By xXMrJBlazeXx2

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10.16.20 #1 in Re:zero. Bless all of you & thank you for your support ❤️ 11.14.20 1K VIEWERS (FIRST STORY TO... More

S1 E0: Jiro Ren
S1 E1: Beginning From 1
S1 E2: Styx Helix
S1 E3: Till Death We Never Part
S1 E5: Fresh Air
S1 E6: Šïnnęr
S1 E7: I'm Not a Hero...
S1 E8: Beyond My Control???
S1 E9: Broken Inside
S1 E10: The Guide to Becoming The Best
S1 E11: A Gentle Heart
S1 E12: Nightmares (GET OUT)
S1 E13: A Warrior in the Making
S1 E14: "Once upon a time..."
S1 E15: The Clouded Path
S1 E16: Greetings, Old Friend
S1 E17: Is this Hell?
S1 E18: Betrayal Cuts Deeper than You think
S1 E19: Qualities Of Courage
S1 E20: Lap Pillow ;)
S1 E21: Acceptance
S1 E22: Dog-matic Demons/\
S1 E23: Fighting For Love
S1 E24: Dreary Nights Lead to Brighter Mornings
S1 E25: Everyone has a story...
S1 E26: Royal Selection
S1 E27: The Sixth Candidate?
S1 E28: A Date With Despair
S1 E29: From Zero
S1 E30: That's All This Story Is About!
S2 E31: Rem, Forgive Me
S2 E32: Echoes of the Past
S2 E33: Memories Fade
S2 E34: Parental Love
S2 E35: Inescapable Defeat

S1 E4: モッキンバード

252 9 5
By xXMrJBlazeXx2

Find out the truth until...the end


Retracing my every step, Subaru followed me while we headed for the warehouse before that crazy chick gets there first...For I, don't wanna fight her...because---

Subaru: Hey! Jiro!

-Turns around in confusion, my mind seemed to be somewhere else-

Jiro: Sup?

Subaru: Did you even listen to me? 

Jiro: N-N-No...I'm sorry, my thoughts---were---elsewhere.

Subaru: (Eyes rolling) Ok, what's going on?! You've been acting very weird lately...like the time you left me behind the alley...my ass got beat up and S-Satella?!

Jiro: (Shocked) Satella?

Subaru: Yeah, Sa---mmphh<Mouth shutting while people passed by>

Jiro: Do you want us to get arrested? 

Subaru: What's wrong with saying S---

Jiro: Honestly, you need to stop joking...do you even know who she is?

Subaru: Y-Yeah...she's the girl that saved...why?

Jiro: (Surprised) Oh! So she is the one you've been gushing over!

-Seeing steam come out of his ears, Natsuki was definitely blushing red-

Subaru: Y-Y-Yes!

Jiro: Well, that's interesting but we gotta talk about that name.

Subaru: Why? Is it that bad of a name because---

Jiro: (Interrupts) No...<thinking> Ever watched Harry Potter.

Subaru: Hmm, a little. Read the books though...

Jiro: Good enough, so do you know who Voldemort is? The one that "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named". 

Subaru: Ah! I do remember that phrase. The meaning is a taboo for those who wanna cause trouble for other wizards...so why are comparing Voldemort to Satella? Doesn't make any---ohhh---

Jiro:(Huffing in relief) Finally!!! Someone gets it!!!

Subaru: So, Satella is basically the girl version of Voldemort!!! "She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named"

Jiro: Yes...Exactly! Keep quiet about this until we officially speak with her. I, still have no clue what the girl looks like.

Subaru: Oh, I'll fill you on all the details.

-While he chattered about her personality, appearance, and other passionate "traits", we are three quarters on our way to the warehouse, praying that the woman isn't there and Felt is-

Subaru: You would like her, Jiro. She's truly amazing and exceptionally good-looking.

Jiro: (Smug) Gosh, Natsuki Subaru...Are you a Simp or what, heehee?

-Adding more fuel into the fire, that was a big mistake on my part. He gets super emotional over mean names and answers back like a barking dog-

Subaru: (Angry) No, I'm not! It's funny...You're making fun of my love interest while "Ren Jiro doesn't have a girlfriend yet or even a single crush". Are you into guys, bro?! Ugh, stop harassing me with these sort of topics!

Jiro: Alright, damn XD. Just calm down, Nat...chill...bro...chill

Subaru: (Struck nerve) Can we just go already, what's the fucking hold-up?!

-As I look ahead we came across the bridge while the sunlight was fading rather quickly, still getting here in time was a great chance to grab the Insignia-

Jiro: We're finally here <Pointing at the warehouse>

Subaru: So what's the plan?

Jiro: Seeing as the time Felt gets here, she'll be there in about 10 minutes. We should wait...

Subaru: If she hasn't returned yet, then how are we gonna negotiate for the insignia?

Jiro: Let me handle that, I'll explain to her about our "buyer"

-Along the dirt road leading to the warehouse on the hill, Subaru and Jiro kept yammering at each other jokingly about the mystery woman-

Jiro: You should've seen her bro, she had massive---

Subaru: (Feeling Awkward) Gosh, Ren! I'v never seen you become this perverted...have you really fallen in love with the enemies?

Jiro: No! I'm just trying to describe what she looks like---there's something strange about---mmph!!! <Crashing into someone>

-As the blonde boy refused to focus what's in front of him, he felt noticed the cushiony, scent of a woman, "Thee Woman"...whom haunt their very souls...rubbing into between the two---ahem-

???: OH! My apologies young man...I didn't mean to bump into you like that.

-Unknowingly looks up to see the beautiful, busty, dark-hair crazy chick...Jiro finally understood the position he was in, gasping to get out of her way, the blonde boy was more shocked than embarrassed...Who knows!-

Jiro: Oh shit---sorry ma'am. Couldn't see where I was going---<Don't stare, Ren>

???: That's quite alright, I am in quite a hurry and need to be somewhere...<licks her lips> very soon.

-Trying to avoid her gaze, Jiro looks behind to see Subaru scared of her...dammit not now!-

???: What's wrong "Boy"? Haven't seen a beauty such as me before? You can look?

Jiro: (Blushing) I'm kind enough to not stare like a perverted---wow---I wasn't kidding---you are gorgeous in person!

???: Heehee, thank you "boy"...men

Jiro: (Acting Dumb) Oh, he's umm---ate bad shrimp---yeah, my friend's sick---probably the aroma in the air or something. Don't know what's wrong with him...

???: Well, I can assure to you, he is scared...what is your name, boy? Figuring we've met before...

Jiro: Umm, the name is Ren Jiro, Ms. ???

???: Granhiert. Elsa Granhiert. It's finally glad to see you, Mr. Ren...my business partner has spoken highly of your "skills".

Jiro: Who?

Elsa: (Curious) My, my? Did you hit your head? Your little sister, Felt...you, her, and I made a serious arrangement about the insignia...

Jiro: Oh, that---

Elsa: Yes, our agreement...I promise to pay you----"handsomely" <licks her lips>

Jiro: Well, in that case I actually have a---<Pausing>

Elsa: (Smirking) A What? Mr. Ren...

-Shit, Jiro. Come on. Think of a plan before she finds out...-

Jiro: An alternative.

Elsa: Alternative?

Jiro: Yes, You see...there's multiple buyers incoming when I looked around the city today...some of them were nobles that were willing to pay a high price for that "insignia"..

Elsa: Oh really, so why haven't you made up your mind to trade it in yet.

Jiro: Well, my little sister is---

???: JIRO!

-Why! Why! Why! What is she doing here! The worst fucking time to appear, Felt...-

Felt: Big bro Jiro, what are you doing out here? I tried finding you in the city, luckily those three muggers told me...I see our buyer is here too...nice to finally meet you <going for a handshake>

Elsa: My, my! Good manners! And she looks adorable! You did a fine job "parenting" her?

Jiro: (Blushing) P-P-Parenting?!

Felt: He's not my parent...ours---died along time ago---or left us---right, Jiro?

Jiro: (Lying) Uh, yeah...what I said back then is true...

Felt: Anyways, who's your "friend"? And why is he so pale?

Jiro: Oh, this is Natsuki Subaru, one of my buddies you've never met! Introduce yourself!

-Patting his back hard enough to force him to move in front of them, Subaru was still terrified-

Subaru: H-H-Hello there...

Felt: (Awkward) Um, Hi Natsuki. If you don't know me already, I'm Felt.

Subaru: I-I-I know...<slowly gaining composure> Jiro has told me much about you...

Felt: Ugh, betting he told you I am a reputable thief! 

Subaru: Yeah, pretty much the inspiring parts about you...

Felt: Aww, how cute! Anyways---<Ignoring him>

-Turning to Elsa, Felt spoke with her while the woman whom seemed silent in the creepiest of fashions.. kept smiling, dammit! What does she want from us really? She needs a good reason to leave and I don't have one...yet-

Felt: If you would follow me, Ms. Granhiert. Old Man Rom is inside, awaiting for my return...

Elsa: Agreed. <Giggling> Let's go---handsome.

Felt: (Disgust) Ew, Please Miss. Not while, I'm with you two. Gross!

Elsa: My apologies...Ms. Felt.


We make it into the warehouse and Old Man Rom let us in, sitting across from Elsa Granhiert...My plans of figuring out a solution hasn't gone well, sadly. Because, we are typically broke in this realm and have no other option of payment..But Maybe...Just Maybe...

Jiro: So discussing business, how much are you willing to pay for the insignia Felt brought us

Elsa: Hmm, my offer is 20 Holy Gold Coins.

Felt: (Amazed) Wow, This is seriously important then, huh?

Subaru: I actually have a counter-offer

-I wonder what he's planning, hopefully this works out well-

Felt: Woah, Jiro! You didn't tell me your "friend" is a business rival too

-Noticing the moody chick across from me, I could tell she was pissed off-

Jiro: Oops, I must've forgotten to mention that...Subaru has something interesting to place on the table. Right <Elbowing his hip>

Subaru: Ouch, Jiro...But, yeah I do.

Felt: Fine. Show us what you have.

-Taking out his pocket, he brought a flip-phone...damn that shit was created in 2001 before I was even born XD...-

Felt: Woah, what is that thing?

Subaru: (Smiling) Glad you asked, this is a camera!

Felt: What's a camera?

Subaru: Something that could take pictures of a person or area. Pretty much photos. Lemme show you, <click> here ya go

-Taking a picture of Elsa and Felt, these two bicker over their looks...women amirite-

Felt: I know I look much prettier than that...

Jiro: Ah-choo <Whispers> No, you don't...

Felt: What did you say?

Jiro: (Scared) Nothing...nothing at all

Felt: Alright, well---Subaru. This...umm...

Jiro: Flip-phone

Felt: Thanks, uh Flip-phone might be some sort of scam...are you trying to tell me that the insignia I stole is worth as much as that thing?

Subaru: Yes. I do believe so. Ask your brother.

Felt: Is he telling the truth?

Jiro: I've known him for years...and if I tell you he isn't a good liar, then Subaru isn't. The flip-phone is about 20 Holy Gold Coins...maybe a little more.

Felt: I trust you on your word but first, OLD MAN!

Rom: Wassup, squirt.

Felt: <Tossing the phone over to him> Exactly, what are we looking at here?

-Examining it for a few seconds...he looked at the pictures-

-Rom: I would say a Miti'a! One of those new technologies they boast about...But I never seen something so advanced before, Felt. Your brother is right...this will get you a higher price on the market. I would take the deal.

Felt: But, I need the coins now...

-Greedily seeking the lady's offer, I just watched and let her decide-

Rom: Are you seriously gonna risk the chance of more money? That "flip-phone" could cost more on the market. I promise. Take the boy's offer.

Felt: Hmm, you do make a good point. <Shouting> Then, It is Settled! Sorry, Ms. Granhiert, the boy does make a pretty good offer.

-All of us turning our heads to see her remaining quiet, she gets up making me sweat a little in discomfort but shrugs it off-

Elsa: (Acceptive) Oh well, he did make a good bargain. Can't complain. Too bad, I was hoping to pay for it instantly. My valuable time wasted on this matter...

Jiro: I'm really sorry, Elsa. We could always negotiate another time...

Elsa: I guess we shall see, I must take my leave but before I go...What do you plan on doing with that insignia?

-Here it comes...the most idiotic moment of Natsuki Subaru's life...gosh he's a fucking moron-


-Appalled by what he just said, we could've gotten out...ALIVE-

Elsa: I see....

-Letting go of the doorknob, the chick turns around and dashes at Rom before grabbing a mug glass....shattering it until she jabs the thing into his damn throat. Fuck!-

Elsa: I can't let any of you live...

Felt: (Tearful) W-W-WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!

Elsa: That boy is a threat...<insane smirk> he's working with our enemy...

-Frozen in Fear...I decided to find protection...where's my sword-

Felt: I won't let you get away with this.

Elsa: Figured as much, you couldn't do one simple job street-rat. What a shame. Your poor "friend" seems to agree...

-Releasing the handle, Old Man Rom's body collapses onto the floor...He's dead-


-Rushing at the murderous woman, Felt took out her dagger and attempts to cut her...sadly missing every slice due to Elsa's combat experience..it's over-

Elsa: Goodbye, Girl <SLICE>

Felt: W-W-What?! 

-Spinning in tremendous speed, Elsa kills Felt with a single blow from the head-down...causing me to scream in anger-

Jiro: FELT!!! 

Elsa: I'm sorry---your sister couldn't behave. This is your... <pointing to Subaru> friend's fault! If he didn't work for the enemy, I would've spared all of you. Now, you have to die.

-Seeing Subaru terrified, I ran over the wooden counter and searched for my weapon...needing enough time to find it...Natsuki finally regains his courage and grabs Rom's club-

Elsa: Oh my, such intention...maybe if you did that earlier...those two wouldn't have died.

Subaru: (Grunts) This is all my fault, but I promise to make it up to you...Jiro

--Hopping over the table rather quickly, I opened the weapon case to reveal a beautiful silver encrusted handle....and held it with both hands...seems the blade was covered with ebony--

-Elsa was stunned to see such an renowned blade and soon became serious with the fight-

Elsa: (Smiles) How did you get your hands on that, Mr. Ren?

Jiro: No clue...

Elsa: Give it to me, and...I might let you live...

Jiro: Not a chance...you need to pay for killing Rom & Felt!

Elsa: Fine! That was your last attempt of walking out alive...


Jiro and Subaru fought till their dying breathe but were outmatched by Elsa's use of the blade...crippling Subaru first...she sliced open his stomach and cut his leg clean off...while the blonde laid helplessly on the ground from the battle wounds...walking back to him..Elsa crouches over the boy and adores his beautiful...



Elsa: That wasn't very kind now, Jiro. I thought you were supposed to be a gentleman.

-Tugging on my severed guts...I cried out in pain and begged for death-

Elsa: Hmm, do you wish to die child?

Jiro: (Grunts) Yes...

Elsa: Well, I suppose ending your life would be mercy but looking at how absolutely magnificent those bowels look...mmm...I guess you deserve a single kiss...a kiss of death by yours truly...

Jiro: Elsa...<coughs up blood> You're insane---mmphff!!!

-Receiving a kiss from her was unexpected and something I didn't like obviously after what she did-

Elsa: Mmm, Ren Jiro---you taste good even when you're about to die.

Jiro: S-Stop this madness...and Go! LEAVE!

-As he cried out, Jiro was actually worried about Subaru's sake of dying once again...unwilling to see him die, the blonde tried his upmost to get up but can't-

Elsa: OH MY! You still having fighting spirit left inside...I respect that from a young man with nothing held back...sad enough, Jiro...there was no other way...you must die...

Jiro: <Silent, and Worried about His Crippled Friend>

Elsa: I'll take good care of your sword---Ren Jiro---<kicks the blade over to the blonde for such a forbidden weapon deserves the true recognition of the owner---like me---

-Seeing as she is distracted by my sword, I could see Subaru crawl away towards the door...even dragging his guts too...he isn't going to make it. FUCK-

Elsa: Where do you think, you are going?


Elsa: I must say, both of you put up a damn good fight. Thank you...

-Losing vision, I'm losing too much blood...this is the end for me.-

Jiro: <Reaches over to the sword before having his hand stepped on> AH! DAMMIT!

-I Failed...Again...Now I'm Dying...And...Can't...Save...Him...-

Elsa: Mockingbird.


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