down so shocked, like this isn't the first time...

"AHH NOT AGAIN! HOW DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN?" he cursed quickly trying to put his clothes on.

I looked at him disgusted and laughed trying to taunt him, Gray always did this and which there was children around it was so gross of him.

"Yeah perv, there are kids here" Gray stomped over to me and we begin our usual fighting.

"what you call me flame for brains?!?!" I smirked pushing my head against his "what's wrong pervy popsicle? You mad that I called you a perv?" Erza soon pushed us away and give us that nasty glare she always does "Natsu, Gray shut up before I-" she was cut off by the guild doors opening.

Lucy POV

I took a deep breathe calming my nerves before trying to opening the door gently instead I failed miserably, the door flew open—everyone cocked their heads my way.

Ahaha there goes a good first impression" I thought

Natsu POV

We all cocked our heads towards the door as we saw it swing open, there was this very powerful energy I felt....and it was from some blonde girl...?

I quickly glanced over at Erzä and Gray seeing if they picked up on the powerful energy that surged through the guild now, just by their faces I could tell they felt it the same as I did

Ezra was on guard not to sure what to do, She didn't really know if she was a enemy or a friend, well we are about to find out!

Besides the point, Who the heck is she anyway?! I've never seen her before.

The mysterious blonde scanned across the guild hall quickly before landing her eye on the four of us, she slowly walked forward, still not saying a word. The silence was super duper awkward and I wanted to say something dumb to break the silence but I couldn't, No one really intimated me before I usually get fire up but for some reason this girl was different.

Unlike me Erza being Erza spoke up "State your reason for entering the guild hall so disrespectfully, and give me a reason why I shouldn't use my sword on you"

The blonde laughed loudly and continued to walk forward "what a warm welcome! My name is Lucy and you?" She stood inches away from Erza smiling. Meanwhile Erza wasn't having any of it and there she goes again with her signature glare...GUAHHH...scary...still gives me chills.


Lucy POV

I panicked mentally as the fierce red head spoke, Her words didn't help much making me panic even more but I have to look tough! So I laughed loudly, I hope they can't tell that I'm nervous....

Well that didn't work out she glared!! Uhhh...please say something, me being me I decided to speak up.
This time I couldn't make contact with the red head because of her glare so instead I looked over to my left to see a pink hair dude staring at me with his mouth slightly open. He looks like such an idiot, I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I guess your a little shy! It's still nice to meet you but I come here to join the guild" then I looked over to the red heads right to see some half naked dude, gross what a pervert.

The red head finally gave in and stopped her creepy glare, She stepped forward barely giving me any personal space....uhhhh what is she doing? I asked myself mentally.

"It's Erza, Follow me" She turned around and started walking, I stood there dumbly and a little confused "huh-? Where are we going?" I began to follow her quickly "well, you want to join guild? You need a guild mark to officially be in fairy tail...and do you posses any magic?"

I followed her down a short hallway, our footsteps still echoed through the short hall, the floor creaked as I took each step forward "well you see, I posses two types of Magic" I looked down at the ground, Erza raises a brow and suddenly stops walking, quickly turning around looking at me with a brow cocked "You have two types of magic?" I looked up and stumbled almost running into that scary women. "Yes, I have celestial keys."

I grabbed my celestial keys from my bag since and showed them to Erza, I received this keys after my mother died, she passed them down to me. Erza stared at me giving me a signal to carry on "and I'm also a dragon slayer...." Erza tried not to look too shocked trying to keep her composure but her eyes widened in shock. She mumbled "just like natsu..." my ears perked up while she spoke again "Well, I can say I was not expecting th-" I cut her off eagerly "there is another dragon slayer here?!?"

She signed and continued walking to the end of the hall "Yeah, we have a couple in our guild but you don't see a lot of Dragon Slayers anymore." Erza stopped again as she stood in front of a beat up wooden door. "Damn that door looks like it's been traumatized even more than I have" I said to myself mentally.

"Could you tell me who this Natsu is?" I asked looking at her losing my patience's because ever since I walked into this guild I thought it would be a waste to time but instead I was wrong "I'll introduce you to everyone after you talk to Makarov and get your guild mark"

"Wait so- who is this Makarov person-?" I asked confusedly "He is the guild master, now shush we are about to enter his office" She grabbed onto the dainty door knob before opening the door, I gulped because she made this dude sound terrifying.

She stepped into the office announcing herself and reasoning for her presence, I slowly followed her looking around, nothing was special about the room it seemed like a normal office. I took the presence of the room in until I was confused because I saw no Makarov, I looked at Erza confused.

"Is there a problem?" she asked me "uh well, I don't think he is here right n-" I was rudely cut off by a old man's voice "what are you talking about child, I'm right here!" I looked down and jumped feeling like my soul just left my body.

"OH MY GOD THE GUILD MASTER IS A MIDGET " I gasped surprisingly covering my hands over my mouth before I started laughing in relief but apparently my behavior wasn't appropriate because Erza gave that glare again that immediately made me shut up.

"Uh- I mean it's n-nice to meet you! I'm Lucy..." I straightened up my posture being as a stiff as a board. The Danny devito lookin dude known as the guild master went to his desk and sat in his chair "it's nice to meet you child, you said you wanted to join this guild?" I nodded quickly "yeah I do- I came here to find out more about my dragon" he smiled "oh I see! Your a dragon slayer!" I nodded "so what type of test do I take to make it into the guild-?"

"You don't have to take any test child, your already in the guild" I smiled at the midget, I didn't refuse in anyway because I thought I had to do a big test fighting some big boss and not to mention this dude seems naïve enough to just let anyone in his guild without being wary of them but who cares I'm in the guild now!

"oh woah- that's easier than I thought it would be!" I looked at Erza and smiled at her too "so how do I get my guild ma-" for the second time now I was rudely interrupted by the door opening, even though the person opened the door carefully it still squeaked like a mouse.

"Your just in time Mira! You see Mira here will give you your guild mark,it doesn't matter where either child" I nodded happily and pulled my attention towards Mira, I mentally gasped at her beauty, she had beautiful wavy long white hair, sparkling dark blue eyes that almost blinded me by just staring at them.

"Hello there, I'm mirajane Strauss but you can call me Mira! It's nice to meet you" she smiled at me my heart almost melted because I've never seen someone as sweet as her "it's nice to meet you too mira! I'm Lucy." She closed the door and stepped forward "What a pretty name, besides that where would you like your guild mark?" Pfft pretty name you say? I mean your name Is prettier- everything about you is pretty- ugh.

"Oh uh my right hand is fine" she nodded and pulled out some stamp thing that looked like it was going to hurt like a buttcheek on a stick I still stuck out my right hand and she lightly pressed the stamp on the top of my right hand, I closed my eyes tightly waiting for some type of pain but instead I felt a little tingling sensation.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail, Lucy" Mira smiled once more before putting up the stamp and looking at that midg- I mean Markarov and walked over to him discussing something.

Erza turned to me "Let's go" She said before walking out of the room disappearing into the hallway.

I waved at Mira and the guild master before running out closing the door behind me, following Erza I made it back to the guild hall, The pink dude was babbling stuff to Erza shoving a paper in her face. She glared daggers at the pinky before pushing him into the pervy dude.

I walked over to the little group standing next to perv dude "Silence Natsu" I was taken back that idiot with his mouth open early was Natsu.

He finally shut up "We will start with these four" Erza looked at Natsu,Perv dude, The alcoholic and some blue flying cat.

"Why should I tell this Blondie my name anyway?!" Natsu protested crossing his arms like a child "my name is Lucy, not Blondie" he rolled his eyes "well I was close enough, sorry about that luigi" before I could yell at this stupid pink dude The flying blue cat next to him snickered "AYE SIR!!"  Again my soul almost left my body, this guild is getting weirder and weirder- I didn't know blue cats even existed especially a talking blue cat at that..

"Oh and this is Happy" Natsu said handing Happy a fish, Happy nonmed on it.

After getting introduced to basically the whole guild
I finally found out the names of the stripper and alcoholic, the stripper was Gray Fullbuster and the alcoholic was Cana! Oh, Apparently there were more
Guild members but they are currently out.

Natsu whined "that toooooook foReVErR- can we hurry up and go on this job request now!" God he acts like such a child! "Natsu stop your whining, we will go when I say so" Erza stated

"also where is Wendy?" She looked back at the four of us, Gray looked clueless and so did Natsu that until that jackass of a cat spoke up "Wendy and Carla went to the market, AYE!" Natsu rolled his eyes and grumbled while the ice king snickered at Natsu taunting him in the act.

"Well I guess we will wait th-"Erza says getting cut off by the hot n cold duo "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKIN AT PERVY POPSICLE?!"'Natsu screamed, Gray smirked. " The stupidity THATS radiating off of you as we speak" Natsu then smashed his head against grays, I laughed nervously "can you two cut it ou-" they both stopped, I was not expecting that- wait they are looking behind me, I turned around seeing Erza arms crossed her hair floating.

The duo looked like they just pissed themselves, at this point they were hugging each other for dear life as Erza walked over and pat them on their backs "you two are getting along, RIGHT?" She smiled.

They nodded and started doing some weird movements wrapping one of their arms around each others shoulder while their other hand were fisted up in the air.

I signed and brought my attention back to Erza "what I was going to say was is that we are going on a job and you're welcome to come if you want—" I zoned out quickly thinking about it but I lost my thoughts just as fast.

"IM NOT GOING TO BE ON THIS BIMBO- NO WAY!"soon enough the pinkette was cut off by the monster herself, Erza.

At the end of all of this Erza put Natsu in his place and resulted in me joining them on their mission.

I sat at the bar in deep thought tapping on the wooden countertop, Mira hummed as she dried the mugs, we had a while til we started our mission, apparently we had to wait on Wendy and Carla? I have no idea who they are.

Meanwhile Natsu looked like he was about to lose his mind waiting for them to come back. I ignored him though instead I decided to use this time to think if staying here for awhile was the right idea, I mean yeah there a couple of dragon slayers here but would they even know anything about Ruby?

What I'm still trying to figure out if it was only tiny that disappeared or the other dragons did too...I really needed to talk to Natsu but right now I can't deal with his stupidity.

"Is everything okay Lucy?" Mira put the mug on the rack setting the rag down giving on the countertop giving me concerned eyes "huh- oh yeah I'm okay—just thinking" 

the guild suddenly opened, that made me perk up thinking it might be Wendy and Carla instead a short girl with short blue hair appeared. "She looks like a pixie" I thought to myself admiring her hair, Next to her stood a tall bulky guy with long unkept black hair. His face seemed to be decorated with piercings.

She smiled and greeted everyone until these two guys I think their names were Jet and Droy ran over to her anime crying Jet yelled "LEVYYYYY WE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" then Droy yelled "NO FAIR THAT HE GOT TO GO ON A JOB WITH YOUU!"

The blue haired girl sweat dropped and patted their backs apologizing while the black haired scoffed and walked off.

I turned to Mira "sooo who are they?" Mira smiled at me "oh the short one is Levy Garden and the big scary lookin one is Gajeel, oh! But don't worry he's all bark no bite...you should see him with Levy she's got him wrapped around her finger!" Mira giggles.

I hopped off the bar stool  "well I might as well introduce myself to them!" Mira smiled as I continue my way over to them.


Levy POV

I was glad that I finally finished that job, it was pretty tiring and I wanted to back to the guild quickly as possible, Currently Jet and Droy were all over me crying and complaining how they missed me, We usually go on jobs together so it's not a surprise because I sure know I missed them.

I pat both of them on the backs and looked over at the bar to see a unfamiliar blonde getting up from her seat, I wonder who she is I thought before I knew it she was walking towards me. I looked around panicking wondering if I did something wrong.

Natsu randomly came over "Welcome back!" I looked at Natsu and sweat dropped "thanks...um so who is that?" Natsu looked so see who I was talking about making his once cheery face to a sour one "oh that's Lugi she's apart of the guild now"

I sweat dropped at the name "Her name is lugi—?"before I could finish my sentence she was now in front of me flashing me a friendly smile "hey! I'm new to the guild and welcome back. I'm Lucy Heartfilia, what about you?!"

I smiled at her "it's Levy mcgarden nice to meet you!"


After we introduce ourselves we got to know each other better and found out we had a lot of things in common.

We were now sitting at one of the wooden tables in the guild hall chatting about some stories and some interesting facts I've read over the years.

Even though I just met her I was glad I finally could talk to someone about all the interesting things I've read and they actually listen without getting annoyed.

Lucy POV

I was listening to Levy while eating a sandwich, I was starving! It was nice to actually have a relaxing conversation without someone yelling all the time, I've only just got here but that pinkie is really getting on my nerves.

After awhile Levy left me at the table so she could go to the library that's in the guild hall to continue her research.

I looked at the clock and signed, waiting for Wendy and Carla was really annoying. I mean how long does it take to even go grocery shopping? Ugh.

I yawned and realizing I haven't slept in a while
"A little nap won't hurt, right?" I thought to myself before laying my head down onto the table drifting to sleep.

"WAKE UP LUIGI!!!" Natsu yelled as he shook me awake, I let out a groan realizing who it was I shot pinkie a glare before punching him in his stomach.

"First of all its not Luigi and secondly keep your sticky hands off of me, god do you ever shut up!" I yelled at him while he fell to the ground holding his stomach.

Gray walked over to us sniggering "see you hot head, I told you not to wake her up like that" Natsu tried opening his mouth but was cut off by the pain that still sat in his stomach.

"seems like you got him good new girl, anyway Wendy and Carla are here so we should be heading out soon"  I calmed down and signed "finally" I thought, getting up I thanked Gray as we walked over to Erza.

"I see your awake" Erza looked at me as I nodded "well this Wendy" looking over I saw a young girl with long purple hair that was in two pigtails. She had big chocolate brown eyes and you could by just looking at her how nice she was.

"It's nice to have another girl on the team! I'm Wendy Marvel you can just call me Wendy! Oh and this is my exceed Carla" She gave me a bright smile

"The names Lucy, glad to be on your team" I smiled and I looked over at Carla "another cat" I though sweat dropping.

Suddenly Natsu came charging at us yelling and complaining "HURRY UP IVE BEEN WAITING FOR HOURS! LETS GET GO!!" All of us expect Erza ignored his voice and made it out the guild doors.

Looking back I saw Erza hit him over the head scolding him, he didn't fight back and finally joined the rest us.

"Ready?" Erza asked and we all nodded and continued walking.

Beginning our next Adventure.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed ❤️

Just a few reminders that I came up with this story when I was in middle school, it has some plot holes but I'm altering some stuff so hopefully it's not as awful.

Updates will probably be slow since I'm not really into fairy tail as much as I was when I was younger, thanks for understanding
I have other anime fanfics if you want you can check them out.

Anyway I'll see you whenever :3

(Not edited)
Word count:3,893

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