By Mikateko_Ngobeni

349K 14K 1K

Royal rivalry More

Episode 01
Episode 02
Episode 03
Episode 04
Episode 05
Episode 06
Episode 08
Episode 09
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
Episode 39
Episode 40
Episode 41
Episode 42
Insert 43
Episode 44
Episode 45
Episode 46
Episode 47
Episode 48
Episode 49
Episode 50
Episode 51
Episode 52
Episode 53
Episode 54
Episode 55
Episode 56
Episode 57
Episode 58
Episode 59
Episode 60
Episode 61
Episode 62
Episode 63
Episode 64
Episode 65
Episode 66
Episode 67
Episode 68
Episode 69
Episode 70
Episode 71
Episode 72
Episode 73
Episode 74
Episode 75
Episode 76
Episode 77
Episode 78
Episode 79
Episode 80(Part I)
Episode 80(Part II)

Episode 07

4.6K 199 15
By Mikateko_Ngobeni

Enhle excused herself after Manqoba gave his speech and stormed into the house. Betso cheerfully stopped her in the kitchen, asking her to taste the sauce she had made since she went out of chicken spice she always uses. She had to improvise with beef stock as Tumi suggested. Tumi was sitting behind the table counter on his phone. He wasn't even paying attention to them. Enhle,in frustrated haste, rolled her eyes internally but still extended her hand so Betso places a bit of the sauce on her palm.
"Hayi cha. Niyawu pheka udoti nino mngan'wakho"(You and your friend cooked rubbish), she remarked before she could walk away and Betso gasped at her reaction. Tumi shot his eyes away from the screen to Enhle.
"Bxtch excuse me?!", he was ready to declare war.
"Are you okay Enhle?", Betso lowly asked in concern.
"Watch how you speak to me", Enhle threatened Tumi before she could handle the tail of her long dress to leave. Tumi scoffed when she went out of sight. Betso was genuinely concerned. Tumi held out his wrist to check his watch and said, "It hasn't even 30 minutes since she's been declared queen but she's already stripping on a high horse". He was in complete disbelief. Betso glanced outside to maybe get a clue of what might have upset her. She shook the worry off her face and went back to preparing the royal lunch. She put the sauce aside in hopes that Evelyn would walk in so she tastes it.
"This sauce is fine friend. Don't let Queen doti fxck with your head", Tumi assured as he tasted it for the third time now. Evelyn finally walked in laughing with Bab'Sizwe and Betso asked if she could steal her. She gladly obliged. Bab'Sizwe proceeded to the living room.

"Mm! This is nice. And different. The texture is impressive as well. It's... I don't know, not too thick but rich in taste", Evelyn remarked. Betso sighed from relief.
"See, I told you not to listen to ..."
"Thank you! Ma...", Betso said and prompted Evelyn to walk out with her hand behind the Evelyn's back, her thank you was loud enough to mute out the rest of Tumi's probably vile sentence. Evelyn smiled suspiciously and left.


The Khumalos sat around the lengthy table, enjoying their celebratory lunch and exchanging pleasantries. Manqoba was having a conversation with Bab'Bayede, one of his respected uncles. Mbhekiseni walked in, drunk beyond instant repair. The sound of the busy cutlery on the black porcelain plates came to a slow halt, amidst the fading laughs, fading due to curiosity.
"Niyajabula neah? Kumnandi uyihlephula kab'hlungu leyo nyama heh Sizwe?"(You all are evidently having fun. It's so nice that you're showing no mercy to that meat Sizwe), he stated before he could sip some more of his beverage from it's silver metallic container with his back and legs bent out of shape. He burped loudly, almost throwing up and everyone couldn't hide the disgust on their faces. Mxolisi was entertained. He was looking at him with pinched eyebrows and a curious smile, waiting for him to say something else.

"Hlala phansi bakuphakele Mbhekiseni"(sit down so they can dish up for you),an obviously bored Bayede suggested, hoping to assuage to situation and extinguish it before it spread any further.
"Wee Evelyn, ngicela sithi ukujikela ngale sike sikhulume mina nawe lovey"(Let's excuse ourselves so we can talk), he said and looked at her straight in the eyes, blatantly ignoring the invite to the table. Evelyn exhaled from a place of exhaustion before she could push her chair out.
"You don't have to ma...", Muzi whispered from her side. She assured that it was okay, before walking out and leading Mbhekiseni to the TV room in her long, swaying dress. Bab'Sizwe was glaring at their backs suspiciously. They left an uneasy atmosphere behind them. Enhle had her eyes lodged on Manqoba as she took slow slips on her juice. He realized this and asked if she was okay. She ignored and picked up her utensils to slice her meat. Betso cleared her throat and asked if anybody would like a refill or seconds. Aunt Hlengiwe enthusiastically said "Yes please!", also hoping to diffuse the tension that was hellbent on breaking the legs of the table.

She later come back to the table and Mbhekiseni yelled his goodbyes to everyone and walked out. Mxolisi laughed into his glass of juice.
"Are you okay, Evelyn?", Bab'Bayede asked as she settled onto her chair and gulped down her juice.
"Hm? Yeah! I'm perfect", she pulled a facade of a smile and 'assured'.
"Okay. If you'll excuse me...", Bayede said and wiped the corner of his mouth with serviette before he could stand up to leave. The lunch was pretty much done and he did say that he had some other place to be before it commenced. Muzi's eyes were on Evelyn even when the awkwardness around the table had subsided and people went back to laughing and conversing, including the kids. Her mind was everywhere but in that house.


Everyone eventually dispersed whereas some were still idle reclining on their chairs due to full stomachs, including Muzi, Betso and some of the kids. Some went upstairs to the bedrooms. Texting around the table is prohibited so they obviously couldn't wait to go back to their own lives. Most of the community members had their take-aways in abundance and left for their respective homes. When the very last one made their exit, the guards pulled the gates closed, declaring normal,everyday proceedings.

One guard walked into the house, humbly greeted the royals and asked for MQ. Muzi gestured with his head to direct the guard to Manqoba who was now slowly walking down the stairs, paying attention to his phone screen. The guard took two steps to get closer to him, humbly greeted and reported that there's two men and a woman at the gate demanding to see the chief. Manqoba asked what it might be about and the guard uncomfortably stated that they are here to report a pregnancy. He added that the young girl was in the car. He went even further to alert the chief on how furious the men appeared to be. Muzi's eyes fell on Betso, who was also anxiously looking at him for answers with her forehead furrowed. Manqoba thanked the guard, told him to let them in and looked at Muzi. Muzi exhaled deeply and told Lwandile to go call Melokuhle.
"Are you sure that the one you're sending away is innocent?", Manqoba asked.
"True. Melo might be staying here full time but these two also visit, a lot", Betso stated.
"Wanna bet?", Muzi said to the both of them with his eyebrows furiously raised. The look on Melo's face when he came down declared that Lwandile had already spilt the tea. Mxolisi was behind him. He finally reached the last step on the staircase and bit his lower lip.
"Are condoms a foreign concept to you?", Muzi sneered.
"Ha-ah baba you don't know for sure that--", Betso tried to defend.
"I was reckless. I'm sorry", Melokuhle confessed and Betso dropped back to her chair in defeat.
"That's all you have to say for yourself?", Manqoba calmly reproached.
"Why do you get high off being irresponsible?! Wena no Mxolisi ngathi--", Muzi lashed out and Mxo defended himself from his chair.
"Haibo! Ngimithise bani manje mina?!"(Now who did I impregnate?!)
"Nobody, yet!", Muzi shot out.
"Crucify me I am your messiah", he mumbled to himself and Betso stopped Muzi from lashing out some more by putting her palm on his chest. The guests walked in, led by the guard. They humbly greeted and Manqoba told the kids to scoot out. He instructed that they go find aunt Hlengiwe outside. The girl was timidly standing behind her mother, soaked in tears. Melo tried to comfort her but they all bit his head off.



Manqoba walked the guests out after they had come to a conclusion and reached common ground. When they left, Melo was called back into the living room. He dragged his flops till he was seated on the couch opposite that of Muzi. He avoided making eye contact with his father, whose eyes were not about to move from him anytime soon. Manqoba asked that everyone excuses the two and they abided. Muzi has never laid a hand on any of his kids before but Melo was somehow sure that he was going to get a beating from him.
"Was I talking to your shadow when I taught you how to use a condom a condom Makhosonke?", Muzi tried his best to keep his burning chest from erupting.
"I'm sorry", Melo whispered.
"Unless if your sorry can be used as a currency to raise the baby you made, please shut the fxck up!", he spat the worse without remorse. Melo bent his speechless lip and kept his eyes on the floor.
"I asked you a question!"
"No. You were not talking to my shadow"
"Were you listening?"
"What was the very first thing I said?", he asked and Melo swallowed before he could answer.
"You said... You said I shouldn't rip the wrapper with my teeth"
"Why is that?"
"You said it might damage it and I wouldn't see"
"So in your fear of damaging the wrapper, you decided not to touch it altogether?"
"Hayi baba", Melo impatiently fell back on the couch.
"How do you plan on raising this child?", Muzi questioned.
"It's not rocket science", Melo blurted out and Muzi scoffed.
"Okay Einstein. I hope the two of you are not planning something stupid like aborting the baby. I'd break your face uyangizwa?"
"Why would you think that dad? I'm not that careless. You taught me better than that!"
"Well I also taught you how to use protection but here we are now", Muzi said and Melo threw his tightened eyes to the side.


The sun was bidding goodbye when Mxolisi took another shower to go and attempt to win a heart that held his captive. The weather had gotten comfortable with being on the chilly side of things. He was already out of the house when he felt that he definitely needed to put on a warm hoodie. He used the backdoor to avoid being asked questions.

He almost got lost in the light darkness but quickly saw what way he used the last time. He had no idea how he was going to get her out of the house but his adamance propelled him forward. He had the cash that he promised to bring to the shop owner. The light emanating from the tuckshop lit up a large potion of the street. He got to the shop and found the man seated behind the bars reading a sports magazine. He stood up with a smile when he saw Mxo and they greeted one another before a friendly laugh.
"Hey uzimisele ne"(You're very determined), the man commented. Mxolisi laughed.
"No ngilethe leya mali"(I brought the money that I owe to you)
"That's all?", the man gave a suspicious smile as he took the hundred rand note and looked for change.
"Nah it's okay. You can keep the change", Mxo assured and the smile on the man's face grew wider.
"Your dad does the exact same thing whenever he passes here".
Mxolisi laughed shyly since he didn't know what to say.
"I have to go now", he said as he kept his eyes on the girl's yard.
"I hope you're not going where I think you are?", the man said. Mxo laughed once again.
"I'll just say I'm a friend when I get there"
"Akadlali loya mama. Uzophuma ugijima ngiyak'tshela"(That woman doesn't play. You'll come out of there running), the man warns in between laughs.
"Ngenze njan ke manje?(What am I supposed to do now?), frustration was speaking on Mxolisi's behalf.
"We've all been there. I know how you feel", the man said and laughed. There was poorly concealed disappointment in Mxolisi's eyes.
"Tell you what? Ithi ngizame something"(Let me try something), the man said and took out his phone. He was waiting for whoever to pick up.
"Uhm yebo Ceboo. Lalela, k'sasa kuna la ngiyakhona manje ngizovula late mangibuya. Ngilethe isinkwa or uNdalo uzos'landa"(Hi Cebo. Listen, I'm going somewhere tomorrow morning so I'm going to open up late when I come back. Should I bring the bread or you'll send Ndalo to fetch it?), he asked with his eyes on Mxo.
"Okay kulungile. Bengithi ngiyavala manje ngizom'linda"(I was about to close up so I'll wait for her). Mxolisi's eyes lit up when he heard that "Ndalo" was coming. He didn't even catch her name.
"Thank you so much! But... won't it come across as weird or suspicious to her mom?"
"Ungakhathazeki. I do this everytime I have to go somewhere in the morning because she needs the bread for breakfast before school", the man assures and Mxo sighs in relief. He began growing anxious when he saw her walk out the yard. She finally arrived and immediately laughed when she saw Mxo there. She was too smart to not piece things together so they make sense. The man's behavior was also suspicious to her.
"Sawubona Ndalo", the matchmaker greeted and handed her the bread. Ndalo greeted back. She couldn't stop laughing. Mxo just gave a gentle smile with his lower lip tucked in between his teeth. He took out an extra R200 from his backpocket and told him that it should cover the loss if he really is to close tomorrow morning. The man took it.
"Just don't keep her for too long", he said and Mxo agreed.
"And hey. I trust you because your dad was well mannered when he was your age", the man threatened with his index finger pointed out at him. Mxo laughed and nodded. He was laughing at all the stories he has heard about his dad in the streets about how familiar he was with the ladies. None of them spelt well-mannered, even when written backwards.
"Sawubona ntombenhle", he said and took the bread from her.
"Sawubona nawe", she greeted back and tried her best to conceal a blush.
"You're good?"
"I'm fine. How are you?"
"Angikho right. Uyayilimaza inhliziyo yami bo"(You're doing some serious damage to my heart). He confessed and she laughed.
"Haibo", her speechless self said.
"It's even worse because I can't talk to you when we're apart and I promised that I wouldn't keep you long. I don't want you getting into trouble", he gravely stated the status quo of his heart and mind.
"Uqinisile vele. Uzongifaka enkingen"(You're right. You are going to get me in trouble)
"Akusiyona inhloso yam leyo"(That's not my intention), he said and stopped walking. She stopped too but kept her eyes away from him. He took her hand in his and studied her face. He was thinking about how he'd never seen anybody that naturally gorgeous before.
"Hayi cha. Umuhle ngane yabantu abakuyeke"(You're gorgeous), he complemented and she placed the other free hand on her blushing mouth.
"Ngibuke phela"(Look at me), he said and made sure that his eyes followed hers even she looked away.
"Uyak'thanda uMxolisi Ndalo"(Mxolisi loves you Ndalo)
"Kodwa awungazi nje"(But you don't know me), she said, still looking at her feet.
"That's what makes it worse. I'd love to get to know you. It drives me crazy not being able to reach you because you're all I think about"
"Kodwa angijoli mina"(I am not into dating)
"Okay bheka. Ngibuke emehlweni ungitshele ukuthi awungifuni. Ngiyak'thembisa, ngizok'yeka emva kwaloko"(Okay look, look me in the eye and tell me that you don't want me. I promise to leave you alone after that), he said and hoped for the best. She did not reply.
"Awungifuni?"(You don't want me?), he reiterated in a whisper. She bit her upper lip in a blush.
"Ngiphendule phela sthandwasami ngizokwazi, noma kungeke kube lula, ukuqhubeka ngempilo"(Answer me my love so I can, even though it's no going to be easy, to carry on with my life), he lied. He knew from the deepest wells of his heart that he wasn't going to be able to let go.
"Angazi", she quickly said and laughed. Mxolisi took out his phone and begged her to take it.
"Ngeke ngikwazi. Uzoy'bona umama le phone"(I can't take it. My mom will see it)
"Manje ngizoxhumana nawe kanjani ngoba angihlali la full time mina?"(How am I supposed to get in contact with you because I don't live here full time)
"Ukhona ku Facebook"(Are you on Facebook?), she asked. She was avoiding him asking for her mother's number.
"Anginayo iaccount but I can always create it"
"Okay. Search Ndalo Angel Shezi"
"You don't have any weird spellings right? Just as it is?", he asked and she laughed.
"Yes. Just as it is"
"Ao. Ngiyabonga Sgananda", he smiled and addressed her with her clan name. She blushed even further and insisted that she really had to go. Her kissed her forehead and she quickly left after that. He just stood in the middle of the road watching her walk away.
"Wadla Mbulazi!", he exclaimed in absolute excitement.


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