Is It Love Jake: Final Book-P...

By Growingvogue

3.8K 328 243

Jake will do anything to protect Devan and her unborn baby...even if it means working for the Baxter organiz... More

Chapter one: Resurrection
Chapter Two: The Devil Is Back
Chapter Three: Pandora's Box
Chapter Four: Mi Corozan
Chapter Five: Hope
Chapter Six: Tying Up Lose Ends
Chapter Seven: The Road Ahead
Chapter eight: Placing Blame
Nine: You are not the father...
Ten: Actions and Consequences
Twelve: Goodbyes
Fourteen: The Long Haul
Fifteen: Past Betrayl
Sixteen: Revelations
Seventeen: Double Agent
Eighteen: Unexpected Surprises
Nineteen: The Standoff
Twenty: Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
Twenty One: The Haley Inquistion
Twenty Two: We're Pregnant
Twenty Three: Trouble Always Starts Off as Fun
Twenty Four: For The Best
Twenty Five:Making up
Twenty six: Hunger Games
Twenty seven: Dangerous Liaisons
Twenty eight: Shocking Revelations
Twenty Nine: Loose Ends
Thirty: The Devil You Know
Thirty One: The Reckoning
Thirty two: Traitor
Thirty Three: The Calvary
Thirty Four: It is Done
Thirty Five: Getting Our Girl
Thirty six: Making Things Right
Thirty Seven: Yes
Thirty eight:Ten Words
Thirty nine: The Apocalypse
Forty: Utopia
Judgement Day

Thirteen: Ultimatum

41 8 2
By Growingvogue

POV: Devan
I don't sleep, I just hold him until I feel him moving in my arms. I don't know how much time has gone by, but I run my fingers through his hair, letting him know that I'm awake. He moans, before he kisses my shoulder.
"Why were you packing when I came in?" He asks somberly.
My body stiffens realizing I now have to break his heart...yet again. "I'm moving back to the loft. I'll still be here in the mornings to take care of you, but I can't be here anymore..." I respond, swallowing the big lump that's now in my throat.
"Why?!" He asks, angry now. "You promised. You only have a another week and a half to be here. I need you Mi Corazon!"
I lay beside him, filled with guilt because he's never asked me for anything; and the one time he does, I have to refuse him.
"I can't be here Daryl because  of this very reason. We are still too connected. I've made my choice. I want a life with Jake now and I can't  continue compromising our relationship by doing things like this with you. You know I can never say no to you because you were my first everything. The only way I will totally be free of you is if you let me go."
Daryl releases himself from my hold and sits up in the bed. I model his behavior,  sitting Indian style looking at him.
"What the fuck Mi Corazon! How can you ask me to do that? I love you; and I know you still fucking love me! I can feel it! Why won't you just come back to me! I have already lost so much. I can't loose you too!"
"I can't Daryl! I love Jake. I want to be with him. Please..."
He scoots out of the bed to pace the floor as his anger escalated. "This is bullshit! You are the only woman I have ever loved. The only woman I want to be with. Why are you doing this?!" His vulnerability breaks me in half, but I can't give in to it.
" are right, I do love you. I always will. When I left you in Paris, it wasn't just because I was afraid of the danger, I was also afraid of the depths of our love; and what you're willingly to do for it. What happened a week and a half ago at Abuela's wouldn't have happened if you were thinking with your head and not your heart. Your actions and emotions could have gotten you killed and the rest of us too. Your grit, intuition, precision and single mindedness,  has managed to keep you alive all these years. It has kept you sharp. But When you are only focused on me, you put us all in danger. Brad has already suffered because of it..." my voice trails away into a whimper.
He sucks in a lungful of air as his eyes grow big with remorse. "Are you blaming me for this?"
I shake my head, sliding off the bed to take his hands in mine. " Of course not! This is not your fault, it's Lana's fault." I tell him, trying to reassure him, while  at the same time attempting to silence the voices in my head that are telling me that the fault lies with me. "What I'm saying is, our love makes us both erratic, and we do things without thinking; making us hurt the people we love. Look at what just happened between us. I was only thinking of you." I confess as tears continue to fall.
"Is that a bad thing?" He smirks weakly.
"Yes it is! If I want to seriously give all of myself to Jake, I can't do this with you anymore.  If you really love me, like you say that you do, you will respect my wishes. I love Jake. I don't want to take advantage of his willingness to forgive, and his undying understanding regarding my feelings for you. I want to deserve him. This doesn't mean I don't love you, quite the contrary! I love you too much to continue preventing you from finding someone who deserves the unconditional love that you have to offer. A love that moves mountains; a love that sacrifices everything; a love I had the pleasure of experiencing. In my heart, I know a small part of me will be broken when you finally find someone to share your life with. But that small part is nothing compared to the joy I will feel when you are finally with someone who can give their whole heart to you."  My tears swallow my entire face as Daryl's tear stained face matches mine.
"Don't make me do this Mi Corazon, I have already lost too much! I can't take it if I have to lose you too." He pleas, snatching his hands away from mine as he walks across the room.
"I know you have lost a lot Daryl, we both have. But You need to let me go because I can't give you what you want. I love Jake with all that I am; and you deserved to be loved the same way. I also need you to focus on business, so you won't get yourself killed. I can't live in a world where you don't exist. I need you alive damnit! And...Our baby needs you alive too!! Please, Let me go!!" I blurt out through my tears.
His eyes widen, as realization covers every feature of his face. "Mi Corazon...are you saying what I think you're saying? Am I going to be a father?!" He whispers, closing the distance between us to place his hands on my stomach. He rubs my belly as if it's a shiny new coin that he's never noticed before. He bends down on his knees, looking up at me again for confirmation.
I slowly nod, as tears stream from his eyes.
"Really?! Oh my God! I'm going to be a father! You are really having our baby Mi Corazon?!' He asks,pulling me close crushing my stomach into his cheek.
"Yes you are; and yes I am," I smile sadly through my tears.
He raises my blouse and begins kissing my stomach, whispering to the baby inside. "Do you know how long I've waited for you?" He sobs. Do you know how loved you are?"
I stand still for a moment, not wanting to spoil this moment for him.
After a few moments,  he looks up at me with confusion etched on his face. "How can you ask me to let you go when you are carrying our baby? I want to be a family Mi Corazon...I want to be your husband.  I will never let you go." He says, angrily rising to his feet.
"Daryl...please!" I beg.
He vigorously shakes his head and sits back on the bed, to put on his shoes. "No...not going to happen."
I take a deep breath, trying to remain calm so I can talk some sense into him. "Daryl think about it. If Lana finds out I'm carrying your baby, she could use it as leverage against you! No one can know that this is your child or the child will be in danger! Do you want to be responsible for his or her death!" My words seem to stab him in the heart as he cry's out in anger. 
"Aaarrrgghhhh!!! What more can I give Mi Corozan?!" He screams,  storming over to the wall of the bedroom and punches it with his fist.
I run to him, crashing my body into his back, begging him to stop. "Stop! Please Daryl! I'm not asking you not to be this child's father. I would never ever take that away from you. I am just asking that we keep it a secret until Lana is in jail or dead. I am asking you to keep us safe. I'm proud that you are this baby' father because if you love this child with half the fierceness with which you love me, this baby will be the luckiest child alive. We will do this together.  I promise. We just have to pretend for now."
He leans his forehead against the wall, reaching his arm behind his back to pull me closer. I wrap my arms around his waist as he catches his breath. 
"Jake can't protect you like I can Mi Corazon. You have to stay here. He will be moving in with Lana soon, and I will not leave you and the baby unprotected..." he says firmly, turning around to face me.
"We will be safe in Paris..."I murmur in exhaustion.
"What are you talking about?"
"I haven't told Jake yet, but I'll be leaving for Paris next week for several months on business, giving me time to get over you and time to allow this thing with Lana to blow over." He draws in a breath at this revelation as he shakes his head.
"No way! Brad just died! Don't you understand the threat you are under?! Lana kept you alive for a reason Mi Corazon. When she finds out that you are missing, she will come after you. This is not a good idea!"
"I trust that you will keep me safe and do everything you can to prevent that from happening. We're depending on you." I respond meekly, grabbing his hands, placing them on my stomach as he stares at me with resentment. He knows I'm right.
A knock on the door interrupts our stand off.
"What!" Daryl yells at the poor unsuspecting person on the outside of the door.
"It's Miguel, I thought you would want to know that Jake is pulling into the gate."
"I nervously pull away from him,walking over to foot of the bed to get my suitcase. I throw the clothes inside and start to close it, when Daryl grabs my arm to stop me.
He looks over my entire body hungrily before searching my eyes. "Mi Corazon if you want me to let you go, then you have to do one thing for me. You have to give us a chance. You left Paris two years ago without giving me the opportunity to fight for you; to prove to you that I would have given all of this up for you...that wasn't fair to me. The least you can do is agree to let me come to Paris your very last week there, and spend time with you like we are a real couple. You have to commit to really giving us a try. No Jake! If after that week you still believe we can't make this work, then I will let you go forever. You have to let Jake know that you will be all mine for those 7 days...all mine! He demands huskily."
I look at him, surprised by his demands as my cheeks warm up under is intense glare.
"No! I already told you that Jake's my choice. What would this prove?"
"It will prove what I already know...we belong together; and It will give me peace Mi Corazon. If you don't agree, I will never let you go. You have until next week to decide." He opens the door to the bedroom, stepping aside to let me by.
I keep my eyes forward too afraid to look at him; and too afraid to agree to try.

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