The Assassin (Discontinued Fo...

By SleepyIdiot2_0

63.5K 2.3K 1.7K

I Just keep coming up with new ideas and want to get them all started... And no this is not a Haikyuu x assas... More

«Part 1»
«Part 2»
«Part 3»
«Part 4»
«Part 5»
«Part 6»
«Part 8»
«Part 9»
«Part 10»
«Part 11»
Not a Chapter
Meet My Best Friend
My answers to your questions!

«Part 7»

4.9K 200 272
By SleepyIdiot2_0

~Third person pov~

Just as Hinata was about to leave the room, all the windows were broken in, doors slammed open and guns pointed at him in every direction.

He slowly raises his hands and laughs.

"Alright, alright ya got me... Sike!" He runs to the man closest to him, slides down and knocks the guys feet out from under him. Grabbing the mans gun, shoving it up under his chin, pulling the trigger. "ALRIGHT! TIME TO GET THE FUN STARTED!" Hinata yells.

Everyone looks at him and they can see the crazed look in his eyes.

Hinata raises the weapon the man had and shoots at least 20 men. "COME ON! Y'ALL ARE MAKING THIS TOO EASY! WHERES THE FIGHT?" He laughs

"You wanna fight? I'll give you a fight!" One man runs towards him, Hinata steps to the side and sticks his foot out, tripping the man. He then takes a handful of the mans hair and slams his head into the ground, hard. "You dead yet?" He smiled widely.

There was a gurgle heard and then Hinata saw movement in the corner of his eye, he raised his pistol, and shoots. Killing another man without even looking.

"Okay I have to admit, even though I'm terrified, Hinata's a badass." Noya nodded

Hinata then took his gun and shot the man on the ground.

"Echo, how are my men?"

"Sir.. five are dead.. six critically injured.."

"FUCK! Alright.. Echo, make sure you keep that barrier up."

"Yes sir."

Then a clank was heard on the ground, Hinata looked and his eyes went wide "A FUCKING GRENADE?! ARE YOU SHITTING ME?!" he ran up to it and threw it back out the window it came from, not even a second later there was a blast the destroyed the wall, killing a few of the enemy targets with it.

"Yeesh.. that would have been bad." Hinata sighed


"Oh, yeah, I suppose I did!" Hinata smiled and laughed "Oof my life is crazy."

"No shit dumbass!" Kageyama yelled

"How are you so damn calm!?" Kenma asked

"Oh, I dunno. Not fearing death, knowing I can more than likely handle all 300 men myself. Honestly, killing is relaxing!" Hinata smiled

Then a man came out of no where, throwing a knife while another in hand. It got Hinata right in his stomach. "SERIOUSLY?! WHATS WITH ME GETTING STABBED? IS THIS A 'OH LETS STAB SHOUYO DAY?' JESUS CHRIST!" He removed the knife from his abdomen, the man went to stab him with the other knife and Hinata raised his hand and sliced the mans wrist making him drop the knife.

"Damn. You look nice. Do I have to kill you?" Hinata asked the man who was now on his knees. He shook his head no and Hinata just laughed.

"Sike. Bitch." And stabbed the guy in the forehead. "Yoosha! I'm going on a killing spree!" Hinata threw his hands up in the air smiling.


Everyone watched in Horror as Hinata fell to his knees. Blood pooling onto the back of his shirt. He had been shot.

"H-Hinata..." Suga said eyes wide with horror.

Hinata turned his head to them, put his finger up to his lips, smiling and shushing them, he then winked and turned forward.

"Finally. I can kill the last of the Hinata's. Do you know how long I've waited for this?" A man came through where the wall was blasted open. Chuckling to himself.

"Sorry you all have to see your precious friend die right in front of you." He smiled at the group

"Hey Harlem! How ya doing buddy!" Hinata said with a smile

"Shit up. Fucking twerp."

"Aw.. I thought we could be friends!" Hinata laughed

Harlem walked up to him and grabbed him by his collar, bringing them face to face.

"We. Could never be friends." He growled

"Aw did someone get their feelings hurt? I didn't take you as a baby!" Hinata teased "If only we could have talked about this."

Hinata jabbed up with his hand, placing a knife up through Harlem's chin, through his mouth, and into his brain. He ripped up and pretty much split the man's face in two.

The man fell to the ground and Hinata landed on his feet. Dusting himself off.


"I already told you, if I can't take a bullet or two, I'm not cut of for this game!" Hinata wore a wide grin. "Now that bastard is dead, Echo, tell the other Harlem is dead. Have them send whoever they're fight to me!" He smiled and jumped up and down.

"He's crazy.. like crazy, crazy.." Tsukishima gulped

"It's kinda hot tho." Oikawa shrugged

Everyone looked at Oikawa in disbelief "What?" He asked innocently.

Another shot was heard, they turned their heads back to Hinata who had just shot another man.

Blood coated his face and he was ginning wildly. "I haven't had this much fun in awhile! Hehehe!"

"Sir! Are you alright?!" Nelson ran to him.

"Of course! Let's finish this Nel's!" He smiled and the other man grinned as well, giving him a slight nod.

They stood backs against each other, firing their guns as anyone walked in.

They parted as 6 men came in with knifes, hand to hand combat ensued.

The teams and coaches watched in slight amusement. Now growing used to the violence.

"Oh!" Hinata yelled as he was fighting someone "I was shot again Nelson!"

"Seriously? Again? What the 6th time just this month?" He laughed while he was fighting someone as well.

"Well you know me!" He stabbed the man in the chest "I just looooove the pain!" He smiled laughing, he ran over to Nelson and shot the man I'm the head for him.


"Of course! What kind of partner would I be if I couldn't he-" he got interrupted when he got stabbed in the back.


At this point, some of the people on the teams were laughing.

"GAH!" Hinata yelped as ANOTHER knife was stabbed.. right into one of his ass cheeks.

"MY MONEY MAKER! HOW DARE YOU!" He turned around with knife in hand, in one smooth motion, slicing the man's neck.

"That shit hurted.." he pouted

"It's just your luck to get stabbed in the ass!" Nelson laughed

"Shuddup..." Hinata continued to pout. "Echo, how many left?"

"Well sir. Only 5. Have fun!"

"Oh ho ho! Don't worry! Might as well make these last 5 interesting!" He smiled widely

"You're not gonna do.. what I think you're gonna do, are you?" Nelson facepalmed

"I totally am!" Hinata ran to his back and grabbed a sword "Human-kabob!" He laughed

"You're wild." Nelson grinned and ruffled his hair

"Human-kabob?" Ukai asked

"You'll see~" Hinata teased

Just then, 5 meant came running, Hinata held his sword out and ran at the man.

The sword went straight threw, then another man, right threw again, and another. "Human-kabob!" Hinata laughed and so did Nelson.

"Ah, your signature move!" Nelson laughed hard

"They're both crazy." Akaashi was still scared

Two men left. One for each crazed man.

The two looked at each other and smirked. Back to back once again.

"3! 2! 1! Fire!" They shouted and shot at the same time, making both men collapse simultaneously.

They turned toward each other and high-fived, laughing like idiots.

"Now, should we continue where we left off?" Hinata turned to the large group smiling, acting like we wasn't covered in blood, looking like a complete maniac.

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