Bad In Common

Від prinses1010

501K 21.4K 5.7K

"Everyone has a chapter they don't want to read out loud. Mine just so happens to be a book." Allison Bridge... Більше

Prologue ✔️
Chapter 1 ✔️
Chapter 2 ✔️
Chapter 3 ✔️
Chapter 4 ✔️
Chapter 5 ✔️
Chapter 6 ✔️
Chapter 7 ✔️
Chapter 8 ✔️
Chapter 9 ✔️
Chapter 10 ✔️
Chapter 11 ✔️
Chapter 12 ✔️
Chapter 13 ✔️
Chapter 14 ✔️
Chapter 15 ✔️
Chapter 16 ✔️
Chapter 17 ✔️
Chapter 18 ✔️
Chapter 19 ✔️
Chapter 20 ✔️
Chapter 21 ✔️
Chapter 22 ✔️
Chapter 23 ✔️
Chapter 24 ✔️
Chapter 26 ✔️
Chapter 27 ✔️
Chapter 28 ✔️
Chapter 29 ✔️
Chapter 30 ✔️
Chapter 31 ✔️
Chapter 32 ✔️
Chapter 33 ✔️
Chapter 34 ✔️
Chapter 35 ✔️
Chapter 36 ✔️
Chapter 37 ✔️
Chapter 38 ✔️
Chapter 39 ✔️
Chapter 40 ✔️
Chapter 41 ✔️
Chapter 42 ✔️
Chapter 43 ✔️
Chapter 44 ✔️
Chapter 45 ✔️
Chapter 46 ✔️
Chapter 47 ✔️
Chapter 48 ✔️
Chapter 49 ✔️
Chapter 50 ✔️
Chapter 51 ✔️
Chapter 52 ✔️
Chapter 53 ✔️
Chapter 54 ✔️
Chapter 55 ✔️
Chapter 56 (Last Chapter) ✔️
Epilogue ✔️

Chapter 25 ✔️

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Від prinses1010

Dear Diary

It's been a while since I sat down and wrote down my thoughts. To be honest my thoughts are just all over the place and I find it hard to keep them at bay, nonetheless write them down. In other words, I'm meeting Tyler's parents today and I'm totally freaking out. I shouldn't forget to mention that we kissed. Yes I know, I even surprised myself with allowing it. Truth be told, I didn't regret it. Ever since the kiss Tyler has been more affectionate toward me. Finding ways to be closer to me. Holding my hand while we're walking and especially glaring at each male figure who dares to look in my direction. If I was an outsider we would look like a couple. But we're not a couple. I'd like to keep it that way... for now.

~ Ally

" It would be appreciated if I could have your attention while being stuck in a car with you."

I look up from my diary to glare at Tyler. He throws me a quick glance and manages to wink before looking back at the open road.

" You're the one who invited me along. " I scoff. I close my diary and throw it onto the backseat of Tyler's car.

" I did invite you, yes, but you can't expect me to keep myself busy for 8 hours." he shrugs.

I roll my eyes. 8 hours is a long way to go. That's why we decided to leave today, which is Thursday, so that we can have most of the weekend to meet up with his family and not feel drained. If things go acording to plan and we don't get stuck in horrible traffic we'll be able to reach his hometown just after 10pm. My body is already becoming stiff and we've just started driving.

" We have to stop for snacks. I'm dying over here." Tyler whines after the first two hours.

This isn't the first time I'm hearing about his unbearable hunger. He's been complaining for the last 20 minutes and it's driving me crazy.

" You're the one driving." I roll my eyes as I exhale loudly.

" The next stop is 45 minutes away." he complains.

Oh for the love of God.

I turn the music up to block Tyler's on going pleads. I told him to stop at Target while we were still in town but he didn't want to listen so now I'm stuck with a grumpy baby.

" I see a gas station! " Tyler announces in excitement after what feels like forever.

My thoughts about knocking him out and driving the rest of the way fades as we pull up to the empty parking lot of the gas station. Tyler is the first one out and doesn't even bother to wait up for me as he dashes into the store.

3 bags of chips, 2 boxes of cookies, 1 tub of ice cream, numerous candy bars, soda cans and 2 corn dogs later we finally climb back into the car. I shake my head as Tyler sinks his teeth into a candy bar and opens up the tub of ice cream.

I'm woken up when I hear a ringing go off in the car. The music has stopped seeing as someone is calling from Tyler's phone that is connected to the car's bluetooth. Looking over to Tyler in confusion, as if I have never heard a phone ring, he answers the call.

" Hey lovebirds." I can basically hear the smirk in Emily's voice.

" Hey Em." Tyler chuckles as he gives me a quick glance.

" So Tyler I have to tell you about this one bitch-"

I zone out on the rest of their conversation. I have no interest on what gossip Emily has to tell. I'd much rather continue on with my nap.

" Ally! " Tyler yells making me jump wide awake in alarm.

I look around me to see the sun is starting to set. We are driving through a town now. My eyes travel over everything that could possibly be a threat to my safety but I don't see anything.

" Why the hell did you do that?" I ask frustrated as I punch Tyler in the shoulder for scaring me and then laughing because of my reaction. Dick.

" You were snoring." he shrugs.

Ah yes. It's totally normal to yell at someone while they are sleeping just because they were snoring. Totally see his point. Not.

" You are the worst traveling partner." I sigh as I slouch back into my seat.

My heart is still pounding at an insane speed from the shock. I mean who the hell does that? I could have had a heart attack and died in this car. Try explaining that to his parents.

" I'm sorry babe. I'll buy you food to make it up to you." he says casually as if he hasn't just called me babe.

My heart skips a beat as I try and hide the blush that's creeping up onto my face. I don't blush.

I know when I met him it was babe this and babe that but ever since the deal we made he hasn't called me that again. This is the first time that he calls me babe and I don't feel the need to strangle him. I actually like hearing it if I'm being honest.

" Why are you looking at me as if you've seen a ghost?" he questions after giving me a quick glance.

He didn't even realize he called me babe. Or he did but it didn't bother him because it isn't a big deal for him. Of course it isn't. He's Tyler Anderson. Flirting is his first language. I should really stop thinking too much into whatever it is we have going on.

We're just friends.

Oh hell no.

Friends that have kissed once, hold hands and who are meeting each other's parents.

See even you don't believe yourself.

It's not that I don't believe myself. I just have to stop over thinking things and focus on what's happening in the present.

" Ally?"

" I'm sorry what?" I question as I realize Tyler's lips have been moving but I can't make out a sound.

" I asked what take out you want?" he questions as he gives me a weird look.

Get a grip.

" Finally. It's about time you feed me. " I reply and roll my eyes.

And we're back to normal.

The road seems to go on forever as we bicker back and forth about the littlest of things. This is what I like about the two of us, we can insult each other and still find a way to make the other one smile. Even though we kissed I'm insanely grateful that things didn't change and moved over to that lovey dovey shit you see in the movies.

" So Tyler..." I question once the sun has finally set. At least now he won't be able to completely make out my embarrassed expression once he declines my offer for Thanksgiving.

" I was wondering..." I continue to stretch out the actual question.

I'm nervous okay. What if he thinks too much into this? I'm not the one asking. It's my mom. I don't want him to think I'm this obsessed girl that can't go one weekend without him.

" I don't want to be your boyfriend." Tyler cuts in leaving me speechless.

We're both quiet for no longer than a few seconds before we burst out laughing. This is not where my question was leading but I'm glad the atmosphere isn't tense. Well at least not for now.

" My mom called the other day and asked me to invite you over for Thanksgiving." I quickly rush out my sentence, not sparing him a glance.

He chuckles at my obvious attempt to avoid eye contact. I feel a warm hand being placed on my knee. The heat from his hand spreads through my body like a wild fire and I feel a little more relaxed.

" I'd be happy to." he throws me a quick smile before focusing his eyes back on the road ahead.


" If-"

I was waiting for that one.

" You admit you are the one who wants me there and used your mother as an excuse." he finishes.

My eyes nearly pop out after hearing his words. He thinks I'm the one who invited him? I don't mind him tagging along but it wasn't my idea.

" But it was my mom though. " I state slowly.

He shrugs. He looks back to me and lifts his eyebrows to indicate that I should continue.

He's really making me do this.


" It was my idea to invite you over for Thanksgiving and used my mother as a cover up. " I mumble out, loud enough so that he can hear. His smile let's me know he heard every word.

" That's more like it." he smirks. His hand is still firmly placed on my knee and it doesn't look as if he's going to move it soon. You don't see me complaining.

" If I go to hell for lying I will crawl back up and drag your ass down there with me." I threaten.

" Lying isn't the reason you're going to end up there, trust me."

I gasp loudly and place my right hand over my heart to indicate that his words hurt.

" I'm wounded. "

Tyler only chuckles as the music fills up the comfortable silence once again.

" I feel like I have to warn you before meeting my parents. " Tyler speaks up as we finally drive into his hometown.

It feels like days went by from just sitting here when it was only 8 hours. My stiff body will tell you something else.

" How so?" I question as we come to a stop at a gate that leads into what I assume is the driveway of his parent's house.

We're staying at his parent's house for the weekend seeing as the party is also going to be held here. Tyler assured me that the house has more than enough rooms to occupy us and that a hotel would be a waste of money.

Tyler slides down his window before sticking his head a little out of the car. I was about to question him on his actions when I saw that his face was being scanned by a non-contact face recognition device. Once he is granted access to the estate the gates swing open, allowing us to enter.

This is some rich people shit.

I never questioned him on what his parents do for a living. Now that I think of it, I haven't questioned him at all about his parents. I feel like I'm walking into a trap.

We drive by numerous of trees that make a pathway all the way to the house. To say I was shocked once I saw the house was an understatement. I should have expected this from just seeing the driveway.

I'm front of me is a huge two story mansion made of light bricks that wraps around the enormous house. Some of the walls stand out with a light layer of white paint while the rest are made out of the bricks. I've never seen so much windows on one house but leave it to the Anderson's to do the unexpected. Before entering the large oak doors there is a white patio with 3 layers of steps that leads you all the way to the entrance of the breathtaking house. I feel bad for the person who has to sweep that patio.

" You're loaded." I breath out.

I didn't mean to say my thoughts out loud but with a house this size I can't help but not keep my thoughts to myself. I can't believe I'm going to stay in this mansion for the weekend.

" My parents are loaded." he corrects me as he unbuckles himself and hops out of the car.

I close my gawking mouth and hop out as well. It takes me a few seconds to regain my balance and stretch out my poor stiff legs. This long trip was definitely worth it.

" Welcome back sir." a middle aged man greets as he comes into view before rounding the car and heading for the trunk.

Another middle aged man appears shortly after. He nods in our direction before helping the other man from before to retrieve our luggage.

" Oh I can take my own luggage-" I try and reach for my luggage but Tyler pulls me back a little bit.

I just wanted to help geeze. It's late at night and I feel bad that they have to carry my luggage when I'm perfectly cable of going it myself.

" They'll take it as an insult if you don't let them do their job." Tyler whispers into my ear.

His hot breath on my ear sends a shiver down my spine. I luckily manage to nod my head as I watch the two men gather our belongings before carrying it into the house with ease.

I really pray that Tyler's parents aren't stuck up rich people. My patience can only be tamed for a certain amount of time.

Tyler links his hand into mine and slowly starts pulling me towards the door where the two men have disappeared into.

My stomach does a flip each time we take a step closer. I'm starting to think this is a bad idea. Maybe his parents are asleep and I'll only meet them -

" Tyler, my boy." I hear a feminine voice gush as soon as we step foot into the house.

Tyler is immediately ripped away from me by a middle aged woman. She shares the same features as Tyler so I assume it's his mother. She's beautiful. She's wearing a knee-length black dress and expensive looking heels. Her hair is pinned up into a neat bun and her makeup is done beautifully, making her features stand out but still makes her look natural. All in all I can see where Tyler gets his looks from.

I watch as she pulls him into a bone crushing hug. I stifle a laugh as I watch her 5 '3" figure crush the hell out of his lean frame. It's adorable.

" I was so worried when you didn't call." she sniffs as she pulls away from her son.

" Mom we're 15 minutes late. It's not the end of the world." Tyler chuckles as he gives his mother a kiss on the forehead.

As if remembering that I'm in the same room as well, Tyler turns around to face me. He has a goofy smile on his face. I don't think I've ever seen him so happy. Before he gets a chance to introduce me I'm pulled into my own brone crushing hug.

" You must be Allison. It's so nice to finally meet you." his mother shrieks as her grip around me tightens.

I stiffen before giving her a hug back. She's a really good hugger.

" It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Anderson." I smile as she let's me go from her embrace.

" Oh honey please call me Rachelle. " she laughs as she places her hand on my shoulder and squeezes it lightly.

Usually when people are this affectionate towards me it makes me feel uncomfortable but with Tyler's mom, I don't mind. She's just got this cozy vibe going with her and I'm definitely drawn to it.

" My God, you are absolutely beautiful. Tyler you need to update you're vocabulary because she's beyond what you described." Rachelle gushes as she cups my cheek.

Her eyes are filled with emotion. Happiness, love, passion, the list goes on. Just one look into her eyes and I feel at home. It's so much different from my mother's own dull and cold eyes.

" Mom. " Tyler scolds his mother. I see a faint tinge of red forming on his cheeks. Ladies and gentlemen, Tyler Anderson can blush.

I don't think I'll ever want to go home after this weekend.


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