See you in our next life (Whi...

By kirawolf3

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Do you believe there are such things as the Devil and the Angel? That the Angel would protect you if you are... More

Chapter 1: Welcome to Hell
Chapter 2:Welcome to my life
Chapter 3:Nice knocking into you.
Chapter 4:Eyes on the prizes
Chapter 5:You again!?
Chapter 6:What to do?
Chapter 7:Trouble
Chapter 8:A Promise
Chapter 9:Nothing more, Nothing less.
Chapter 10: Forgiveness
Chapter 11:Without you.
Chapter 12: Unexpected
Chapter 13: When Hell breaks loose.
Chapter 14: What's going on
Chapter 15: Attack!
Chapter 17:Happy birthday Day part 2,
Chapter 18: Answers
Chapter 19:Who am I?
Chapter 20: Good ending
Epilogue: Hello love.

Chapter 16: Happy Birthday Day part 1

358 20 14
By kirawolf3

*Ruby pov*

Weiss: "I'm sorry I can not today. "

My eyes widen with shock.  I could not believe Weiss say no. I mean she could if she wants but she always agrees with me.

Weiss: " not be mad Roisin."

'Do I looked mad?'

"No worries. I am not mad. But what is your reason?"

Weiss: "I know I am supposed to agree with everything you say because of the promise but I have a reason to say no."

"Of course you have. Or you would not have said no."

Weiss:" Today is my father's birthday so I have to perform for him and his guest."

Weiss plays the ends of her hair looking around nervously. 'Jacques' birthday?' Suddenly I remember Weiss mentioning it a week before. Apparently, I was on the guestlist for his birthday. I think I brushed it off as I was not interested and was trying to keep my distance. I regretted my decision now. 'I could have heard Weiss's singing... Or maybe I still could...'

My thoughts were only broken when Weiss's phone rang. When she picked it up I could hear Jacques screaming at the other end of the call before another man was talking. She looked up at me as she covered the speaker part of her phone.

Weiss: "And now I am very late! I was supposed to be there 30mins ago. I have to go now- Roisin! "

I took her phone away in the middle of her talk. I placed my hand on her face to stop her from grabbing her phone back.  I looked at Weiss as she whines to give her back the phone. ' so cute' I could not help to think that way as I spoke to the person on the other side of the line.

"We will be there in an hour. Ask Jacque to hold his horses or today might be his death day instead of his birthday. His dear daughter will be there do not worry. Even I Roisin Primrose will be there. He should be honored. "

I end the call without hearing the other party and gave it back to Weiss. Weiss took it with a look of surprise in her face as I smiled at her. 

"I am going to have that dinner with you. So I am coming to that party of yours. It had food so it could count as dinner, am I right? David, get the car. Ayana, bring Dva back and meet us at Schnee place. Neo dresses her up for me will you?"

Coco, Neo, Scarlet, and Sage: "Yes madam. "

Weiss continues to have a surprised looked on her face as I pat her head.

Weiss: "Why are you doing this?

"Is it not obvious? Since I am coming with you. You must look the best as you will be standing next to me. After all, We Primrose want nothing... "

Weiss: "But the best. That is how Primrose works.  "

"Correct. I could not say it better myself.  "

Neo dragged Weiss aside to talk about the dress. This may take a while but it was alright. This gave me time to prepare.  Coco went beside and once she was close enough she spoke.

Coco: "You are planning on an attack ain't you?"

"... I have to finish the mission... I can not keep staying here. What we have been doing is not working. It is not effective. "

Coco: "Well other than that. You do really care for miss Schnee, do you? It is true the longer we stayed here the longer this will go on. The situation might worsen. This might bring Miss Schnee harm, am I right? That is the real reason why you do this. Do not decline it Roisin. After all, We all have been there. "

I looked at her than the other demons as we were waiting for the car while Weiss's friends had went head ahead as their parents were waiting for them. After all, not all guests can be late unless they were as bold as me.

'Wait...' Something Coco just now said shocked me. 'We all been there?' What did she mean by that?

".... You are been there? I do not get it. "

Coco: "Surprised are you? You are not the first demon who desires love. We all have fallen in love, not with another demon but with a human or worse an angel. Remember the white rose curse? But that is a story for another day. Just remember. What you are going to do is right. It is something you should have done in the first place. This time do it right Roisin. Do not fuck up Roisin. "

I looked away from Coco and nodded. Weiss came in my point of view. I watched as Neo and Weiss talk, maybe about dresses.

What she said was true. If I have done my mission, I would not end up like this. I do not have to make such hard decisions that might hurt me till my soul. We would not end up like this, end up so attached to one another that if one of us leaves... It will hurt the other person more.

"You are right Chanel. I will set things right. I will discuss the plan later. "

Maybe in the next life? I will stay by your side weiss. Maybe we can spend more time with each other. I thought of that as I looked at her.

*Time skip*

*Weiss pov*

It was really really late when we went to reach my home. I was one hour and a half later. Though Roisin asks me not to be worried I could not help to feel that My father was going to kill me.

I did not feel any happier when we entered through the door and hundreds of pairs of eyes were looking at us. I looked at Roisin who smiled proudly and bravery while I was here shaking nervously. Suddenly I felt a hand grabbing mine. I was afraid for a split second but calm down when I realized it was Roisin putting my hand on her bent arm.

Roisin: "Neo really outdoes herself. You looked very very beautiful and stunning. You see those eyes looking at you? They are admiring you. You are the birthday boy's daughter. You are supposed to outshine them. So do not worry, anyone stares at you with sinister looks will have a gunpoint on his head. "

Just when she said that one of the guests shouted with a shock when Chanel, David, Ayana aim their guns at random guests in the party just to prove her point.

"... Thank you for saying I'm beautiful. You look very good in a suit to Roisin! I bet you will look even more beautiful in a dress. "

She did not just look good in a suit, she was rocking in it. With her hair comb back and coat off, she looked like a boss ready to take the world. Though she looked really good in a suit I really wonder if what she would look like in a dress.

Roisin: "Hahaha I prefer suits. Very comfortable. Chanel, David, and Ayana. Go have some fun, will you? "

They nodded and went in their separate ways. Then suddenly I felt chill on my spine. 'This chill...' I quickly spin away and saw my father and my mother walking towards me. Though his face was happy, his eyes tell a different story. His cold eyes fixed on me as he walked towards me. He was going to kill me I just knew it. I had pushed my luck a little too much now and now I was out of luck.

Roisin: "Mr. and Mrs. Schnee. It has been a while."

Roisin stood in front of me using half her body to block me from my father's glare. I held Roisin's arm, feeling safer with her around me.

Jacques Schnee:" It has been too long Miss Primrose. How is your brother?"

Roisin: "He is traveling now. Having the time of his life! Ah before I forget. Happy birthday Jacques. One year closer to meet the devil himself. Not that I am cursing you to die. I am just reminding you to redeem yourself so that you would not have a chance to burn in hell. "

Jacques Schnee: "How... Charming..."

Willow Schnee:" Hahaha I did not know Miss Primrose can tell jokes. It is very funny. "

Roisin: "Well maybe I was not joking..."

I looked at her with a surprised look while my parents looked at her weirdly when she said that part. Roisin waves her hand as if she was brushing off something.

Roisin: "It means long live from where I come. Well, I love to chat some more but Weiss should be going now right? She is very late for her performance after all. See you later. Oh as for your birthday gift. I will accept one proposal from your company. Any proposal that is legal. "

Then I was pulled away by Roisin.  I looked at my father then at Roisin, thinking how do I manage to understand what she was saying? Maybe I heard it wrongly.

Roisin: "I will protect you as long as I can Weiss. After tonight? You will not have to live in fear. You will have power. With power, you will be calling the shots. Most importantly. You would not need me anymore. I will explain more later. Now go and sing for me. I will be watching it. "

Roisin kissed my forehead before hugging me tightly. Before I could say anything one of the staff called me. I was dragged to the back of the stage by one of the staff when Roisin let go of me. I was so focused on Roisin's words that I was at the backstage ready to perform without my knowledge.

The curtain draws back and hundreds of pairs of eyes stared at me including my parents and most importantly Roisin. She raised her glass and smiled. Normally, I hate performing but for Roisin? I will give Roisin the most wonderful performance she had never seen before. After all, she never hears me sing. Then after the performance, I will ask her what she meant.

I could not help to think that a lot of things might happen tonight.

*Ruby pov*

'I wonder why I never ask Weiss to sing for me. ' I thought of that as I heard her singing. Her voice was so beautiful. It was as if she was singing for my soul to hear, almost calming my raging soul. happy I felt... Weiss did not look happy singing and playing the piano. Able to be this good must be because she had a passion for music but her eyes speak the difference.

I clenched my hand into a fist. This must be Jacques' doing again. But do not worry Weiss after tonight? You will be free and I will make sure of it...

Suddenly my phone rang. I picked it up and heard Neo on the other side of the line.

Neo: "Everything is in order. "

Our plan was to kill Jacques in a fake hate attack. It should be normal and no one would suspect it as I bet there were one or two brave souls have done it. Neo will use her physical illusion of human. It will walk up to the target and explode in front of Jacque with its bomb on his chest. Basically, it was a suicide bomber.

Though the illusion was fake. I would never use a real human to do it unless they want to and I bet a lot would want to do it if I said I was killing Jacque.

Though the illusion was fake, the bomb was very very real. So tonight I will see human fireworks. And yes. Coco, Scarlett, and Sage's roles were damage control. I do not want unnecessary death especially Weiss's.

Neo: "But we have a problem. The target is missing. "

"What you mean he is missing? It is his fucking birthday party. "

Unknown male voice: "Miss Primrose?"

I was interrupted by a male voice. I ordered Neo to look for the target before ending the call. I could not believe a guy would disappear our watchful eyes. Was he some kind of ninja!?

I then turned to the direction of the voice. A tall man with black hair and Hazel green mixture eyes. Suddenly I had flashes of my past, about the man who kills me and rapes my dead body but for some reason... I could not seem to recall his face. I placed my hand on my head as it started to hurt suddenly. Then more I tried to remember, the pain in my head becomes greater. 

Unknown man: "Miss Primrose?"

When he called me the pain went away. I shook my head before I looking at him up and down. ' He must be one of Jacques' dog'

Ozpin: "My name is Ozpin I am the butler who serves the Schnee family. Mr. Schnee request to have a private talk with you in his office."

And I was not wrong. He must be the new butler that takes over the previous one. I wonder how long this one will stay. From what I heard from Weiss, Jacque had been firing a lot of butlers even since... Klein right? Left, a bold move I must say. Now back to the topic in hand.

"Weiss is performing now. Maybe later. "

Ozpin: "In fact. Mr. Schnee called you here for that reason. He wanted to discuss his daughter's future. He says it is very important. "

I stared into his eyes then at Weiss. I stood up and followed him. It was too bad I could not see her performance till the end but it was worth it. I was surprised he wanted to talk about weiss. I wonder what he will talk about.

Suddenly, I realized he was not at the party because he was in his office but why? Him being in the office might make things difficult. How do I make this an accident? I must bait him out somehow.

I sent a text to everyone that there was a change of plan before telling them what to do next. The plan must work. It had to work tonight.

On the way to Jacques' office, the surrounding was so dark. For someone so rich, somehow could not afford to switch on some lights. Once We reached there, Ozpin opened the door for me to enter. When I looked at him, I felt like I know him but when I tried to recall, my mind hurts again.

Ozpin: "Mr. Schnee. Miss Primrose is here. "

Jacques:" Bring her in, Opzin. "

I wondered what he wanted from me?
An:Hello. Kira wolf is alive. Yes. I had finally finished the fanfic. So enjoy about 6 chapters of white rose.

This chapter may seem a bit boring and odd. If any question please comment it down. I will try my best to answer them all as soon as possible.

If you readers have notice. I have added a new character. But I guess you readers knew this character. I add this character as I have no other characters left that people actual ship ruby with. (Male characters) sooo please do not hate on me for using this character in a not very nice way.

Till next chapter, Kira wolf out! Stay awesome!~*wink* don't forget to vote, comment and share!

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