
By Unstable_yauna

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Two teens in love embark on their journey as teen parents, learning how to deal with the negatives people thr... More

Losing Friends
Losing Friends Pt 2


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By Unstable_yauna


"Umm is the baby moving that much?" I hush Mario rubbing Trina's hand. She doesn't want any family at her appointment right now and I don't blame her. When she went back home her dad thought it was smart to yell at her, then tell her the baby is making her make dumb decisions.

Trina's been between my house and Mario's, his mom appears to be a absent parent and somewhat of a drunk. He gives her the 'beverage' she wants and she passes out or leaves to get more. I'm working on the DNA test for Mario, but if she ends up not being his mom I don't know how he'll take that. I wouldn't know how to reveal that someone anyways. 'Hey this isn't your mom'

Doesn't sound too smart or fun. Maybe deep down inside he knows. Trina calls me crazy, but I feel it in my bones. "Your baby is healthy and growing accordingly, but I am worried about you, mom" Trina looks up then starts to sit up straight. "Why? I'm doing just fine" the nurse looks unsure walking over to us. "Trina let's be clear, your stress levels are going up instead of down, your blood pressure has shot up, is everything okay? Do you need a different living situation?"

She sighs shaking her head. "My brother has come back home and it's causing tension, how can I lower my blood pressure?" The nurse hands her some papers smiling. "You can exercise more, cut back on processed foods and try yoga, being active is a great wait to relieve your stress and lower the blood pressure"

Trina nods slowly. "Thank you" the nurse gives a warm smile exiting the room. "Trina you have to drink more water too, I know she didn't say that but water calms you" she nods towards me shifting. "Can we leave now?" I guess so.

I rub her tummy feeling her tension melt away. Her health is so important to me, the baby being healthier than Trina is worrisome but I'll try to relieve her as much as I can. We help her get off the bed then she fixes her shirt smiling. "Trina you need to eat okay?" She glances at Mario trying to ignore what he said. "You should eat, I'm fine" they start staring at each other and bickering about who should eat between the two of them. "How about you both eat, shut the fuck up!!" They stop moving then turn towards me looking frustrated.

It's not my fault, they got on my nerves. Trina holds her stomach and winces. "Baby what's wrong?" she shakes her head walking out the room. I need her to talk to me. I rush behind her slipping my hand into hers. "Talk to me baby" she rubs her belly with her free hand then puts my hand over her stomach looking me dead in my eyes.

Is-is the baby kicking? She winces again but smiles. "Did you feel it?" I slowly grin calling Mario over. He walks over hesitantly looking at our faces. "Is everything okay?" Trina fans her eyes smiling. "Kicking- kicking, the baby is actually kicking Mario"

Mario stands still for a moment, then rubs her stomach gently. His hand moves back a little bit causing him to jump into me. "I wasn't prepared for that!" I quiet him laughing. These nurses gone think we're trying to do some delinquent things. We've been here long enough let's go.

I feel like she's going to bring us a daughter into the world--my daughter? I'm a dad...right. My daughter seems to like kicking Trina. Every few moments she winces or breathes heavier. "Should it be hurting you like that mamas?" Trina looks over rubbing my hand. "My mom told me the first time the baby kicks it'll be shocking, I guess she was right, I'm not used to it is all Max, don't worry" I somewhat nod and drive.

If she's hurt I'm hurt, I don't want her to be in pain. Even if it's just baby kicks. "Cannn weee stop by my house?" Trina looks back at Mario then turns around. "Yeah, we can"

"Not now, later" then what was the point of asking now. I chuckle to myself pulling in her driveway. "Your mom is home?" Mario sounds nervous peering at Trina, his eyes moving back and forth quickly. "Yes..she's nice though Mario don't worry" he leans back opening the door reluctantly. Trina and I get out going to the door. "My keyyyy" she pats her sides profusely then grabs the keychain around her neck.

She's special, isn't she. Trina unlocks the door looking around. "Mm Donovan must not be here" I step in after Mario looking around myself. "What makes you say that?" She motions around the room smiling. "It's still clean"

That's funny. Mario awkwardly stands by the door looking nervous. Oh yeah, he hasn't been here while her mom was here. But maybe he'll see the resemblance between them both once he sees her. "Come on Mario I think she's in the basement, I want to tell her the baby has started to kick"

He loosens up the second she touches his arm. Only siblings can have that effect on each other or close close friends. My money is on siblings! I just know I'm right. The dna test is taking awhile to come back though, it's never taken this long. Yes, I've done tests like this before. Trina leads Mario downstairs yawning. "Mommy this is Mario"

Her mom looks up with a full smile on her face. "Mario how can I thank you for helping my daughter so much" she embraces him in a tight hug of which he melts into. They hug for some time then pull away happily. Maybe they can feel the relations! "Mom the baby started kicking at the end of my appointment"

Mariah, Trina's mom, looks excited engulfing her in a tight hug. "Well when are we having the baby shower Trina?" I smile a little looking at her face. "Umm give me two or three weeks" her mom nods holding Mario and Trina close to her. See it's working, my theory was correct. I just need the test to prove it.

One thing I haven't thought of though, how to explain when Mariah had Mario? Or why she didn't keep him. It'll all come together soon. Trina says my name lightly touching my face. I look in her eyes nodding. "how should we do the gender reveal?" her and I personally feel like we're having a girl so I didn't think of a gender reveal.

Trina looks up in my eyes waiting for my answer. "Well, maybe we should fill a black balloon with glitter and the color of the glitter reveals the gender" she smiles hugging me tight. "That's awesome Max" I rub her lower back kissing her forehead. Mario clears his throat speaking, "who will fill the balloon with glitter?" Why not Mario?

Seeing as he's the uncle and whatnot. Whether they're related or not he'll be an uncle figure in my baby's life. Everyday I'm getting more used to becoming a dad, I think I'll be a good dad when she gets here, half the battle is being here for Trina right? I couldn't imagine not being here for my baby and girlfriend. Who wouldn't want to enjoy this moment.

"You Mario" he looks shocked but gleefull at the same time, "You mean it?" I nod dapping him up. "Of course, I'll get an envelope for you with paper to have the doctor to write the gender in. That way only you and the doctor know what our baby is. He smiles thanking me again. "If us three already think it's a girl how shocked will we actually be at the baby shower if it's a girl"

Never thought of that, I just know she's having a girl. "It'll make everything happier seeing as it'll be proven" I agree with Trina. "Well young people you could always be wrong" Mario looks back at Mariah laughing. "Why you call us young people" she smooths Trina's hair back then fixes Mario's hair looking satisfied. "That's what you three are, Trina are you staying home sweetie, the back and forth isn't good for you or the baby" Trina clears her throat looking slightly annoyed.

"We can talk about it at dinner or whenever they get here, can Mario stay?" Her mom nods walking up the stairs slowly. "You think she's okay?" Trina nods sitting in the recliner. "My mom just stresses more now, it causes her to ache" Mario looks around at the baby pictures looking quite interested. "How'd you get my baby picture Trina?" Trina sits up looking perplexed.


What he mean his baby picture? Lord don't tell me Maxwell is right. "Mario that's me when I was one" Mario looks closer shaking his head. "I have this exact picture of me in my house and in my phone case" Say what now? "You what?" He turns his phone over showing me the exact picture. "Let me see" Max grabs the picture frame and Mario's phone looking at them closely. "They're not exact" See! Mario looks at him awaiting whatever he'll say next.

"The outfits are slightly different colors, and look, both pictures have a hand cut out, both of you are holding someone's hand" Mario and I bump heads looking at what Max pointed out. "Sorry" we stare at each other seeing as we said it at the same time. I'm getting freaked out. I rub my eyes sure enough seeing the cut off portion and the hand I'm holding. Mario gasps looking stunned, I can't blame him, I'm very stuck myself.

"They're here Trina!" I jump out my skin nearly having a heart attack. I don't even know what to say, I'm wondering how him and I have the same picture-it must be a coincidence. "Coming!" Mario looks between Maxwell and I rubbing his neck. I think Maxwell should get that DNA test he's been talking about because I'm starting to feed into his delusions.

What if Mario is my twin or something? That would be so cool, but I've missed out on damn near seventeen years with him, there better be a great reason.

I sit at the table right between Mario and Donovan, lucky me right? My dad clears his throat looking at me in an intense manner. "Yes dad?" He sits up straighter clearing his throat again. "Are you going to tell us how the appointment went"

I roll my eyes-partially by mistake. Maxwell speaks up for me noticing I'm already aggravated. "The doctor said the baby is perfectly healthy" I smile rubbing my tummy.

I love her with all my heart already, if our gender reveal says it's not a girl I'll kind of be upset but a life is a blessing regardless. Max's sister insists on us buying blue clothes and stuff. Like I want to know first, and besides my child will have all types of colors in their wardrobe.

My dad calls my name looking rather intrigued. "What did she say about you Trina" why does he care. "I have to lower my blood pressure and stress levels, she asked if I need to live somewhere else at this point in time" their faces go blank but I ignore it continuing to eat.

"Stop stressing me out and I'll be okay" Mario pats my hand to calm me down, I really appreciate it because who knows what else I might say. I just don't have it in me to be calm anymore.

My support group causes so much stress, I live here, I can't experience stress like this. It's like Donovan has recruited my dad to be all negative again.

"We don't stress you on purpose" I look at Donovan contemplating stabbing Him, "but you know you're doing it so yes, In a way you are"

He shakes his head chewing loudly. "Who's this boy, you got something to tell us? Why he look like you" I rub my temples counting to five. "This is my friend Mario, he's been a big help during my pregnancy."

Donovan scoffs mumbling under his breath. "He's probably waiting to get in your pants, Trina be smart" Mario tightens his fist putting his hands under the table. "He gone try to take Max's spot as a dad."

I've heard enough, "Donovan cut that out!!" I swear my mom be the only one on my side. She's sensible. "Donovan I don't think I want you in my child's life" he stares at me twisting his face up.

"Now Trina you can't kick someone out your child's life, you need all the help you can get" I look at my dad crossing my arms. "I Don't think I want you in the baby's life either" I excuse myself from the table cleaning my area. My dad tries to speak but I walk up to my room ignoring him.

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