Nothing Else Matters - Perrie...

By anonymouslmfan

93.9K 2.7K 373

A fanfiction between Perrie Edwards and a male fan. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five

Chapter Six

1.4K 36 1
By anonymouslmfan

Getting through Sunday and all of Monday in lectures waiting for a message from Perrie was near impossible. I think I checked my phone more over those two days than I ever did in my whole life before. By the time I got home on Monday night, having spent a few hours in the library studying, all I'd had was a text from my dad asking me to pick up some milk and text from Lauren asking if I wanted to go see a film on Wednesday.

The next time I checked my phone was unintentional. I had a quick shower and walked into my room, picking it up to set an alarm for the next day. I almost dropped the towel from around my waist in excitement when finally I saw a message from Perrie waiting.

Perrieedwards: Hey you. How have you been? Hope I didn't wake you. It's quite late isn't it? I've been finishing the album with the girls. Anyway, next Friday, 5:30PM, Westfield White City; can you make it?? Xxxxx

I waited as long as I could before replying to Perrie. I didn't want her to think I had nothing better to do. Or that I had spent all day just waiting for her message... Even though I had.

I towel dried my short hair, got changed, went downstairs and made lunch for the next day, packed my bag and even tidied my room a bit before falling into bed with my phone.

Jacubbear900: Hi! Don't worry, I'm still awake! 😊 OMG, have you finished the album??? You did that on purpose! I think I can make it! Xx

Perrie replied almost immediately. Was she sat around waiting for me to reply to her too? No, of course not. She had much better things to do...

Perrieedwards: Yay! Okay 😋, so they're only wanting to let 500 people in the queue so it's like first come first serve type of thing. So what time do you finish uni on Fridays? Really want to meet you 😉. Also yes, the album is DONE!! 💃🏻 Xxx

She 'really wants to meet' me.

Screw university.

I decided there and then, I would finish university on the Thursday, go home for some things and go straight there and camp out. I wanted to meet her and the other three girls more than anything else in the world and if Perrie wanted to meet me too, nothing was stopping me.

Jacubbear900: Don't worry about uni, I'll figure it out! 😋 OMG, no way! When do we all get to hear it then? X

Perrieedwards: DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT be skipping out of uni over me! Hmm, you'll hear something soon enough. Wait and see! P.s I hope your tattoo doesn't get 😂😂 Xxx

Jacubbear900: Like I said, don't worry about uni. You're such a teaser! C'mon, when's the first single? Awh, you wanna meet my tattoo more than me! 😂 Xx

Perrieedwards: No, I will NOT not worry about uni! What would your mother say if she knew I was ruining your education? 😋Nope, I've told you far too much already boy! 😋 Awh, nah I just love tattoos for someone who doesn't have one! 😂 I do really really wanna meet you babe 😘 xx

For a second, I just looked at the message. It was like my thumbs wouldn't work. Why was it everyone, all people, assumed everyone has a mother? Everybody always assumed it would be the father who had ran out on his family as the going got tough. It was something that had always angered me.

I chose to ignore that part of the message; no matter what I thought, it wasn't Perrie's problem. She wasn't to know.

Jacubbear900: Well I really wanna meet you too... Obviously. I'll definitely be there 🤗 xx

I waited about twenty minutes for the next message to come through and when it did, I couldn't stop laughing.

Perrieedwards: Random thought but have you ever just sat and tried to pull the emoji faces? I've just been trying to pull one in the mirror for some time, and was unsuccessful! 😋 P.s shouldn't you be in bed now? Xx

Jacubbear900: Omg, laughing so hard. 😂 You were actually pulling faces in the mirror?! P.s, I am in bed xx

Perrieedwards: 😂 I just wondered if I could do the cuddle face you sent me up there... 🤗!! I don't think it worked! ☹️😂 And what I meant was, shouldn't you be asleep?? Cheeky xxx

Jacubbear900: Right, I got it. When we meet, I show you my tattoo if you show me your cuddle face 🤗, deal? 😋 Xx

Perrieedwards: That's unfair. You already promised to show me your tattoo! 😋 Anyway, don't dodge the question, you should be sleeping. Night night DJ Cubby. P.s, that's something else you'll have to show me: Some of your music! Xxxxx

Jacubbear900: Alright, you win. I have to be up in 6 hours. 😋 Woah! I don't know about that. Was scary enough playing for strangers? Night Perrie, sweet dreams xx

Perrieedwards: Sweet dreams babe xxxx

Once again, I read the messages through several times until my eyes were starting to close. Setting my phone down and rolling over, I sleepily laughed to myself, still picturing Perrie stood in the mirror pulling faces, trying to look like a little yellow emoji.


I stood at the bottom of the stairs. It was Thursday night. As far as my dad knew, I was staying at Lauren's and coming home sometime late the next night. Yet here I was, stood with a sleeping bag under my arm. Apart from that, I just had the backpack I usually took to university, with the essentials and of course, my phone packed inside.

"I'm gonna make a coffee." My dad's voice drifted out of the living room and I panicked, looking around me for somewhere to throw the sleeping bag.

"No! I'll do it dad, sit down and watch that."

"Oh, thanks son."

Maddie ran out of the room, grabbed the sleeping bag off me, sprinted to the front door and hurled it to Lauren, stood leaning against her car waiting for me. Lauren just about caught it, and gave Maddie the middle finger, to which she giggled quietly.

"Get gone then!" She whispered to me. "Good luck, I hope you see them!"

"So do I."

"And be careful."

"I'll be fine." I laughed, still surprised at the change in Maddie's attitude lately. "Dad, I'm off!" I called. "I'll see you tomorrow night!"

"Bye kiddo! Have fun."


Lauren drove me to Westfield, chatting excitedly all the way, getting me even more excited than I already was. I probably wouldn't be able to sleep at this rate, so the sleeping bag might be a bit useless yet.

"Right," Lauren said as we pulled up. "Are you sure you're gonna be alright?"

"Course I am."

"I don't mind waiting with you, just till the morning."

"Don't be daft; honestly I'll be fine Lauren."

"You better text me in the morning."

"I will. I promise."

"Good. If I don't hear from you, I'll be telling your dad."

"Thanks for the lift Lauren." I chuckled, climbing out of the car and slamming the door. Lauren gave me a toot and I waved as she sped off.


I turned around at the sound of my name and my face fell. Lacey was stood there.

"Hi." She smiled nervously.

"Wha- What do you want?"

"Did you get my messages?"

"Erm, yeah, I would've thought me ignoring them was a big enough clue."

"Jakob, come on..."

"Get lost! How did you even know I was here?!"

"I heard Little Mix was doing a signing here tomorrow... I guessed." She smiled, and then looked serious. "I would've waited out here all night and all day tomorrow to talk to you."

"Well I don't want to talk to you."

"I want to apologise!"

"You apologised nearly three years ago, it meant nothing then and it means nothing now. Can't you just let it go and... Move on?!"

Lacey shook her head. "Not while you still hate me."

"I don't hate you."

"You don't?"

"No, I don't feel anything for you."

"You did once." She said hopefully. "I know you did."

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't think of a retort for that. Because she was right.

"That was then." I said shakily. "Leave me alone, Lacey. I mean it."

I started walking away as quickly as I could.

"I miss you!"

I didn't turn around, or look back, I just walked faster.


Later that night, I found myself in a line of other fans of Little Mix who had come to camp overnight, desperate to meet them. A few of us had got talking and took about eight trips to a nearby McDonald's so far, and I'd had far too much coffee to sleep. Everybody else seemed to be nodding off no problem, so I turned on my phone and snuggled down in my sleeping bag. I was keeping it off as much as possible to save the battery.

There was a new Instagram posts from Little Mix's main account saying the girls knew about the campers and was telling us all to stay safe and look after each other. Smiling to myself, I left a comment.

Don't worry. I'm sure it'll be worth it! X

I replied to Lauren's text from an hour or so ago letting her know I was okay and I was just about to turn my phone off when a message came through, and I gasped quietly when I saw it was Perrie.

Perrieedwards: Me and you are gonna have words boy! I told you not to miss uni!! You're so naughty! 😋 BE CAREFUL!!!! Xxxx

Jacubbear900: Aah, we're all fine 😊 Anyway, shouldn't you be in bed, you have a busy day tomorrow 😋 Can't believe I'm actually saying this but... I'll see you tomorrow Perrie! Finally xx

Perrieedwards: I am in bed! Stay safe babe and I hope you sleep well... Can't believe you, you bad student! 😋 Looking forward to it babe xxxx

I turned my phone off and closed my eyes, giddy with excitement. Hours from now, just hours, I was finally meeting my idols, my inspirations and especially my crush, Perrie.

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