There is Beauty in Darkness

By Ladywhite12

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The life of a gipsy has always been difficult. She knows this to be true. Every day is just another struggle... More

Chapter 1: Silent Prayer from a lowly Gypsy
Chapter 2: The Lonely Gipsy meets the Lowly Hunter
Chapter 3: Different Responses to Kindness
Chapter 4: Gresit. The Speakers
Chapter 5: A joyous reunion. The Bishop's call
Chapter 6: To change one's fate, you must fight back
Chapter 7: The Sleeping Soldier. Alucard vs Trevor
Chapter 8: The War Council
Chapter 9: Hidden Ruins and The Cunning Carmilla
Chapter 10: A Clean, Pure World. A Perfect World.
Chapter 11: The House of Belmont
Chapter 12: Betrayal in the Council part 1
Chapter 13: Betrayal in the Council part 2
Chapter 14: The Flames Strike, part 1
Chapter 15: The Flames Strike, part 2
Chapter 16: Carmilla's Forces Attack. The Castle Lockdown
Chapter 17: The Fight with the Vampire King
Chapter 18: End Times
Chapter 19: I'll Always Stay By Your Side
Chapter 20: The Life After the Storm
Chapter 21: A Caged Home and The Twisted Monks
Chapter 22: A Pathway to Revenge. Plans for the Future
Chapter 23: Seeking Knowledge of Dracula. New Hunters?
Chapter 24: An Investigation Is Underway
Chapter 25: They Are Not My Family
Chapter 26: The Promise of Freedom and Unlikely Bond
Chapter 27: Warped Views. The Impossibility Of Kindness
Chapter 28: The Odd Going-on in the Church
Chapter 29: A Hidden Secret? The Infinite Corridor
Chapter 30: A Hopeful Dream For A Hopeful Future
Chapter 31: Nightmares and The Philosopher
Chapter 32: Worse Things Than Betrayal
Chapter 33: The Secret of The Priory and The Rising Schemes
Chapter 34: What the Night Brings
Chapter 36: The Harvest
Chapter 37: A Thin Line Between Loyalty And Betrayal
Chapter 38: Never Give Up Hope, Part 1
Chapter 39: Never Give Up Hope, Part 2
Chapter 40: Murder Wakes It Up
Chapter 41: Time to Heal, Time of Need

Chapter 35: The Upcoming Storm.

361 17 5
By Ladywhite12

*Dracula's Castle*

Miri let out an icy breath, bathing the ballroom in a soft blanket of ice and snow. Creating snowdrops to bloom and rebuilding her winter garden. The very same that she made when she went to cheer up her beloved Adrian. She melted the ice a little so she raised them into the air could freeze them to into beautiful waves.

Once her decorations were in places, Miri knelt and created a spell circle out of her Ice and magic. She picked up several books, some from Dracula's library and the one she snuck out of the Belmont Hold. Even reading her notes to make sure she was doing everything the way it should be. Miri re-read the chant was necessary to activate the spell to see if it was the right one.

Miri let out a relieved sigh. Good. It's all here. Everything is set in place. All she needed to do was to use a drop of her blood, recite the spell and all of her late-night studying and research the past weeks would've been worth it. Hopefully, Alucard would understand.

She put down the books and notes as she looked up at the full moon. Its light shining into the ballroom, adding more beauty to her indoor winter. Miri stood up and walked over to gain a closer look of the moon. Memories of Alucard came flooding to her all at once.

The day they met, fighting beside him, falling in love with him. Dancing together. Laughing. Living together. Miri blushed as she felt her heart swell. The time since they began living together has simply been wonderful. They had so much fun. Being with him, loving him completed her life. The moment she told Alucard she loved him, she knew that he was the only one for her. She loved him like she had never loved anyone before or since.

Which is why she's been afraid.

Miri knew how gentle Alucard's human heart was. She knew he was still hurting. Over the death of his father he caused. His beloved mother. He still blames himself for it no matter how many times he denies it to her. Alucard seems to let go of the guilt he held inside. He was starting to smile and laugh more. But then a thought came to her. What would happen to him if she were to die?

Alucard is a Dhampir. He's able to live on for centuries from here on out. But she's human. She's fated to grow old and die, leaving him all alone. It would destroy him and make him fall into a deep depression and loneliness. Just thinking about was enough to make her cry. Miri couldn't bear to leave all alone him like that.

She's fifteen. She's old enough to marry, lay with him and give birth to as many children as he wanted. Even though Alucard hasn't even mentioned anything about marriage. She didn't know if he wanted to marry her. But regardless of whether he wants to or not, doesn't matter to her. She knows Alucard loved her just as much as she loved him. 

Ever since the night they confessed their feelings, Miri had meant every word she had ever said to him. Hear heart always yearn for him. He was her eternal love. She wanted to be with him forever and ever.

That's why Miri has been searching for a spell to make her immortal. An immortal like him. She'd be able to live as long as he would. She'll age like him. And they'll have thousands of years together. Although she wanted millions if it means they'll be together. Miri knew she's going to have Alucard the truth of her well as the...other truth she had uncovered just recently. She has no idea how he'll react but she prayed he wouldn't be angry with her.

Miri looked up at the full moon, grasping her pendant as she made a solemn vow. "My dearest Adrian. This feeling I have, I wish I could freeze. It's deep within and makes me shake at the knees. It's my love for you that keeps going strong, and when you're with me I know nothing can go wrong. My heart for you is like an open book. This heart of mine you finally took. The day came when we did meet, and now our love, it is complete. The One I thank for this happiness so wide, He is our God who dwells inside. He gave you me and he gave me you, and I am so thankful that He is so true. There will be times when we will disagree, but as we grow and explore, we will see. As long as together we bind our hearts, then we can be assured we will never ever part!"

Now then... perhaps she should test that transportation spell.


"The armoury here is beautiful. I expected there to be more magical weapons, though." Taka says as Alucard guide the two hunters from Japan around the castle.

"My father was an accomplished magician. He held enough power within himself that he felt magically enhanced weapons to be unnecessary. He preferred physical things to be themselves." Alucard tells him.

"Do you?" Sumi asked him.

"I don't have a strong opinion. Magic and science are two sides of the same coin to me." Alucard said.

"Are you sure the castle can't be moved?" Taka asked.

"I'm sure." Alucard said. He and Miri had gone to check the core of the castle weeks prior before Sumi and Taka had arrived at their doorstep, to see if it could be fixed. But after a thorough inspection, it was completely useless. It will never move the castle ever again. Alucard eyed the young man with concern. This wasn't the first time they had asked about it. He had told them the truth, it was broken. Why do they keep on asking? Do they doubt him? Why?

"There's not something you're not telling us?" Taka asked, sounding oddly serious which caught Alucard's attention.


"Would you tell us if there's something you're not telling us?" Taka suddenly asked.

"Excuse me?" Alucard questioned in slight shock.

"It's just that...there are parts of the castle that you avoid showing us. Things you don't talk about." Sumi said, in a gentler tone.

"It's a big castle. Filled with centuries of material, like the Hold. We have plenty of time together, don't we?" Alucard said, trying to ease their minds by telling them that they have plenty of time together to explore the caste. Instead of pressing on, however, the vampire hunters agreed and walked up to the blonde-haired Dhampir. Sumi and Taka walked to his side, and the young woman reaches forward to hug his arm. "Yes, we do." She said with a smile.

"All right, then. Who's hungry?" Alucard with a small smile as he and the others head toward the kitchen.

*Carmilla's Castle*

Hector sat at his desk, reading a book with Silvanus sitting on his lap. Falling in and out of sleep as he tried to read the book his father had. But it all sounded and look so complex, his four-year-old brain couldn't keep up with it, making him very sleepy. Hector couldn't help but smile in amusement at his little boy. He paused reading as he scooped Silvanus in his arms and walked over to the bed. Tucking the toddler under the sheets, giving him a gentle pat on the head. He whispered good night to him just as his cell door opened up. Hector had a smile on his face, preparing to greet his Vampiric friend, but it quickly dropped when he saw Lenore, with a warm-looking blanket in her arms, as well.

Lilith snuck a friendly wave at the Forgemaster as Lenore went to his side when Hector when back to his desk. "Has night fallen already?" He asked.

"You didn't hear me enter." Lenore stated as Lilith shuts the cell door behind her. The green-eyed Vampiress went to sit beside the young child, positioning the bottle she had wrapped around her waist to help Leonora to gain a better view of her lover and child. Lilith kept a sharp eye on the two. Before arriving, Lenore had mentioned about stepping up on their plan. Thinking of a ploy to truly have Hector fall into their hands. When asked, Lenore didn't give a straight answer. She just smirked and told her to wait and see. Lilith didn't like the tone she used and had gotten a bad feeling.

"No. You have a scent. Like... jasmine and wine." Hector said with a smile. Lilith bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from laughing. Hector was lying, but he made it sound so believable as Lenore bought it.

"Good book?" She asked, looking down at the section of the book. Hector didn't answer as his eyes when down on the ring on Lenore's finger. "I didn't notice that ring before." He said. Hm, now that he thought of it, he remembered Lilith wearing the same thing. "Really? We all wear them." Lenore said.


"The five of us. Carmilla, Morana, Striga, Lenore and I." Lilith said with a fake, but convincing cheer in her voice.

"I'm presuming there's some disturbing reason for that and I will regret asking." Hector said.

Lenore scoffed with a smile. "Silly. Look." She lifted her hand for Hector to get a better look at the ring. It looked a very simplistic ring, but he noticed that red and black bands were wrapped together. "The black and the red. The night and the blood. These are the things that bind us together. The rings are a sign of loyalty to each other." The ginger-haired diplomat explained.

"That's actually... well, "nice" seems like the wrong word." Hector chuckled.

"It is nice." Lenore said.

"It's nice because it means we sisters are bonded together by loyalty and love that will never fade." Lilith said with a childlike giggle as she jumped up and hugged Hector. "Ugh, that left a bad taste in my mouth." She whispered to him, causing Hector to laugh a bit. "It's a different facet of you all, I suppose. Like this book." He said.

"Oh?" Lenore went as she walked over to the bed. Lilith cast a hateful glare as she watched her every movement. Lenore eyed the sleeping child for a moment before opening and placing the warm blanket on top of him. The boy stirred a bit before going back to sleep.

"Yes. It's a magical work, but it's also-- how to describe it? Vampire philosophy. It's fascinating." Hector said.

"So now we're not all monsters?" Leona asked.

"Oh, I didn't say that." Hector said.

"Go on, admit it." Lenore urged.

"I admit there seems to be more...depth to... What would you call it? Vampire culture? Than I thought. There are ideas in here about physical presence in the world. The importance of soil and landscape and... being." Hector said, giving out a chuckle. "I mean, actual philosophy. Amazing."

"Yay! You understand us a bit better now, little puppy. I'm so happy." Lilith said as she bounced on her feet. "Is that great, Lenore?" Her "sister" giggled at her childlike behaviour and sat down at the bed, directly behind Hector. Lilith's eyes sharpen their glare. Maybe she was acting a little overprotective, but Lilith was going let Lenore do anything Silvanus.

Lenore smiled at the pale silver-grey haired man. Seeing the Forgemaster's enthusiasm leads the Vampiress to set her plan in motion. "Then I have a philosophical question for you. Both Lilith and I have been discussing it." She said, making her younger "sister" give her a confused stare.

"All right." Hector said, turning his chair to look at her.

"It's hard to do diplomacy when the other person is in a cage." Lenore began.

"I can't disagree."

"Diplomacy is compromise. I get something, you get something. Neither of us get everything we want, but we both leave happy."

"You have my attention."

'Where are you getting at, you sickening whore?' Lilith thought.

"But don't even get to leave! You haven't got anything! Lilith and I have all the power, and you're a pretty man in a box." Lenore said.

"I'm-- I'm pretty?" Hector said, very surprised by that complement.

"I'd call him adorable, but pretty's being generous." Lilith giggled as she patted his head.

Lenore smiled at both her 'sister' and Hector. "It just doesn't seem fair."

"What's happening?" Hector asked, getting very suspicious at what the ginger-haired Vampire was getting at.

"I've been awake all-day thinking about it. You. Down here." She said.

"What's the question, Lenore?" Hector asked, getting a little impatient to get to the point on where she was going with all this. Lilith had a bad feeling about this. She didn't like the look in her eyes. She glanced down at Leonora. The gypsy woman shared her worried expression.

"What do you want?" Lenore asked.

"I want to be let out. And I want my family and I to be free." Hector said in stern tone and narrowed his eyes at her. "You told me you would get my Leonora back."

"I know. That's all we can think of. It's the only thing we can do for you." Lenore said.

"But you're not going to give them back...and you're just gonna let us out." Hector stated.

"" Lilith said. With all the talking they've been doing, Silvanus was being brought out of his sleep. He rubbed his eyes, wondering what was all the noise was about. Who was Papa talking to? He looked to the side and saw big sis Lilith. Oh, she's here...does that mean Mama was here to? Silvanus let out a soft yawn and as he tried to see his mother. Only his eyes to widened in shock when saw Lenore sitting in front of him. What was she doing here?! Why is this bad lady talking to Papa?!

"Well... no. I'm loyal to my sisters. To just fling open the door and say, "Fly, be free, pretty human boy"? That-- That would be a direct betrayal." Lenore said with a sad tone. Hector glanced at Lilith. She looked like she wanted wanted to scoff in laughter at that. What Lenore thought as betrayal was nothing in comparison to what their "precious little sister" had planned. Lenore adjusted to make herself comfortable on the haystack bed as she motions for Hector and Lilith to come join her.

"Come and sit down." She said.

Lilith's brow twitched as she giggled and took hold of Hector's hand. Lifting him off of his seat and lead him to the bed, with him sitting in between both Vampires. That's when Lenore reached forward and grasped at Hector's hand, lacing her fingers with his. Shocking Lilith. Silvanus caught sight of that and his fear turned to anger. Why was this bad lady holding Papa's hand like that? Why was she smiling at him like that?

Lenore chuckled as she said, "Also, you'd survive less than a day on your own."

"That's not true. Well, OK, that's completely true and I would die almost immediately." Hector said.

Lilith was about to make a retort on that but her heart sank to her stomach when Lenore laughed and placed a kiss on Hector's cheek. Shocking the three in the cell. Silvanus was more alerted now and sat up. His anger towards Lenore was growing stronger by the second. Why did she kiss Papa?! He was Mama's and she had no right to do that! Hector stared at Lenore with wide eyes.

"You only have one advantage in this whole negotiation." Lenore says.

"I'm not sure it's an advantage." Hector dryly said. He glared at her. He wanted to wipe off her sickening kiss, but he needed to play along for just a bit longer until she leaves. That's when she said the words.

"I like you. Both Lilith and I like you very much." She said.

This caught Hector off guard. "Uh, that wasn't what I was expecting to hear."

"Well, what did you think your advantage was?" Lenore questioned.

"You want me to do my human magic to give Carmilla an army of monsters." Hector stated. Lilith gave an awkward laugh as she stared at Lenore as if she was insane. Well...more than she believed her to be. "Hahaha! Don't be silly, big sister. Of course, that's his advantage. Why else would he be still alive this whole time other than being my pet? Also, that was unexpected Lenore. You might want to be careful, this puppy already has a owner he's loyal too, remember?" She asks, trying to hold back the bite in her words.

"Oh, that. I was eavesdropping on Morana and Striga during the day. They can buy mercenaries to fill out the army." Lenore said.

"I don't understand. Carmilla's given up?" Hector asked.

"What? That doesn't sound like her." Lilith said, not expecting that. She wondered what Carmilla might be planning this time.

"She gets distracted. She calls it the burden of genius. The three of us, including your child, could run out on her this morning and she wouldn't notice for days." Lenore said.

"Wait. Run out? You mean-?" Lilith said, trailing off as she stared at Lenore with wide eyes. Slowly understanding the ploy she was getting at. Hector turned away, hiding his anger-filled eyes. He couldn't believe what Lenore was telling him. She wasn't going to give him back his lioness at all. She had just insinuating that he leave the castle with her, Lilith and Silvanus and abandoning her. Lenore reached over and cup his face, making him look at her.

With lust in her eyes, Lenore tells Hector "Lilith and I loyal to our sisters... but what we're doing is wrong. We could just leave, Hector. If you want to be with us."

"Lenore, I-."


The three quickly turned and saw Silvanus, wide awake and staring at them with anger-filled tears falling down his cheeks. He was breathing rapidly and was gripping at the sheets so tightly his knuckles were turning white. "Silvanus?! What's-?" Hector said as he quickly turned to comfort his son but Silvanus ignored him as he glared at the ginger-haired Vampiress.

"You're a bad lady! You're evil like Carmilla!! Stay away from my papa!!" Silvanus cried in rage. This caught Hector by surprise. He had never seen him act like this before. Ever. Even when he was a baby, Silvanus had always been a quiet and well-behaved child. Not once had he ever gotten angry. Lenore smiled and chuckled at the boy. "Haha, aw. How adorable, he thinks he can scare me with that pout."

"Silvanus, calm down. It's alright." Hector said, moving closer to bring his son into a hug but the little boy struggled against his hold as he continued to yell at Lenore.

"NO! IT'S NOT! SHE'S EVIL! SHE WANTS TO REPLACE MAMA!" Silvanus screamed, more tears run down his face. He knew Carmilla was a bad lady. He could feel it when she first entered the castle. He hated her too, but right now he resented Lenore even more than her. "I HATE YOU! JUST GO AWAY! I WANT YOU TO GO AWAY!!!" When Silvanus let out that final scream, he wished that Lenore would be slammed against the wall and having her arm break as punishment for her sins.

Suddenly a powerful invisible force had hit Lenore in the stomach, making her cough out blood. She was pushed back and slammed against the cell wall, creating a massive crack upon impact. Her right arm spazzed out of control before it went stiff. Then it was mutilated. Twisting painfully around. Blood splatted out and bones poked through the mangeld limb.

It all happened so suddenly that none of them made any sound as they tried to process what just happened. Lenore looked down at her several damaged arm in shock and just as she was about let out a yell, Lilith quickly reacted stopped time. Freezing everything and everyone around her except for her and her friends.

Lilith went Lenore and checked her arm. A wound like this would most certainly make a normal human die from the shock if the impact on the wall didn't kill them first. Lilith turned back to see an equally shocked Hector and he stood up, holding a wailing Silvanus who had his little arms around him. "It's alright, my son. I'm here, I'm right here for you. There's no need to cry. It's okay." He said gently. Whispering reassurance and calming words into his ear. When the boy's wail turned to soft sobs, Hector turned to Lilith with a expecting look.

The green-eyed Vampiress got the message and set free Leonora. She needed to be here right now. Once her feet touched the cell floor, Leonora quickly ran and took her child into her arms. Shushing his cries and placing soft kisses on his head. "Okay...what the hell was that?" Lilith said. "That seemed to much of a coincidence."

"I know Silvanus hated Carmilla and the others, but I've never seen him act like this before." Hector said, rubbing his son's back. "Leonora, do you know what-?" He stopped when he saw his future wife's frightened expression. Lilith tilted her head and noticed it as well. "Leonora?"

"Leonora? My dearest what's wrong?" Hector asked, grasping her arms.

"I don't understand...I thought my child didn't have magic. And yet..." Leonora said. She saw that her child had fallen asleep. Most likely due to the crying and the adrenaline that passed by. Leonora placed Silvanus back into bed and tucked him in. Hector kneeled beside her and held her shoulders. "Leonora, what's the matter? Please tell me."

Lilith moved to sit across from him. "Wait, are you saying that Silvanus...has magic? Now?!" She asked, shellshocked at the revelation.

"Magic comes in all forms of life. It's never limited to basic elements. It grows and adapts, just as humans and animals do. My magic is fire. My first husband was the Earth. baby. This magic he now's of a rare breed. A magic that is connected to his mind and emotions. Whatever he wishes to happen will happen in an instant. A magic that bring life...and death." Leonora explained.


An army marched along the pathway to the Priory with The Judge, Trevor and Vano leading the march. Sala and his men were bringing a threat to his town and he was going to put a stop to it. Personally. No one disrupted his organised town. At the front of the army, Saint Germain, Sypha and the twins stayed back for a private talk.

"I was wondering... how does someone open the Infinite Corridor?" Sypha asked the aristocrat.

"It's an appalling act of will. A combination of ancient knowledge and sacrificing something of your soul. And it's still impossible to control with any accuracy." Saint Germain explained.

"But you can do it, right?" Selina asked. "You were able to before, right?" Duke asked.

"It took me a year to recover from the last time I did it." Saint Germain said.

"And we're sure the monks don't know an entrance to the Corridor is down there?" Sypha questioned.

"Absolutely. It's invisible to the human eye. It's why I need the jewel." The aristocrat told her.

A wave of uncertainty began to fill inside Sypha. She looked at the young children with her, now questioning why they had even agreed to bring along, and up at the Church mere feet away. "I think we've made a terrible mistake." Sypha said. Soon after, the group had reached the Priory and the Judge halted their movement. He glares up at the structure and let out a shout.

"Sala! Prior Sala! When you were a simple man of the church, I tolerated your hold on my people. When you became a mad hermit who shunned my people, I tolerated you still. No more. You will vacate the priory. Throw your weapons out as you exit." The Judge demanded of the head monk. When he received no answer, he grew angry. "Sala! I know you have deconsecrated the priory. God is no longer in that house. You enjoy no protection. Out! All of you! Now! Or we come for you, Sala!"

What they didn't know, was that the Priory was all but completely vacated. It was empty with a thick, fresh trail of blood leading down to the basement below. Two of the demented monks poured crimson blood on the floor, creating symbols along the way, painting their symbols red. While they worked, Sala stood in front of the growling night creature he carved a pentagram on beast's abdomen. When he was complete, he turned to his followers.

"It is time." He announced.

The storm was coming. Will it bring the Heaven light of hope or the Hellfire of despair?

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